Why Do Globalist “Prophecies” Come True?


Time and time again throughout history — whenever the masters of The New World Order have had a major “trans-formative” chess move in mind — they gave advance notice to the lower criminal ranks of the power pyramid as well as to the naïve normie camp followers of their trusted publications. In this way, when the event which they “warned about” actually came to pass, they were already perfectly positioned as the geniuses who “saw it coming” and should therefore now be looked to for guidance and solutions.
We present here four such cases of self-fulfilling rigged “prophecies” which came to pass and led to the outcomes which the Globalists wanted.


It doesn’t take a magic crystal ball nor any real imagination to predict the future when you’re the one controlling the present.


The mighty international banker Jacob Schiff stated before the New York Chamber of Commerce that unless the currency system was reformed (meaning, unless a Rothschild Central Bank was re-instituted in America), there would be:

“Such a panic in this country compared with which the threewhich had preceded it would look like child’s play.”(here)

EVENT: OCTOBER 1907: “The Panic of 1907”
The stock market crashed down to 50% off of its peak, triggering bank runs and a nasty recession. The deliberate panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses went bankrupt.

President Theodore Roosevelt used the pretext of The Panic of 1907 to appoint a “commission” (beholden to the Jewish banking Mafia) from which came the proposal for the evil Federal Reserve System(Central Bank) that would be established in 1913). In short, the same crime gang which crashed the economy stepped forward with a “solution” to prevent crashes from ever occurring again.

We rank the Jewish Mobster Jake the Snake Schiff as the most influential man in American history (here) 
Teddy Roosevelt with the big boss Jacob Schiff just behind him.
1907: Wall Street in “panic” — exactly as Schiff had said one year earlier.

The Panic of 1907 was engineered so that the Federal Reserve counterfeiting, loan-sharking and market-rigging operation could be re-established (nearly 80 years after Andrew the Great Jackson killed the US Central Bank)


A trio of high-ranking Deep Staters — Ashton B. Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow, wrote an article in the “prestigious” Foreign Affairs quarterly (the official publication of the Council on Foreign Relations). The piece was titled:

Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger – and subtitled:
“Imagining the Transforming Event.”

An excerpt:

Such an act of catastrophic terrorism would be a watershed event in American history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented in peacetime and undermine America’s fundamental sense of security. Like Pearl Harbor, this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and use of deadly force. As the 1993 World Trade Center incident demonstrated, a terrorist group can include U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, operating and moving materials in and out of American territory over long periods of time.(emphasis added)  /// (here)

The ultimate “transforming” event – a horrifying made-for-TV mass slaughter which traumatized the nation — played out exactly as foretold. The attacks led to a 20-year “War on Terror” which was finally ended by President Donald Trump.

Philip Zelikow “warned us” about the coming “transforming event.”
Afterwards, he was put in charge of the 9/11 Commission which “investigated” (covered-up) the CIA-Mossad massacre?


* LiveScience (October 20, 2018):
An Unknown ‘Disease X’ Could Become an Epidemic. Can We Find It Before It’s Too Late?


Earlier this year, the World Health Organization listed “Disease X” among the diseases most in need of research and development.

Disease X is not a specific illness, but rather a hypothetical epidemic that could be caused by a pathogen (contagious strain of a virus or bacterium) that we don’t yet realize affects humans.

Experts at the World Health Summit in Berlin this week warned that we’re not prepared to find such a disease at its likely animal source, or spot it quickly when it starts making people sick.(here)

“Disease X” was the basis of the “prophetic” pandemic “war game” exercise scenario Event 201, held in New York City one year later, in October, 2019 — a dress rehearsal sponsored by the WHO, Johns Hophins University and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. During the years leading up to Stupid-19, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Falsie had also publicly made “predictions” of what was to come. (hereand (here)

Pneumonia and seasonal flu redefined as “Covid” is used to panic the masses. The worldwide lock-downs, economic destruction, transition to mail-in ballots (against Trump), curtailment of basic liberties and attempts at forced vaccination were all part of a political plan.

Headline and “Disease X” image above from October 2018 Live Science Magazine article (Here
New York Slimes Op-Ed later confirms that Covid-19 met all the criteria of Disease X.

Gates and Fauci had “no doubt” that an epidemic was coming.


* NY Times: (September 3, 2020)
This Is Democrats’ Doomsday Scenario for Election Night


“What if early results in swing states on Nov. 3 show President Trump ahead, and he declares victory before heavily Democratic mail-in votes, which he has falsely linked with fraud, are fully counted?”

* NY Times:(October 22, 2020)
Headline: Democrats Have a Contingency Plan if Trump Prematurely Declares Victory


“Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said that Democrats, anticipating that President Trump could declare victory before all the votes are counted in the election, have prepared for that exact scenario. “There’s a plan to deal with it,” Mr. Blumenthal said on Wednesday night.

Mr. Blumenthal did not give any details of the plan, but (said) during a Zoom call with his colleague, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, that there could be a prolonged fight over the results.

“You know that the right-wing echo chamber is going to be filled with disinformation about how they stole the election, how they stuffed ballot boxes, ‘we need to rebel,’ ” Mr. Blumenthal said. “That right wing is not America. It’s certainly not the America we know.”


They did indeed stuff the ballot boxes with phony mail-in votes (on top of computer rigging) — and then immediately went into preemptive counter-attack mode when Trump claimed fraud.

Senator Blumenthal (cough cough) knew in advance that millions of fake mail-in ballots would be used to steal the election — and twisted reality by “warning” in advance that Trump would not accept the results. 

The NY Times is always front & center when it comes to publicizing these “prophecies.” 

Yes, Dems cheated, but they might not get away with it.

One thought on “Why Do Globalist “Prophecies” Come True?

  1. Interesting, but when the phrase “Jewish banking mafia” is used, it lends itself to the critics of such theories as being anti-Semitic. Is the religious/ethnic affiliation of the globalists important? I would argue no, and that globalism, as a form of Leftism, is more of a worldview or religion that anyone can be converted to. Leftism as a functional religion is a form of progressivism, which arose in the 18th century and split into two forms: capitalism and socialism. Globalism unites both into what’s now called corporate Communism. It’s corporate capitalism sans individualism.

    Progressivism seeks to radically transform the world and finds transcendence in doing so, unlike religions that tend to seek salvation in a more other-worldly or supernatural sense. Progressives seek salvation in world transformation, which can be violent insofar as it means doing away with the old order. Globalism is a real phenomenon based on a one-world government. Practically speaking, it also means collusion with a global oligarchy of powerful people such as Bill Gates and Bezos and collusion with Communists who in China.

    Most of the people involved in it are not Jewish and it has very little to do with Judaism. Marx was a secular atheist Jew, which is to say that true Judaism was not important to him. So I don’t see globalism as having much to do with it Yes, Rockerfeller and Soros and Bloomberg, three members of the globalist Good Club, happen to be Jewish, but many of the other members are not. Gates and Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey and Warren Buffet are not. What they do have in common is a shared ideology of progressivism, which can be distinguished from true conservatism, which values tradition and faith, and nationalism. Progressives are anti-nationalist at heart.


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