Death Is Not The End Of Our Life Force Energy

Most people will experience some form of grief in their life, due to loss. It is helpful to remember that grieving is a process, not a permanent condition.

Grief is the energetic and emotional withdrawal that occurs when the vibration and resonance of a person, who is no longer here, is removed from the Third Dimensional reality of another person.

When the person departs, those who are close to them experience major energetic shifts, as a result of the permanent separation.

Death Is Not The End Reincarnation

This process is a universal one, although in other cultures grief is sometimes approached differently. In some societies, after a person dies there is dancing, storytelling, and music.

The night of partying is designed to drive away grief and, for that night at least, it works.

However, for the most part, people tend to hold onto feelings, many times in an attempt to hold on to the person.

Once the process of dying begins, the energy of the person begins to transform.

As Life Force Energy is transferred to its next destination, they become less alive in the Third Dimension.

Some people leave suddenly and others take longer, but it is all by design. There are certain times when it is auspicious for a person to be born, and the same goes for dying.

The person’s subconscious and their Higher Self will create whatever circumstances are necessary to achieve this departure.

How they leave can be likened to how some people enter the ocean to swim; some run and jump in, others wade in, gradually getting used to the water.

It is presumed that when a person dies that it is the physical condition that is responsible, but it is actually the reverse.

The Life Force Energy of the person leaves the body first and then the body, which cannot continue without it expires.

Long-Term illness is the result of the body reacting to the essence of the person, slowly leaving the physical form. Sudden death happens when the Life Force Energy leaves very quickly.

When one is ill and it is not time for them to go, Life Force Energy returns and the person recovers. If it is time to leave this incarnation, there is no physical recovery. Dying is similar to being born. Some births are easy and some very difficult.

While experiencing the grieving process, remember that the Universe is perfectly on time. This includes the moment a person is born and when they pass away. No one leaves before his or her time.

Therefore, death should not be looked upon as something unnatural or untimely. Yes, of course, the person will be missed, but their leaving is not a Cosmic mistake.

Agreements are made before a person incarnates and dying is part of that agreement. It does not help to make part of someone’s life a tragedy.

What truly matters is that the essence of any person does not die. Instead, incarnations are completed and the soul, Higher Self, spirit, or whatever you wish to call it, move on.

This is not just an exercise in semantics, nothing really does die, because everything is made up of energy, which cannot be destroyed; only transformed and transmuted into something else.

Loved ones remain, not just in memories, but also in reality—just not the Third Dimensional reality. Therefore, it is time to take another view of the processes of life. Someday dying might even be a very unusual occurrence.

In modern cultures, many people are physically removed from extended families and communities in which births and deaths are experienced firsthand.

Because of this, they are not accustomed to death as a part of the cycle of life.

Death is not a tragedy, but an occasion to celebrate the life of a person and revere the process of the transition. They will be missed, sometimes terribly, but on the other hand, they can be remembered.

In other dimensions, they are still together with those who loved them. The Love that is shared with those that have gone is real, and that Love endures eternally.

If a person’s death is truly the successful conclusion of a contract, which they agreed to before being born, then it can be viewed as a perfectly completed project.

From that standpoint, everyone’s life, no matter how long or short, was as it should be.

The Secret Power Of Russian Pyramids

Even though the Egyptian pyramids tend to get all the attention, many other sets of pyramids around the world have qualities that merit their own spotlight.

But perhaps not for the reasons, you might think.

Some believe that beyond the architectural significance and might of pyramid structures, are energy forces that can account for seemingly inexplicable phenomenons and effects in the natural world.

The Secret Power of Russian Pyramids

It is this mysterious energy that has caused pyramid experts and laymen alike to become intrigued by the great structures, and build sets of their own in hopes of discovering more about the possibilities of pyramids.

Pyramids And Healing Powers

For believers in pyramid power, pyramids are a source of profound biological and, in some cases, spiritual effects –– much like the ancient Egyptians, who held similar ideas about the healing powers of pyramids.

While the purported benefits of pyramid power have not been proven through traditional scientific methods, some believe that pyramids can have many positive effects, from improving sleep and libido/sex drive to enhanced meditation, and quicker healing times.

Others have examined the interplay between pyramids and energy, and have questioned how the construction of pyramids might impact other elements of the human experience, such as consciousness, matter, and gravity.

Such pyramid researchers and enthusiasts posit that the shape of pyramids can have effects on the structure of the atoms within objects inside pyramids, and therefore a profound impact on the human experience.

Russian Pyramid Research

One such pyramid researcher is Alexander Golod, who has been examining pyramids since 1990 in Russia.

He claims that pyramids have the power to eliminate viruses, treat cancer, and increase the electrical resistance of pyrolytic carbon. He has led many studies on the effects of pyramids in different environments and situations.

In some studies, he has found that pyramids have had agricultural effects, such as purportedly increasing the yield by 30 to 100 percent, among other results he noted.

Other results from more of his tests using military radar units indicate massive amounts of ionizing radiation coming from the tip of the pyramids.

More on the Russian pyramid research here.

Visitors To The Russian Pyramids

Golod’s belief and research into pyramid power led to the installation of 17 fiberglass pyramids throughout Russia, which have drawn attention and visits from tourists and other interested parties.

The pyramids can be found in various cities in Russia, as well as Uzbekistan and France, with the most notable found about an hour outside of Moscow and standing at about 150 feet tall.

Visitors have come away with mixed reviews of the veracity of the claims made about the pyramids’ effects, with some reporting increased healing, and others not noticing any effects at all.

Pyramid Research And Technologies

Organizations such as the International Partnership for Pyramid Research and the Pyramid of Life have continued to work towards the advancement, research, and dissemination of pyramids in the world.

The International Partnership for Pyramid Research purports that research into pyramid power has been conducted by the Russian National Academy of Sciences, including the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Graphite Scientific Research Institute, and the Institute of Physics in Ukraine.

The Pyramid of Life, a Canadian organization, has taken it one step further, by taking that research and “develop[ing] and market[ing] products harmonizing space, products that bring vital energy, helping people adapt in various environmental conditions.”

For example, they carry products such as mini-pyramids and crystal pyramids. Each of these products purports various benefits for the user, including harmonizing space, neutralizing electromagnetic radiation, reducing stress, and slowing the process of aging.

Individual Research

Interest and investigation into Russian pyramid power and technology are ongoing and has extended beyond more formalized research to the everyday person, with some individuals even focusing on teaching others how to construct their very own pyramids at home.

Several guides exist, with step-by-step walkthroughs of building pyramids with one’s own materials.

These do-it-yourself instructions assist those who are interested in delving deeper into the effects of pyramids.

Such at-home experiments can be fairly complicated or simple, depending on what you would like to investigate.

These self-built pyramids can consist of basic materials such as wood, copper, and wire, and can be used to test the pyramid’s effects on surrounding plants and fluids.

Depending on your level of interest and intrigue into the world of pyramids, you might find it interesting to explore more of Golod’s research and the potential impact of pyramids in the modern-day world.

Are they, in fact, more than they appear? It could be worth a second look.


FDA Approved, DARPA Funded, Under-The-Skin Biosensor To Detect Signs Of Illness

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves A LOT of prescriptions and products that are eventually proven to be harmful. Sometimes catastrophically harmful.

The agency has even been blamed for the Opioid Crisis by some very credible people. Activist Post reports regularly about the agency’s mishaps, mistakes, and shenanigans (see 12345).

So should we be concerned about them being in charge of approving an under-the-skin biosensor to detect symptoms like those found with Covid-19?

Fda Approved, Darpa Funded, Under The Skin Biosensor To Detect Signs Of Illness

From GovExec Daily, published March 4, 2020:

A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be The Future Of Pandemic Detection

If it wins FDA approval next year, the two-part sensor could help spot new infections weeks before symptoms begin to show.

Why are pandemics so hard to stop? Often it’s because the disease moves faster than people can be tested for it.

The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show.

Its maker, Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year.

The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants.

Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin.

It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc..

It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.

The announcement comes as the United States grapples with COVID-19, a respiratory illness that can present in flu-like symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. The military is taking a leading role in vaccine research, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told reporters at the Pentagon on Monday.

“Our military research labs are working feverishly around the horn here to try to come up with a vaccine. So we’ll see how that develops over the next couple of months,” Milley said. U.S. troops themselves are also at risk.

A U.S. soldier in South Korea became the first U.S. service member to contract the virus, the Wall Street Journal reported in February.

Profusa’s newest funded study, which the company announced on Tuesday, will test how well the sensor can detect influenza outbreaks up to three weeks before it’s possible to detect them using current methods.

Because the gel doesn’t actually emit any signal, it wouldn’t give away a soldier’s position, so the sensor could be used in sensitive settings like behind enemy lines, Profusa CEO Ben Hwang said.

Hwang said his company has received grants from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, since around 2011.

“They gave us grant money to help our research and as we prove out a certain milestone, as we de-risk the technology, they give us a second phrase and a third phase and provide support,” he said.

“Their support has transitioned from grants into these types of programs that create real-world evidence.”

Hwang said DARPA is helping the company reach out to other outfits within the Defense Department that might use the device on troops or servicemembers.

That could include partnerships with U.S. Special Operations Command, for instance, or, Indo-Pacific Command.

He declined to comment on conversations with specific military customers.

Are you now as creeped out and freaked out as I am?

Dark Rulers Are Trying To Suppress Our Ascension

Humanity has been sought after our entire existence due to a little thing called human DNA. Our DNA has been damaged and we have been dumbed down to the point that we’ve never known how incredible we really are.

Alien Greys Demons Archons

Our DNA is being activated meaning, those two biological strands of DNA (in 1st photo) are starting to talk to those 10 strands of DNA that spiral and intertwine up thru them.

Those 10 strands of DNA have been intentionally cut from us (in 2nd photo) because those 10 strands are our inter-dimensional strands.

Dna Strands Intentionally Cut Genetically Engineered

They “cut” these strands so they couldn’t talk to the two biological strands. They couldn’t communicate so it kept us in a very low vibrational existence. It’s keeping us isolated from an incredible reality.

Meaning, our DNA is made up of 12 strands and there’s one strand for each dimension and that certain strand corresponds to that density of experience it’s the experiences of these higher frequency densities is what continues our evolution and this is what they’re trying to keep us from.

That reality is where all of our psychic abilities are, telepathy, healing abilities, time travel, that’s where your entire Akashic records are held and much, much more!

This dark enemy is trying to erase the original blueprint of the human DNA that we are clawing our way back up to achieve bringing us back to our original blueprint as at the time of our creation. These dark rulers are trying to suppress our Ascension!

We need to look at the great lengths these psychopaths go to to downgrade our DNA. Meaning, they’ve tried to suppress our Ascension with chemicals, toxins, poisons, vaccinations, GMO foods, they bombard us with low frequency signals to keep us in control.

Currently, they are in a massive push for physical, global control because they cannot stop what’s coming due to this incredible Human Awakening!! It is a true testament to our incredible power the draconian lengths these dirty players have to go to.

These Elite Off World psychopaths live in extreme fear of humanity waking up and expanding our awareness because they lose everything meaning total control of their entire empire.

The enemy’s plan is to erase every bit of our original coding to accomplish complete control over the human race. I’ve said this before I believe that’s what happened to the Greys.

Meaning, back in the ’80s there was a major phase of abductions of humanity by the Greys because they we’re becoming completely artificial intelligence.

They were losing all power of individual thought and needed our DNA to bring that back but to no avail. They too were victims of this Reptilian elementThey are and have been a dying race.

These dark players goal is to hybridize the human race. To be a race of corrupt, non-empathetic AI with no individual thought process and emotion.

Because, with emotion we ask questions, so in turn, we want answers which is a major threat to them.

They want us to be a corrupt, artificial bloodline so we’re easier to control. They are trying to suppress our frequency and to do that biologically they do that through poisons, toxic vaccinations, poisonous food etc.

To do this consciously, they do this through frequency bombardment of low vibrational signals. People that are not mentally stable to begin with are easily corrupted by these signals.

Meaning, if they’re about to step off the edge these signals and frequencies will push them. Meaning, they lose their minds.

These dark rulers know boundaries and restrictions limit our spiritual growth. Because, not only does our DNA exist biologically but dimensionally as well. They have been trying to destroy us biologically and, at the same time, destroying us consciously, but that’s not going to happen.

These elite psychopaths know they’re about to lose their mighty empire and they’re not about to let it go without a fight. Hence, the current global situation. It’s going to get rough, real rough but humanity has no other option but to fight.

Dark to Light!

Life As We Know It May Soon Be Over And Replaced By…

A small news report by Bloomberg earlier this week and published on MSN Money went mostly unnoticed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, and yet it might have been the most significant news story so far this year.

Jill Ward from Bloomberg wrote:

The Bank of England is reviewing whether it should create a central bank-backed digital currency, according to governor Andrew Bailey.

“We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency,” Bailey said Monday in a webinar event with students. “We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society. I think in a few years time, we will be heading toward some sort of digital currency,” he added.

Asian Businesswoman Using Credit Card To Payment With Facial Rec

The BOE is part of a group of major central banks teaming up to assess potentially developing their own digital currencies, acknowledging their role is being challenged by new technologies and private sector initiatives such as Facebook Inc.’s Libra.

It could be some time before the U.K. central bank is able to fully devote its attention to such a development, however.

“The digital currency issue will be a very big issue,” Bailey said. “I hope it is, because that means Covid will be behind us.” (Source)

COVID, of course, will probably never be “behind us,” as we are seeing today that it is being used as an excuse to destroy jobs and small businesses and complete the transfer of wealth from the middle classes to the Globalists.

It is working so well for them, why would they stop now?

So we should be very skeptical of governor Andrew Bailey’s statement that a Bank of England digital currency is still “a few years” away.

Why Is A Central Bank Digital Currency Such A Big Deal?

Identity Card

At this point I am sure that those still reading this article are accusing me of sensationalism and “click bait” by making the claim in the headline of this article that when cash is replaced by a digital currency, that life as we know it will be over and replaced by a New World Order.

After all, most of us already use digital payments for most of our transactions in life, and cash is seldom used these days anyway, so what’s the big deal?

The “big deal” is that all of the digital transactions that you use today to pay for goods and services, still draw upon financial resources represented by the currency you hold in your own bank account, and you have relative freedom to choose how, when, and where you are going to spend your money.

In other words, today you still have choices. You still have some freedoms.

If you don’t like the interest rates your credit card charges you, for example, you can choose to move to a different credit card company. If you don’t like the way your bank is treating you, you can choose to hold your accounts in a different bank that offers better rates, fewer fees, etc.

And if you don’t have good credit and do not qualify for a credit card, you can still participate in the marketplace with cash. You can also issue checks to someone to move your cash around should you so choose to do so without using digital payments.

And if you don’t like the fact that your local store now requires you to wear a mask to shop there? Not a huge problem, as most likely everything they sell you can order online in the comfort of your home and have it delivered to you anyway.

You still have choices.

But if the Central Bankers get their way and replace all cash and currencies with a single digital currency, you could lose ALL of these choices, and personal privacy will be almost completely gone!

Do you think that once a mandatory COVID vaccine comes out, that you can just decide not to participate?

It won’t be so easy if there is a single digital currency that replaces all other currencies.

Your ability to participate in the marketplace, even from the “comfort” of your own prison cell home, will be 100% dependent on whether or not you meet the qualifications to participate in using the new digital currency, even if you have a positive ledger in “your” account.

So just think about the ramifications if your account in the Central Banks of the new digital currency system has not approved you for transactions because you do not have a COVID digital ID card showing you have been properly vaccinated with an approved COVID vaccine?

You can’t go to a store to purchase anything, and you cannot purchase anything online either.

What are you going to do now?

Those are the kinds of questions you and your friends and family members need to start asking NOW, while you still have some freedoms left.

Trial Run On Digital Currency Happening NOW In Africa

And if you think this is fear mongering and that something like this would probably not happen for many years anyway, it is actually happening right now in Africa as a trial run.

Raul Diego published an article this week in Mint Press News titled: Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System.

A new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications.

A biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is set to be introduced in “low-income, remote communities” in West Africa thanks to a public-private partnership between the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData.

Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform.

The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In early June, GAVI reported that Mastercard’s Wellness Pass program would be adapted in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Around a month later, Mastercard announced that Trust Stamp’s biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamp’s system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individual’s legal name or identity to function.

The Wellness Program involving GAVI, Mastercard, and Trust Stamp will soon be launched in West Africa and will be coupled with a Covid-19 vaccination program once a vaccine becomes available. (Full article)

This follows an announcement published a few weeks ago that Visa had filed a U.S. patent on digital currency.

Visa is one of the most successful and consequential payments companies in the world. Where the powerhouse enterprise places its efforts is thus no small matter.

That’s why a newly published patent application for a blockchain-powered “digital fiat currency” system by the payments giant is not only legitimizing for blockchain tech in general but also indicates what may be coming to the mainstream payments arena amid increasing hyperdigitalization.

On Thursday, May 14th, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published the patent application in question, which is simply titled “DIGITAL FIAT CURRENCY.”

The filing, which was first submitted to the USPTO in November 2018, outlines a stablecoin-like system in which blockchain-based digital currency issuances are linked to actual fiat currency reserves. (Full Article)

This Is The REAL War! Central Bankers Vs. Free Citizens

As I have been publishing and warning for months now, there is a plan in place that is behind everything that is happening today at “warp speed,” and that plan is to usher in a New World Order.

This is not a “conspiracy theory” anymore, because the plan is unfolding before our very eyes.

The battles we are witnessing on streets and online pitting Republicans against Democrats, whites versus blacks, socialists versus capitalists, etc., are all a distraction to the REAL war, which is the masses against the Global Satanic Bankers.

And if a large enough percentage of the American public doesn’t wake up soon and realize who the real enemies are, this country will be totally lost to the Globalists.

Not to the Communists, not to the White Supremacists, but to the Global Bankers who fund both sides to achieve their purpose of a New World Order with a significantly reduced population that can be controlled by a single currency, a single government, and a single religion.

So if you haven’t been paying attention yet, it is time to get caught up.

Here are the past articles you need to read to give more context and understanding. Pay attention to the links and the accompanying videos in these articles as well.

Study Ordered By Austrian Parliament: EMF From Mobile Phones AND 5G Can Damage Eyes, Skin, Small Organisms

The majority of scientists worldwide are opposed to 5G until there are studies that prove it’s safe. Telecom companies have provided NO EVIDENCE of its safety. Since 2017 doctors and scientists have requested a 5G moratorium on Earth AND in space due to biological and environmental risks (see 12, 3).

Cities AND countries have also issued moratoriums as well as taken other action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation (see 12345678910, 111213).

Research has already indicated that 5G exposure can be biologically harmful (see 123). Other research has indicated that EMF exposure from various sources is also biologically and ecologically harmful (see 123). A recently published Austrian study indicates the same thing.

Radiating Slow Death 5g Wi Fi

From Stop5G Resistance Network:

The results of a study commissioned by Parliament on possible health risks from electromagnetic fields in mobile communications, especially 5G, are now available.

AUSTRIA. The current study with the bulky name “5G Mobile Communications and Health: The Current Assessment of the Evidence Level on Possible Health Risks of Electromagnetic Fields of Mobile Communications by Recognized Scientific Panels” was carried out from August 1, 2019 to February 15, 2020 by the Institute for Technology Assessment ( ITA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).

The study authors state that, in principle, high electromagnetic field strengths can lead to tissue warming and thus tissue damage.

However, this risk has been taken into account internationally by determining and bindingly setting limit values.

Numerous research programs and individual studies have already dealt with the question of whether electromagnetic fields from mobile radio from different generations can lead to health damage below these limit values ​​and thus without demonstrable tissue warming (so-called non-thermal health effects from sleep disorders to cancer).

Many Questions Open

However, the specific area of ​​application of 5G is still unclear. It was therefore necessary to clarify which parts of the population would be exposed to which new mobile radio fields and to what extent.

In principle, there are no relevant studies on the new frequency ranges and the newly created exposure situations. The authors therefore recommend “careful and preventive monitoring of the development and application of 5G”.

For the international assessment of the risks from the application, the study authors state that the classification of mobile phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic” is still controversial in 2011 by a recognized international body (IARC).

Knowledge Gaps And Research Needs

All committees agree that there are still gaps in knowledge and ambiguities regarding the health relevance of high-frequency electromagnetic fields from established mobile communications and that there is therefore a need for research.

Effects on the eyes, skin, but also small organisms cannot be ruled out. Preventive measures and improved risk communication are necessary, the study says. And there are no independent institutions for the necessary exchange of knowledge.

Next Frequency Auction

Speaking of knowledge: The next 5G frequency auction will take place in summer by the regulatory authority RTR. Then urgently needed money flows back into the government treasury.

The frequencies 700, 1500 and 2100 MHz are assigned. Together they form the “Multiband 2020”. This auction will also deal with the supply of space, the supply requirements will be in the foreground.

By December 31, 2020, all seven bidders must build 1,000 stations across Austria. The three large mobile operators each have 303 stations.

As of June 30, 2022, each of the three mobile operators must operate 1,000 stations each.

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) is 100 percent owned by the federal government.

Its core tasks are to promote competition in the radio, telecommunications and postal markets and to achieve the goals defined in the KommAustria and Telecommunications Act.

400+ Medical Professionals Sign Letter To Oppose Further Expansion Of Wireless And 5G

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – NOT a health or environmental agency – is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry.  They have a LONG history of doing just the opposite (see 12).

Their guidelines are embarrassingly outdated and don’t apply to how most of us use or are exposed to cell phone and wireless radiation today.

There is still NO “safe” level of exposure that has been scientifically determined for pregnant women or children!  Yet they REFUSE to update their guidelines despite ALL the research proving harm.

400+ Medical Professionals Sign Letter To Oppose Further Expansion Of Wireless And 5g

Lawsuits have already been filed against the agency for NOT protecting the public from unsafe levels of radiation (see 12) as well as 5G.

An increasing number of federal agencies and elected officials are very unhappy with their actions (see 12). None of this seems to matter to the them (see 123, 456789). One commissioner has even referred to their opponents as “Tin Foil Hat” people.

400 Medical Professionals Sign Letter Opposing Wifi And 5g

Thanks to Americans for Responsible Technology for their efforts in recruiting 400+ medical professionals to sign this letter asking that the FCC do its job already [PDF].

Italian Inventor Believes Crop Circles Are Models For Generating Free Energy

Crop circles, elaborate patterns found in farmer’s fields, continue to fascinate people worldwide. Although some have been elaborate hoaxes, others remain a mystery, tangible and real yet unexplained.

The first simple crop circles started to become a regular phenomenon when they appeared in the southern English countryside in the summers of the 70s. Ever since they seem to have become more and more elaborate.

Some people believe the intricate geometric patterns are messages sent from higher intelligence, extraterrestrials, or even time travelers.

One Italian inventor, Umberto Baudo, believes crop circles may be meant to impart secrets of new technology and free energy to humanity.

Umberto Baudo Works On A Computer Simulation Showing An “eccentric Core”

In 1991, a book titled,

Crop Circles: Harbingers of World Change” by Alick Bartholomew was published. It explored the idea that some crop circles could be messages from non-human intelligence from beyond this physical world. Maybe the formations were meant to deliver secrets for new advanced technology.

In the book, an English historian and psychic, Isabelle Kingston, suggested that crop circles might reveal a molecular structure or blueprint for a new form of energy that would one day be unraveled by scientists.

It was the same year that two British men came forward to take credit for creating hundreds of crop circles: Doug Bower and Dave Chorley.

As more and more crop circles are discovered, the idea that they could be messages from aliens persisted. Crop circles became more and more elaborate, and some believe they can’t all be chalked up to a hoax.

If crop circles are an intended message, then what is it?

In 2008, Umberto Baudo decided to use crop circles as an inspiration, a blueprint for a mechanism that he believed could deliver a source of free energy, similar to the ultimate goals of Nikola Tesla.

Baudo’s work, like that of Tesla’s plans for free energy, has remained obscure, but now with a translation from researcher Pedro M. Duarte, we can look at his findings with English captions in the video below.

Baudo recognizes that some crop circles are hoaxes, but among the hundreds of images found, he chose the formations he believes represent authentic energy generating systems. He demonstrates that those formations can operate like the gears of a machine.

“Since 2008 I realized that it is absolutely possible to generate free energy to all of the planet, and instead of having to pay large amounts of money to have in exchange [for] a small amount of energy,” said Baudo.

In Baudo’s first experiments, he attempted to create magnetic motors. The prototypes were arrays of circles based on crop circle formations. His work progressed from magnetic systems to systems using centrifugal force and tested using computer simulations.

The simulations allowed him to find out what happens when the shapes are rotated at high speed, generating energy both with and without the variables of gravity and counterweight mechanisms: magnets, springs, and chains.

Baudo believes extraterrestrials chose to communicate with crop circles for a reason.

“It’s important to understand that the Crop Circles are the maximum expression of a message because through an image you can communicate much more than with words without any doubt,” he explains. “…especially if the message [is addressed] to someone that does not speak our language.”

The inventor found that the rotating systems could whirl around an “eccentric core,” shapes he recognizes in many crop circle formations. Spinning around this core, the circular shapes generate momentum.

See Umberto Baudo discuss his experiments with English captions from Pedro M. Duarte below:

In the second part (below), Baudo is convinced that crop circles are meant as examples of using centrifugal force and that he has decoded their meaning.

With modifications, including the addition of a spring, he says he has created perfect models that continue to build momentum even after the engine is turned off. All thanks to centrifugal force…

“After some years studying and researching, always with these images in my mind, finally I think I’ve found the key to understand the [main] part of these crop circles. The main key to understand it is fundamentally one: The centrifugal force. Just like that!”Computer Simulation Showing Ever Increasing Energy Output As The Model Spins

Computer simulation showing ever-increasing energy output as the model spins

The circular gears rotate until the spring slowly reaches full extension.

“The speed will increase, always in a constant way, until the spring achieves its maximum. In that moment [it] will stabilize,” he explains.

Although many people remain skeptical, he believes that these systems can work against the first principle of thermodynamics, that states the total energy of an isolated system is constant.

Instead, the engine he simulates continues to accelerate, while the “eccentric core” of the disc appears distorted into an oval shape.

See part 2 below:

In part 3, Umberto Baudo has advanced beyond the computer simulations to create the mechanics of the centrifugal motors in three dimensions.

We see his team working to test the pieces cut out of metal, and in the latter part of the video in English, he discusses his findings with a man who puts him in contact with experts in America. From here, we are left to wonder what happened next.

What happened to Umberto Baudo’s designs? If he had been successful, surely we would know about it, right?

Yet delivering a source of free energy to the world would most likely be met with incredible resistance in a world where economies revolve around monetized methods of energy delivery.

Finding a source of unlimited free energy would change the global economy, freeing people from the need to labor endlessly to pay energy bills.

Will Baudo’s ultimate findings remain a mystery, like crop circles? Like Nikola Tesla’s plans to deliver free energy to the people?

Are beings with higher intelligence trying to tip the odds in the common person’s favor, allowing us to finally have such technology distributed to everyone worldwide?

Or, are we all overly optimistic to think this is even possible?

Are crop circles just elaborate hoaxes by people who want to keep our hopes alive?

See part 3 below:

US Patent Confirms Human Nervous System Manipulated By Watching TV

It’s hard to find any information at all on a one “Hendricus G. Loos,” despite the fact that he’s filed multiple patent applications, with success, for apparatuses that deal with the manipulation of the human nervous system via a computer screen or a television monitor.

In the abstract, he explains the following,

“Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance.

“Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation.Nervous System Manipulation Patent

US Patent 6506148 B2

“It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.

“For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal.

“The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.”

that even a very weak pulse can have adverse affects on the human nervous system.

He then goes on to describe that pulse variability and strength can be controlled through software, and explains how, with regards to a computer monitor, DVDs, video tapes and more, and also how it can be remotely controlled from another location.

Perhaps the most concerning part is this,

“Certain monitors can emit electromagnetic field pulses that excite a sensory resonance in a nearby subject, through image pulses that are so weak as to be subliminal.

“This is unfortunate since it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention, whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else’s purposes.

“Such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated. It is mentioned here in order to alert the public to the possibility of covert abuse that may occur while being online, or while watching TV, a video, or a DVD.”

The application is full of cited examples that the “nervous system of a subject can be manipulated through electromagnetic field pulses emitted by a nearby CRT or LCD monitor which displays images with pulsed intensity.”

Our nervous system basically controls everything in our body, including the brain.

It’s a network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body, and it’s no secret that the United States government, among others, have a long history of experimenting on human beings for mind control purposes.

Also read: TV Is Mind Control Through Physiological And Psychological Manipulation

Could Television Be A Mind-Control Tactic?

It would explain why so many people believe stories and explanations of events presented to them by mainstream media, instantaneously, without even questioning.

In some cases, we are made to idolize what we see on T.V, like celebrities, and imitate behaviour and wants.

Sometimes, a perspective that’s backed by evidence, which completely counters the story and information we receive from mainstream media, is thrown into the “conspiracy realm.”

This is dangerous, have we reached a point where our televisions are doing the thinking for us? Could they be using pulse techniques described above to influence our thoughts, behaviours and perceptions?

Given what we know about our governments and the unethical actions they’ve taken throughout history, it’s really not out of the question.

There is a reason why airplanes and hospitals ban the use of cell phones, it’s because their electromagnetic transmissions interfere with critical electrical devices.

The brain is no different, it’s a bioelectric organ that’s extremely complex and generates electric fields.

Scientists can actually control brain function with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a technique that uses powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation beamed into a person’s brain to jam or excite particular brain circuits.

This is the same type of thing described in the patent, so to what extent are our computer monitors and television screens doing this?

This is why, for example, when somebody turns on their Sony Playstation, the screen warns them to read the important health information before playing.

Research has also shown that simple cell phone transmissions can affect a person’s brainwaves quite significantly, which in turn leads to effects on their behaviour as well.

“Electromagnetic radiation can have an effect on mental behaviour when transmitting at the proper frequency.” – James Horne , from the Loughborough University Sleep Research Centre (source)

Not only this, but hundreds of scientists have come together, and are currently creating awareness on and petitioning the United Nations about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.

They’ve been linked to cancer, and have been shown to manipulate our DNA. You can read more about that here.

The initiative was started by Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University, who has joined a group of scientists from around the world making an international appeal to the United Nations regarding the dangers associated with the use of various electromagnetic emitting devices, like cells phones and WiFi.

“Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely,”said Dr. Martin Blank, from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, in a video message.

“We have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. Before Edison’s light bulb there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment.

“The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels, and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation.”

This information is a separate effect on the body from mind control, but it’s still important to mention and bring light to.

Not only are our electronic devices monitoring, watching, and recording everything we do, they may also be influencing our behaviour, perceptions, thoughts and feelings on a large-scale as well, but who really knows if “the powers that be” are using these devices for mind control, in the same way they use them for surveillance.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not hard to see how corporations use television to influence our behaviour and perceptions, but perhaps they, and other authorities, are changing things around, as mentioned above, and manipulating our nervous systems purposefully for their own personal gain, and knowingly do so.

Chamath Palihapitiya, the vice-president for user growth at Facebook prior to leaving the company in 2011, said,

“The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we created are destroying how society works…. No civil discourse, no cooperation, misinformation, mistruth.” So, we are seeing a similar type of thing there as well.”

When it comes to mind control, project MK ultra was the CIA’s baby. It’s commonly believed that it was only LSD that was used on human test subjects, but that was just one program.

As the US Supreme Court brought to light in 1985, MK ultra consisted of 162 different secret projects that were indirectly financed by the CIA, and contracted out to several universities, research foundations and similar institutions.”

The majority of the MK Ultra records were actually destroyed, and have never been seen.

Perhaps television programming was a part of the MK Ultra program?

CNN In 1985: ‘EMF Weapons Being Used For Mind Control’ (EMFs Include 5G, Bluetooth, Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi)

Concluding Comments

It’s hard to fathom the idea that we could be manipulated and used so much, for the purposes of profit, control, and other agendas, but it’s a reality we have to face.

There are limitless examples of this throughout history all the way up to the modern-day, and all aspects of human life seem to be controlled by a select group of very few people from health, to finance, education, entertainment, big food and more.

We’ve become tools for their use, and our thoughts, behaviours, and perceptions, for the most part, seem to be the same.

If they’re a little different, or don’t really fit the frame, one can instantly be labelled, or become a ‘social outcast.’

There is no doubt in my mind that our Television, and other electronic devices has detrimental health effects, and that they do/can effect our nervous system in several different ways.

The science on this is clear, but what is not so clear is the idea that there are others using these techniques, knowingly, to control our minds.

Based on all of my research into mind control ,and the actions our governments have taken and to what extent they’ve taken them to, I would be surprised if Television was not apart of the MK ultra program.

All and all, it’s another great reason to spend less time in-front of your screen, and more time with a book or spending time outside, or with family and friends.

If there is one thing that’s for sure, our screens are detrimental to our health in several different ways.

Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network!

It is the world’s first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows.

Intricately Carved Neolithic Stone Spheres Found In Scotland And… Bolivia?

Hundreds of intricately carved stone spheres about the size of a tennis ball or larger have been found all over Northern Scotland, Ireland, and in England.

Some are irregular asymmetrical spheres featuring organic-looking protrusions. Others have intricate geometric patterns, lines, and circles carved on their surface.

While most are spherical, some are shaped more like starfish, with protruding legs. They date to 3000–2600 BC and may have been created by the Picts, Celtic language-speaking peoples.

Intricately Carved Neolithic Stone Spheres

Why did the ancient people carve sophisticated geometry onto these spheres made of all kinds of rock? Many were found near Neolithic stone circles in grassy fields, adding to the mystery.

Why were they placed in the proximity of these ancient circles?

That’s what Hugh Newman, author, Megalithic researcher, and explorer asks as he takes us on a tour of the spheres in Scottish museum collections in Orkney, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Oxford, and Edinburgh and London, England.

Surprisingly, Newman then arrives across the world in the South American country of Bolivia where he spots a virtually identical sphere.

“Were they really associated with these stone circles? It certainly seems so. Even though they weren’t found directly in stone circles, they were found in the fields around them. This really intrigues me, because, if that’s the case, why were they placing them in the fields?” asks Newman.

One of the spheres is particularly intricate, the famous Towie ball found in Aberdeenshire. It’s thought to be over 5,000 years old, is almost three inches across and covered with incredibly intricate spirals.

According to the National Museums Scotland, it may have been a weapon and a symbol of power.

If so, how or why did they end up abandoned in fields? Why are so few of these spheres damaged or chipped?

Intricately Carved Neolithic Stone Spheres 2

According to the Museum website:

“The ball would have been the possession of a well-off Neolithic farmer. It could well have been a fancy weapon, capable of dealing a painful blow to the head if thrown from a sling. But it was first and foremost a symbol of power – an elite weapon of social exclusion! – adorned with sacred symbols that resemble those carved into the stones of a faraway passage tomb at Newgrange in the Boyne Valley of eastern Ireland.”

Along with the spheres, relief carvings of spirals and geometric shapes have been found, but not just in Scotland.

Over 6000 miles away at the site of Tiwanaku in Bolivia, similar carvings are found.

Meanwhile, at Lake Titicaca, Newman found a stone sphere with six sides that closely resembles one of the Scottish stone spheres. It’s on display at the Tiwanaku Museum in La Paz, Bolivia.

Such patterns are found all over this realm.

Some are saying it’s more evidence of an ancient advanced worldwide civilization.

Spherical metal objects dating back 6,000 years have been found near the Dead Sea in the treasure of Nahal Mishmar in the Judean Desert.

They were made of copper and thought to represent the Sun. Could the Scottish stones have represented the Sun or Moon?

There are an endless array of ideas about what these objects were used for, from weapons to massage tools, healing stones, to weights, to tools used to roll larger stones.

However, since most of the spheres are in relatively good shape, their use as weapons or tools seems less likely.

Intricately Carved Neolithic Stone Spheres 3

The placement in fields might indicate some use concerning growing crops, with some suggesting that magnetic fields or natural energies were at work.

On the other hand, could the beautifully carved stones have been offerings to the gods left as gifts in the hopes of a bountiful harvest?

Newman believes the intricate carvings might be references to sacred geometry or Archimedean and Platonic solids. These are complex polyhedra shapes enumerated by Archimedes and Plato.

If so, does this indicate that Neolithic people had an advanced understanding of mathematics?

Another idea is that the elaborate shapes may have had some use in surveying and astronomy, considering their proximity to the stone megalithic circles.

These were places to observe seasonal changes and the stars, Moon, and planets. Perhaps these spheres were placed on the ground to mark the location in the sky of these celestial bodies?

Nobody knows why the spheres were found near the stone observatories but not within.

Today we recognize some of these shapes as similar to the atomic or cellular structure. It seems impossible that ancient people would know of such things.