Why The Matrix Was Designed For You To Escape

By Alexis Brooks,

It was fringe researcher Jordan Maxwell who said, “Nothing in this world is the way you think it is… nothing!

An idea that has always resonated with me, for most of my adult life I’ve questioned the surface level of reality and moreover, the machinations that seem embedded within its framework.

why the matrix was designed for you to escape

Since the original movie The Matrix shattered the notion of reality as we thought it to be, for many the idea that we may be living in such a place – perhaps a reality designed via a simulation, scores of people now question the baseline of what we believe to be real.

Assuming our reality and all that undergirds it is intelligently designed by what many call God or Universe or Source – whatever this omnipotent level of consciousness is, one would assume there must be purpose and intent.

But just what is the intent? Furthermore, who’s been charged with the task of designing it, whether for better or worse?

When looking at the “worse” of reality, why on Earth would God build “the bad” into this intelligent design?

Some contend that at this level of reality a distinction between a given thing and its polar opposite is absolutely necessary in order to understand the characteristics of each.

Alchemy is one form of reality distillation that understands the power inherent in the unification of opposites – the goal of blending two opposing parts of reality to create a third reality that is comprised of both yet the elements remain distinct on their own.

Still, right now at the level of reality that most humans recognize, the ramifications of distinct opposites couldn’t be more in your face.

The side that appears as bad, evil, negative et al seems to be trying it’s level best to co-opt and hijack it’s enemy (that of good). Ergo, there is no blending to be had.

Those who’ve been key to eye the seemingly unrelenting malevolence of activity on this planet for millennia feel that there is some influence that has been likened to demonic or archon like beings. An ancient and yet advanced form of control who feels that the planet belongs to them and so do the people who roam it’s surface.

Included in their diabolical agenda is to obliterate huge numbers of the human species and subjugate the rest for their own selfish purposes.

Just the mere idea of such a plan is absurd to many unsuspecting individuals, oblivious to the large repository of documented history that shows ample evidence that such an agenda is entirely real.

But here’s where the rabbit hole gets infinitely deep: Could this planet that has been likened to a prison (in more recent years) have a trap door that is available to any and everyone who can find it and summon the courage to walk through it?

Listen to a riveting interview about The Matrix with Jon Rappoport:

Is there a lesson that we all can learn about why such a prison exists?

In a world locked down by rules, regs, and agendas that some say must go according to plan, one might think there’s no way out of what has been dubbed “The Prison Planet.”

The Matrix was a movie that depicted a frightening scenario of the robotic masses and their “handlers” (The Agents – aka archons) determined to keep tabs on and prevent the people from a life of freedom.

The character portrayed as “Neo,” once taking the red pill did discover how deep the rabbit hole goes, but he also discovered an inner sanctum; a power woken up out of dormancy, that on some level we all possess.

This initial Matrix film came through to many as a clarion call – a push to wake up out of the coma of complacency and recognize how reality really works in order to eventually muster the strength to defy its appearances and transmute the dark into light… much like the alchemists.

But in order to do that, awakening to the truth, though a big move in the right direction, is only the first step.

Once those who set the agenda to keep you in a perpetual state of acquiescence in order to keep complete control over you realize you too have swallowed that red pill, they see it as their job to ratchet up the pressure…on you!

What then?

Another film that depicts this apparent push/pull of reality under the guise of a Matrix-like predetermined structure, but with a powerful twist, is The Adjustment Bureau.

Here’s the storyline:

“Do we control our destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us? A man glimpses the future Fate has planned for him and realizes he wants something else. To get it, he must pursue across, under and through the streets of modern-day New York the only woman he’s ever loved. On the brink of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David Norris (Matt Damon) meets beautiful contemporary ballet dancer Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt), a woman like none he’s ever known. But just as he realizes he’s falling for her, mysterious men conspire to keep the two apart. David learns he is up against the agents of Fate itself, the men of The Adjustment Bureau, who will do everything in their considerable power to prevent David and Elise from being together. In the face of overwhelming odds, he must either let her go and accept a predetermined path… or risk everything to defy Fate and be with her.” (Source: IMDB)

Though under the cover of science fiction, The Adjustment Bureau is yet another movie with a prescient message for us all – perhaps perfectly crafted for these times!

But just what valuable message might be derived?

The Paradox Of Reality And Our Current Times

The extreme madness that has been our world since 2020 shows no signs of relenting. This is a framework that seems to some to be contrived, pre-planned and intent on reaching a very specific outcome, and one that certainly does not bode well for the human species.

AKA, “evil agenda” “population control,” “Global enslavement”… there have been numerous names assigned to this apparent meticulously calculated program, if such a plan indeed exists.

One individual might observe this “madness,” and conclude that we are doomed; this is evil at it’s core and nothing more.

Another might observe that the agenda is a well planned lesson designed to wake up humanity visa vie a reality that only “appears” to be bad, and therefore must be understood as only a species-wide litmus test, which ultimately is for our highest good.

A third individual may entertain both angles, acknowledging that both are equally true and thus choose to use the opportunity to fuse opposites together and turn the madness into magic (The Alchemist).

It was American novelist and philosopher F. Scott Fitzgerald who said,

“The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” – from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s essay The Crack Up

When you understand that this level of reality presents a paradox (or puzzle), and you treat it as such, you can indeed combine two seemed opposites in order to create a new reality, and one that you greatly prefer.

But here’s the kicker. It was a narrative included in the final scene of the Adjustment Bureau (SPOILER ALERT AHEAD) that perhaps says it all about the true nature of this Matrix:

“Most people live life on the path we [The Agents] set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you [character: David Norris] come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize freewill is a gift that you’ll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that’s the chairman’s [Head of the Adjustment Bureau] real plan. That maybe one day, we won’t write the plan, you will.”

Imagine that all that’s going on right now may just be Universe’s way (though harsh as it may be) of showing us how to use our God-given freewill through the unimaginable Matrix of crisis, challenge, and a plan that appears to have nothing but evil intent?

Imagine if the plan even included a cast of characters who appeared to design the evil agenda with an expectation of complete control and the loss of freedom and free will? And imagine, how that script would turn on a dime (to its opposite) if we individually and collectively knocked down all the obstacles they put in our way?

Could this be the real plan? Could it be that this Matrix was actually designed to escape?

Whatever the master plan, I think it behooves us all to at least consider the possibility. Better yet, explore it with action and intent. And then not only we will know what free will truly means, we will experience once and for all that the Matrix is nothing more than a relative construct of reality, designed to be relegated to the annals of illusion and the only thing that is real is your consciousness to choose to create your reality as you see fit.

Tell The ‘Lords’ Of Karma That You Are SOVEREIGN

Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation.

lords of karma

Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other.

Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.

It is vitally important to sever all ties with the false-light “spiritual” liar-archy and the (seemingly) opposing teams of the dark-light duality paradigm.

I discussed this at length in my previous article Why I Am No Longer A Lightworker, which generated a lot of positive responses, as well as tremendous resistance and scorn from those who are heavily invested in illusions of the false light of the New (c)Age movement.

The “Lords” Of Karma

The false-light demiurgic parasites known as the “Lords” of Karma are perhaps the worst violators of free-will that I have encountered, second only to the corrupt demiurge itself.

They are the primary gatekeepers that allow or deny beings access into and out of the demiurgic system, and as such, they must be exposed.

Their perversion of the natural law of karma is so staggering in scope that I will only be able to cover a small portion of it in this article. To begin with, they are responsible for forcing beings to reincarnate over, and over, and over (and over) again, in clear violation of Universal Law.

In the “Free Universe” outside of the corrupt demiurgic enslavement system, a being is free to incarnate onto any planet that they choose.

When a being’s physical life comes to an end (after hundreds, perhaps thousands of years), they return to Infinite Source for a rest, and then decide what they want to do next in order to continue to learn and grow. Nowhere in this process is a hierarchical group of controlling, manipulative beings like the “lords” of karma present.

As you can see by my use of quotes around the word “lords,” I despise calling them that at all.

So in my usual style, I have given these beings a new, somewhat sarcastic name: The Turds of Karma.

I started calling them this after an encounter several months ago when I was removing deep layers of imposed agreements that they were trying to hold in place.

At one point in the process I forcefully told them:

“You are the biggest pieces of shit that I have ever seen. I don’t owe you ANYTHING. YOU owe every single being that you have manipulated a debt that you will never be able to repay!”

At that point, they left very quickly.

After that, the name Turds of Karma just kind of stuck. Although it is somewhat juvenile, I think it fits, and I hope that you will think of them in this same way, so that you won’t be fooled by their con-artistry now, or later when you depart from the physical realm.

With that bit of renaming out of the way, let’s explore some of the ways the Turds of Karma (ToK) manipulate beings.

The Light Review Scam

The primary tool that the ToK use to manipulate a being into accepting nearly endless reincarnation is the (false) “Light Review.”

When a person’s body dies, they move out into the astral realms and begin to shed most of their previously held identity.

If this process were allowed to occur without interruption, the True Light of that being would emerge from within them and they would release layer upon layer of limiting beliefs generated in that incarnation.

However, within the realms of the demiurgic control system, what happens is that the ToK intercept that being just as their light is starting to emerge from within and surround them in a dazzling display of colorful external light. (This is why most of the people with near-death experiences report going through a tunnel of light.)

The dazzling outer display distracts the being from the light emerging from within them and hypnotizes them through frequency entrainment and activation of any and all religious programming that being had been exposed to during their incarnation.

The ToK and other members of the Spiritual Liararchy such as arch(on) “angels” and “ascended masters” will often be present in the background during this process.


As the individual is filled with a feeling of universal love and connectedness, they are told that this feeling is coming into them from the external “beings of light” that are surrounding them.

However, this feeling of universal oneness and love is actually emerging from INSIDE of the being, and it is being reflected back to them by the ToK and the liararchy.

The individual doesn’t have any time to reflect on what is happening, because they are quickly moved into the “review” phase of the process. They are shown a little movie of their life which focuses on the disappointments, unfulfilled desires, painful experiences and hurtful actions the person experienced during their life.

Through this biased and manipulated “life review,” the being is made to feel bad about their life, which is exactly what the ToK want.

They tell the person that even though they failed at so many things in their life, that they will be given a chance to go back one more time and “get things right” in a new incarnation.

The being is then grateful at this chance for redemption and accepts the agreements that the ToK present them with to incarnate again.

If that being was raised with a Christian type of indoctrination, they will encounter “Jesus and the angels” but be told that they are “not yet worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Of course, the fear of being sent to hell is so strong in their belief system that they JUMP at the chance to reincarnate and become “worthy” to enter “God’s kingdom,” which is actually the demiurge’s kingdom.

After agreeing to reincarnate, the being is then sent to a “heavenly realm” in the middle to upper astral realms to await reincarnation. This realm is nicely decorated with simulations of nature, lovely views and a staff of “guardian angels” who make sure those beings go back to earth when their time comes.

Of course, those “guardians” are actually parasitic sheep-herders tending to their flock, and there is NO allowance for the beings held in this realm to go elsewhere.

Karmic Transference

If the content of an individual’s life, unhealed wounds and unfulfilled desires isn’t enough to convince them that they need to reincarnate, they are presented with an even more brazen deception.

They are shown what they are told is their own past life where they committed horrible crimes, and they are told that they need to continue incarnating into adverse conditions in order to “work off” that bad karma.

archons demiurge bad karma

In reality, the life they are shown is NOT theirs, but rather the actions of some being closely aligned with the liararchy who made pacts with them to avoid taking energetic responsibility for their actions.

Some of that criminal being’s malicious energy is then projected onto the individual who is being tricked into believing that they were once that horrible criminal.

That being then takes on agreements to “discharge” the “bad karma” that they have (supposedly) earned for themselves, never realizing that it was all a lie designed to keep them subjugated and enslaved.

This is done to coerce the being’s agreement to reincarnate and take responsibility for crimes that they did not commit, ensuring that the person’s next life is going to be filled with undue hardship.

This karmic transference also allows those dark sorcerers who have aligned with the liararchy to avoid the repercussions of their own actions. This transference is also used on a large-scale upon the populace of the planet through forms of mass mind-control and media manipulation.

To properly explain that will require a separate article, but the basic mechanism for how this is done is through subconscious agreements embedded throughout the media, corporate logos (sigils), financial contracts, admiralty law and other “Matrix institutions.”

Coerced Demiurgic Entry Agreements

One more very important aspect of the agreements that are put upon beings by the ToK are the original “entry agreements” that the beings coming into the corrupt demiurgic realm are forced to make in order to even gain entry into this system.

Many of us came here from what I call “The Free Universe” to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these “Free Souls” in order to limit their effectiveness.

These entry agreements also contain clauses that allow for unspecified hardships to be leveled against a being during their incarnation, including but not limited to:

  • birth bump to bad parents
  • physical abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • psychic attacks
  • etheric implantation
  • dream-manipulation
  • recruitment into the false-light’s “lightworker corps”
  • relationship issues
  • health problems
  • money problems
  • physical abduction and implantation
  • lack of self-worth,

…and much more.

Most of the Free Universe beings coming in were pretty confident they could overcome those limitations, so they signed up.

There really was not much option, but some of us negotiated more fiercely than others and were saddled with fewer of these pernicious agreements, but no one came in “unscathed.”

Regardless of how many coerced entry agreements we have, it is important to remove all of these agreements in order to get clear and proceed with our chosen tasks of healing and waking up others, as well as pulling apart the demiurgic construct from the inside.

Revoking Agreements

This is the process that I use and have been sharing with others in clearing out agreements.

The liararchy hides copies of these agreements in various realms, so specificity is important in this process. It is also important that you engage this process from your Sovereign Inner Self (Higher Self, Divine Inner Self, etc) and that you make this process your own.

Just reading revocation statements will not get the job done. We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire.

I have found that once a person starts revoking agreements, it becomes easier over time to dig deeper to find more of them. Be aware that agreements often are splintered off into various fragments in order to make them harder to find.

For example, there may be agreements to have difficult romantic relationships, difficult relationships with parents, with siblings, with friends, etc. These are all different “agreement clusters” that need to be specified and removed in separate processes.

So don’t worry about getting rid of every agreement all at once.

Take your time, and work through them on a daily basis as you sense them affecting you.

The process outlined below is based on the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2, which form the foundation for the energy clearing work that I do.

  • Stand in the power of your Divine Inner Self’s Sovereignty. Expand the light of your Divine Inner/Higher Self from your heart, surrounding your body in a Heart Sphere of Sovereign energy.
  • Connect to Earth’s Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light
  • Ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core. (This is a funnel cloud of galactic core energy that vacuums up everything needing to be removed and transmuted.)
  • Call up all agreements related to “feeling like a victim” (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities.
  • Call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc. of the agreements.
  • State,
    “From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void. I revoke ALL of these agreements as well as all counterparty copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc of everything previously named.”
  • Proclaim,“I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements.”As your energies, essences, soul fragments, etc come back to you, reintegrate them through your heart center.
  • Command,“I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core.”
  • Call forward all “counter party copies” of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation. These are copies of the agreements held by parasitic beings who drain small amounts of your energy via those agreements. Some of those beings might claim to be “lords” of karma in order to exert authority over you. Don’t believe any of their lies.
  • Tell those demiurge beings :“I am Sovereign. All of you parasitic ‘counterparty’ beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again. If you do attempt to violate my sovereign energy sphere, I will FORCEFULLY send you to the Galactic core to be transmuted. While transmuting will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, it’s possible that you will not emerge if there is nothing left within you to salvage and transmute. You have been warned.”
  • Next, offer those demiurgic counterparty beings an opportunity to step into the Galactic Vacuum to be taken to the Galactic core and transmuted. Some of them will take this opportunity so that they can be free from the Demiurge’s control and hierarchical enslavement.
  • Declare,“I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc. related to these agreements.”
  • Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements.
  • Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared. This allows the Truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed.
  • Call forward and Restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation. Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements.
  • The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen. Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have and use the FORCE of your WILL.
  • Affirm often:
    “I am sovereign and no one is allowed to take my energy.”
    “I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space.”

The Galactic Vacuum

This is a tool that I use on a daily basis in removing limiting energies, defending my Sovereign energy boundaries, as well as helping clients to do the same.

Any thought-form, etheric implant or soulless being put into the vacuum is taken to the Galactic Core to be transmuted back into pure energy. Any beings with a soul sent to the Galactic Core are either transmuted, cleansed of their darkness and rehabilitated or dissolved back into basic energy (destroyed).

Either outcome is fine with me, although I am always rooting for them to emerge as healed, sane beings who can become productive members of the universe once again.

Whether or not a being is healed and restored or it is destroyed is between them and Source.


I do not make that decision, I am simply serving as a galactic conduit to send that being to look in the Galactic Mirror, take responsibility for its actions and hopefully heal and regain sanity.

I do warn these beings one time that they are NOT permitted to infringe on my Sovereign energy and that they need to back off or I will use defensive force in order to send them to the Galactic core.

Most of them will make a show of standing down, but will try to send in an energetic probe or “feeler” later in order to continue their agenda. When I sense this, I go to the source of the incursion along with multiple Galactic vacuums and “clean house.”

About half of these parasitic, demiurgic beings can be redeemed and transmuted back into sane, productive members of the free Universe.

That is actually a pretty good ratio, considering how far into fear, insanity, control, enslavement, abuse, manipulation, destruction and hierarchy these beings have gone.

Universal Law And Defensive Force

In most New (c)Age doctrines, it is considered “unspiritual” or “unevolved” to even consider the use of defensive force.

A good little new-ager is apparently supposed to let people and parasitic beings walk all over them, steal from them, drain their energy, manipulate / implant them, and harm them in any manner they choose. Not only that, but they should also suppress any “negative emotions” so that they will be basically “happy victims” of such abuses.

This manipulative, deceptive “teaching” comes from the false-light, and nothing could be further from the real truth.

The Prime Universal Law is very simple:

All beings are Sovereign and have free will to express their creative urges in any way they choose, but no being has the right to violate and harm others.

The corollary to that law is also very simple:

Because all beings are Sovereign, they have the right to defend themselves from harm, using whatever level of force is necessary to stop the violation from occurring, even if it results in the destruction of the one inflicting the harm. The enslavers and deceivers of the Spiritual Liararchy are in clear, total violation of Universal law.

They avoid the Natural “Law of attraction,” which reflects a being’s actions back to them, by coercing and manipulating other beings into agreeing to be victimized and enslaved, as well as convincing other beings to take on responsibility for their crimes through karmic transference.

The demiurgic being’s many layers of deception are predicated on the BIG LIE that we are separate from Infinite Source.

The false-light beings then build upon this lie by convincing beings that Universal Law doesn’t exist, that individuals have no inherent right to self-defense, that they must submit to the will of the Turds of Karma’s “authority,” and that people must worship the psychopathic demiurge and his “angelic” beings in order to be granted entry into “God’s kingdom” one day.

The real truth is that we have NEVER been separate from Infinite Source, as that is a metaphysical impossibility.

A being can choose to ignore their connection, believe it is not there, and even believe that they have severed that connection, but belief in a lie does not make it true, because Truth (capital T) is not relative.

As a metaphoric example, imagine if a group of human beings decided to sever themselves from the atmosphere by only breathing air from a SCUBA tank. Are they really separate from the atmosphere? No. They still exist within the atmosphere, even if they are breathing a seemingly separate source of air.

Nevertheless, the demiurgic beings have fully committed to their own illusion of separation from Source, and therefore must find an alternative source of energy, which they derive from humanity in the form of, worship, adoration, beliefs, counterparty contracts, distorted sexuality, deception, confusion, apathy, struggle, pain, suffering, hate, death, etc. (Going on a spectrum of energetic “gourmet food” to “junk food” for the parasitic beings in that example.)

The LAST thing the liararchy wants is humanity coming to an understanding of Universal Law and how thoroughly we have been enslaved through deceit.

The INSTANT we declare “I am Sovereign and NO being has ANY right to take my energy from me” the game changes radically.

From that space of knowing that we are Sovereign Individuations of Source, we can exercise our Sovereign Rights, including righteous use of defensive force.

Right And Wrong

Another false-light teaching that infects the New (c)Age movement is that there is no such thing as right and wrong, that everything is just an experience that is there to teach us a lesson.

wrong is wrong

While it is true that we can learn valuable lessons from adverse circumstances, this does not mean that it is necessary or desirable to be continually oppressed, manipulated, implanted, deceived, enslaved and drained of energy.

Those are experiences the human race has had far too much of already.

With an understanding of Universal Law, we can observe that it is inherently wrong to harm another being who has done nothing to harm us. We can also understand that working together and cooperating with others is often the right thing to do.

These simple concepts should be adhered to in order for us to free our minds from the twisted “logic” presented in New (c)Age teachings that would have us believe that the incredible amount of suffering inflicted upon humanity is entirely its own doing, as well as a wonderful learning experience, so we should not take any action to help others to alleviate their own suffering.

  • Were African-American slaves having wonderful learning experiences?
  • How about the Irish and Scottish indentured servants before them?
  • How about the medieval serfs who could be executed at the whim of the king or one of his minions?

No, these people were clearly being enslaved, which is easily recognized as something that is wrong to do.

Similarly, humanity is not having a wonderful learning experience by being enslaved to the corrupt demiurge’s spiritual liararchy. We are learning one thing for sure though, which is how to declare our Sovereignty and stop being slaves!

Well, many of us are.


One of the major roots of these worldly and metaphysical problems is the concept of hierarchy.

Everywhere we look in the world, we have (usually male-dominated) hierarchical systems of organization. Hierarchy is an insidious, disempowering system of authority, obedience and enslavement that we MUST transcend in order to begin to heal ourselves and our world.

Likewise, we must also transcend “spiritual” hierarchies that foster enslavement, subservience and blind obedience.

The corrupt demiurge and its minions of,

…are the ultimate representation of degenerate hierarchy that consumes life-force and leaves only destruction in its wake.

Transcending metaphysical hierarchy is a process of self-liberation/ clearing, gaining self-knowledge, gaining knowledge of Universal and Earthly Natural Law, and exercising our Sovereign Will.

First, we have to KNOW through and through that we are fully connected extensions of the Divine Infinite Source of all creation. When we know that, not just think it on an intellectual level, we realize that there is NO legitimate authority outside of ourselves.

There is only inner authority and self-governance, which when guided by understanding of Universal Law prohibits us from instigating actions that would harm another.

Enlightened Self-Governance and adherence to Universal Law is the foundation for a free society. Only with this foundation in place will we be able to avoid the ego trap of exerting “authority” over others to control and regulate their behaviors which do not harm anyone else.

Only through Enlightened Self-Governance will we be able to build an entirely new type of society that is self-organized to solve problems and see to the needs of the many as a genuine expression of the desire to cooperate and make a world that benefits everyone.

This has to be an ever-evolving, co-creative process that we will continually discover as we engage it.

Every idea needs to be tested and applied where it is willing to be accepted in an open-source manner through voluntary participation of all individuals involved in a non-hierarchical, uni-level, self-organizing process.

This requires an entirely new way of thinking, organizing and taking action, and all old models of centralized, top-down authority need to be abandoned, because as we have already seen, any attempts to impose a single “best system” onto the world will always result in oppression and will ultimately fail.

We have within us the potential to FREE every single human being from the shackles of enslaving systems of hierarchy and external authority, to work together and create solutions to provide the basic needs of food, water, power, shelter, clothing, transportation and knowledge to EVERYONE on the planet.

Creating self-generating systems to support all of these needs is totally achievable, but only if we can cooperate as sovereign individuals who respect the rights and boundaries of others.

Such a shift in our world depends on all of us to know that we are Sovereign, to proclaim our Sovereignty, delete our slave-think programming, and then to work together in cooperation as Sovereign individuals with a common goal of maximal empowerment of everyone on the planet.

Proclaiming Sovereignty

The process of proclaiming Sovereignty and removing the false programming that has been embedded into our psyches from multi-dimensional levels of control takes time and consistent effort.

We need to proclaim daily,

“I am Sovereign, I am free. Only *I* can govern me.”

(Or any other way you want to phrase it, since you are Sovereign after all!)

We also need to put in the self-clearing work required to revoke all agreements that we have made, either consciously or subconsciously to give our power away to external authorities, to experience unnecessary suffering or limitations, to bear “karmic” burdens that are NOT ours to bear, etc.

This is not a quick process, and I am going through my own version of it on a daily basis.

The liararchy does NOT respect free will, healthy boundaries, or your right to say NO to them. They use every possible type of manipulation, coercion and naked force to get their way.

That is how patriarchal hierarchical beings work. (Notice the similarities in the words hierarchy and patriarchy, and the “archon” influence.)

The aggressive, domineering energy of patriarchy seeks to control every facet of every being’s existence, taking and consuming everything that it possibly can.

This is represented physically (below) by,

  • corrupt hierarchical governments
  • secret societies
  • corporations exploiting people and the environment

It is represented metaphysically (above) by, the corrupt demiurge and its legion of enslaved enslavers, of which the Turds of Karma are simply one division of the control grid.

This is why it is so important to remind those pesky “lords” of karma and ALL of the demiurgic parasites that you are SOVEREIGN, and be willing to utilize your Sovereign power to back up that statement.

They don’t speak the language of love, so that means we need to use some force in order to get our point across.

This Is How I See It…

It is difficult to uncover these things, to stare the most malevolent beings in the universe in the face and tell them that I am Sovereign and I will NOT permit them to violate me.

Ironically though, in some ways it is even more difficult to share these revelations publically.

So many people are completely sold on their false-light “ascended masters, ETs and angels” who tell them what to do, how to think and how to live that they attack me for bringing this revelatory information to the public eye.

To those people, I say quite simply:

Believe what you want to believe, but I am going to keep working on KNOWING the TRUTH, and taking appropriate ACTION to right the wrongs that have been done to humanity by the very beings that you are giving your power away to.

I choose to stand for Truth as a Sovereign Being alongside (not beneath) the Sovereign beings of the Free Universe who take action to oppose all forms of deception, parasitism and enslavement.

I thank those of you who will stand alongside, and take action with us…

UK Permanent Lock-down Plans Allegedly Leaked In 4-Page Secret Plot

Claim: New 4-Page Memo Sent Out by Neil M. Ferguson from the Imperial College London Purportedly to Key Covid Crime Spree Co-Conspirators Spells Out Secret Plot to Effectuate the “Permanent Lockdown of the UK”.

uk permanent lockdown plans leaked in 4 page secret plot 01
uk permanent lockdown plans leaked in 4 page secret plot 02
uk permanent lockdown plans leaked in 4 page secret plot 03
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Even if the preceding memorandum is not authentic, it perfectly lays out the Covid criminal conspiracy that Britain’s Power Elite is executing throughout the United Kingdom today.

The UK Government has consistently imposed the most draconian restrictions and unlawful national lockdowns of any nation on Earth.

The perfidious British mainstream media has likewise published more outright falsehoods and transparent propaganda about the COVID-19 pandemic and deadly ‘vaccines’ than any other country, often leading the way for the American “fake news” channels and newspapers to globalize/ sensationalize the never-ending Covid Plandemic hoax.

I really hope this information is wrong.


The Great Unvaxxed – A ‘Fictional’ Look At What Lies Ahead

The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or the already ill, so it was probably not the vaccine’s fault, and if it was, no one could prove it one way or another, and even if they could, well, the vaccine manufacturers were not liable to lawsuits due to the agreements they had made with the various governments.

In any case, the pandemic had ended, that was for sure.

Of course the masks and the lockdown mandates continued to be enforced; the reason was that while the pandemic had most certainly been defeated, the virus still existed in its natural form somewhere out there, and so it was vital to continue with the safety procedures to avoid any possible resurgence of the disease. 

So what? People got used to it, as they had gotten used to so many other things before that. And was wearing a mask in the end much worse than wearing a helmet or a safety belt? Was being forced to stay at home for a few months every year much different than being forced to be at the office working for five days out of the seven in the week? Rules are rules, and those were not as bad as others that had been instituted in the past. 

But there was something that worried the authorities. While most people had predictably complied with the mandatory vaccination campaign, there were a few groups that had refused them, alleging religious or health reasons, and found refuge in rural communities living off the grid. They had abandoned the use of mobile and network technology and so could not be traced so easily, and, since non-digital cash had been abolished, they appeared to have returned to a form of commerce based in the exchange of physical goods.

At first, the authorities ignored them; most people saw them as a minority of loser hicks, “anti-vaxxers” as they had been called in earlier pre-scientific times, and since it was unlikely that too many among the masses would opt for such a harsh lifestyle away from the comforts of modern urban life, they were not seen as a menace. 

But what happened, in the end, was that rumours started to appear, even in the cities, about small communities where no one needed to wear masks, and people were dancing and smiling, and food was delicious and natural and people were even – gasp! – falling in love and procreating in natural ways. 

Of course this was an obvious and mendacious falsity, but the authorities could not permit such fairy tales to gain acceptance among the people at large. So they started to persecute “the great unvaxxed”, as they called them, or the “free renegades” as they preferred to call themselves.

Their communities were dispersed. Their leaders were arrested. Planting organic, unmodified seeds became illegal.

It was dangerous, the authorities alleged. Non-genetically modified crops were unsafe and could lead to sickness or birth defects. Many of the people who lived in the previously free rural communities were arrested and forcibly vaccinated, or were killed in shootings with the police. 

But in the end it was not possible to arrest or forcibly vaccinate them all. Now, hidden among the normal population, using fake certificates, there lived an undisclosed number of unvaccinated people, whom the authorities had been unable to locate or identify. 

A young woman named Miranda, who was born in a barn in the literal sense, and never vaccinated, was one of them. When organic farming was prohibited and most of the land was taken over by large companies using mechanized agriculture, she was forced to move to a small village where she subsisted doing odd jobs and occasionally teaching art classes. She had learned drawing and painting sill as a child, and was quite talented; she could sing very well too.

She had a fake vaccine certificate that looked for all purposes almost identical to the real ones, and while a bio-test could determine that she had not really taken the shot, or the “jab” as it was popularly called, she was careful never to be in any position that could require any kind of test. 

For a few years she and hundreds of others like her had subsisted in this manner, but it was not ideal and never easy. Because before at least the renegades could live freely in their own communities, under their own rules, but now they had to hide and wear masks and follow dictates like everyone else, so what was the point? If they could not be free in any case, why not do like all the others and just take the jab and be done with it? 

Miranda thought about it sometimes. But she had promised her parents – who had died in a shootout with the police – that she would always remain faithful to their ideals. And so she refused to compromise. She knew, or hoped, that the current tyranny could not be maintained forever. She wanted to believe that it would be possible, one day, to be free again. 

Finally, they got her. It was her own stupid mistake; she was outside, a routine patrol was approaching and she had left her fake certificate at home. This would not normally happen, but she had recently bought a new jacket and had forgotten the certificate in the pocket of the old one.

Walking around without a certificate was illegal, so they had to scan her arm, finding no signs of vaccination, and later a second test found no trace of antibodies in her system. Unable to explain the reason, or to produce a valid vaccine certificate – she knew now that the fake one she had at home would now be microscopically analyzed and would not be useful any longer – she was taken to the local jail, and later to a federal prison. 

“There is an easy way out of this”said Captain Antoine Huxley-Ehrlich, chief of the Vaccine Resistance Unit. “Just take the jab, and you’ll be free.”

“Never”replied Miranda. “You’ll have to do it by force.”

That was an option, of course, and legally possible with the recent change in the constitution. But it was not what Antoine wanted. No, she had to freely choose the vaccine. Not only because otherwise she could have become a martyr and inspire other rebels, or because people could start to think that there really was something bad or sinister about the vaccine; but because he firmly believed that winning by persuasion was better than winning by force, and he was convinced of his own righteousness.

He could not understand her stubborn refusal – hadn’t he, like all others, voluntarily taken the vaccine? As a member of the upper classes, he reminded her, he was not required to do it at the time; and yet he had volunteered. Why? Because he believed in law and order, but, most of all, because he believed in the vaccine. 

He was sure that sooner or later he would be able to convince her that her uneasiness with the medication had only been caused by the trauma of her childhood experiences, living in a harsh rural area and watching her parents die as criminals fighting the law.  

But Miranda was indeed very stubborn. She refused all the options she was given. She preferred jail to vaccination and denial to compromise. She even refused to see a psychiatrist. So she lingered in prison for months and months.  

One day, the warden brought to her cell a new book that she had requested from the prison library – Civil Disobedience, by Thoreau. As she began to read, she found a handwritten note stuck between the first pages. “When you get your dinner tonight, ask for salt”, it said. “A friend”, it was signed. 

Who could that be? She was puzzled, as it was years since she last had any contact with anyone else from her former community. But later that evening, as the warden brought her dinner, she meekly asked if she could have an extra amount of salt. The warden didn’t betray any sign of recognition or suspicion; she just brought her a small white salt-shaker. There was nothing unusual about it, but when Miranda opened it, from the bottom, she found a small magnetic key and another note inside.

The note explained that the key would open her cell door, and that all the security guards had either been bribed or put out to sleep. She could safely escape. Further instructions indicated how to reach a cabin in the woods nearby where she would be able to join her colleagues from the resistance movement.  

She waited until midnight; when all was silent, she tried the key. It worked. She slowly walked out of her cell, then out of the prison, undisturbed. 

She followed the instructions to cover her face with a mask and her hair with a veil to avoid recognition. She was afraid a patrol would stop her as she left the city, as police presence was constant and sometimes there were curfews, but all the time she saw only a small group of policemen that she had no trouble evading.

She walked for several hours; the note had been clear that she should avoid any form of public transportation. It was already morning when she reached the destination informed, a few miles outside town. 

She knocked. No one answered. But she turned the handle and realized that the door was unlocked. She entered, very quietly, as if afraid to disturb the eerie silence. Finally, she saw a man sitting in an armchair, his back turned to her. He was wearing a dark jacket and a black fedora hat. 

“So you’re finally here”, he said. She seemed to recognize the voice, although she couldn’t quite locate it. Was it perhaps someone from her old community?

Then he turned towards her. It was Antoine Huxley-Ehrlich. 

It had been a trap, of course. The idea was to raise her hopes only to crush them, as an additional form of torture, an elaborate cat-and-mouse game. Also, now that she had tried to escape and join a rebel movement, she could be accused of sedition and other charges. She could easily be tried by a military court and condemned to death.

And that was exactly what happened.

She was offered a full pardon in exchange for vaccination, but still she refused. If she had to die, then she might as well die on her own terms. Like Saint Joan or the early Christian martyrs, she’d rather burn at the stake or be thrown to the lions than renege.

They could not convince her to get the “jab”, but they also did not want to turn her into some sort of hero for a cause, even if a crazy and hopeless one. So they decided that the execution would be done in secret, and the official story would be that, since she had refused several times the vaccination, she was never immune to the virus and had finally contracted the disease. 

Today Miranda will be shot. She refused all offers for public announcements of regret and even a last meal. She also refused the blindfold; she did not want anything to cover a single part of her face.

As the executioners raise their rifles, Miranda is not afraid. Her golden hair flutters in the wind, and she looks up at the soldiers with a confident smile. She knows that they can kill her body, but they cannot touch her soul. 

And as she waits for the bullets to slowly arrive, Miranda sings a song that she remembers from her childhood, a song that her mother taught her and perhaps she also sang before she died: 

And when you come and all the flowers are dying
If I am dead, as dead I well may be
You’ll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.

Media Blackout: Massive Gathering In Germany As RFK Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & Big Pharma

Children’s Health Defense Director and renowned lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently spoke to a very large crowd in Berlin, Germany in what was a gathering of of tens of thousands of people who came together to create awareness and protest against what Kennedy referred to as Bill Gates’ “bio-security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Big Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy.”

According to Kennedy, and many others around the globe, “the pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies… Fifty years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to this city.

“He came to this land, because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is the frontline against global totalitarianism.”

Media Blackout Massive Gathering In Germany As Rfk Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & Big Pharma

We also published an article written by Kennedy a couple of years ago that also provides more about Gates’ relationship with big pharma.

It’s hard to really know how many people showed up, but judging by the pictures it seems like a lot were in attendance. Mainstream media completely ignored the gathering.

According to Kennedy,

“This was one of 40 sites scattered around Berlin where where some 1.5 million people gathered around separate stages to evade police harassment and peacefully protest the alarming global rise of Medical & Digital Totalitarianism.”

If mainstream media covered a gathering of one thousand, they could make it a big spectacle and make it seem as the “majority” feel a certain way.

When they don’t cover something that threatens their and their partners interests, which in this case is big pharma, they can make it seem like it never happened, no matter how big the gathering is.

Mainstream media can make it seem as if the majority is the minority, and the minority is the majority.

Bill Gates has also recently been dubbed the ‘journalism gatekeeper.’ Not only does he practically own the WHO and Big Pharma, the same goes for mainstream media.

A recent Instagram post made by Kennedy expresses his feelings about the event, and the resistance the gatherings faced:

“Beneath the Siegesäule Monument where I spoke. This was one of 40 sites scattered around Berlin where where some 1.5 million people gathered around separate stages to evade police harassment and peacefully protest the alarming global rise of Medical & Digital Totalitarianism.

“As I said in my speech, the government strategy is to portray the protestors as right wing extremists or “Covid Deniers”(a euphemism, in the official narrative for Holocaust deniers) none of which is true.

“The government issued three proclamations declaring the protest illegal. Our Rapid Response team of lawyers successfully appealed each of these declarations in court.

“The Pharma-controlled main stream media blacked out all coverage the main event altogether-ignoring what were perhaps the largest crowds in German history. No main stream media covered this momentous gathering.

“The only media reports claimed only 38,000 people & showed clips of a staged incident where 100 riot police colluded in a false flag show with some 50 agents provocateurs in Nazi regalia near the Reichtag miles from our protest.

“The obsequious Pharmedia dutifully conflated that phony fascist Kabuki play with our peaceful democratic event to claim we were allied with violent far right extremists 6)World Futbol champion (1990)Thomas Bartholdi and his wife Britta Protest 7)German National Team Basketball Star Joshiko Saibou and Olympic long jump champion Alexandra Westore. 8)Organizer Attorney Marcus Haintz and program moderator Nana from Ghana. KP

Berlin Protest Covid 19

Below is a brief clip of him speaking I found on YouTube:

Why This Is Important

The number of activists from all walks of life, from all professions, including thousands of doctors and scientists who have been questioning actions that have been and are being taken by governments around the world for a long time is quite large and continues to grow.

Speaking of Germany, for example, More than 500 German doctors & scientists have signed on as representatives of an organization called the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee” to investigate what’s happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19.

They also believe that the measures and actions being taken by governments worldwide represent a draconian totalitarian agenda that’s continuing to play out under the guise of goodwill. These are actions that are completely unnecessary, unscientific and even harmful according to them and many others.

“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.” – Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of The New England Medical Journal (source)

A couple of years ago, Kennedy explained the power big pharma has in the United States, let alone the world:

Those of you who have been involved in the past in the battle to protect our children from poorly made vaccines or toxic chemicals in our food or in our water know the power of these industries and how they’ve undermined every institution in our democracy that is supposed to protect little children from powerful, greedy corporations.

Even the pharmaceutical companies have been able to purchase congress. They’re the largest lobbying entity in Washington D.C.. They have more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than there are congressman and senators combined.

They give twice to congress what the next largest lobbying entity is, which is oil and gas… Imagine the power they exercise over both republicans and democrats. They’ve captured them (our regulatory agencies) and turned them into sock puppets. They’ve compromised the press… and they destroy the publications that publish real science. (source)

The question is, why are so many people who share these opinions completely censored? Even when there are thousands of them, when it comes to covid the list of renowned doctors and scientists is quite long.

As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world. Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the coronavirus is a long forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? – Edward Snowden (source)

I’ve written numerous articles expressing the feelings, opinions, research and data of many explaining why lockdown measures and more for covid seem quite ridiculous.

Here’s one of many that goes into the infection fatality rate, for example, the article linked above with regards to the more than 500 German doctors and scientist is another example. To read more of our coverage throughout this pandemic, you can click here.

The Takeaway

Why is there a digital authoritarian Orwellian “fact-checker” going around the internet that is censoring information that’s clearly not false?

Why are they censoring information that doesn’t fit the narrative of the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Why are the leaked documents from Wikileaks showing the influence that Big Pharma has within the WHO completely ignored?

Why does mainstream media constantly use ridicule, character assassination and words like “conspiracy theory” instead of actually addressing and countering the points being made by so many doctors, scientists and activists? Why can’t we have these discussions openly and transparently?

What is going on here?

Our world is going through a massive shift in consciousness, and the COVID-19 pandemic has and is serving as a catalyst for more and more people to start questioning exactly what is going on here instead of simply believing what they are hearing and seeing on their television screens.

This questioning and critical inquiry results in a perception shift, and the world people once thought was becomes something completely different. Not everything is as we’ve been told and taught, and in order to change things for the better we have to be able to identify and see the problem.

This is exactly the process we are going through, and the more we ‘wake up’ the more effort there is from those who are threatened by our ‘awakening’ to silence and control us.

We are living in exciting times! It’s great to see an event like covid spark such a massive gathering of people who desire a better and more transparent world for all. We saw similar things after 9/11.

Life As We Know It May Soon Be Over And Replaced By…

A small news report by Bloomberg earlier this week and published on MSN Money went mostly unnoticed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, and yet it might have been the most significant news story so far this year.

Jill Ward from Bloomberg wrote:

The Bank of England is reviewing whether it should create a central bank-backed digital currency, according to governor Andrew Bailey.

“We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency,” Bailey said Monday in a webinar event with students. “We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society. I think in a few years time, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency,” he added.

Asian Businesswoman Using Credit Card To Payment With Facial Rec

The BOE is part of a group of major central banks teaming up to assess potentially developing their own digital currencies, acknowledging their role is being challenged by new technologies and private sector initiatives such as Facebook Inc.’s Libra.

It could be some time before the U.K. central bank is able to fully devote its attention to such a development, however.

“The digital currency issue will be a very big issue,” Bailey said. “I hope it is, because that means Covid will be behind us.” (Source)

COVID, of course, will probably never be “behind us,” as we are seeing today that it is being used as an excuse to destroy jobs and small businesses and complete the transfer of wealth from the middle classes to the Globalists.

It is working so well for them, why would they stop now?

So we should be very skeptical of governor Andrew Bailey’s statement that a Bank of England digital currency is still “a few years” away.

Why Is A Central Bank Digital Currency Such A Big Deal?

Identity Card

At this point I am sure that those still reading this article are accusing me of sensationalism and “click bait” by making the claim in the headline of this article that when cash is replaced by a digital currency, that life as we know it will be over and replaced by a New World Order.

After all, most of us already use digital payments for most of our transactions in life, and cash is seldom used these days anyway, so what’s the big deal?

The “big deal” is that all of the digital transactions that you use today to pay for goods and services, still draw upon financial resources represented by the currency you hold in your own bank account, and you have relative freedom to choose how, when, and where you are going to spend your money.

In other words, today you still have choices. You still have some freedoms.

If you don’t like the interest rates your credit card charges you, for example, you can choose to move to a different credit card company. If you don’t like the way your bank is treating you, you can choose to hold your accounts in a different bank that offers better rates, fewer fees, etc.

And if you don’t have good credit and do not qualify for a credit card, you can still participate in the marketplace with cash. You can also issue checks to someone to move your cash around should you so choose to do so without using digital payments.

And if you don’t like the fact that your local store now requires you to wear a mask to shop there? Not a huge problem, as most likely everything they sell you can order online in the comfort of your home and have it delivered to you anyway.

You still have choices.

But if the Central Bankers get their way and replace all cash and currencies with a single digital currency, you could lose ALL of these choices, and personal privacy will be almost completely gone!

Do you think that once a mandatory COVID vaccine comes out, that you can just decide not to participate?

It won’t be so easy if there is a single digital currency that replaces all other currencies.

Your ability to participate in the marketplace, even from the “comfort” of your own prison cell home, will be 100% dependent on whether or not you meet the qualifications to participate in using the new digital currency, even if you have a positive ledger in “your” account.

So just think about the ramifications if your account in the Central Banks of the new digital currency system has not approved you for transactions because you do not have a COVID digital ID card showing you have been properly vaccinated with an approved COVID vaccine?

You can’t go to a store to purchase anything, and you cannot purchase anything online either.

What are you going to do now?

Those are the kinds of questions you and your friends and family members need to start asking NOW, while you still have some freedoms left.

Trial Run On Digital Currency Happening NOW In Africa

And if you think this is fear mongering and that something like this would probably not happen for many years anyway, it is actually happening right now in Africa as a trial run.

Raul Diego published an article this week in Mint Press News titled: Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System.

A new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications.

A biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is set to be introduced in “low-income, remote communities” in West Africa thanks to a public-private partnership between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData.

Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform.

The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In early June, GAVI reported that Mastercard’s Wellness Pass program would be adapted in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Around a month later, Mastercard announced that Trust Stamp’s biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamp’s system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individual’s legal name or identity to function.

The Wellness Program involving GAVI, Mastercard, and Trust Stamp will soon be launched in West Africa and will be coupled with a Covid-19 vaccination program once a vaccine becomes available. (Full article)

This follows an announcement published a few weeks ago that Visa had filed a U.S. patent on digital currency.

Visa is one of the most successful and consequential payments companies in the world. Where the powerhouse enterprise places its efforts is thus no small matter.

That’s why a newly published patent application for a blockchain-powered “digital fiat currency” system by the payments giant is not only legitimizing for blockchain tech in general but also indicates what may be coming to the mainstream payments arena amid increasing hyperdigitalization.

On Thursday, May 14th, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published the patent application in question, which is simply titled “DIGITAL FIAT CURRENCY.”

The filing, which was first submitted to the USPTO in November 2018, outlines a stablecoin-like system in which blockchain-based digital currency issuances are linked to actual fiat currency reserves. (Full Article)

This Is The REAL War! Central Bankers Vs. Free Citizens

As I have been publishing and warning for months now, there is a plan in place that is behind everything that is happening today at “warp speed,” and that plan is to usher in a New World Order.

This is not a “conspiracy theory” anymore, because the plan is unfolding before our very eyes.

The battles we are witnessing on streets and online pitting Republicans against Democrats, whites versus blacks, socialists versus capitalists, etc., are all a distraction to the REAL war, which is the masses against the Global Satanic Bankers.

And if a large enough percentage of the American public doesn’t wake up soon and realize who the real enemies are, this country will be totally lost to the Globalists.

Not to the Communists, not to the White Supremacists, but to the Global Bankers who fund both sides to achieve their purpose of a New World Order with a significantly reduced population that can be controlled by a single currency, a single government, and a single religion.

So if you haven’t been paying attention yet, it is time to get caught up.

Here are the past articles you need to read to give more context and understanding. Pay attention to the links and the accompanying videos in these articles as well.

Tell Congress that Puerto Ricans want nationhood, not statehood

For Puerto Ricans who support self-determination, it is truly mind-blowing that some Democrats have the audacity to offer statehood as a solution on the question of Puerto Rico’s political status. At a time when Congress cannot come to grips with its responsibility to decolonize Puerto Rico – let alone guarantee a process of negotiation – support for statehood becomes suspicious at best, seeming way too much like political opportunism. The disconnect between the Puerto Rican reality and pro-statehood declarations is dismaying. 

Ill-informed support for statehood is based on several myths: 

Puerto Ricans are Americans: False. The Puerto Rican national identity remains an ethnic identification of peoples without a national citizenship of their own who live in a territory they call “their country.” This does not obscure the reality that Puerto Rico constitutes a nation, which has had a colonial relation with the United States since 1898. Ambiguities were created by Public Law 600and by the portrayal in 1953 at the United Nations of the Commonwealth as “a compact” between both nations. As the Harvard Law Review clearly stated in 2017: “Puerto Rico’s heart is not American. It is Puerto Rican.” 

Puerto Ricans in the U.S. have struggled for civil rights, but the political, societal and constitutional reality of Puerto Rico is altogether another issue. You cannot erase a nationhood by overlooking its existence and assume that “Puerto Ricans are Americans.” Such statements constitute a classic strategy of assimilation that negates Puerto Rico’s right to exist.

Most Puerto Ricans support statehood: False. Puerto Ricans have rejected statehood in five plebiscites held since 1968. The 2017 plebiscite was boycotted by all anti-statehood Puerto Rican parties, resulting in statehood receiving 97 percent support, with only 23 percent of registered voters’ participation. The 2012 plebiscite, so far the only one held the same day as local elections, was boycotted by one of the major political parties, resulting in an avalanche of blank votes, pro-independence and pro-Free Association, which outnumbered pro-statehood votes. Statehood persistently has lost support since the 1993 plebiscite (788,296 votes in 1993728,157 votes in 1998834,191 in 2012, and 502,801 in 2017). 

While in power, pro-statehood administrations have corrupted the Puerto Rican government to the point of its collapse, making this faction incapable of leading any future political project. In summer 2019, the pro-statehood governor Ricardo Rossello was ousted

Civil rights in the U.S. are not being addressed by making Puerto Rico a state. As an unincorporated territory, Puerto Rico has a different constitutional reality, and its urgency is not related to civil rights but rather to our human right to decolonization. Since 1998, the only political option gaining support is Free Association, a negotiated compact in which both countries become freely associated. 

Puerto Rico is not a country: False. The Foraker Act, the first law passed in Congress concerning Puerto Rico, stated that Puerto Ricans “shall be deemed and held to be citizens of Porto (sic) Rico.” Fifty years later, Public Law 600 recognized Puerto Ricans as “peoples.” In 1953, in a push to get international recognition for the Commonwealth as a pact between the U.S. and Puerto Rico “forming a political association, which respects the individuality and the cultural characteristics of Puerto Rico [and] maintains the spiritual bonds between Puerto Rico and Latin America,” the United States pursued Resolution 748 at the U.N. General Assembly, allowing the U.S. to cease delivering annual reports on Puerto Rico’s colonial status. Our nationhood has withstood all attempts to be assimilated. Puerto Ricans refer to Puerto Rico as “el País” (the country). Puerto Ricans are a nation, and its people are in Puerto Rico and in its global diaspora. We are not American expats living in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is a domestic issue: Partially true. Puerto Rico is a domestic issue as much as it is an international issue. The U.S. took over Puerto Rico through invasion, bilateral negotiation, and a peace protocol, normalizing the relationship through Supreme Court decisions known as the Insular Cases. The U.S. scored a diplomatic victory with U.N. approval of Resolution 748. Even though Puerto Ricans at the time already were U.S. citizens, and even if the country’s political fate was thought to have been sealed, Puerto Rico today again faces the important issue of sovereignty.

Furthermore, the persistent federal mismanagement of the humanitarian crisis following the 2017 hurricanes will continue to be an international issue, as economic, political and social conditions deteriorate. Puerto Rico is a pending international issue with multilateral repercussions.

Puerto Rico has no option but statehood: False. Puerto Rico’s status question can be resolved with strong bipartisan commitment. Inspired by its anti-colonial foundational spirit, guided by its experience with the freely associated republics in the Pacific, and in compliance with international law, the United States has available political options that Puerto Ricans would be ready to discuss. In fact, many Puerto Rican professionals agree that negotiating a compact of Free Association with the United States is the correct mechanism for finding a reasonable political solution to this issue.

Congress will serve the cause of Puerto Rico and the United States by understanding and accepting that Puerto Rico needs decolonization, through a process of dialogue and negotiation. Statehood goes against U.S. political and economic interests, and actually never has been on the negotiating table. Sovereignty serves the interests of both countries, and currently is Puerto Rico’s only feasible solution for decolonization and economic development.

Covid1984: The Groupthink Pandemic

Groupthink is all around us. Decision-making in government, in the media and at work. It’s slowly killing the world.

In the background of the most important events, the Covid-19 response and increasing tension and conflict in the world, it might be worth looking through some of this in a bit more detail.

I’ve experienced groupthink working for large organisations, most notably in my last job. We were tasked with investigating and solving complex problems. Some technical expertise helped but was not crucial to the role.

Critical thinking and balancing evidence and differing viewpoints was key.

Covid1984 The Groupthink Pandemic

Yet the organisation decided that this was no longer required and changed the whole operating model to a one-size fits all type of call-centre. This new high-risk approach was recommended to us by the outside consultants Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) who were clueless about our business.

Those of us who were experienced in the role argued that the model wouldn’t work. But the organisation ploughed on regardless. It was obvious from day one that the financials didn’t stack up which they tried to deny and later concealed.

The executive largely ignored our concerns to start but then paid limited lip-service when the wheels started to come off. Anyway, in the end they offered us redundancy while employing fresh university graduates to replace us. As far as I know the place is still in denial and heading down the pan.

Groupthink is described as follows:

Groupthink is a term first used in 1972 by social psychologist Irving L. Janis that refers to a psychological phenomenon in which people strive for consensus within a group. In many cases, people will set aside their own personal beliefs or adopt the opinion of the rest of the group.

People who are opposed to the decisions or overriding opinion of the group as a whole frequently remain quiet, preferring to keep the peace rather than disrupt the uniformity of the crowd’.

Groupthink is common where group members have similar backgrounds and particularly where that group is placed under stress, resulting in irrational decision outcomes.

These are the main behaviors to watch out for:

  1. Illusions of invulnerability lead members of the group to be overly optimistic and engage in risk-taking.
  2. Unquestioned beliefs lead members to ignore possible moral problems and ignore the consequences of individual and group actions.
  3. Rationalising prevents members from reconsidering their beliefs and causes them to ignore warning signs.
  4. Stereotyping leads members of the in-group to ignore or even demonise out-group members who may oppose or challenge the group’s ideas.
  5. Self-censorship causes people who might have doubts to hide their fears or misgivings.
  6. “Mindguards” act as self-appointed censors to hide problematic information from the group.
  7. Illusions of unanimity lead members to believe that everyone is in agreement and feels the same way.
  8. Direct pressure to conform is often placed on members who pose questions, and those who question the group are often seen as disloyal or traitorous.

There are two further observations I made in the workplace, particularly relevant to groups going through major change or/and a crisis.

Firstly, they tend to swing from the status quo to the complete opposite. In our organisation, we definitely needed some changes and tweaks but we lurched towards a model which was completely unsuitable and unsustainable operationally and financially.

The other thing I noticed was our employers became control freaks. They started to talk down to us and our customers like children. They introduced office slogans such as ‘let’s crack on’ or ‘we’re all in this together’ and deflected from the problems of the disastrous reorganisation towards ‘celebrating diversity’ in the workplace. Critical thinking, creativity and expression were sucked out of the place.

The obvious analogy for all these behaviors is the response to Covid-19 when government ministers were collectively panicked into making extreme decisions on lockdown, using just one preferred source of ‘expertise’.

At the same time, they sidelined dissenters and independent experts who could have offered a calm, rational perspective and a targeted response to Covid-19.

In summing up this thinking and behavior, I’m reminded of these observations from Dr Malcolm Kendrick and Lord Sumption about the response to Covid-19. Dr Kendrick here:

We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems from the disease, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable age group. If you had written a plan for making a complete bollocks of things you would have come up with this one”.

And Lord Sumption writing in the Mail on Sunday:

The Prime Minister, who in practice makes most of the decisions, has low political cunning but no governmental skills whatever. He is incapable of studying a complex problem in depth. He thinks as he speaks – in slogans.

These people have no idea what they are doing, because they are unable to think about more than one thing at a time or to look further ahead than the end of their noses.

The BBC – A Case-Study

A large organisation which has a high opinion of its news service. But of course, the reality is the opposite. There are so many groupthink case-studies but the BBC is as good as any, particularly in terms of making a bollocks of things.

The executives at the BBC and some senior correspondents will no doubt be aware that they run a politicised agenda of bias and misinformation on a grand scale. Outsiders who’ve researched their coverage will recognise this too. But this won’t be obvious to the vast majority of BBC employees, the victims of groupthink.

This came across in some of Andrew Marr’s incredulous reactions to Noam Chomsky’s observations about the media during their interview:

Andrew Marr: How can you know I’m self-censoring?

Noam Chomsky: I’m not saying you’re self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you say. But what I’m saying is if you believed something different you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.

I believe the foreign affairs reporting of the BBC is where this problem stands out most. Real expertise and impartiality has been completely absent from any reporting I’ve seen in recent years.

First, while not unusual in this profession, most journalists employed by the BBC will have a degree. Typically, when you look at today’s ‘top’ BBC journalists, many have attended the elite universities which tends to create a culture of like-minded people of similar backgrounds. This has been identified as one cause of creating groupthink.

Also, the younger journalists will be impressionable within the BBC hierarchy to the views and ways of the senior house-hold name journalists.

It’s sometimes said that there aren’t specific rules within the BBC and other media stating what a journalist can and can’t report and write and they generally don’t knowingly mislead. But they will learn almost instinctively to self-censor and operate within a set of unwritten, unspoken rules and a strait-jacket narrative.

The other problem in foreign affairs reporting is that BBC journalists and most others rarely visit the warzones. On Syria, they typically report from Lebanon or Turkey only occasionally venturing into a government or relatively safe terrorist or Kurd held area. So unlike previous conflicts, such as Bosnia where I remember at least a tiny degree of balance, journalists seldom see what is actually going on.

Under the pressure of deadlines they rely on dubious sources such as Al Qaeda terrorists and Bellingcat and pre-determined assumptions which conveniently slot in with the anti-Assad narrative of the BBC and establishment.

Recently, some grave doubts emerged about the OPCW report on the Douma incident, a huge story which has wider implications.

The investigations of Robert Stuart into a likely previously staged incident involving BBC journalists was swept under the carpet. Both matters have been ignored because the BBC have no way or will to refute evidence which goes against their bias.

On the other hand, the BBC are more than happy to provide extensive coverage to more allegations against Russia and Trump from anonymous sources, providing no background or balance within the overall of climate of related allegations which have collapsed or are unproven.

And in recent days the BBC has provided coverage on Hong Kong which looks like it’s come from a script.

It’s well known BBC journalists are silent on malpractice. We saw this with the Jimmy Savile scandal and decades of sexual abuse. This attitude is similar to what I experienced with my employer who were very vocal and proud of their anti-bullying and mental health policies. Yet when the staff were surveyed anonymously, bullying rates were through the roof.

The other obvious signs of groupthink within the BBC, particularly during the Covid-19 crisis, is dumbing-down and its slogan-filled website written as though their readers are idiots.

Another strong theme is a preoccupation with race and diversity, American affairs and general tittle-tattle, to the detriment of more pressing matters such as the longer-term and wider impact of the world’s current problems.

Covid-19 and our response to it is probably the most important event of our lifetime but there’s barely a peep about whether the response is necessary and proportionate. Instead, this totally rational viewpoint is only ever mentioned in the context of BBC articles about Covid-19 ‘conspiracy theories’.

Many of the examples I’ve described neatly fit in with groupthink behaviors and experiences I encountered in a large organisation.

But I think the biggest groupthink problem is with senior BBC journalists. Ultimately their lazy arrogance has trickled down to the newer journalists and so over time, wrong behavior has been normalised throughout.

The BBC ‘Grandees’

A few months ago Huw Edwards made some comments about accusations of bias directed towards the BBC, defending the corporation and journalists. These are some of the specific comments he made which to me showed a complete lack of understanding of the concerns people have.

The BBC is not, to put it politely, run like some newspapers, with an all-powerful proprietor and/or editor making his or her mark on the tone and direction of the coverage […] BBC News is a rather unsettling mix of awkward, contrary and assertive people who (in my very long experience) delight in either ignoring the suggestions of managers or simply telling them where to get off. That’s how it works.”

Around this time, I also recall Edwards arguing on Twitter on the subject and he said that it was ridiculous to say that journalists within the BBC were willfully misleading the public. His Twitter opponent replied that this was not what he had said and was simply stating that the BBC had fallen victim to groupthink. Edwards just couldn’t get his head past this, while continuing to attack and misrepresent BBC critics.

This defensive attitude and stereotyping of critics is classic groupthink behavior in which he, Nick Robinson and others have taken part.

I used to admire John Simpson and in the 1980s he visited Iran post-revolution. He wrote a book of the visit which I enjoyed. But in recent years, he has shown that he doesn’t understand modern geo-politics and like the BBC can only assess it in terms of the ethno-centric British view on the world and our influence.

In this President Putin press conference he asked the most ridiculous question imaginable which confirms he’s lost the plot. His question was about Russian behavior in the world and whether Putin wanted to create a new Cold War.

Putin wiped the floor with him pointing out the hundreds of NATO bases and numerous wars which put Simpson’s aspersions into their rightful place.

Jeremy Bowen is another who has lost his way. I saw a recent report from him from the position of a Christian militia unit fighting terrorists in Syria.

Again, BBC arrogance was on full display. His report made generalised comparisons between him meeting Serbs in Bosnia in the 1990s and these Syrian fighters, clearly indicating that he doesn’t listen and is not interested in Syrian views on western complicity and the White Helmets.

In the usual group-speak he described the Syrian Government ‘the regime’ and Al Qaeda as ‘rebels’. His report simply rubber-stamped the BBC coverage of the whole conflict.

This arrogance is typical of journalists who rely on their past achievements, creating an air of gravitas to impress their audience. The reality is his reporting is based on no substance and outdated and lazy assumptions.

The Madness Of John Sweeney

Ex-BBC nowadays, John Sweeney’s arrogance is off the scale. These days he spends his time on Twitter attacking lockdown sceptics, like Peter Hitchens accusing him of ‘killing’ his Mail on Sunday column readers with his views on Covid-19 lockdown.

Sweeney is off his trolley but the reality is he probably always was as this clip during his BBC days shows.

This behaviour, extreme as it is, certainly suggests groupthink played a big part somewhere in his career.

An Illusion Of Sanity

BBC Dateline is a current affairs TV panel discussion which I occasionally watched. The panel which changed regularly were seemingly well qualified with foreign writers and journalists which included Russia or Arab affairs experts.

Sitting around that table they gave the impression of people who knew what they were talking about.

However, when you listened carefully to what they were saying, there was very little substance. Their arguments, all based on a simple premise that Russia/Syria are bad, the West is good, tempered with a little occasional criticism of western policy to give the illusion of balance.

Occasionally you would have a more pro-Russia expert on but with the prevailing consensus of the rest of the panel, his or her views would be ridiculed. It got to the point any dissenting panel member started to self-censor to sound more credible, perhaps to remain on the panel. This is the dilemma for any progressively minded BBC guest nowadays.

Peter Hitchens who complains the BBC never invite him on, appeared on Good Morning Britain (GMB) recently. As is normal with many GMB debates, the discussion on Covid-19 descended to retorts and abuse and was simply not the forum for Hitchens to get across his well thought out points on the big picture.

But I don’t think he would have fared any better on the BBC. The BBC create an illusion of civilised, intelligent discussion but the reality is there is no substance, depth or balance. The crucial discussion points about Covid-19 or conflict in the world don’t get a hearing. The premise and the rules are already set in stone before the guests arrive.

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons why the world is in its current madness and on the brink of serious conflict.

Groupthink in government, the media and the general public is probably a key factor as this represents the thinking culture alongside and below the psychopaths and war criminals who pull the strings.

It’s almost impossible to break this cycle by chipping away at it. But it’s possible a large event connected to Covid-19 or a major war will be the catalyst which might shock us out of our distorted view of reality.

In the meantime, independent commentators and ex-MSM like Peter Hitchens, Anna Brees and Tareq Haddad, are putting their careers on the line and self-interests aside. We can only encourage others employed by the BBC and other media to be brave and do the same.

Certainly, the consequences will be far more disastrous doing nothing and not speaking up.

In the sudden, new founded willingness to demonstrate on the streets perhaps those participating might be better reflecting on who and what the real enemy is.

Party politics, Brexit and Black Lives Matter really don’t matter.

Groupthink, escalating world conflict, All Lives Matter, including Syrians, Libyans, Palestinians and Blacks,(including those outside of US,UK and Europe) together with the post-Covid-19 march to an uncertain ‘new normal’, are the issues which matter right now.

H.R. 6666 – The Nullifying Your 4th Amendment And Forcibly Separating Your Family To Keep You ‘Safe’ Act

Representative Bobby Rush (D-Il) introduced on May 1st H.R. 6666, a piece of Orwellian legislation that could create a national surveillance and quarantine program, allow government entry into our homes to test for Covid-19 and even grant the authority to remove Americans from their homes by force.

Also called the TRACE Act (Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone), the bill was co-sponsored by 58 house democrats and touts that it would allow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to provide grants to some hospitals, schools, and nonprofits to help fight the coronavirus.

“This bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring, and other activities to address COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019).” [SOURCE]

H.r. 6666 – The Nullifying Your 4th Amendment And Forcibly Separating Your Family To Keep You ‘safe’ Act

However, the law would also give these organizations the power to test Americans for Covid-19 “as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes,” and give the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the authority to forcibly remove Americans from their homes if “necessitated by the circumstances of the declared emergency.” [SOURCE]

This bill is in clear violation of the fourth amendment, which guarantees, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.”

The key word here is ‘unreasonable’, however, meaning if the Supreme Court classifies it as ‘reasonable’, these home invasions will remain legal despite being clearly against the spirit of the law.

The push for forced entry echoes remarks made by the World Health Organization’s Dr. Michael Ryan in early April.

“In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units, now we need to go and look in families and find those people who may be sick and remove them, and isolate them, in a safe and dignified manner.” – Dr. Michael Ryan [SOURCE]

The Queen of England voiced her support for forced entry as she compared it to British evacuations prior to the London bombings of WWII.

“[Citizens were] evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today, once again, many will feel a painful separation from their loved ones but now, as then, we know, deep down, it is the right thing to do.” [SOURCE]

The TRACE Act has a keen focus on ‘contact tracing’, a term that effectively means government surveillance of our everyday behavior.

Its purpose is to test for who has the coronavirus and to whom they may have come in contact.

In Washington State, the government will soon require restaurants catalogue the phone numbers, emails, and time of arrival of every customer.

You may want to think twice if you believe that these programs will ever go away once enacted. Governments rarely give up power without incredible pushback from voters.

Edward Snowden articulated this brilliantly while the pandemic was still in its early stage.

“Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the coronavirus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept?

“That these datasets will not be kept? No matter how it is being used, what is being built is the architecture of oppression.” – Edward Snowden [SOURCE]

Interestingly, Bill Gates was recently awarded patent #060606 for a, “crypto currency system using human body activity data.” In layman terms, it’s a patent for a digital tattoo microchip which can detect ‘body activity.’

Millions of dollars have already been awarded to companies for similar technologies by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Mass Media Is Mind Control: Perpetual Worry As A Means Of Imprisonment

By Dr. Nick Begich, Gaia.com

I have had wide and varied interests since a very young age and have loved learning all of my life.

Simply, I believe life should be lived as a great adventure of growth and learning in every way.

In science, my interests started in crystallography and minerals and progressed through the several branches of science into politics, philosophy, religion and all things esoteric.

What is Mind Control?

Mass Media Mind Control

In the late 1980s, the most interesting research I began exploring was on mind effects or, more popularly, mind control.

My interest grew out of the misuses of the information released in the Church Committee hearings of the 1970s dealing with the CIA programs in this area.

At the same time, the positive possibilities for these new technologies were also exciting. Stimulating optimum human performance, accelerated learning, meditation, relaxation, and focus could all be improved.

In fact, even so-called altered states could be enhanced or even stimulated. The most fascinating possibilities, however, were even more startling.

The idea that perhaps we could stimulate what is now referred to in some literature as “anomalous human capability” or, in the past referred to as ESP or extrasensory perceptions, may be possible.

In fact, this may be the next evolution of humans on earth as many of us are acknowledging and science is proving.

Control of the Mind and Body

The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies that are associated with most mental activity.

The first, beta waves, (13-35 Hertz or pulses per second) are associated with normal activity. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states that can impair thinking and reasoning skills.

The second group, alpha waves (8-12 Hertz), can indicate more relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused life form energy.

The third, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicate mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus.

This state is often associated with young children, behavioral modification and sleep/dream states. The last, ultra slow, delta waves (.5-3 Hertz), are found when a person is in deep sleep.

The general rule is that the brain’s predominant wave frequency will be lowest, in terms of pulses per second, when relaxed, and highest when people are most alert or agitated.

What is Entrainment?

Mass Media Mind Control 3

External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with an external signal generator.

Predominant brain waves can be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation.

In other words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies, and causing changes in the brain waves.

Changes in brain waves cause changes in brain chemistry; which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition.

As you are driven, so you arrive – brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the individual being impacted depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions of the person controlling the technology.

Is it Possible to Train Consciousness?

Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organizations, and others pursuing the “new age.”

Science has now gained a greater understanding of how the mind and brain work so that what used to take years, or even decades, to achieve, can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes.

For instance, in 1996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave states and effecting positive emotional states in humans were developed.

Two years later another patent was issued which could create desired consciousness states:

In the training of an individual to replicate such states of consciousness without further audio stimulation, such states may be transferred from one human being to another through the imposition of one person’s EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals and onto another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon.

Is Thought Transference Possible?

This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the military in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signals which would integrate with the normal memory of a person.

The possibility of abuse is obvious and the opportunity for personal advancement is also great.

Consider the possibility of gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by these new methods rather than the standard methods of learning.

A serious consideration in developing these types of memory transfer systems will be the fact that they bypass normal intellectual filters – they are deposited into the brain as fact, without question or careful consideration.

What happens when new information conflicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden information meant to unduly influence things like religious beliefs, politics or consumption of goods and services or politics?

Ethical Questions Abound

The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these matters equally large. We can no longer avoid the debate; in fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientific advancements.

In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our children’s, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowledge.

For instance: “researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college students by up to nine points.”

This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self- improvement as an example.

There are several articles and materials that speak to the various ways that these technologies can be applied and used beyond the scope of this article. Let’s get to the media applications.

The Use of Media

Mass Media Is Mind Control Perpetual Worry As A Means Of Imprisonment

Radio, TV, the Internet, the power grid, cell systems or any other electromagnetic carrier can be used to carry a signal that will influence the behaviors of most people in close proximity to the signal.

What such signals can do is cause a person, for instance, to drop into a light altered state. Like when people come home from work, sit in front of the TV and watch the nightly news feed.

Within a few moments someone begins saying to you, “honey, dinners ready”.

They hear nothing… they are no longer watching the “programming;” they are being programmed with the latest values, beliefs, and ideas being pressed into the consciousness of most people through media.

By oscillating a signal in a certain way, emotional states can easily be reformed so that the reaction to the advertising, political propaganda or “news” is as predicted by those generating it across the broad population as intended by them.

In other words, it is about control and manipulation.

It is really very simple. People in psychology understand the Frequency Following Response (FFR). When applied to advertise or any other media, it is incredibly compelling.

Refined Control Tactics

Much more can be done with this technology in terms of the information density that can be sent in on such carriers.

The objective of many military planners is to be able to even transfer thought and memory sets.

These kinds of technology when applied to media particularly when coupled with mass surveillance of the population this allows those in control of such technologies to have profound effects on a highly individualized basis.

This delivery system can be tailored to an individual person to have specific influences on that individual personality type and subtype.

The predictability of behavior for the target of the technology is so refined that is better at predicting an individual’s future behavior they could about themselves. Think about this for a moment.

Perpetual Worry as a Means of Imprisonment

Yet the simplest mechanism for inhibiting higher mind functions, peak performance, and anomalous human capabilities is to just keep people in a constant state of worry, agitation, and fear.

Sound familiar?

In these states, it is not possible to reach a higher state of awareness. These emotional states do not allow the brain to operate in a manner that will allow this possibility.

Fear is the adversary and is at the root of the misuses of these technologies.

The government fears an enlightened population where the light of truth shines within its darkest corners.

An awakened population cannot be resisted by structures based on fear.

The Next Evolution of Humankind

After 40 years of research in the open literature and opportunities to meet and spend the time needed with the best bio-physicists in the world has allowed me insight into this area.

During my time with the Lay Institute in Dallas, I put together a private conference on mind effects with some of the best people in the world.

The surprise was not a story about controlling people and manipulating populations, although everyone agreed this was the case in the 21st century in so many ways.

The biggest insight had to do with the next evolution of humankind.

Voiced first by the late sister, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, in her presentation about her belief that in what man was trying to create in electronics were already latent in every person waiting to be awakened.

The theme was repeated in every presentation that explored the possibilities of reclaiming our birthright in terms of what we are as human beings and the endless possibilities that occur when we begin to recognize ourselves.

As we evolve and grow within the framework of this reality we also are beginning to recognize in the science of consciousness and what we know… we are more than we think, and we are beyond what we know.

Together we change the world by fearlessly knowing that we each have all that we need to engage the world and are not alone in it.

Our humanity is in fact our very salvation if we can recognize and alter our awareness.