“Drummer Boy of Chickamauga.”

John Lincoln “Johnny” Clem

In May of 1861, 9 year old John Lincoln “Johnny” Clem ran away from his home in Newark, Ohio, to join the Union Army, but found the Army was not interested in signing on a 9 year old boy when the commander of the 3rd Ohio Regiment told him he “wasn’t enlisting infants,” and turned him down.

Clem tried the 22nd Michigan Regiment next, and its commander told him the same. Determined, Clem tagged after the regiment, acted out the role of a drummer boy, and was allowed to remain. Though still not regularly enrolled, he performed camp duties and received a soldier’s pay of $13 a month, a sum collected and donated by the regiment’s officers.

The next April, at Shiloh, Clem’s drum was smashed by an artillery round and he became a minor news item as “Johnny Shiloh, The Smallest Drummer”. A year later, at the Battle Of Chickamauga, he rode an artillery caisson to the front and wielded a musket trimmed to his size.

In one of the Union retreats a Confederate officer ran after the cannon Clem rode with, and yelled, “Surrender you damned little Yankee!” Johnny shot him dead. This pluck won for Clem national attention and the name “Drummer Boy of Chickamauga.” Clem stayed with the Army through the war, served as a courier, and was wounded twice. Between Shiloh and Chickamauga he was regularly enrolled in the service, began receiving his own pay, and was soon-after promoted to the rank of Sergeant. He was only 12 years old.

After the Civil War he tried to enter West Point but was turned down because of his slim education. A personal appeal to President Ulysses S. Grant, his commanding general at Shiloh, won him a 2nd Lieutenant’s appointment in the Regular Army on 18 December 1871, and in 1903 he attained the rank of Colonel and served as Assistant Quartermaster General.

He retired from the Army as a Major General in 1916, having served an astounding 55 years. General Clem died in San Antonio, Texas on 13 May 1937, exactly 3 months shy of his 86th birthday, and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

WW3 Scare: NATO to Deploy INSIDE of the Ukraine

A convoy of military vehicles, part of a NATO exercise, traveling from Germany to Poland. Ukrainian officials have asked their American and NATO counterparts to help train 150,000 new recruits closer to the front line for faster deployment.

As Russia Advances, NATO Considers Sending Trainers Into Ukraine

The move could draw the United States and Europe more directly into the war.

Rebuttal By

Exactly as coded Q posts strongly hinted at as far back as 6 years ago — and based upon unfolding events, has been forecasting for these past several years — the make-believe Russia-Ukraine war continues its scripted development into what will likely become a make-believe World War III scare event. Some excerpts, from the latest White Hat Times article:

“NATO allies are inching closer to sending troops into Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces, a move that would be another blurring of a previous red line and could draw the United States and Europe more directly into the war.

“Ukraine’s manpower shortage has reached a critical point, and its position on the battlefield in recent weeks has seriously worsened as Russia has accelerated its advances to take advantage of delays in shipments of American weapons.”

“The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., said that a NATO deployment of trainers appeared inevitable.”

“As a part of NATO, the United States would be obligated under the alliance’s treaty to aid in the defense of any attack on the trainers, potentially dragging America into the war.”

NATO troops inside the Ukraine? Be afraid, normie. Be very afraid — and angry.

1. Charles Q. Brown — the new Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff — says that NATO deployment INSIDE OF the Ukraine is now “inevitable.” // 2. Nice added touch with the general’s middle initial. // 3. Commander Trump: “I can stop this war. in 24 hours.”

Concurrent with this imaginary march to Armageddon, election-year polling data indicates that the public doesn’t really care about the Ukraine anymore and certainly doesn’t see the situation as war worthy. Therefore, any imaginary attempt to draw us into an imaginary World War III will trigger anger as much as it does fear.

The stage will then be set for Commander Trump’s heroic “save the day” return as well as full exposure of the money laundering and whatever other Deep State criminal enterprises were being run out of that corrupt “nation.” If Israel is the Shitty Little State, then Ukraine (Khazaria) is the Shitty Big State. It’s not an accident that so many Marxists and libtards who have a Ukrainian flag in their Twitter / X byline also have an Israeli one.
We’ve said it many times before but it bears repeating again and again for the simple fact that if and when the World War III scare comes, we expect that a number of loyal readership — who continue to keep a toe in the shallow end of the media mainstream — may buckle and start to lose their shit.

Be assured that such seemingly momentous events would perfectly match the false-flag and happy revenge-ending of the “The Sum of All Fears” movie that both Q and Trump have alluded to constantly — in which the Deep State players who created the false-flag crisis are brutally eradicated by White Hats, execution-style, whilst the Russian and American presidents make peace to the tune of Trump’s theme song, the inspirational 100-year-old goose-bumpy operatic, “Nessun Dorma” — so often sung by the late great Pavarotti.

Relax, boys and girls. No matter how scary this fantastic film might get — there will be no World War III. Trust the Plan.

The Eurovision 2024 Finale Was Basically a Demonic Ritual

Through highly symbolic performances and an overarching narrative that appears to have been scripted, the Eurovision 2024 finale was actually a demonic ritual. Here’s a look at this celebration of degeneracy and the occult elite’s brand of Satanism.

Eurovision is a massive television event that has been held annually since 1956. Throughout the years, the competition has launched some of the world’s best-selling singles and turned numerous artists into global superstars.

Of course, the world elite had to turn this campy music competition into an outlet for indoctrination. And they couldn’t be subtle about it; the entire thing had to become a heavy-handed embodiment of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wish I were exaggerating or being overly dramatic but, as we’ll see, I’m just stating facts.

Eurovision’s gradual shift towards all-out elite lunacy became fully apparent during the 2019 finale. Other than its ever-increasing promotion of degeneracy, the finale culminated in a highly ritualistic performance by Madonna, which appeared to have predicted the coming of COVID-19.

Since then, Eurovision has been making it a point to assault its viewers with elite garbage. For instance, in 2021, Cyprus’ song entry titled El Diablo was so blatantly satanic that the song sparked protests in its home country.

That said, the 2024 edition of the competition was particularly egregious in agenda promotion. In fact, the finale’s overarching narrative turned the show into an all-out mega-ritual.

However, as usual, mass media focused on everything except the competition’s actual content, making sure that people ignored the evil that stared them dead in the eyes.

Indeed, most media coverage of Eurovision 2024 focused on Israel’s controversial participation in the competition. This was not helped by the fact that Eden Golan’s song – initially titled October Rain – was a reference to the October 7th Hamas attacks.

Media coverage of Eurovision 2024 in one image: A weirdo dressed in a furry/BDSM outfit shows his support for Israel.

During the finale, every mention of Israel was met with extra loud boos (and some cheers) as the hosts awkwardly attempted to ignore the palpable tension in the crowd. In the end, despite the protests and the controversy, the Israeli contestant ranked #2 in popular votes. Since the song was rather unremarkable, one can assume that most of these votes actually supported Israel – the country.

With all of that being said, all of this attention surrounding a contestant who happened to be from Israel caused media to, once again, completely ignore what Eurovision 2024 was truly about: A tribute to Satanism and general degeneracy.

Let’s look at the actual competition.

Sodomvision 2024

Not unlike previous editions of the show, Eurovision 2024’s explicit performances – combined with the unavoidable gender-blurring agenda – exasperated people who still expected the show to be somewhat family-friendly.

Pretty much.

Here are some examples of the “musical” performances featured during the finale.

Spain’s performance featured two male dancers in g-string corsets and high-heeled boots shaking their butts at the public.

During the voting segment, contestants usually wave their country’s flag. However, in several cases (such as in Spain), the LGBT flag is more prominently displayed. Considering that the elite is looking to erase national identities and replace them with a global “culture,” this makes sense.

The UK’s performance was all about gay group sex in a filthy bathroom. That’s it.

It seems like everyone hated that performance. In fact, it received exactly ZERO points from the viewers. Not because of “homophobia”. But because it was cringy, gross, and possibly created a new form of STD.

I’m not British, but I felt second-hand embarrassment.

The representatives of Finland also made it a point to turn this music competition into perversion.

Finland’s performance was all about this guy being naked from the waist down.

While the performance was supposed to be “humorous,” it mostly felt as if a perverted creep was taking pleasure in exposing himself to the young viewers of the show.

Since the contest took place in Sweden, the final featured a tribute to ABBA – the mythical Swedish group who won Eurovision exactly 50 years ago. Did ABBA come out to perform for this occasion? Of course not. This guy did.

Conchita Wurst – the winner of Eurovision 2014 – sang an ABBA song. Why? Because he’s a bearded guy in a dress. No other reason. It’s also why he was invited to perform at the European Parliament and the United Nations. He’s the perfect representation of the elite’s unhinged gender-blurring agenda.

While this depravity was going on throughout the show, another elite obsession was happening in parallel: A demonic ritual. Am I exaggerating? Nope.

The Ritual

While many Eurovision performances were dark and exuded demonic vibes, Ireland’s entry to the contest depicted an actual demonic ritual.

Ireland’s Bambie Thug wears a satanic corruption of Jesus’ crown of thorns. As we’ll soon see, this black crown will take an important meaning at the end of the competition.

Bambie Thug’s performance at the Eurovision Finale was nothing less than a demonic ritual.

During her performance, Bambie Thug lights candles around an inverted pentagram, the center of which is an all-seeing eye. This is not “entertainment” anymore; it is an actual ritual.

Then, Bambie Thug summons a demon on stage.

The singer lifts the demon from the depths of hell at the center of the ritualistic circle.

The witch and the demon share romantic moments. Meanwhile, families are sitting in their living rooms wondering if they’re still watching a music competition.

On Bambie’s forehead is a triskelion, an ancient Celtic symbol with a profound occult meaning. In this case, the triskelion was stylized to look like 666. Coincidence?

The circle’s center turns into a dodecagram, a 12-pointed star associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 tribes of Israel, and other occult meanings.

The last leg of the song consists of Bambie screaming her head off as she uses her witch powers to cause the demon to convulse on the ground.

The performance ends with the words “Crown The Witch.” At the end of the competition, these words will have different meanings.

Then, the viewers were treated to more satanic symbolism.

In a “funny” segment, the show’s host informs viewers that the Eurovision soundtrack can be listened to in runestone form.

Eurovision 2024 took place in Sweden, where runestones are part of the country’s history. However, there’s something purposely inaccurate about this fake runestone: It features a prominent inverted cross at the bottom. From my research, there are no runes shaped like an inverted cross. This whole segment was just an excuse to display satanic symbolism to millions of viewers.

As if to confirm everything stated above, the competition ended in the most symbolic way possible.

Crown the Witch

The competition winner was Nemo. He performed wearing a short skirt and a pink top. Of course. While Nemo is from Switzerland, the true winner of the competition is the Agenda.

Nemo’s song, The Code, is an “ode to the singer’s journey toward embracing a nongender identity.” Of course, the winning song had to have an elite-friendly message.

Of course, the winner had to be used to push agendas mere days after the win.

When Nemo was announced as a winner, things got very symbolic.

Following his win, Bambie Thug “crowned” Nemo with her satanic crown of thorns.

Nemo held on to the crown throughout his long walk to the stage. When he was given the trophy, he was still wearing the Satanic crown that was “blessed” (I mean “cursed”) during Bambie’s demonic performance.

In short, the whole finale was scripted, ritualistic, and highly symbolic.

Odd fact: The trophy broke and injured Nemo shortly after the competition.

“Speaking to the press, Nemo described the moment the trophy was accidentally broken: “I lift it and when I put it down, it just shattered.” Nemo was later seen wearing bandages on stage after sustaining deep cuts to the thumb.”
– BBC, ‘It just shattered’ – Winner Nemo explains how the Eurovision trophy broke

Don’t mock Jesus, bro.

In Conclusion

Watching Eurovision 2024 was a sad experience. It wasn’t about music that happens to contain social messages; it was social indoctrination that happens to contain music. Things got even sadder when, before each performance, viewers were shown Eurovision snippets from the 20th century. From the healthy, beautiful, and wholesome artists of lore, we suddenly cut to the weird, perverted, tormented, gender-confused, gremlin-like “artists” of today. Every time, we find ourselves asking: “What the hell happened?”

The answer is simple, as the same phenomenon can be observed across all mass media: Eurovision was co-opted by the elite. And this year’s edition heavily revolved around two elite obsessions: Gender-blurring and the celebration of satanism. As seen in previous articles, these two agendas go hand in hand and are often tied together through symbolism in mass media. This shouldn’t be surprising, as Baphomet—the main “deity” of the occult elite—embodies both genders.

Eurovision 2024 was not a “competition”; it was a scripted narrative where a product of the elite’s gender-blurring agenda was “crowned” by a satanic witch.

Beyond Rap Beef: Kendrick Lamar’s Dark Accusations Against Drake (Including Sex Trafficking)

The ongoing beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar recently turned dark and personal. While, at first, it was about rap, Kendrick’s latest songs describe Drake as a pedophile and predator who runs a sex trafficking ring from his mansion. Here’s a look at Kendrick’s accusations against Drake and the industry people around him.

If I had to sum up 2024 in a few words, I’d go with “Settling Scores.” On January 3rd, Katt Williams set the tone by stating, in a now legendary interview:

“It’s God’s side and the other side. And we don’t care nothing about the other side. Period. All of these big d*ck deviants are all catching hell in 2024. It’s up for all of them. It don’t matter if you Diddy or whoever you is. All lies will be exposed, that’s all. And anyone who takes it the wrong way, know why they take it the wrong way. The truth is the light.”

In the following weeks, Diddy was indeed exposed as a diddler. On a broader scale, the rap world entered a “civil war” in which numerous artists viciously dissed other artists while exposing their moral misdeeds in the process.

While most rap fans found this generalized beef to be thoroughly entertaining, things got very real when the war crystallized around two juggernauts of the genre: Drake and Kendrick Lamar.

Other rappers who attacked Drake made fun of him for getting ab implants and a BBL (Brazilian butt lift). However, Kendrick chose to engage in all-out psychological warfare. Of course, Kendrick did not fail to mention Drake’s hilarious surgeries, but the bulk of his attacks were infinitely more serious: He accused Drake of being a pedophile. He did not insinuate it. He just said it. He also accused his entourage of being industry creeps who prey on minors.

Here’s a look at this sticky situation.

Is Drake a Groomer?

Drake probably wishes this picture (and many others) didn’t exist right now.

In 2018, I published an article about Drake being accused of grooming Millie Bobby Brown. The actress – who was 14 years old at the time – mentioned a few times that she was in regular contact with Drake, prompting people to wonder if she was being groomed. Most of the weirdness stems from the following interview, in which Millie talks about her relationship with Drake.

In this cringy interview, Millie discusses planning to meet Drake in Atlanta. Odd. However, the biggest “groomer” red flag is raised when she mentions that Drake “helps her with boys.” That’s typical groomer behavior, which is defined as “establishing a connection with children to lower their inhibitions and desensitize them to sexuality.” Most adults know that giving “relationship advice” is a classic way of flirting while gaining the trust of a love interest, but these efforts are not that transparent to teenagers.

As if to prove everything above, Drake decided it would be a good idea to become the executive producer of a series I define as “groomer TV”: Euphoria.


Drake probably wishes he wasn’t associated with that show.

As explained in my article about this God-awful series, Euphoria is all about sexualizing minors. But that’s an understatement.

To give a concrete example, the first episode contains an explicit scene of an underage transexual teenager (who dresses like a little girl) being violently sodomized by a man in his fifties for an extended time … complete with disturbing gagging noises and all.

An older man jams his thumb inside the mouth of a transexual teenager in Euphoria. Thanks, Drake.

In Euphoria, these scenes are not presented in a bad light but as things that just happen to young people. In other words, it’s all about normalization, which also happens to be the goal of groomers.

This is what Drake is “executive producing.”

Incidentally, Euphoria is the name of Kendrick’s first diss track aimed at Drake. That was not a coincidence. It was Kendrick’s way of reminding the world that Drake co-signed a series about sexualizing high schoolers.

The intro of Kendrick’s Euphoria ends with a couple of lines addressed at Drake:

Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too
But don’t tell no lie about me and I won’t tell truths ’bout you

Well, Drake apparently told lies about him because Kendrick told a whole lot of truths about him.

Meet the Grahams

In reply to Kendrick’s attacks, Drake released Family Matters – an eight-minute track where Drake gets personal, even alleging abuse in Kendrick’s relationship with his fiancée.

This is where this rap beef turned into psychological warfare. A few minutes after the release of Family Matters, Kendrick posted Meet the Grahams—a response to Drake’s personal attacks.

In the song, Kendrick writes letters to members of Drake’s family. When Kendrick addresses Drake’s mother, Sandra Graham, things get brutal.

Sandra, sit down, what I’m about to say is heavy, now listen
Mhm, your son’s a sick man with sick thoughts
I think n***as like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get f**ked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes them, with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understand bein’ a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on OVO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin’ his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin’ there’s predators like him lurkin’
F**k a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry 12 years, I’ma tell y’all one lil’ secret
It’s some weird s**t goin’ on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlining’ victims all inside of they home and callin’ em Tinder
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin’ his music, know that you’re playin’ your sister
Or better, you’re sellin’ your niece, to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, “Get you the truths,” so I’ma get mines
The Embassy ‘bout to get raided, too, it’s only a matter of time
Aye, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin’ at you too if you standin’ by him, keep the family away
I’m lookin’ to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe

This verse must be carefully dissected because there’s much to unpack here.

First, Kendrick compares Drake to Harvey Weinstein, the infamous Hollywood producer who used his power and influence to coerce actresses to have sex with him. Weinstein was accused of forcing oral sex on a production assistant in 2006 as well as rape in the third degree of an actor in 2013. On December 19, 2022, Weinstein was convicted of rape, sexual penetration by a foreign object and forcible oral copulation.

Kendrick continues by stating that Drake hypersexualizes Black women, “with kinks of a nympho fetish”. This is most likely a reference to Drake paying $350,000 to a woman who accused him of sexual assault in 2017. The accuser – a former stripper and Instagram model named Laquada Morris (aka Layla Lace) – alleged: “Drake forced me to perform oral on him. It wasn’t your ordinary oral it was more so a fetish.” She then describes how he told her to spit into a cup “until he had measured it.”

In the next line, Kendrick says Drake “grew facial hair because he understands bein’ a beard just fit him better.” A beard is a person that is used to conceal another person’s infidelity or homosexuality. In a more general sense, a beard refers to someone who provides cover for someone else, which ties in with the next line of Kendrick’s verse: “He got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance.” OVO is the name of Drake’s record label. One of his artists – Baka Not Nice – was charged with human trafficking and procuring prostitution in 2015.

Drake with Baka Not Nice.

Kendrick then insinuates that Drake keeps his son Adonis around these OVO predators: “A child should never be compromised, and he keepin’ his child around them.”

Drake with his son Adonis at an OVO promotional event.

Kendrick continues: “And we gotta raise our daughters knowin’ there’s predators like him lurkin”. Here, Kendrick heavily implies that Drake preys on young girls and that he wouldn’t leave his children around him. Then, he goes even deeper down the rabbit hole. Re-read these lines carefully.

I been in this industry 12 years, I’ma tell y’all one lil’ secret
It’s some weird s**t goin’ on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin’ victims all inside of they home and callin’ em Tinder

In these lines, Kendrick talks about Drake and other industry people running sex trafficking rings inside of their homes. The victims are chosen, groomed, and filmed by people on Drake’s payroll, who then create a “private Tinder” for him to peruse. In October 2021, TikToker @eileensgarden posted a viral video stating:

Everything I’m about to tell you is a hundred percent true. And this information came to me from one of the crew members on Drake’s tour. This was the guy who did all the tech stuff. And he told me that Drake has an employee whose job is to go around town looking for super hot girls. He finds the girls and then he interviews them, and out of all the girls he interviews, he picks the one that he thinks is the best. Then, he drives her to Drake’s place, Drake has sex with her, and then he drives her home. So, basically, Drake has his own private Tinder.”

Drake himself appears to be bragging about this operation in his song Chicago Freestyle:

All good, Chubbs will look around
Find one that seem my type
That my dawg and he know what I like
He done found me plenty in my life

Chubbs, the associate who reportedly recruits girls for Drake.

Kendrick adds: “Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas”. This line most likely refers to Drake “leaking” naked videos of himself as a way of advertising his sex trafficking operation.

Kendrick adds, “The Embassy’s about to get raided too, it’s only a matter of time.” Drake’s $100 million mansion in Toronto was nicknamed “The Embassy.”

The inside of Drake’s mansion is bizarre. What’s up with these one-eyed figures on each side of the doorway?

Kendrick suggests that authorities will soon raid The Embassy, not unlike what happened to Diddy and Epstein’s properties.

The verse ends with an ominous warning to NBA stars Lebron James and Stef Curry (who have connections with Drake): Keep your families away from this den of predators.

As if that wasn’t enough, the next verse suggests that Drake is hiding an abandoned 11-year-old daughter. While Drake denied this claim, some internet sleuths dug out a 2012 tweet that seemed to “celebrate” the birth of a girl.

This rather enigmatic tweet, which simply says, “Baby girl,” was posted 12 years ago – right around when this girl would have been born.

Less than 24 hours after this heavily charged song, Kendrick released Not Like Us. Some would argue that it was the final KO.

Not Like Us

The cover art of Not Like Us consists of a satellite picture of The Embassy with several pins identifying individuals inside it.

The cover art is meant to mimic sex offender locator apps, where child abusers are identified in red.

The goal of Not Like Us is simple: To have people dance and sing along as Kendrick accuses Drake of the vilest things possible. In the first verse, he says:

Say Drake, I hear you like ’em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
To any b***h that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your little sister from him
They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs

After doubling down on his pedophile accusations, Kendrick reminds Drake that prison inmates treat child abusers rather badly. Then he warns the women who fall for Drake to make sure their little sisters stay away because Chubbs will be interested in them.

Then, Kendrick triples down on his accusations:

And Baka got a weird case, why is he around?
Certified lover boy, certified pedophile

Yup, Kendrick altered Drake’s album name, Certificied Lover Boy, with something he felt more appropriate: Certified Pedophile.

Kendrick ends his verse with a line that probably wrapped up this rap beef:

Why he trollin’ like a b***h? Ain’t you tired?
Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-Minorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

At the risk of stating the obvious, an A-minor is a chord in music. It is also Kendrick’s way of saying that Drake is trying to strike … a minor.

In the chorus, Kendrick repeats the title of the song:

They not like us
They not like us
They not like us
They not like us

While the exact meaning of these words isn’t explicitly spelled out, they seem to point to the fact that Drake’s entourage – and industry elites in general – are different than regular, non-pedophile, God-fearing people.

Drake’s Reply

After these vicious attacks, people eagerly awaited Drake’s rebuttal. He eventually replied, but his arguments were rather perplexing.

First, Drake stated that he purposely fed Kendrick false information about him.

We plotted for a week, and then we fed you the information
A daughter that’s eleven years old, I bet he takes it

Drake later adds that his team “finessed” Kendrick into telling a fake story about him being a sex predator. Maybe I’m not a strategic mastermind like Drake, but I do not see the upside of feeding an opponent fake stories about an abandoned child and being a pedo monster.

Later, Drake added another mind-boggling gem:

If I was f*cking young girls, I promise I’d have been arrested
I’m way too famous for this sh*t you just suggested

Yes, Drake said that he was too famous to be a pedophile. Meanwhile, we all know that pedophilia is an obsession of the rich and famous. A simple look at Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs is enough to make one realize that there’s something terribly wrong with the world’s elite. So Drake’s argument of him being too famous to be a pedophile was not well received.

Later, Drake drops yet another eyebrow-raiser:

Only f*ckin’ with Whitneys, not Millie Bobby Browns, I’d never look twice at no teenager

Here, Drake says that he’s only interested in grown women like Whitney (Kendrick’s fiancée) and not Millie Bobby Brown. However, Kendrick never mentioned Millie Bobby Brown in his songs. That’s like accusing someone of being a thief, and the person replies, “I didn’t even steal that bike!”

Who even talked about a bike, Drake?

In Conclusion

Whenever I write about a celebrity divulging nuggets of truth, some commentators never fail to mention that they’re also part of the industry and that they’re not saviors. Well, of course. When I report on a celebrity saying something, it doesn’t mean that I automatically co-sign every single thing they did in their entire lives. However, that also doesn’t mean what they said wasn’t accurate or relevant to this site.

The simple fact remains: The only people who can accurately report wrongdoings in the entertainment industry are people inside the entertainment industry. Outsiders simply cannot have the same insight.

With that being said, some might ask: Is Kendrick Lamar a “good guy” or a “bad guy” in the industry? The most likely scenario is that he’s an imperfect person who is faced, like most people, with struggles and temptations. In 2015, I thoroughly analyzed his album To Pimp a Butterfly which is centered around a relevant theme: An up-and-coming artist is tempted with fame and riches by an alluring character named Lucy – short for Lucifer. I ended the article with these words:

There is one thing Kendrick needs to remember: Lucy does not give up that easily.

In the following years, one wonders if Kendrick finally surrendered to Lucy.

In recent years, Kendrick has often worn a crown of thorns, a fashion statement seen as blasphemous by some Christians.

In short, Kendrick is not perfect. However, that doesn’t mean he’s lying about Drake and the industry in general. In fact, he’s in the perfect position to confirm an important fact: “They not like us”.

New Genome Study Destroys Zionist Claims to Palestine

Zionists design myth of Jewish genome to usurp Palestine

by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor with Press TV

February 27th, 2013

Update: This article did very well on Press TV. We jumped on it at VT because we saw its Mideast-shattering implications regarding the Zionist-myth biblical claims to Palestine.

My readers know what I have always felt about a bunch of communist atheist Jews claiming a God-given right to anything. But this new genome study was written from a purely scientific approach. The study was covered internationally everywhere but in the U.S., surprise, surprise.

All geopolitical implications below are mine and not Dr. Elhaik’s. The militant Zionists have already politicized it by sending arch-Zionist Dore Gold out to do a hit piece on this new work. Dore has handed me his head on a platter, and I will be serving it to you all on a follow-up piece platter, with all the trimmings. You might want to get a good bottle of wine to go with it. The real holocaust deniers have exposed themselves … Jim W. Dean

Geneticist, Dr. Eran Elhaik

On December 14, 2012, Dr. Eran Elhaik turned almost two generations of Jewish genome research upside down.

But he went even further. The young Israeli-American geneticist has charged former researchers with academic fraud, and he has the research to back it up.

How could those those eminent Jewish scientist before him have been so wrong?

Easy says Dr. Elhaik, “First these researchers decided what conclusions they wanted to find, and then they set off to find evidence to support it.”

I was not bashing Jewish scientists. What Elhaik has described is a slam dunk fraud.

But why? Why would Jews who take such pride in academic achievement risk exposing themselves to a group deception, which was bound to be discovered later? Dr. Elhaik does not delve into the quicksand of the politics, but I will gladly do so.

They perpetrated the fraud solely to support the bogus biblical claim to Palestine which was anchored in their being a separate people. This distinguished them from all others because they claimed a land title in their blood.

They bet the farm on this DNA proof of purchase, a God given bar coded passport to the Palestine. Dr. Ehaik just erased the bar code. It was just stamped on anyway, because it was never in the blood.

Why, why did they do it? The second half of the answer not revealed in his research was that you had a bunch of atheist, communist Jews shoot their way into taking over the Land with the sole moral cover that ‘God gave it us only’.

Before I had a bookcase of Judacia in my library I must say I was a bit suspicious of these atheist Jews whipping out God’s dual land title and passport. It was propaganda of course. It always was. And the story for another day is why did an entire academic community who should have known better, cower down and debase themselves in their own community by allowing the fraud to not only be birthed, but continued?

Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteenth Tribe was a major influence in cracking the fraud. It was published in the day when Zionist propagandist were very savvy in not attacking an esteemed Jewish author. They had no fear from the academic community, already neutralized, and Koestler’s book did not generate a moral tipping point challenge to the Zionist false claim on the Land.

Dr. Elhaik literally nails the fraudsters to the cross, “….[they] assumed that the Jews constitute a group that is genetically isolated from other nations.”…That’s because Jews were never genetically isolated, making all those other studies fatally flawed and very often contradictory.

I was wondering what weapon of mass destruction that the Jewish Lobby bullies would unleash upon the young Israeli-American geneticist.

I expected to be reading about Alan Dershowitz denouncing him as a self hating Jew when actually it is Dershowitz who is the self-hating Jew. He and Abe Foxman compete for the most negative Jewish stereotype and best bully competition award annually.

But there has been no attack. The 32-year-old Dr. Elhaid is getting the Arthur Koestler treatment, in spades. What do I mean? Well, his research paper was published by the Oxford University Press, in the prestigious journal Genome Biology and Evolution.

But do you think a bunch of savvy Zionist propagandists are going to worry about the mass public ever hearing a thing about his research? Of course not. And are these same pretend-a-Jews going to risk giving his work a 100 times more exposure by attacking him publicly?

Let’s get back to Dr. Elhaik hammering the nails in, “First these researchers decided what conclusion they wanted to find, and then they set off to find evidence to support it…It is my impression that their results were written before they began the research. First they shot the arrow – and then the painted a bull’s-eye around it.”

Take a moment to ponder what he said there, folks. Does that sound like someone trembling in fear of Jewish Lobby power in America, or someone thinking that his career is over and committing hari-kiri? No. That ‘painted a bull’s-eye around it’ was not an off the cuff remark, but one he had chosen to use in a Haaretz interview.

This is a young man who is NOT standing on the shoulders of the fraudsters who have gone before him. On the contrary he wants to stand on their academic bones by exposing them, and he has.

More from his Haaretz interview, “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. We are talking here about groups that are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion…[the] genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient peoples and its origin is largely Khazar.”The Genome Project spelled doom for the founding myths of Israel

Now onto some of the science highlights. Dr. Elhaik’s research shows that the dominant element in the genetic makeup of European Jews is Khazar. For Central European Jews, it is 38%, while for East Europeans it is 30%.

To that you can add his findings that, in both groups, their genome is mostly Western European. Surprise, surprise.

The Roman empire is the dominant lineage there, those that settled on the frontier, like retired soldiers, and the locals with whom they produced families.

There were some Jewish merchants there, as Elhaik did find some Middle Eastern roots, which he suspects are Mesopotamian and a bit of biblical Israel.

But here comes the slam dunk…the Israel connection is such a tiny part of their overall genome that it cancels out their DNA title claim to the Land. The good doctor would not wander into this swamp, but I will, by calling a spade a spade.

What Dr. Elhaik has discovered folks is a ‘reverse holocaust’, the inventing of huge numbers of pseudo-Jews who have no more a blood claim to the land of Palestine than I do, even if I converted.

What I have just stated in no way challenges a religious or cultural affiliation. But as we all know, most Jews are not religious, including in Israel, where way more than most are not. Subtracting that, then all you have is the tribe, the DNA, which unites them to a shared history of persecution. But that folks, is now all gone. Poof…gone.

Who among use does not have some genetic make up of a people who had suffered in ancient times, even numbers of different peoples, five or ten different ones? Why should we allow the pretend-a-Jews to send all of our gene pool to the back of the historical suffering bus as Club Med ancestors who enjoyed the ‘all inclusive’ treatment. I find that just a bit too convenient.The Human Genome cannot be holocausted – even if Zionists wanted to.

So these ‘Jews’, are they then just a gang, united to be against all those not in the gang? Have they invented the whole story in a way like gang members take an oath and defend territory?

And is that not where Herzl and others before him saw an opening, that the Land could be a territory bond to unite Jews who were always fighting like cats and dogs among-st each other?

And is not the 2000 years of persecution claimed mostly by those who are not really descended from those actual people?

Who really has holocausted whom here, and why? We had Golda Meir’s instant holocausting of the Palestinian people with her infamous, “There are no Palestinian people.”

Is this not poetic justice from Dr. Elhiak, that he brings us scientific proof of there being no biblical Jewish people as such as they have presented themselves? And does this not also make a fraud of the historical ‘Anti-Semite’ smear, by a people who aren’t even Semites?

I think it might be time to start setting things straight on the Founding Myths. I must admit that I never expected to get a free ticket to the truth from a smart young Israeli doctor from John Hopkins who has his moral rudder deep in the water.

He is not a gangster, whoever his ancestors were. We call this…leadership, with maybe a touch of Moses parting the Founding Myth waters for those who want to walk through to the other side.

We shall now see if others choose to be free, or to run with the gang. The militant Israelis always knew this day was coming. That is what their nukes have been for, always. They knew. They never believed in it themselves. They were atheists for heaven’s sake.

Want More?…

The “phantom time hypothesis” claims 297 years of history never happened.

What would happen if two emperors and a pope decided to fast-forward the calendar 300 years into the future? According to the “phantom time” conspiracy theory, that’s exactly what happened around a thousand years ago in Europe. This startling hypothesis was put forth by German amateur historian Heribert Illig in his 1996 book The Invented Middle Ages: The Greatest Time-Falsification in History, which suggests the years 614 to 911 CE — a sizable chunk of the Middle Ages — never happened. Illig argues that Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, and possibly Roman Emperor Constantine VII conspired to make up 297 years of history — including the reign of Charlemagne, the Viking raids on Europe, and countless other historical events — in order to place Otto’s rule in the year 1000 CE. The main reason? That date was exactly a thousand years after the birth of Christ (although some scholars now believe Jesus was born closer to 4 BCE).

Illig supports his claim by pointing out discrepancies between the Julian and Gregorian calendars that could be explained by the fabricated dates. He also suggests that Otto III and Sylvester II ordered scribes to create manuscripts from the missing centuries. Historians, however, have offered considerable evidence that debunks the theory, not least of which is that Illig’s hypothesis ignores the development of other cultures around the world during those 300 years. Astronomical science offers additional proof that a royal and holy alliance didn’t invent centuries of history. As astrophysicist Brian Koberlein wrote in Forbes, “If 300 years of history were simply added to the record, the forgery would be written in the stars, and this simply isn’t the case.”

Experts have proposed a simpler version of our modern calendar.

The Gregorian calendar, which has been in use for more than 400 years, improved upon the mistakes of the Julian calendar that preceded it, but it’s still a complicated way to keep time. At Johns Hopkins University, professors Steve H. Hanke and Richard Conn Henry have come up with a revised, simpler version: the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar (HHPC). Unlike our current calendar, the HHPC uses fixed dates — each date is identical every year. For example, someone born on Monday, February 3, would always celebrate their birthday on a Monday. Instead of using leap years, the HHPC includes 364 days in a year, plus a weeklong “Mini-Month” that occurs once every five to six years.

Church: What does it means? Where does it come from? and Where is it going?

The word “church” does not come from the Scriptures. Let’s put it to the test to see what we can find.

“The word ‘Church’ is not really a translation of any word that was used by Christ or the apostles, but is the Anglican form of a different word that Roman Catholicism substitutes in place of the word used by Christ and his apostles…is in our English scriptures by order of King James, who instructed his translators of 1611 not to translate the word ‘ecclesia‘, either “congregation” or “assembly“, but to use the word “church” instead of a translation. ” Lee Jackson (Gospel Advocate, 1915, p. 589). The word “Church” is neither Hebrew nor Greek. When the words were translated into English, the word “Church” already existed. The Greek word used in the New Testament for “Church” is “ekklesia,” which means “those called out.” Ekklesia does not refer to a building at all, but only to a group of people. cluster.”

Benjamin Franklin said, “This occurs 116 times in the New Testament, and is translated “church” in all but three places. In all three places the word has the same meaning that it has in all other places. Those three places are found in (Acts 19:32, 39, 41) In these places it is translated “assembly.” But anyone can see that it means “assembly” in all other places, as certainly as it does in these places… The word it simply means “assembly” or “congregation.” (Gospel Preacher, 1899, p. 476).

Some, then, shouted one thing and others another; because the crowd was confused, and most of them did not know why they had gathered together.” Acts 19:32 (KJV)

The word “Church” as stated in Acts is translated “Assembly,” but in other passages it is translated “Church.” Church is commonly defined as a “building” for public worship, especially for Christian worship, as a spiritual body, but this tells us nothing about its original definition, meaning, and use. Ekklesia is also spelled “Ecclesia“, and is in our English dictionary, so why has this word changed to “church”? Bible “scholars” say that the word is derived from the word “kyriakon”, which means “the house of the Lord”, but kyriakon is not used in the Bible, it is Ekklesia.

Oxford Dictionaries defines church as “a building for public use for Christian worship” or “a particular Christian organization with its own clergy, buildings, and distinctive doctrines.”

E. G. Sewell: “The original Greek word is “ecclesia,” which means “those called out”… but whether “church” is the best translation… is a question, since that word is emphatically an ecclesiastic to long term. ‘Ecclesia’ was used in the days of the apostles to mean any type of gathering of people, called together for any purpose” (Gospel Advocate, 1912, p. 1024).

Phrase and Fable Dictionary, 1898, says:

Church – The etymology of this word is supposed to derive from the Greek oikos, Kuriou (house of God), but this is highly unlikely, as the word exists in all Celtic dialects long before the introduction of the Greeks. There is no doubt that the word means “a circle.” The places of worship between the German and Celtic towns always circulate. (Welsh, cyrch, French, circus, Scottish, church, Greek, Kirk-os, etc) Compare Anglo-Saxon Circe, a church, with Circol, a circle. E. Cobham Brewer 1810-1897. Phrase Dictionary and Fable. 1898.

Oxford Dictionary says about the origin of the word (Church): Old English circuit (i) ce,-Cyr (i) ce, related to Dutch Kerk and German Kirche, based on medieval Greek kurikon, from Greek kuriakon (DOMA) “(house of the Lord), from kurios’master or lord.” Compare to Kirk.

Now let us compare it with the Scottish noun church (church) and Northern English

1) A church.

2) (the Kirk or the Church of Scotland), the Church of Scotland, as distinguished from the Church of England or the Episcopal Church of Scotland. Origin: Middle English: from Old Norse Kirkja, from Old English Cirice (see church)
Oxford English Dictionary says: “Church forms. (A) CIRICE, CYRICE, CHIRICHE, CHURICHE, CHERECHE (b), CIRCE, CIRKE, etc. Further derivation has been intensely disputed” Further derivation?

What should be in dispute? According to the Oxford English Dictionary of Etymology, the word Church comes from the Old English “Circe”, a word that appears to be clearly related to “Circe”. The dialectical form of CIRCE [also found in Greek] was Kirke, and etymologists agree that the Dutch word for “Kerk”, the German word “Kirche” and the Scots word “KIRK”, come from the old Saxons” Kirika”, another similar to “Kirke” or “Circe”

So, what is “Kirke”/”Circe”? And why was the real name changed?

Jesus Christ used a different word to identify his followers. Kirke [or a circle] or as it is called in English today “the Church” was a Greek goddess “PHARMEKEIA [witch or sorceress] who lived on the island AIAIA [AIAIA is the oldest form of the appellation of” Gaia “, the pagan goddess of “fertility” The daughter] of the sun god Helios [Saturn], she had the power to change men into wolves, lions and swine, maintaining human senses, but trapped in animal form. The Greeks attribute the invention of the circus to her (PHARMEKEIA or GAIA). They claim that it was made to honor her father the sun, which is actually the “black sun” [Saturn], hence the term “Cirque de Soleil”. “, [French] or in English “Church of the Sun” [Black Sun, Saturn].

Obviously, this explains the behavior of many of these institutions. True Christians are born in Jesus Christ, to be free from slavery, from slavery and that includes the freedom of religious confessions. It is not supposed to be learning from institutions or ministers. Gospel of Jesus does not command us to submit to his teachings. We have the gospels and the prophets at home in the Bible and we must put everything on trial mode before accepting it. Many of these “Christian” denominations or cults are becoming a type of circus or stand-up comedy clubs and people enjoy them as they offer entertainment. They have contaminated the purity and simplicity of the Gospel by creating confusion and no one seems to care.

The apostle John said:

“As for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and it is not necessary for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as the anointing is real, not false, just as it teaches you has taught, abide in it.” 1 John 2:27

If you are one of those wondering why there are so many “Christian” denominations, all of them preaching a different gospel and claiming the “truth”, the answer is because many of them have turned away from the truth to follow their own leaders and the prophets, to their own teachers and preachers.

An Assembly composed of believers is “called out” because of their common belief in Jesus Christ, and not all “Ecclesiastes” or religious denominations are Christian. In fact, some of them are violently hostile toward Jesus Christ and his followers. The book of Revelation says:

“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls, and spoke with me, saying, ‘Come, I will show you the sentence against the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the land have become drunk with the wine of their fornication. So he took me in the Spirit to the desert. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and she had in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on his forehead a name written:

Jesus never said: Go find a religious denomination and submit to its authority. He never commanded us to be subject to temples or structures built by men. He never told us to follow specific ways of life.

Jesus said: “…But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship “in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 (New International Version 1984)

And for those who go to the temples in search of God, this is what the Bible says in the book of Acts:

“The God who made the world and everything, who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he is the one who gives to all life and breath and all the others “Acts 17:24-25 (New International Version 1984) Read also (Acts 7:47-51)


“Flee from Babylon! Save yourself! It was not destroyed because of its sins. It is time for the Lord’s vengeance, he will pay what he deserves” Jeremiah 51:6 (New International Version 1984).



http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_us1233167?rskey=oUKlLQ&result=1 # m_en_us1233167

“American Horror Story: Delicate” and its Messages About Hollywood’s Occult Underbelly

Starring Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian, American Horror Story’s 12th season turns the joys of motherhood into an absolute nightmare. More importantly, it reveals, with very little subtlety, the dark forces at play in the entertainment industry, including Satanic Ritual Abuse and suspicious celebrity deaths disguised as accidents.

Warning: Pharaonic spoilers ahead!

Since 2011, the television series American Horry Story (AHS) has been horrifying Americans with stories some would describe as “pretty messed up.” But that doesn’t stop people from watching. Indeed, AHS has garnered an immense viewership while winning countless awards in every category imaginable. Some even stated that AHS “unquestionably joined the ranks of television’s landmark series.”

While most series become stale after a few years, AHS managed to remain relevant by casting big stars in starring roles while promoting each season with highly fashionable posters and trailers.

Lady Gaga in AHS Hotel (2015).

As you can see in the poster above, despite the praises the series received, there’s actually something terribly wrong with AHS. The “horror” on display is not your usual scary stuff. It goes way deeper than that. It is about putting on display the sick obsessions of the occult elite and, in a way, celebrating them. In the case of the image above, Lady Gaga holds children on a leash in a ritualistic manner, an “artistic” way of representing the elite’s love for preying on children (read my article on that season of AHS here).

The 12th season of AHS—titled Delicate—follows the same formulaKim Kardashian was enlisted as the buzzworthy lead actress and the subject matter is, more than ever, pure occult elite madness. Of course, the season was preceded by a fashionable photoshoot.

This poster featuring Cara Delevigne alludes to the satanic-medical complex seen in AHS: Delicate.

Emma Roberts poses with a giant spider as her pregnant belly.

As expressed by the poster above, AHS: Delicate centers around the theme of motherhood. But, like, evil, foul, Satanic motherhood where every single aspect of childbearing is corrupted and turned into a complete nightmare.

A scene from AHS: Delicate takes place in a room full of babies in jars. As we’ll soon see, the series is in excuse to turn the elite’s obsession with harming, sacrificing, and exploiting babies into “art”.

While the main story of the series is about the struggles of a mother-to-be, the context surrounding it is all about Hollywood and its dark tendencies. Indeed, through various side stories, AHS actually reveals the occult side of historical Hollywood events.

While AHS is a work of fiction, there’s a clear effort to draw parallels with real-life Hollywood. For instance, Kim Kardashian plays the role of a powerful Hollywood figure who is also part of a Satanic witch coven. The least one can say is that this role wasn’t much of a stretch for her (the Kardashian clan is a coven of witches). Is this why Kim K was (surprisingly) selected to play this important role in the series?

Here’s a look at the main themes of the series.

Corruption of Motherhood

The series’s opening sequence is all about translating into “art” the elite’s obsession with corrupting motherhood.

A gynecological exam chair drips in blood. Motherhood turns into a Satanic blood ritual.

The skeleton of a baby is inside a “gift box” emblazoned with the Sigil of Lucifer. The person who thought of that image has serious issues that need to be addressed.

A stroller on fire. The message: Babies are being sacrificed.

With these psychopathic images ingrained in our brains, the story begins.

Emma Roberts plays the role of Anna Victoria Alcott, a Hollywood actress who is trying to get pregnant. Evidently, someone doesn’t want her to.

After failing to get pregnant several times, Anna is referred to the best fertility clinic in town. Spoiler: It is secretly controlled by Satanists. Through IVF, she finally gets pregnant, and she and her husband Dex, are very happy.

However, Anna starts seeing weird things happening around her.

On her way to the clinic, Anna sees a nest with a dead baby bird inside. More anti-baby “art” from the same people who are obsessed with abortions.

Throughout the episodes, several characters engage in anti-baby rhetoric that seems to be written by the WEF. One woman (who turns out to be a witch) tells Anna:

“But, honestly, why anyone would want a child boggles my mind. You wait your whole childhood to be free to make your own choices and then what choice do you make? To create an unnecessary being who contributes to global warming, who feeds on our body and whose survival you’re responsible for.”

“An unnecessary being who contributes to global warming”. Yup, that’s how they see our children.

Other than parroting unhinged WEF-sponsored rhetoric, a great portion of the series is dedicated to people giving Anna weird looks, and her looking up things on her iPhone™. Indeed, Apple™ products get a ridiculous amount of screentime during the series, which leads me to believe that the company paid big bucks for product placements … in a series about Satanists sacrificing babies. It is unsurprising because the company’s logo is a bitten apple. Fun fact: In Genesis, Lucifer told Eve to bite a fruit (traditionally represented as an apple).

Anna’s husband Dex offers her to bite an apple. Symbolic. We’ll soon understand that Anna cannot trust anybody and nearly everything she’s given to eat is tainted.

We later learn that Dex’s father is a high-level cultist who subjected his mother to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

Not unlike Eve, Anna bites the apple. In fact, she eats the whole thing. Symbolic.

While her pregnancy is supposed to be a blessing, we soon realize that it is very cursed.

Anna is followed by creepy bird ladies who walk around with goats. Remember the creepy bird nest above? The series is full of bird symbolism.

The bird ladies perform gynecological procedures on Anna while repeating a Satanic chant. She’s being impregnated with a cursed demon baby.

Translated from Latin, the chant says:

Hail, O child of Satan, long live the children of our Lord

Without exaggerating, this chant is heard at least a hundred times during the series. It keeps popping up as witches creepily dance to it or perform rituals. I believe that one of the objectives of the series is to get that (rather catchy) chant inside one’s head for days on end.

Eventually, Anna gives birth, surrounded by the coven of witches. The inverted pentagram indicates that the miracle of life got turned into an unholy satanic ritual.

If you look closely at the image above, Anna is holding an Oscar while giving birth to the demon baby. That’s because she agreed to give up her baby to the coven in order to win it.

The Real Witches of Hollywood

Kim Kardashian plays the role of Siobhan Corbyn, Anna’s publicist and “best friend.” The snake around her neck indicates that there’s something evil going on with her.

Before getting pregnant, Anna starred in a horror “feminist” movie called The Author. Against all odds, she’s winning countless awards for it. We’ll soon learn that dark forces are at play.

In one of her iPhone searches, Anna comes across the “insane ramblings” of a conspiracy theorist. We soon learn that the conspiracy theorist was very correct.

At the end of the series, the obvious is revealed: Siobhan is actually the head of a Satanic witch coven. And, through dark forces, she manipulates the entire industry to get the results she is looking for.

For instance, Anna’s main competition for an Oscar is a young actress named Babette Eno. Something happens to her that often happens in Hollywood.

Babette is murdered by the coven, and it is framed as a car crash in mass media.

As seen in the screenshot above, Babette was decapitated in the car crash. This parallels a real-life Hollywood event.

In 1969, actress Jayne Mansfield died in a car crash and it was long rumored that she was decapitated in the process. Strange fact: She was a high priestess in the Church of Satan. Is AHS sending us a message about the true cause of her death?

Pictures of Jayne Mansfield with Anton LaVey – the head of the Church of Satan.

Through its narrative, AHS also communicates other truths about Hollywood. Anna starred in a movie titled The Author, which was credited to a male director named Hamish Moss. In actuality, Siobhan, the witch, wrote the “feminist” movie and convinced the director to take the credit by using sex. However, Hamish ends up feeling uncomfortable with this literal deal with the devil and gets the urge to reveal the truth to the world.

Then, something happens to him that often happens in Hollywood.

The Hollywood witches get him killed, and the media frames it as a suicide.

With Siobhan and her coven manipulating Hollywood behind the scenes, Anna reaps the rewards. Of course, that comes with a sacrifice.

Anna wins an Oscar for Best Actress … after agreeing to give up her child.

This entire scenario is eerily similar to what happened in real life this year.

Emma Stone gives her acceptance speech after winning Best Actress at the 2024 Academy Awards.

In AHS, Anna won an Oscar for starring in a disturbing “feminist” movie credited to a man. In 2024, Emma Stone won an Oscar for starring in a disturbing “feminist” movie credited to a man. The movie in question is Poor Things and it is also a sickening display of the elite’s depravity. Is reality stranger than fiction?

On a few occasions, AHS flashes back to past real-life Hollywood events to show how the coven intervened behind the scenes. One such flashback involves the 1968 movie Rosemary’s Baby.

Director Roman Polanski (seen behind the cameraman) forces actress Mia Farrow to walk in actual New York City traffic to film a scene. He famously told her that “nobody would hit a pregnant woman”.

It actually happened, Mia Farrow was made to walk in live traffic during the filming of Rosemary’s Baby.

As explained in my article about Rosemary’s Baby, there’s an entire puzzle of occult strangeness surrounding this movie. Directed by Roman Polansky (who would later be accused of drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl), the movie is about a woman being groomed by a Satanic cult to give birth to the Antichrist.

In AHS, Sharon Tate (Roman Polanski’s wife) approaches Mia Farrow and tells her, “The devil is beautiful, you know?”

While this scene might seem random, a bit of context gives it an eerie meaning. From my article on Rosemary’s Baby:

Before settling on Mia Farrow, Roman Polanski originally envisioned his wife, Sharon Tate, as playing the role of Rosemary. She was not cast in the role, but did make an uncredited appearance in the movie, during a party scene. Fourteen months after the release of the movie, Tate (who was 8 months pregnant) was ritualistically killed by members of the Manson family. She was stabbed 16 times and her killers wrote the word “pig” in her blood on the wall of her house. (…)

Did Roman Polanski sacrifice his wife (the same way Guy sacrificed Rosemary in the movie) to obtain the favors of Hollywood? Soon after the death, he allowed himself to be photographed by Life Magazine in the house where Tate had died. Her dried blood was still clearly visible in the pictures. The photoshoot caused him to be heavily criticized.

Polanski poses next to the word “PIG” written in his dead wife’s blood. Suspicious behavior.

In short, everything about Rosemary’s Baby reeks of the occult elite’s involvement. AHS seems to agree.

Behind the scenes, Mia Farrow discovers that Siobahn (who doesn’t age because she’s a witch) is behind this foul satanic movie. In AHS, Siobahn represents the occult elite as a whole.

The Ending Explained

So what happens to Anna and her baby? While the ending is somewhat enigmatic, it is also exactly the ending one would expect from occult Hollywood.

After giving birth to the demon baby, Anna’s apartment mysteriously turns red (the color of sacrifice). There, Siobahn reveals her master plan.

Siobhan reveals that she is breeding an army of demon babies to kill all men on Earth (while keeping some of them as sex slaves) and bring about a matriarchy. In yet another Hollywood production, witchcraft and Satanism are associated with feminism.

Also, all of the women around Anna during her pregnancy were secretly part of the coven. Well, they’re not all women. The witch on the right is a transgender woman. Yup, a biological male is part of the matriarchy plan. Makes perfect sense.

So Siobahn gives Anna a choice:

“Join us and receive our gifts: Eternal youth, beauty, and power. Or not and wander the world ugly, aging and alone.”

Alright, let’s pause a second. Why is she talking about youth, beauty, and the threat of being alone if the goal is to kill all men? Evidently, someone needs to sit down with the witches to revise their matriarchy business plan.

But, in the end, it doesn’t matter because Anna manages to kill Siobahn. How? Well, a ghost appears to her and gets her to start chanting “Ave Hestia” (referring to the Greek goddess of hearth and home) to counter the “Ave Satanas” of the witches. And that alone killed the powerful witch who had been influencing the world for centuries. Yeah, it was lame, and fans of the show hated that part. But, hey, they had to wrap up the story in the final 10 minutes somehow.

In the final scene of the series, Anna wears Siobhan’s headdress while holding her baby (who is now normal and not demonic). She’s also holding her Oscar. She has it all.

So, did the light win against the darkness? Did good win over evil? One would think so, but not really.

The baby’s bedroom is full of plush goats, hinting that evil is still lurking. Furthermore, we faintly hear “Ave Satanas” as Anna grabs her Oscar. Anna got greedy. She wants the baby, the Oscar, and the power represented by the headdress. While Siobahn is dead, Satan might have found her replacement.

The message: In the elite-sponsored stories, Satan never loses.

In Conclusion

On one hand, AHS: Delicate is a fictional story with an outlandish premise filled with supernatural nonsense. On the other hand, it is a scarily accurate depiction of the occult elite’s true mindset and its influence on real-life events. And that is the ultimate goal of such “entertainment”: To disclose truths to the unsuspecting public while also fictionalizing them. It makes them part of “art” and popular culture while also making people believe they’re made-up stories.

AHS: Delicate was about a group of Satanists who carried out rituals, sacrifices, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and murders disguised as suicides and accidents. All of these topics were discussed on this site for real using real-life events. The series turned these horrific things into “art” and entertainment for the masses to consume. And, as people praise Kim Kardashian’s performance as a Hollywood witch in the series, most have no idea that she wasn’t playing a role at all.

What Everyday Life Was Like in Ancient Rome

Ancient Roman history is usually dominated by larger-than-life rulers such as Julius Caesar and eloquent senators such as Cicero. However, these men led an empire of millions of everyday citizens who were usually less concerned with conquering the world than they were with putting bread on the table and simply enjoying life. A look at the lives of typical Roman citizens reveals a culture that in many fundamental ways is not so different from ours; the ancient Romans worked, played, socialized, and expressed themselves — albeit often quite rudely. Here are six facts that offer a glimpse of what it was like to be an average citizen in one of the world’s largest and most influential empires.

No Matter Where You Went, You Could Always Find a Public Bath

The Romans were masterful architects of public baths, called thermae. These were complex facilities with elaborate heating systems where Romans from all walks of life came together to relax, socialize, and of course, get clean. Bathing in the Roman thermae wasn’t just a simple dip in the water — there was a whole process involved. A visitor would begin by doing some light exercise followed by a hot bath, then a warm bath, and then a cold bath; they could also spend time in a steam room or get a massage. Public baths were a central part of Roman culture, and some citizens even considered them a symbol of Roman identity. In fact, baths were such an essential component of daily life that they were built in nearly every part of the Roman Empire, even in its most remote regions. Roman thermae could be found as far north as the British Isles and as far south as Egypt.

The Empire’s Cities Were Filled With Graffiti

Archaeological evidence from well-preserved ancient Roman cities such as Pompeii and Herculaneum reveals that, much like people in modern society, the denizens of ancient Rome liked to express themselves through some good old-fashioned graffiti. Since the ancient Romans lived a few millennia before the invention of spray paint, they had to make do by scratching and carving their designs and messages into plaster surfaces around the empire’s cities. Graffiti carved by everyday Romans can be found on the walls of bars, public baths, and other places where people commonly went to socialize. Ancient Roman street art ranged from simple drawings of stick figures and animals to colorful, R-rated jokes and insults. While some of the more famous Romans, such as emperors and statesmen, were commemorated through huge monuments and stately statues, graffiti was often a common person’s best shot at leaving their mark on the world, and many ancient graffiti artists included their names in the messages they left, to be remembered by future generations — even if it was just for a rude boast or scatological joke.

The Roman Workday Ended at Noon

The ancient Romans didn’t have clocks they could use to count the hours of the day. Instead, they kept track of the time using the position of the sun, and employed devices such as sundials to divide the day and night into 12 evenly spaced units called “hora” (hours). Since tracking the sun was the Roman citizen’s principal timekeeping method, the workday was structured around solar positions that were easy to measure with the naked eye, such as sunrise, noon, and sunset. For this reason, a typical citizen would usually start their workday at dawn, which marked the first “hora” of the day, and stop working at noon. This left the rest of the afternoon open for leisure, and citizens from all levels of Roman society would spend that time attending sporting events, theatrical performances, and the all-important public baths.

The Roman People Loved to Gamble

A love of gambling extended to all levels of ancient Roman society. Less-wealthy citizens would place bets on a wide variety of board games and dice games, which they played in taverns, city streets, and other public spaces, while the rich would build private gaming rooms in their homes. Romans would also frequently bet on the outcomes of gladiator fights and chariot races. (For the most part, only men were permitted to gamble, though women were allowed to participate in games of chance during special festivals.) Even the Roman emperors got in on the action. Rulers such as Augustus and Nero were known for their gaming habits, and for betting small fortunes on a single throw of the dice. Roman Emperor Claudius even had a custom-made carriage built with a gaming table so that he could gamble while traveling.

The Roman Forum Was the Center of Public Life

With its location right in the middle of the city, the Roman Forum was quite literally the center of everyday life in ancient times. It was where the typical Roman citizen could shop, talk, and find entertainment. It was also the site of most of the city’s public gatherings, the Roman courts of law, and the meeting place of the Roman Senate. What’s more, the forum housed some of Rome’s most important religious sites, including multiple temples dedicated to Roman deities. In other words, if you were a Roman citizen, chances were good that you’d be making frequent visits to the forum for everything from daily errands to grand citywide ceremonies.

There Was a Temple Where Citizens Could Go to Worship Caesar

One prominent temple in the Roman Forum was dedicated not to the worship of a mythological god, but to the former dictator of Rome, Julius Caesar. During the funeral games held in Caesar’s honor shortly after his assassination in 44 BCEa comet appeared in the sky for seven days, which the Roman populace interpreted as a divine omen that Caesar’s soul had ascended to the status of divinity. This popular belief that Caesar had become a god was codified into law two years later in 42 BCE, when the Roman Senate officially declared him a deity. After this, a temple was built in the forum in Caesar’s honor. It even had an altar where Roman citizens would offer sacrifices to the deified leader, just as they would to supernatural Roman gods such as Jupiter and Saturn.

About the Government Crackdown on Antisemitism

House Passes Antisemitism Bill Despite Free Speech Concerns

Biden to Speak on Antisemitism at a Holocaust Remembrance Next Week
President Biden has made little effort to personally address the anti-Israel protests, frustrating some Democrats who want him to show more public leadership.


The wall-to-wall buzzword in the White Hat-managed media lately is “antisemitism” ™ — now upgraded to TM ². Unlike previous uses of the smear word — which has long been utilized for the covering purpose of evoking undeserved sympathy for “the usual suspects” — this time around, the sentiment is being directly associated to the mythical, yet increasingly unpopular, “genocide” taking place in Gaza. Therefore, instead of the captive subjects of Normiedom saying: “Leave the Jews alone!” — the popular opinion now is: “Israel, and Zionist Jews in general, have gone too far!” How many people now, from all points of the political line, set against “events” in Gaza, are, for the first time ever, asking themselves: “Why do so many people hate the Jews?” — and so it begins.
As for this “antisemitism” bill (passed by an imaginary Congress) that’s got so many people, again, from all points of the political spectrum, all concerned over “free speech rights,” the “Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times came up with a brilliant and totally original, never-heard-of-before idea for aiding in the analysis of it. We actually read the bill. Imagine that!

In a nutshell, what the bill — H.R 6090, aka the Antisemitism Awareness Act  — says is essentially this:

* Antisemitism = bad.
* Saying Jews control the world = bad (bill cites definition by the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance)
* Holocaust Denial = bad (as per Holocaust Remembrance Alliance)
* No employment discrimination against Jews (or any other race).
* Antisemitic speech is protected by the First Amendment.

Section 6: 3b: Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Youse guys can relax. Nobody is coming to lock up yours truly nor will your Facebook and Twitter posts be investigated for “antisemitism.”

1. The bill was introced by Rep. Mike Lawler of New York. // 2. Or is that masked man,”Mike Lawler?”  // 3. Right wing MAGA Congressgal Marjorie Taylor Greene voted against the bill, citing the fact that the story of the Jewish-instigated killing of Jesus Christ could make it illegal for Christians to believe the Gospels. Way to shake up the Christian Ziotards, Margie.Well played girl!

A bill defining and creating awareness of “antisemitism” — without imposing any sort of sanctions against it — would be akin to a bill defining and creating awareness about obesity while allowing fatties to keep on engorging themselves. What’s the point? Seriously now, if the bill, which passed the imaginary House on Wednesday by a margin of 320 to 91, has no teeth; then what purpose does it really serve?

The key to answering that question lies in the understanding of the contextual reality of “The Movie” in which we are literally all part of now. Ironically as all heck, the purpose of the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” is indeed to create more “awareness” of “antisemitism” — NOT for the purpose of suppressing this age-old sentiment, but rather, for the opposite purpose of INCREASING it, anti-Zionism to be more precise! The more that people talk about “antisemitism” and these seemingly extraordinary methods of suppressing it (laws, police brutality) — the more people become curious about its origins, motives and assertions. Get it?

Consider this anology. Suppose you were accused, justly or wrongly, of committing certain unethical acts at your workplace. Naturally, you would deny the assertions, counterattack your accusers, and then let the controversy die a quick natural death by silence. But would you really want your “friends” to keep going on and on and on about how innocent and honest you really are; and how the old accusations against you were really false and motivated by the jealousy of bad co-workers? Is that really the type of office conversation you would want to continue day after day? Wouldn’t such a dramatic “debate,” in and of itself, become damaging to your reputation in a “methinks he doth protest too much” sort of way?

This is exactly, by design, what is happening with the campus protests and all of these “antisemitism” bills (Florida, South Dakota, and now, the Feds). Predictably, members of the anti-Trump Black Pill bunch are all screaming: “da Jews!” “da Jews!” over this “violation of the First Amendment.” Let them hiss. It all adds to the effect. Just know that there is nothing to worry about here. So, keep on fearlessly spreading the truth, brothers and sisters. The Jewish power has been broken.

Trust the plan.

Fake “police” crackdowns against and fake laws condemning “antisemitism” support the mission boldly declared in a Q Post from 2018: “We are saving Israel for last.”

In the End…