The Great Reset Aims To End Freedom Of The Press, Speech, And Expression

Governments, corporations, and elites have always been fearful of the power of a free press, because it is capable of exposing their lies, destroying their carefully crafted images, and undermining their authority.

the great reset aims to end freedom of the press, speech, and expression

In recent years, alternative journalism has been growing and more people are relying on social media platforms as sources of news and information.

In response, the corporate state, digital conglomerates, and the mainstream media have been increasingly supportive of the silencing and censoring of alternative media outlets and voices that challenge the official narrative on most issues.

At the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, “Australian eSafety commissioner” Julie Inman Grant stated that “freedom of speech is not the same thing as a free for all,” and that “we are going to need a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online—from freedom of speech … to be free from online violence.”

Meanwhile, the Canadian government is seeking to restrict independent media and the freedom of expression via the implementation of Bill C-11, which would allow it to regulate all online audiovisual platforms on the internet, including content on Spotify, Tik Tok, YouTube, and podcast clients.

Similarly, the UK is seeking to introduce an Online Safety Bill, the US “paused” the establishment of a Disinformation Governance Board following backlash, and the European Union approved its own Digital Services Act, all of which aim to limit the freedom of speech. Attempts by elites and politicians to silence dissenters and critical thinkers is not something new.

In fact, history is full of examples of “the persecution of men of science, the burning of scientific books, and the systematic eradication of the intelligentsia of the subjected people.”1

However, these current efforts to curtail freedom of speech and press by supposedly liberal governments are still somewhat ironic, given that even “the most intolerant of churches, the Roman Catholic Church, even at the canonization of a saint, admits, and listens patiently to, a ‘devil’s advocate.’

The holiest of men, it appears, cannot be admitted to posthumous honors, until all that the devil could say against him is known and weighed.”2

The corporate state, digital conglomerates, and the mainstream media want to ensure that they have the exclusive authority to dictate people’s opinions, wants, and choices through their sophisticated propaganda techniques. To do so, they have even resorted to transforming falsehoods into truth.

In fact, the word truth has already had its original meaning altered, as those who speak the truth on certain subjects are now regularly accused of spreading hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation.

Presently, truth is no “longer something to be found, with the individual conscience as the sole arbiter of whether in any particular instance the evidence (or the standing of those proclaiming it) warrants a belief; it becomes something to be laid down by authority, something which has to be believed in the interest of the unity of the organized effort, and which may have to be altered as the exigencies of this organised effort require it.”3

However, modifying the definition of truth comes with the potential for great peril, as truth-seeking often contributes to human progress in that it leads to discoveries that ultimately benefit society at large. It should be noted that truth is by no means the only word whose meaning has been changed recently in order for it to serve as an instrument of propaganda; others include freedom, justice, law, right, equality, diversity, woman, pandemic, jjab, etc..

This is highly concerning, because such attempts at the “perversion of language, the change of meaning of the words by which the ideals” of the ruling class are expressed is a consistent feature of totalitarian regimes.4

As a number of liberal-democratic governments increasingly move toward totalitarianism, they want people to forget that there is “the greatest difference between presuming an opinion to be true, because, with every opportunity for contesting it, it has not been refuted, and assuming its truth for the purpose of not permitting its refutation.”5

According to them, “public criticism or even expressions of doubt must be suppressed because they tend to weaken public support.”6

In fact, they believe that all views and opinions that might cast doubt or create hesitation need to be restricted in all disciplines and on all platforms. This is because “the disinterested search for truth cannot be allowed” when “the vindication of the official views becomes the sole object” of the ruling class.7

In other words, the control of information is practiced and the uniformity of views is enforced in all fields under totalitarian rule.

The suppression of freedom of the press, speech, expression, and thought means that current and future generations will be “deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.”8

They are also at risk of becoming ignorant of the fact that the only way in which a person can know “the whole of a subject” is by “hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion, and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind.”9

That is to say, current and future generations will be unaware that “the steady habit of correcting and completing” one’s own “opinion by collating it with those of others, so far from causing doubt and hesitation in carrying it into practice, is the only stable foundation for a just reliance on it.”10

At present, it is likely that the masses do not regard freedom of the press, speech, expression, and thought as being particularly important, because “the great majority are rarely capable of thinking independently, that on most questions they accept views which they find ready-made, and that they will be equally content if born or coaxed into one set of beliefs or another.”11

Nevertheless, no one should have the power and authority to “select those to whom” freedom of thought, enlightenment and expression is to be “reserved.”12

In fact, John Stuart Mill went so far as to claim that “if all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”13

He further added that silencing the expression of an opinion is essentially an act of “robbing the human race,” which applies to both current and future generations.14

Even though the suppressors can deny the truth to people at a particular point in time, “history shows that every age having held many opinions which subsequent ages have deemed not only false but absurd; and it is as certain that many opinions, now general, will be rejected by future ages, as it is that many, once general, are rejected by the present.”15

If current efforts to suppress freedom of the press, speech, expression, and thought succeed, then the search for truth will eventually be abandoned and totalitarian authorities will decide what “doctrines ought to be taught and published.”16 There will be no limits to who can be silenced, as the control of opinions will be extended to all people in all fields.

Accordingly, contemporary authoritarian policy makers need to be reminded about the crucial importance of freedom of speech, expression, and thought, which the US Supreme Court recognized in the 1957 case Sweezy v. New Hampshire when it ruled that:

“to impose any strait jacket upon the intellectual leaders in our colleges and universities would imperil the future of our Nation. No field of education is so thoroughly comprehended by man that new discoveries cannot yet be made…. Teachers and students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate, to gain new maturity and understanding; otherwise, our civilization will stagnate and die…. Our form of government is built on the premise that every citizen shall have the right to engage in political expression and association.

“This right was enshrined in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Exercise of these basic freedoms in America has traditionally been through the media of political associations…. History has amply proved the virtue of political activity by minority, dissident groups, who innumerable times have been in the vanguard of democratic thought and whose programs were ultimately accepted. Mere unorthodoxy or dissent from the prevailing mores is not to be condemned. The absence of such voices would be a symptom of grave illness in our society.”

  • 1. F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (New York: Routledge 2006), p. 168.
  • 2. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (Kitchener: Batoche Books, 2001), p. 22.
  • 3. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 167.
  • 4. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 161.
  • 5. Mill, On Liberty, p. 21.
  • 6. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 164.
  • 7. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 165.
  • 8.  Mill, On Liberty, p. 19.
  • 9. Mill, On Liberty, p. 22.
  • 10. Mill, On Liberty, p. 22.
  • 11. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 168.
  • 12. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 168.
  • 13. Mill, On Liberty, p. 18.
  • 14. Mill, On Liberty, p. 19.
  • 15. Mill, On Liberty, p. 20.
  • 16. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 165.

The Great Reset Is Turning Back The Clock On Civilization

The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state. Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own constitutions and charters of rights.

great reset john bush

Specifically, they supported lock-down measures, jab mandates, the suppression of a variety of early treatment options, the censorship of dissenting views, propaganda, interference in the private spheres of individuals, and the suspension of various forms of freedom. All of these policies and measures were centrally designed by the social engineers of the pandemic.

Globalists, who are obsessed with societal control, decided to take advantage of the pandemic in order to increase their authoritarian power. Prominent among them was, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of World Economic Forum (WEF). In June 2020, he stated that “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” According to him, “every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

It is no secret that the WEF has focused on accelerating the implementation of central planning for the entire global population since the early days of pandemic. This plan to establish a new world order, known as the Great Reset, was a key theme at the recent annual meeting of the WEF, which was held during May 22–26 in Davos, Switzerland.

Drastic changes to the world order like the Great Reset do not happen spontaneously; rather, they are designed by global policy makers, including influential billionaires, politicians, celebrities, biased academics, wealthy philanthropists, and the bureaucrats of international organizations and institutions. These types of people support social engineering, because it will enable them to acquire control over the world’s wealth and natural resources, and strengthen their ability to shape society as they see fit.

Like their predecessors across history, the social engineers of the WEF believe that “there must be no spontaneous, unguided activity, because it might produce results which cannot be foreseen and for which the plan does not provide. It might produce something new, undreamt of in the philosophy of the planner.”1

Based on the WEF agenda, the successful completion of the current industrial transformation will require redesigning and controlling every minuscule aspect of human life and behavior, including the private spheres of individuals, the economy, politics, and societal organizations, without the possibility of voluntary and spontaneous cooperation between individuals based on their will, values, thoughts, and beliefs.

We were warned almost two centuries ago that when this type of tyrannical power succeeds, it will be “busy with a multitude of small” tasks penetrating “into private life,” governing families, and dictating the “actions” and “tastes of individuals.”2

In fact, some of the most ridiculous controls proposed by the WEF included limiting the washing of jeans to no “more than once a month” and “pyjamas once a week.” The WEF also advocates for transforming entire food systems by encouraging people to consume insects, arguing that “insect protein has high-quality properties and can be used as an alternative source of protein throughout the food chain, from feed for aquaculture to ingredients for nutritional supplements for humans and pets.”

Reforming the food system would also involve eating “cultured meat,” referring to “meat product created by cultivating animal cells in a controlled lab environment.”

The WEF also supports the elimination of “car ownership,” as “paying for a ride or delivery is as easy as tapping a smart phone app,” and “renting a vehicle” means that “car loans and insurance payments shrink or disappear.” Ultimately, the Great Reset aims to create a world where “you will own nothing, and will be happy” by 2030, as people will not possess any private property and rent everything they “need in life.”

However, this premise ignores the fact that private property ownership is associated with the advancement of civilizations, higher stages of material and moral development, and the development of modern family life. The WEF scenario would also diminish the sense of security, which is strengthened by the possession of private property.

Once the Great Reset is complete, individuals will essentially have their thinking and decision-making “done for them by men much like themselves, addressing them or speaking in their name.”3 Such a “desire to force upon the people a creed which is regarded as salutary for them is … not a thing that is new or peculiar to our time.”4

However, as various totalitarian regimes throughout history have demonstrated, the oppressive central planning of social engineers leads to the masses’ losing their sense of autonomy, freedom, dignity, creativity, and strength. Also lost is the incentive to improve one’s own condition and contribute to the progress of society.5

If the social engineering of the WEF is successful, then, by 2030, one will not be able to rely on oneself, family members, relatives, friends, or the community. This is because the supporters any absolutist regime want traditions and customs to be corrupted, “memories obliterated, habits destroyed, … liberty, chased from the laws.”6

In other words, they want to design a societal order where sympathy and mutual assistance will be rendered obsolete and where every citizen of the world is equally powerless, poor, and isolated, so that people will be unable to oppose the organized strength of global governance and become dependent on governments and their allies for their survival.

Eventually, nothing will protect citizens any longer, and citizens will no longer protect themselves.

Social engineers of the WEF are essentially advocating for natural freedom, which would allow the strong to exercise their power while subjugating the weak.

In doing so, they are basically calling for the world to move backward in the development of human history toward the re-institution of feudalism and slavery.

It is important to remember that economic freedom, positive freedom, political freedom, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are not attributes of primitive man or serfdom; rather, they are products of the most advanced stages of society.

To be more precise, these types of freedom are outcomes of the efforts of countless thinkers, social movements, revolutions, and wars throughout human history.

However, social engineers are not interested in the history and struggles of our civilization, as they believe that they possess expertise in all areas, which is the line of thought at the heart of all dictatorial regimes.7 They do not think that social engineering is alien to the true nature of human beings, even though it is based on “mechanical exactness” and does not “spring from a man’s free choice.”8

Furthermore, advocates of social engineering ignore the fact that “the progress of mankind, in powers of mind and heart, in well-being and in technique, in law and morality, necessarily involves the participation of the lower classes.”9

Anyone who believes that the social engineers of the WEF have noble intentions at heart as they design and implement the Great Reset should heed the warning of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1935), who (ironically) declared:

The doctrine of regulation and legislation by “master minds” in whose judgment and will all the people may gladly and quietly acquiesce, has been too glaringly apparent at Washington during these last 10 years. Were it possible to find “master minds” so unselfish, so willing to decide unhesitatingly against their own personal interests or private prejudices, men almost godlike in their ability hold the scales of justice with an even hand, such a government might be to the interests of the country; but there are no such on our political horizon, and we cannot expect a complete reversal of all the teachings of history.


1. F.A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (1944; repr., New York: Routledge, 2006), p. 166.
2. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America: Historical-Critical Edition of “De la démocratie en Amérique,” ed. Eduardo Nolla and trans. James T. Schleifer, bilingual ed., 4 vols. (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2010), 1:223.
3. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (Kitchener, ON: Batoche Books, 2001), p. 261.
4. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, p. 168.
5. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom.
6. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 2:156.
7. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom.
8. Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Limits of State Action. (1792; repr., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969).
9. Gustav Friedrich Schmoller, “Class Conflicts in General.” (American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1915), p. 519.


Exposing The Agenda To Implement Global Totalitarianism Based On Technocratic & Transhumanist Ideologies

It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention.

The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset.

exposing the agenda to implement global totalitarianism based on technocratic & transhumanist ideologies

The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans.

While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference.

In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm

Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function.

Patrick Wood, a repeat guest, has spent decades studying technocracy — an invented economic system that the global cabal is currently trying to implement worldwide. He was recently interviewed by The Defender, the Children’s Health Defense newsletter. You will find that interview below. I would actually encourage you to watch that one first, because it provides a really good background of Wood and his work.

This conversation also ties in with an interview I recently did with professor Mattias Desmet, author of “The Psychology of Totalitarianism,” which will air in a few weeks, so be sure to keep an eye out for that one. While technocracy and totalitarianism have many similarities, there are some differences in perspective, which we will unravel here.

“I wish there was something else to talk about, but this is it,” Wood says. “This is the topic of the day. This is what people need to know and understand.

“If we are going to fight back against this enemy, which previously has pretty much been unseen, we must recognize who we’re dealing with. Period. We cannot provide any defense or offense to push back on this unless we know who the enemy really is and what they’re thinking, what’s in their head.”

COVID Was Technocracy’s Coup D’état

While the COVID crisis sent most into a state of confusion, Wood was not surprised by the chain of events that eventually took place. He’d been following the climate change alarmism and the sustainable development agenda for a long time, and as soon as the same people who were promoting climate alarmism jumped on the COVID train, he knew they were connected, and that COVID was going to be used to promote the technocratic agenda.

The same flawed computer models used to convince us climate change will kill us all were also used to incite panic about the lethality of COVID. These computer models are basically rigged to say whatever they want them to say. According to climate change alarmists, mankind should have been wiped off the face of the earth 10 years ago. Yet here we are. The COVID models also failed, missing the mark by miles.

“At the time [in early 2020], I said this is technocracy’s coup d’état. They’re finally making their major global move to do what they said they were going to do for a long time. Now, they’re actually putting shoe leather to it and they’re making it happen, so I called it coup d’état early on,” Wood says.

Unfortunately, to quote Wood’s coauthor of previous books, Anthony Sutton, only 2% of people have critical thinking skills, 8% of people think they can think, and 90% would rather die than think. This willful ignorance explains why only 10% of a given population, on average, does not fall into mass formation hypnosis.

Wood, along with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an international lawyer who cofounded the German Corona Investigative Committee —  have formed the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force. The first event will be held in Tampa, FL with guest speaker, Michael Yeadon, Ph.D..

“We believe there is a great case to be made that, indeed, crimes against humanity have been committed in the same context and sense that they were discovered at the Nuremberg trials that produced the Nuremberg Code, which is now embedded in the legal system in every nation on earth, [including] our country and every state as well.

Medical experimentation is verboten, period, and yet it has happened anyway, with no informed consent along the way. People are getting sick and dying, the same old drill. What went wrong? We’re presenting this case to the American public in person, and I will say the dynamic of talking to a live audience today is a breath of fresh air for me, personally. I think everybody else would say the same thing.”

Creating A New Normal On Our Own Terms

While many resist this stance, I and Wood agree that the crisis is not over, and it’s not going to right itself. No. It’ll get worse, and things will never go back to the way they were. It’s important to realize that we shouldn’t want things to go back to the old normal, however. Because the old normal is what precipitated the many crises we’re currently facing.

We can fully expect that the partially failed jjab passport will be replaced by digital identity, which will progress to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Most central banks in the world will be rolling out CBDCs within the next three to five years.

Digital identity and CBDCs are a disaster racing toward us like a freight train, and it’ll be extremely difficult to get out of harms way. The past two years will seem like a picnic compared to what’s coming.

“If my hypothesis is true, January 2020 was the coup d’état that started this war in earnest, the hot war, if you will, versus the leading up to it. Lots of bad stuff happened from 9/11 through 2020 that we could point to and say, it looks like somebody’s orchestrating this, but it went into a hot war, literally, globally as well, in January 2020. Revolutions never stop with one attack. That’s obvious. I’m sure it’s self-evident.”

By Their Words And Actions, You Can Know Them

So, who instigated this global revolution? Who’s pulling the strings? Who’s the real enemy? It’s not the populace. It’s not even a specific nation. It’s a conglomerate of wealthy and influential people all over the world. But they have a shared philosophy, ideology and agenda. Wood explains:

“What’s going on is called The Great Reset of the planet. The Great Reset has become a catchphrase. Most people don’t have a clue what it means yet, but it’s promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is tightly interlinked and coupled with the United Nations.

This elite group of people represent in mix all of the people that were originally in the Trilateral Commission back in the 1970s. It’s the same kinds of people, the same agenda to transform the world into their vision, the way they think things ought to be. These are the people that have orchestrated this whole thing and they’re the ones that are pushing it right now.

It’s easy to identify most of the people involved in this. You can look at the Klaus Schwabs and the Billy Boyes [of the world], and the thousand companies that belong to the World Economic Forum. They all have CEOs, board members, et cetera, that are part of the World Economic Forum. It’s pretty easy to identify them today.

The idea of The Great Reset is complete transformation of society and individuals that live in this society. The World Economic Forum is boldly talking about both. They talk about this technocratic takeover on one hand, to reform society, that is the structures of society, the institutions, but they also talk about the restructuring of humanity itself.

That is, the merging of technology with the human condition, with the flesh, the changing of genetic code, Humanity 2.0, H+ is another term is used. This is mad scientist type of stuff. The average guy on the street has never been exposed to this.

It’s hard to get your head around how evil this whole thing is, and it’s all uninvited. Nobody asked for it, they just did it. That’s another thing that’s really important to understand: This didn’t just come out of the blue or fall out of the sky from outer space. This has been in the works for a very long time.”

Agenda 21 Laid The Groundwork

In 1992, Agenda 21 was created. That was the genesis of sustainable development. That’s where that doctrine was openly described. The Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Convention that took place at the same time was the agenda for 21st century.

As explained by Wood, Agenda 21 was foundational in the sense that laid out all the events being rolled out and changes being implemented today. It’s just that no one was really paying attention to where things were headed, the ultimate implications of it all. Of course, those who did see the writing on the wall were discredited as “crazy conspiracy theorists.”

“There was a great book released in 1994 called ‘The Earth Brokers.’ The two authors were scholars. They were also the original environmental crowd. They weren’t on our side necessarily, but they went to the Agenda 21 conference in good faith, figuring there was going to be some negotiation to dial back the development that was messing with the Third World and try to get the planet back together.

They went hoping to turn some things around, and they came away from the Agenda 21 conference completely disillusioned … In that book, they criticized the Agenda 21 process. They started out by saying something like this: ‘We argue that USAID — the United Nations conference on economic development — has boosted precisely the type of industrial development that is destructive for the environment, the planet and its inhabitants.

We see how, as a result of USAID, the rich would get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.’ What can we say, but ‘amen’ to that. Here we are today. It’s exactly what’s happened.”

The Plan To Own And Control All Life

“The Earth Brokers” also reviewed what they learned from the Biodiversity Convention, which ran parallel with the Agenda 21 conference. It had the same participants, just two different thought tracks brought together at the same conference.

“They wrote about the biodiversity convention, which has become incredibly important today to the United Nations. They said the convention implicitly equates the diversity of life, that is animals and plants, to the diversity of genetic codes. By doing so, diversity becomes something modern science can manipulate. It promotes biotechnology as being essential for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

They redefined the term biodiversity, for one, but they also said the main stake raised by the biodiversity convention is the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity. The major concern was protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries. That was their assessment.

To which, today, we can say, ‘Bingo!’ That is exactly what happened back then, and this is exactly the expression today that we see of the genetic takeover of life on planet earth. They’ve gotten the seeds, they’ve gotten the plants, they’ve gotten the animals.”

Today, the technocrats are also moving in on the human genetic code. Chief medical officer of Moderna, Tal Zaks, for example, has stated that Moderna, a developer of the mRNA COVID jab, is “hacking the software of life.” He described the human genetic code as an operating system, and if you can change that operating system by introducing a new line of code, or by changing a line of code, you can change how the operating system functions.

Since 1992, legislation has been created to protect Big Pharma. You could say the 1992 Agenda 21 was a pre-coup. They laid the groundwork back then to protect the pharmaceutical and emerging biotech industries they knew were coming. And, today, the very genetic makeup of mankind is up for grabs.

Origins Of Technocracy

Technocracy dates further back than the 90s, however. Handwritten letters dating to the 1930s reveal some of the originators of the technocratic movement had gotten into an argument with the Hearst newspaper empire, and because of that, they forbade journalists to discuss them or the technocratic ideology. Hence, technocracy went underground and got sort of buried for a few decades. Wood explains:

“What happened was, Howard Scott, one of the cofounders of Technocracy Inc., was also the leader of the group at Columbia University when it was housed there in 1932. He had promoted himself as being a certified engineer and one of the intellectual guys that would fit in to Columbia University. He wasn’t from Columbia, but he was heading the [technocratic] movement there.

It was discovered, while he was there, that he was a complete fraud. He had no engineering degree at all. He was just a blowhard. He was a promoter — basically a con man — and Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of Columbia … flipped out, and drop-kicked Scott out of Columbia …

By the same token, Howard Scott was out working in the media like crazy, and he worked the Hearst empire to get articles about technocracy published all across the country.

When Randolph Hearst discovered, as Butler did, that he had been taken for a ride and that his media empire had been manipulated, he freaked out and sent out a telegram-type memo to every newspaper in the country, saying, ‘If anybody ever mentions technocracy again, you’re fired.’

Well, that took care of that. History books have a 25-year lag, typically. Historians don’t go back and analyze stuff from last year to write in history books. They go back 25 years and they look around and they read the newspaper articles and whatever, and try and figure out what happened. That’s how they write history.

Well, there’s this huge hole on the technocracy movement because it just got dropped out. All of a sudden, there’s no newspaper articles. It’s just like they disappeared into thin air. The big, highly credentialed scientist and engineers at Columbia who were crowing about technocracy the year before, now, all of a sudden, would not dare mention the word.”

Wood eventually discovered a major university archive at University of Edmonton in Alberta, where all of the leaders of the Canadian technocracy movement had combined their papers in the ’90s.

The documents were placed in a warehouse where they sat for years on end, until a catalog of them was finally published on the internet. It was a real jackpot. Wood and his wife drove to Edmonton and spent a week sifting through and copying materials. After that, it wasn’t very difficult to break down how the technocratic agenda had been moved forward and was being implemented.

Totalitarianism Versus Technocracy

While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not a dictator. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there are no people behind the curtain pulling strings. There’s no individual to blame or hold accountable.

The “dictator” is an algorithm. Looking at Google over the past couple of years, in particular, we can see this in action. We can also see it in the censorship of social media, and in the social credit system in China.

“The so-called artificial intelligence boom has created the possibility of controlling people by algorithm, rather than by political dictate,” Wood says. “There has been a battle between technocrats and governments ever since technocracy started. Back in the day, they hated government. They wanted to get rid of government. There is still that propensity today.

You see it at the World Economic Forum, you see it at United Nations. They want to dissolve the national governments of the world. Historically, fascism and communism have been instituted by national governments. These entities are on the hit list for technocracy. We saw this, by the way, just recently. There was a conference in Dubai, called the World Government Summit1 [March 29-30, 2022].

It was partly put on by the United Nations and there were a bunch of financial mucky mucks there. There was one in particular, Pippa Malmgren — she’s from America, but she’s in Great Britain — and she does financial wealth management services for the ultra rich.

She talked about the destruction of the fiat currency system, and she said, when it happens, there’s simply going to be a change-over. All the fiat currencies are going to go, and there’s going to be an implementation of digital currency. But she also made point that the nation state structures of the world are declining rapidly now. She saw, I guess, that the nation states are the target of destruction. They must go.”

This has been in the works for some time. Look at the European Union. While Europe has country borders, the EU member states have virtually no power to do anything anymore. They’re subservient to the EU’s wishes. “That’s why a lot of people in Europe call the EU a technocracy, they’re a bunch of technocrat elites — they’re unelected, they’re unaccountable,” Wood says.

Nobody can get to them and they’re making decisions for everybody else. So, while the nation states are still there in name, they’ve stripped of their sovereignty. The World Health Organization is now also in the process of stripping nations of their sovereignty through the so-called Pandemic Treaty, which will grant the WHO unprecedented power and influence to govern behind the veil of “global biosecurity.”

We also see the rule of technocracy in companies such as Google, which is meddling in the affairs of nations, oftentimes wielding more power over people than the state itself. So, it’s important to realize that the enemy is not a nation state.

Today’s enemy cannot be compared to anything that nation states have produced in the past, such as fascism, communism or socialism. This is an altogether brand-new entity. So, while technocracy feels like totalitarianism, today’s totalitarianism is an outgrowth of technocracy, and cannot be compared to any previous totalitarian regime.

“If you look at it in the context of the takeover genetic material on earth, this is the dangerous payload that we face. It’s not just the governance part of it. It’s not just the scientific dictatorship part of it, where people now can be manipulated in doing things that don’t want to do. We’re talking about the direct takeover of the human genome.

This is an incredible thing, because that means, potentially, that our genome of humanity could be changed,” Wood warns.

Unintended Consequences Are Probable

Now, it’s quite possible, and indeed probable, that the orchestrators of this technocratic takeover are in over their heads and will end up self-destructing. They’re playing a game that has never been played before, so there’s no telling what unintended consequences might be initiated.

One such unintended consequence could be a world war, and if that happens, gene editing the human genome will become irrelevant, because the living standards of the whole world will be pushed back hundreds of years. Wood comments:

“No question about it — World War III or a world war is going to be triggered. It’s not in the best interest, for instance, for the World Economic Forum to have a world war. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen either. So far, I think the Ukraine war is pretty orchestrated and scripted in many ways to the agenda of the World Economic Forum. But it doesn’t mean it couldn’t lose control and the thing just goes nuts.

If that happens, I don’t know where I’d put that on the doomsday clock. I’m not really sure, but it is definitely a possible outcome. If it does happen, it will spoil everything for everyone for a very long period of time. As the Bible says, it’ll take seven years to go through the countryside and bury all the radioactive bones. That’d be very ugly.

It might not be [a nuclear war]. But it could be. They have the technology. I mean, just look what they can do by launching these pandemics and these bioweapons … Another thing that can happen — and again, we’re talking about waves of attacks, things that could bring us down and bring about this Great Reset — is some type of a cyber attack.

This has been in the news a lot lately. A cyber attack could be a false flag operation, but it doesn’t really matter what it is, whether it is or isn’t [a false flag], but some big thing, like taking down the power grid, or taking down JPMorgan Chase and nobody can get their money out for a period of a week.

Something like that would, again, put the fear of God into everybody. We’ll be back to the fear and panic; we’ll do whatever you say to get safety, et cetera. It will perpetuate the takeover, the coup that we’re looking at. These are two possibilities, near-term, that are very real. We’ve got different scenarios right now, but we know where this group of technocrat actors are going.

We understand their mindset, their philosophy, if you will. I hate to even call it that, but what is in their head? There’s no passion, there’s no compassion, there’s no love, there’s no mercy, there’s no grace, there’s nothing like that. It’s a completely inhuman endeavor to capture mankind into a scientific dictatorship, the likes of which the world has never seen before.”

Preparing Can Help Ease Your Anxiety

The Boy Scouts motto is “Be prepared,” and that is what I would encourage everyone to strive for at this time. Another motto to embrace would be “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” Prepare as best you can for any and every contingency. If you can, get out of the big cities and big urban areas. Rural areas where you can build community is your safest bet.

Prepare for sustained food shortages with long-term food storage. Secure a potable water source. Stock up on medical remedies. Prepare for supply chains of all kinds to fail and stock up accordingly. Transition out of fiat currency, either by spending it on things you’ll need in the future, or buying physical gold and silver.

Prepare for energy shortages, rolling blackouts and the complete shut-down of the power grid. Importantly, don’t rely on high-tech solutions. Include low-tech manual backups in your preps. If the thought of all of this scares you, remember that taking action is the best remedy. Knowing you’re prepared will ease a lot of anxieties.

Why Free Speech Is On The Chopping Block

Free speech is a universal concept. Everyone, everywhere, have a mind and want to express themselves without being censored or canceled for their views. Free speech is now under attack worldwide, and the truly massive attack on free speech began at the same time as the coup d’état started. This is because silencing dissent is required for the full takeover to occur.

“These technocrat transhumanist revolutionaries must destroy free speech at the same time that they take over the world, because they have to control the narrative,” Wood explains. “The attacks on free speech right now are absolutely legendary, off the charts, everywhere on the planet.

If Mattias Desmet is right, and I feel absolutely certain that he is, because I can read a history book as easy as anybody, when free speech is effectively silenced, that is when the killing of the scapegoat begins. It’s always the scapegoat that gets killed first. There may be other groups that get mixed in, but the people who are the scapegoat are the ones that will be attacked by the mass formation psychosis crowd.”

Eventually, the totalitarian regime will devour its own. It’ll kill its own leaders in the name of the greater good. But in the meantime, it’ll start by culling various scapegoats, one group after another.

“Original technocracy from the 1930s, was defined in their own magazine, which was called ‘The Technocrat Magazine.’ They defined themselves in 1938 as ‘the science of social engineering.’ That was what they said about themselves.

Technocracy is the science of social engineering and they talked incessantly in their literature about Pavlov and BF Skinner and how they could control people and mold people to the economy, to the utopia that they wanted to build.

They’ve had since 1938, at the very least, to think about how to develop the science of social engineering to be used against humanity. I don’t think we need to even think about it any further.

We can feel it today. It’s right in our face, every day. They’re using these techniques against the people of the world to manipulate them, to hypnotize them, to push them into mass formation psychosis. Somebody at the top knows exactly what they’re doing with this. That’s my point.”

And, again, tech companies like Google and Facebook play central roles in that effort. I look at Google as the Skynet of the Terminator series. They’re probably the worst offender of all the technology companies that are accelerating this. They the champions of social engineering. They own DeepMind, the most sophisticated artificial intelligence company on the planet, and they’re clearly using it for nefarious purposes. That said, they’re certainly not alone.

Action Plan Moving Forward

In closing, we need to give careful thought to how we might slow down, block or at least limit the devastation that’s been planned for us. At the top of that list, aside from preparing yourself and your family with the essentials for life, is to buck the narrative.

“Anytime you feel like you’re being given a role to play, just refuse to play that role,” Wood says. “I don’t care what it is, just don’t do it. If they say, ‘You need to wear a mask because blah, blah, blah — don’t wear a mask. Just don’t play the role they give you.’

I know, but there’s a lot of personal choice here. You got to make a personal decision on what it’s worth to you to do it. I personally haven’t worn a mask yet. It’s cost me. I haven’t flown an airplane for a long time. I didn’t go a lot of places.

It’s important to keep your mouth open, not shut. We need to reestablish human connection again. This has been denied us with all the social distancing and lockdowns and everything else. Get in touch with people. It hurts, I realize, for a lot of people, because relationships have been burned between children and parents and brothers and sisters. Get over it, deal with it.

You have to get out and reconnected with people again, because the future of humanity is in those connections.

Just don’t argue with them. If you love them, love them anyway, in spite of where they are. But it’s also important to get with like-minded people and spend time developing deeper relationships with people. Guys have lost the ability to have best friends, almost universally across the country.

Women are better at having best friends, but they’ve been denied best friends because everything’s been broken up. Get embedded in a local church and start going to these home fellowships, whatever, where people are meeting face to face and just talk to them …

We have a lot of answers and a lot of tangible things we can help people with. You need to do it, be prepared to do it. When you have the opportunity, open your mouth and help them out. At least, give them some hope, because right now the other side wants you to have no hope. They want to strip all hope away from you so that you will turn to the government or turn to the technocrats for help.

We need to help people with this whole hope business and not to sell hopium, as some people call it, but to give them some tangible help on what they can do right now to put up a defense around their own body, around their own mind or whatever it might be …

This is where we are as a world today — we, on the non-mass formation psychosis side, we’re all in. Whether anybody else recognizes that as immaterial, but we are all in this. This is the most important civilizational, existential thing that we’ll ever deal with in our lifetime.

It really is that important. It’s not something we can just say, ‘Well, it’s just another problem,’ kind of like, ‘We had problems with Jimmy Carter.’ No, it’s not that kind of problem. This is a bigger existential threat that we’re facing right now.

We must be dead serious. But there’s hope, I will say. And until it’s over, it’s not over. We can make a difference and we need to try. We just can’t throw up our hands and say there’s no point trying, I’m going to go home and get drunk. Klaus Schwab told you, with his own lips, that by 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy. They’re trying to make it happen. Yes, they are.

One of the reasons, by the way, that the World Economic Forum has met with the United Nations to speed up the agenda, closer on this side of 2030, is because of the mounting resistance around the world to the agenda. I’m convinced of this. I’ve been watching this since the beginning.

Americans can’t have 500,000 people in the street protesting anything, that doesn’t happen here. That’s just not our culture. But not Europe, at the drop of a hat, you’ll get a 100,000 people in the street, all screaming and banging pots and pans and hollering and carrying signs.

I know they see these massive hordes of people that are saying, essentially, ‘Hell, no’… This has to have an impact on them. I think that’s one reason they’re trying to accelerate the program right now and make it happen faster.

To me, that’s just kind of a little bit of a sign of resistance is working, and this to me, this ought to tell the resistance to double down — double down right now on whatever it is you’re doing. Do twice as much as you did last week or last month and continue to put the pressure on it.”

Welcome To 2030: I Own Land, Live Among Like Minded People, And Life Has Never Been Better

It’s time for the people to envision what our 2030 will look like.

On Friday November 11th, 2016, the World Economic Forum and Forbes magazine published a short essay titled “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better”. Written by Ida Auken, Denmark’s former Minister for the Environment imagines what life might be like in 2030.

welcome to 2030 i own land, live among like minded people, and life has never been better

The year 2030 was chosen because of its importance to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the ostensible goal of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and spreading peace and prosperity to all people by 2030. Their actions, however, regularly belie their stated intentions.

The SDGs were part of a larger resolution known as the 2030 Agenda, or Agenda 2030, with the stated purpose of fighting climate change. While the United Nations SDGs and Agenda 2030 are often touted as a tool for establishing healthy multilateral relationships between nations, in truth, they are based in a deeper agenda to monitor, control, and direct all life on the planet.

Here’s How the WEF Wants to Achieve This: The Great Reset Will Render All Products As Services, to Implement ‘You Will Own Nothing’ by 2030.

Although the essay is nearly 6 years old, most people have become aware of it — and the phrase “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” — since the World Economic Forum announced The Great Reset agenda in June 2020. Over the last 2 years, countless researchers, podcasters, and journalists have shared their concerns with the public in an attempt to avert the world described by Ida Auken.

The efforts to reach the masses appear to have been successful to some degree based on the corporate media attempting to fact check the story, Ida Auken releasing a statement in response to the public concerns, and the WEF taking the essay down from their website. In Auken’s 2020 statement she says:

“Some people have read this blog as my utopia or dream of the future. It is not. It is a scenario showing where we could be heading – for better and for worse. I wrote this piece to start a discussion about some of the pros and cons of the current technological development. When we are dealing with the future, it is not enough to work with reports. We should start discussions in many new ways. This is the intention with this piece.”

Interestingly enough, Ida Auken is listed as an “Agenda Contributor” for the WEF and was the first Danish politician chosen for the Young Global Leaders Program. Auken has also released 3 other blogs (123) imagining the world of 2030. Upon reading these 4 essays you come away with the understanding that some of what Auken and the WEF describes actually sounds beneficial. After all, who wouldn’t want a more walkable and bikeable town or city? Who doesn’t appreciate more trails and trees?

Of course, when you get past the buzzwords and promises of utopia you recognize that the world of 2030 described by Auken and the WEF is a world where Technocrats centrally plan every aspect of society. It is a world with no privacy, no personal property ownership, with compulsory digital IDs, digital currencies, and social credit scores. In short, you will own nothing and be happy.

Auken makes these points clear in her 2016 essay when she notes that “everything you considered a product, has now become a service”, or “in our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there”. She also notes that shopping has turned into “choosing things to use” and that sometimes she lets “the algorithm” do it for her because “it knows my taste better than I do by now”.

Finally, Auken laments the people “who do not live in our city, those we lost on the way”, referring to the people who opted out of the Smart Cities and social credit scores to exit the cities and build “self-supplying communities”. What Ms. Auken may fail to understand is that millions of people are choosing to exit the cities already, and build outside the digital dystopia planned for 2030. Even those who cannot or will not leave the cities are beginning to question what their future holds if they remain in the tightly controlled metroplexes.

While most readers likely do not agree with the vision put forth by the WEF, the UN, and their cartels, we cannot deny that these institutions are working night and day to achieve their 2030 Agenda. They are working with hundreds of multinational corporations, nearly every major world government, and spending trillions of dollars to manifest The Great Reset.

It’s time for the people to envision what our 2030 will look like. If we know we reject the new normal and the Great Reset, we must understand what exactly we are seeking to create. Will it be “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy”? Or, perhaps, You Will Be Thriving and You Will Be Fulfilled. The answer completely depends on every single one of us. The future generations are depending on us to build an alternative to the Technocratic vision.

Here is one alternative vision of 2030. This is my simple attempt at outlining what 2030 could be like. I call it Liberation 2030 and I work everyday to help others see the importance of envisioning our future. Maybe your vision is slightly different. Whatever it is, write it down, see it in your mind, and do what you can to bring it to reality.

Let’s reject Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, and let’s build The People’s Reset.

Welcome To 2030: I Own Land, Live Among Like Minded People, And Life Has Never Been Better

Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my home. I own a couple of acres in an intentional community just outside a major city. I live in an Earthship with my family and our pets.

Together we live amongst dozens of other families and individuals who decided to get out of the concrete jungle and head for greener pastures. Every family owns their own land and home. The founders of our community bought the land and began recruiting members in the late 2010’s as the surveillance grids become more obvious.

Our community has built our own homes, roads, a network of trails, and a community center where we host educational workshops to teach other communities how to become independent from the grid.

Speaking of the grid, some of our neighbors have been experimenting with “free energy” devices, while others are focused on solar, hydro, and wind power. We are determined to be energy independent, especially after some governments began disconnecting the unvaccinated from the electric grid in 2026.

Once food prices and inflation began to rise in 2022 we realized we needed to cut our dependence on the grocery stores. Most of the corporate stores require a digital ID to enter anyways and most of our community members have opted out of that system.

So now all of our homes are nestled within food forests producing fruits from around the world. The hundreds of trees we have planted the last few years shield our homes from the elements and allow for privacy.

As you walk down the pathways you also see many permaculture gardens producing veggies and herbs for cooking and medicine. Free range kids are running in every direction, laughing and playing in the sun.

The best part of our lives now is that we are not alone. In fact, we are one of thousands of communities which form an international network outside of the big cities and control grid.

Our community is surrounded by several other like-minded communities, each with their own governance models, traditions, and norms. We often trade goods and services with our local neighbors, and some communities have begun establishing long distance trade networks.

Thankfully, in the late 2010’s, a handful of forward thinking individuals began establishing local cells and circles, helping people network and find the community they were looking for. These groups laid the foundation for a People’s Reset which saw millions of people exiting from the grid and disobeying authoritarian mandates.

Those cells eventually morphed into intentional communities and ecovillages united by respect for self-ownership and bodily autonomy. Together they form a decentralized network of networks which gives the people an option outside of the smart cities.

I’ve even heard rumors that some of these communities help people escaping from the cities.

“They Live Different Kinds Of Lives Inside The City”

Sometimes I think about the people we left behind. The people who became consumed with the benefits and conveniences of technology and couldn’t see the dangers. The people who were propagandized to hate their neighbor if they belong to a different political party. Even worse, the people who knew what was coming but failed to act.

They live different kinds of lives inside the city. They are only allowed to go outside their apartments when the Climate Warning System is listed as green and when the Gates’ World Health Foundation says the Pandemic Threat Level is below a 70.

No one is allowed to drive a vehicle anymore or own land. You can’t rent an appliance without showing a digital ID card or scanning your retinas.

Actually, no one is even allowed in the city without being sanitized, scanned, tagged, and assigned a social credit rating which determines your class and access to public services.

We know there are labor camps and quarantine camps but they are hard to find because the ruling Democratic-Republican Alliance moves the prisoners often.

We pray everyday for our brothers and sisters in the city, and we work towards a day when all our people are free to join us in creating the lives of their dreams.

Exposing The ‘Digital ID Is A Human Right’ Scam

A major component of the Great Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for.

exposing the 'digital id is a human right' scam

Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to the Technocrats visions?

The world of 2030 — the one in which the World Economic Forum imagines “you will own nothing and be happy” — depends on an all-encompassing digital id program. This digital ID will allow a track and trace society where the authorities can see every purchase and every move you make.

One could argue much of society has already handed over this data with the ubiquitous use of credit cards which track purchases, and phones which log GPS data.

However, the digital ID scheme will also be linked to a digital wallet holding the local Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the digital currency of governments which will be needed for all legal transactions. Eventually, this digital ID and the digital wallet will be connected to, and impacted by, your individual social credit score.

As I have reported since March 2020, these initiatives were already in the works prior to COVID-19. However, it was the beginning of the COVID-19 panic that allowed governments around the world to push further towards their vision of Technocracy.

For example, we have been told that use of cash should be greatly reduced or eliminated altogether because of reports claiming COVID-19 spread through dirty old money. This conveniently leads into the calls for digital currency programs such as CBDCs.

Of course, we see the push for “contact tracing” apps to track the alleged spread of disease, and jjab passport/health passport apps have begun to acclimate the public to carrying a digital ID card with them everywhere they go.

The jjab passport is simply a gateway to a digital identity which has already been in the works in the United States, to one degree or another, since at least 2005 with the passing of the controversial REAL ID Act.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16

This push towards a digital identity has its roots in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the ostensible goal of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and spreading peace and prosperity to all people by 2030. Their actions, however, regularly belie their stated intentions.

The SDGs were part of a larger resolution known as the 2030 Agenda, or Agenda 2030, with the stated purpose of fighting climate change.

While the United Nations SDGs and Agenda 2030 are often touted as a tool for establishing healthy multilateral relationships between nations, in truth, they are based in a deeper agenda to monitor, control, and direct all life on the planet.

The 17 SDGs each tackle a different area of their ostensible fight for justice and equality. UN SDG 16 focuses on “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and states that “by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

One document from the United Nations titled “United Nations Strategy for Legal Identity for All” further defines what is meant by “legal” and “digital identity.” A legal identity is essentially a form of registration with a civil body (a government).

The UN document makes it clear that “legal identity is widely acknowledged to be catalytic for achieving at least ten of the SDGs“, and the data generated by the registration supports the measurement of more than 60 SDG indicators. “Legal identity has a critical role to ensure the global community upholds its promise of leaving no one behind as espoused in the 2030 Agenda,” the UN report states.

When it comes to digital identity, the document says digital identity is generally understood as a unique and constant identity — a virtual identification card, for example — assigned to individuals that authenticates them as users of all their portable digital devices.

This identity can apply to the digital and physical worlds. Using a digital identity involves passwords, cryptographic key, biometrics such as fingerprint or iris scanning.

Digital Identity As A Human Right

As we approach 2030 the “digital identity as a human right” meme is increasingly being planted in the minds of the masses. I would expect this trend to become a standard talking point amongst corporate media hacks and their followers.

Not only is the public being primed to accept digital identity as a method of tracking illness (and the population), but digital identity is being sold to the bleeding hearts of the Western world as a necessity for helping the so-called “unbanked” of the world and bringing them into modern financial systems.

The term unbanked refers to those people who, for one reason or another, lack bank accounts and credit cards. This apparent lack is often reported as a flaw of modern society, an example of another poor population being left behind. What goes unquestioned is whether integration into the banking system is the best thing for an individual or not.

It is assumed that all people should need or want to be involved in the debt based banking system, allowing the criminal banks behind The Great Reset to fund their projects with the people’s money.

Many of these people live in the developing world, and in places like Mexico there exists a thriving counter or informal economy of people trading, buying, and selling goods without taxes, regulations, or a digital record of any kind.

This type of economic and social activity is the exact behavior the Technocrats want to eliminate, precisely because it flies in the face of the Great Reset vision.

Thus the media must do its job to convince the public that colonization is not colonization when it involves sustainability and diversity. The people need to be convinced that those poor Mexican farmers won’t be complete until they have a digital ID, with a digital wallet for receiving the digital currency as part of the Universal Basic Income program. These gushing stories promoting digital identity as the savior of the developing world fail to mention the dark side to the digitization of all life, specifically the coming terror of social credit and social impact finance tools.

Instead we get headlines like, “Digital Inclusion. The Human Right to Have an Identity” from the Thales Group, a French multinational with ties to the French government and one of the largest military weapons contractors in the world.

“The lack of identity is not just a loss in terms of being seen by the system and society. It is an exclusion that prevents people from achieving their full potential. They cannot be educated, they cannot access healthcare services, and their children inherit this legacy as they’re born outside the system,” the group wrote in February 2021. Again, the general assumption is that there is no life to be had “outside the system”.

Meanwhile, Impakter Magazine, known for promoting the SDGs, published a piece titled “Digital Identity As a Basic Human Right” in May 2018. The Impakter piece promotes blockchain based ID’s and putting children’s birth certificates on the blockchain as well.

Thankfully there are some examples of pushback to the commonly held narratives surrounding digital id.

In April 2021, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice published a skeptical piece titled “Everyone Counts! Ensuring that the human rights of all are respected in digital ID systems.” This article looked at some of the ways marginalized populations are further marginalized by digital systems. They warn of the “need for the human rights movement to engage in discussions about digital transformation so that fundamental rights are not lost in the rush to build a ‘modern, digital state’.”

The group Access Now published a report, Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India, focused on the concerns surrounding India’s implementation of their digital ID system, Aadhaar. The report concludes that so-called “Big ID programs” — that is programs implemented by governments with the help of Big Tech — are not needed to give people a legal identity. Further, the report found that Big ID creates space for surveillance to flourish, as demonstrated by India’s Aadhaar system.

In May 2021, the ACLU released a blog in response to concerns around jjab passports. The ACLU warned about digital identities, including recent efforts to mandate digital drivers licenses“A move to digital IDs is not a minor change but one that could drastically alter the role of identification in our society, increase inequality, and turn into a privacy nightmare,” the ACLU wrote.

Finally, the organization Privacy International directly challenged the United Nations SDGs and asked, “The Sustainable Development Goals, Identity, and Privacy: Does their implementation risk human rights?.” The report states:

“If actors fail to consider the risks, ID systems can themselves threaten human rights, particularly the right to privacy. They can become tools for surveillance by the state and the private sector; they can exclude, rather than include.

There are thus risks in the implementation of an ID scheme – not only that it fails to meet the promise of SDG 16.9, but that it also builds a system for surveillance and exclusion. It is thus essential to critically engage with the interpretation of the goal, and the uses to which it has been put.”

The World Economic Forum, The United Nations, And The World Bank

The United Nations is not the only supranational body lobbying for digital identity. In January 2021, the World Economic Forum met for their annual meeting to discuss the “Davos Agenda.” As TLAV previously reported, the January meeting was focused on restoring trust and outlining the plan for The Great Reset. In the lead up to the January 2021 meeting the WEF published an article titled “How digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 world.”

The article notes, “while government’s role is key, regulators have understood that they don’t hold all the cards and that solutions are needed across the public and private sectors. Digital identity trust frameworks led by governments working with the private sector are emerging.” This discussion of “frameworks led by governments working with the private sector” is exactly the public-private partnership the WEF has been promoting for decades.

We should also remember that the WEF was one of the first organizations to begin promoting the idea of jjab passports as part of a “new normal.” The WEF would officially announce The Great Reset initiative in June 2020, only 3 months into the COVID-19 panic.

Of course, the WEF’s Great Reset plan is ultimately a refinement of the UN’s Agenda 2030 and SDGs. Thus it should come as no surprise that the UN is also working on a form of digital identity. The UN Digital Solutions Centre (UN DSC) has developed an “innovative digital identity solution for UN personnel.”

The UN DSC, a pilot project of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), says they are working on a suite of digital solutions that can be shared among UN Agencies to “transform common business operations and streamline time-consuming transactional tasks.”

The UN Digital ID will use blockchain and some form of biometrics. It has been described as a digital wallet for UN personnel. The UN DSC website describes the project as “based on a blockchain, biometrics and a mobile app solution, this pilot will look to offer a unique digital ID for every UN employee for end-to-end lifecycle management from on-boarding through to retirement that will be immutable, protected, transparent and portable.”

While the UN and WEF have been promoting the acceptance of digital identity, the World Bank has been funding the development of such programs as part of the Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative. The World Bank is funding digital biometric ID programs in Mexico, pushing digital ID in poorer countries with the ostensible goal of providing legal identity to the 1.1 billion people who do not currently have one.

Luis Fernando García, the director of the Mexican digital rights organization R3D, says the programs are being funded by those interested in exploiting Mexico’s human data. “Sophisticated intelligence agencies in rich countries are delighted that poor countries are creating these databases of people that they can exploit for their benefit. They have offensive capabilities that allow them to attack, obtain, and collect information that less-developed countries create through these databases,” he stated in a 2021 interview.

“Like many other Global South national identity projects — whether in Kenya, Uganda, or Mexico — the World Bank is behind it. The World Bank is giving Mexico a loan of $225 million to implement the system. It is not promoting this approach in Germany or Canada or the U.S.: countries that do not have a national identity system. But they are promoting it in the Global South, which is very telling.”

At the same time an alliance of Microsoft, GAVI — the Global Vaccine Alliance which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — and the Rockefeller Foundation have organized their efforts under the ID2020 project. The ID2020 project is an attempt to create digital identification for every single person on the planet. In 2018, Microsoft announced a formal partnership with the ID2020 project at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The usual cast of characters — the WEF, the UN, the World Bank, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation — have spent the recent years lobbying for the need to create a digital identity for every person on the planet. During the COVID-19 crisis, these organizations promoted the use of jjab passports, which itself is a form of a digital identity.

Now, they are poised to use economic turmoil and fears of pandemic 2 to promote the value of digital identity, whether to receive a digital currency in exchange for dollars, or to prove vaccination status. One way or another, the Technocrats will force their digital identity prisons on the masses.

Colonization 3.0 And The Future Of Identity

The colonization of the Americas and Africa took place in the obvious forms — physical slavery, murder, rape, erasing of language, customs, and culture, etc. — and in less obvious ways — psychological trauma, isolation, loss of identity. The exploits of the European empires were the first wave of the colonization, with later colonization in the form of weaponized financial aid and assistance designed to trap developing nations in debts which require them to sell their natural wealth and resources.

Now, digital colonization is on the horizon. Once again, Africa and Latin America are on the list of targets for digital id schemes. As Impakter Magazine reported, there are plans for placing infant identity on a blockchain so there may be a permanent record of the person. These programs are already taking place in South Africa. Dr. Aaron Ramodumo says the country is on a “progressive transition” towards using biometrics for an infant identity with unique ID numbers.

South Africa’s new program will begin in 2024, and provide capabilities for palm prints, fingerprint, footprint, face and iris biometrics. Ramodumo told Biometric Update he hopes it will be available for infants soon. “While we want to build a policy around biometric capture of infants and children, we still have not made a selection of the specific technology,” Ramodumo said. “And that continues to be a subject of research, and I hope researchers will provide other options to choose from.”

Another organization which has been calling for a “legal identity” in Africa is ID4Africa. Coincidentally, the organization received 3 grants totaling $600,000 USD from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2019 and 2021.

Despite the attempts to colonize Africa with digital identity, there is some hope. In late 2021, Kenya’s digital ID program, the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS), was ruled illegal by the highest court because the government did not clearly establish the data privacy risks, nor did they outline a strategy for measuring and mitigating risks.

Ultimately, the crux of this discussion centers around identity and what is needed for a person to operate in the world today.

For example, in many nations a person already cannot open a bank account, attend school, rent a house, take out a loan, or drive a vehicle legally without presenting some form of identification. These are conditions that many people in the modern world have come to accept as norms.

However, there is a growing skepticism of the incoming digital systems, and, in some cases, even the “traditional” systems most people are familiar with.

Why should we have to show a government approved ID to be recognized as a person? Why must we submit to the government sanctioned identity if we do choose to carry a form of identity (digital or physical)?

These are important questions to ask and the assumptions we hold must be questioned. As we push further into the digital world of 2030, I encourage all readers to alert your friends and family to the dangers posed by digital identity.

Help them understand how digital id will inevitably be connected to digital currency, and eventually, a social credit score. This infrastructure, along with widespread facial recognition cameras, will be the invisible enforcement arm of the Technocratic State.

Together, facial recognition, digital identity, digital currency, and social credit scores represent a giant leap forward towards digital totalitarianism.

UK Government To Launch Digital ID Technology In April 22

The UK government is pushing ahead with its nationwide digital ID plans, despite half of the responses to its public consultation on digital identity opposing the idea.

uk government to launch digital id technology in april 22


On April 6, 2022, new digital identity document verification technology (IDVT) that enables data sharing between public bodies and businesses for the purpose of identity verification will be introduced. It will be made available to UK employers, landlords, and letting agents who can use it to digitally carry out pre-employment criminal record checks, right to work checks, and right to rent checks.

The introduction of this digital IDVT is part of the government’s far-reaching digital ID plans which were announced in March. The government has framed these digital ID plans as a way for UK citizens to “easily and quickly prove their identity using digital methods instead of having to rely on traditional physical documents.”

Under these digital ID plans, UK citizens will be able to “create a digital identity with a trusted organisation” which can be used “in-person or online” and “via a phone app or website.” These trusted organisations will then be given a “legal gateway” to “carry out verification checks against official data held by public bodies to help validate a person’s identity.” The government will also allow the “trust” generated by a single successful digital identity check to be passed to other organisations “where appropriate.”

The trusted organisations that provide these digital identity solutions will need to get accredited and certified under legislation that the government plans to introduce. Once accredited and certified, they’ll be “given a trust mark to demonstrate their compliance and will be defined as being a trust-marked organisation.”

A new interim governing body, the Office for Digital Identities and Attributes (ODIA), will be set up in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) and it will have the power to issue these trust marks. The ODIA will also publish a publicly viewable list of trust-marked organisations.

new legislation set to make digital identities more trustworthy and secure


Other companies that rely on the digital identity solutions provided by trust-marked organizations won’t need to be certified but may be subject to “flow-down conditions” such as agreements to not share the information they receive.

Before announcing these digital ID plans, the government sought views and feedback on its proposed approach to digital identity via a public consultation.

50% of the responses to this consultation were “against digital identity in principle” but the government didn’t include these responses in its statistical analysis of responses to the consultation because they “did not engage with the questions.”

However, the government insisted that “outside the context of producing the statistical analysis, we have taken these responses into account as part of this consultation exercise.”

The government also admitted that some respondents feared that “digital identities are going to be made mandatory for all people” but dismissed these concerns as “false” and said it will seek feedback on how to “encourage more inclusive digital identities.”

“As set out in the consultation, there are no plans to make digital identities mandatory, but we recognise they are an emerging technology and people may not be fully aware of the privacy and security benefits,” the government said.

“Therefore we will take steps to increase understanding amongst potential users and engage with civil society groups to receive their expert feedback on how to increase inclusion, now and into the future.”

The government added that it’s “committed to ensuring” that “people will still be able to use available paper documentation.”

The government’s digital ID framework has completed alpha testing. The next steps are a beta publication followed by beta testing before the framework is formalized in legislation.

The government cited “positive feedback received about the ability to conduct right to work and right to rent checks remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic” as one of its reasons for initiating its review of digital ID technology.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK government embraced jjab passports – a technology that shares many similarities with digital ID by requiring citizens to use a digital pass.

These jjab passports were used to scoop up large amounts of data from UK citizens, some of which was shared with private companies.

identity document validation technology in the right to work and right to rent schemes, and bs pre employment checking


Vaccine passports are one of many examples of the UK government using or proposing the use of technology to surveil its citizens. Other examples include it secretly surveilling millions of COVID jjab recipients via their phones, proposing a social credit style app to encourage healthy eating, and proposing the increased use of surveillance drones to “protect” women.

Despite its history of surveillance, the government insists that this digital ID technology will have “strong security and privacy standards.”

The government’s digital ID plans were announced in the same month that the UK government’s Online Safety Bill began its legislative journey. This bill mandates the implementation of identity and age verification technology on many large online platforms.

This current attempt to introduce digital ID comes almost a decade after the UK government launched its 2013 digital ID project “Verify” which was blasted by the National Audit Office and internal Parliamentary committees for “failing the public” and missing all of its performance targets.

BOOM! Ukraine Becomes The First Country To Implement The Great Reset

Until Russia invaded Ukraine, the Great Reset was failing miserably. Knowing how The Cult operates, we warned back in April of 2021 that the Globalists were surely preparing another crisis.

ukraine becomes the first country to implement the great reset

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Great Reset is not only back on schedule, but it has already made its first victim.

While everyday Ukrainians have their entire existence taken over by war, the Ukrainian government silently implemented the Great Reset – and barely anyone even noticed.

As a result, Ukraine becomes the first country in the world that surrenders to the New World Order, implementing a Social Credit score, a Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity and a Vax Passport – all within a single app called Diia:

Also watch this official instructional video (make sure you activate English translation):

We’ve warned before that under a New World Order, the digital money issued by the government can be spent on select products only, and they will have an expiry date, which means that the people will not be able to save money ever again – this is exactly what happened in Ukraine:

ukraine great reset new world order

Image: screenshot of the Gov’t website

Here’s the Ukrainian Gov’t website announcing the draconian measures.

Ukrainian PM Says Quiet Part Out Loud: ‘We Not Only Fight For Ukraine – We Fight For This New World Order’.

And this is the truth about the current situation in Ukraine:

Until recently, Vladimir Putin seemed to oppose the Great Reset and the New World Order, but now it is looking increasingly possible that he might also be part of the NWO agenda, and the invasion of Ukraine served as the much-needed pretext for imposing unprecedentedly drastic mutual sanctions, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the global economy.

When the world economy inevitably collapses, the Great Reset / New World Order will be implemented on a global scale. Putin’s next moves will eventually reveal if he is part of the globalist agenda not.

10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset

Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war.

While the pandemic acclimatised the world to lockdowns, normalised the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can ‘Build Back Better.’

10 signs the war in ukraine is part of the great reset

I present below several ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships

1. The war between Russia and Ukraine is already causing unprecedented disruption to global supply chains, exacerbating fuel shortages and inducing chronic levels of inflation.

As geopolitical tensions morph into a protracted conflict between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis, a second contraction may plunge the economy into stagflation.

In the years ahead, the combination of subpar growth and runaway inflation will force a global economic underclass into micro-work contracts and low-wage jobs in an emerging gig economy.

Another recession will compound global resource thirst, narrow the scope for self-sufficiency and significantly increase dependence on government subsidies.

With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labour force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order.

Therefore, the World Economic Forum’s ominous prediction that we will ‘own nothing and be happy’ by 2030 seems to be unfolding with horrifying rapidity.

2. The war’s economic fallout will lead to a dramatic downsizing of the global workforce

The architects of the Great Reset have anticipated this trend for a number of years and will exploit this economic turbulence by propelling the role of disruptive technologies to meet global challenges and fundamentally alter traditional business patterns to keep pace with rapid changes in technology.

Like the pandemic, disaster preparedness in the age of conflict will rest significantly on the willingness to embrace specific technological innovations in the public and private spheres so that future generations can supply the labour demands of the Great Reset.

A recurring theme in Klaus Schwab’s Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that groundbreaking technological and scientific innovations will no longer be relegated to the physical world around us but become extensions of ourselves.

He emphasises the primacy of emerging technologies in a next generation workforce and highlights the urgency to push ahead with plans to digitise several aspects of the global labour force through scalable technology based solutions.

Those spearheading the Great Reset seek to manage geopolitical risk by creating new markets which revolve around digital innovations, e-strategies, telepresence labour, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies.

The breakneck speed in which AI technologies are being deployed suggest that the optimization of such technologies will initially bear on traditional industries and professions which offer a safety net for hundreds of millions of workers, such as farming, retail, catering, manufacturing and the courier industries.

However, automation in the form of robots, smart software and machine learning will not be limited to jobs which are routine, repetitive and predictable.

AI systems are on the verge of wholesale automation of various white collar jobs, particularly in areas which involve information processing and pattern recognition such as accounting, HR and middle management positions.

Although anticipating future employment trends is no easy task, it’s safe to say that the combined threat of pandemics and wars means the labour force is on the brink of an unprecedented reshuffle with technology reshaping logistics, potentially threatening hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history and foreshadowing a labour market shift which was previously inconceivable.

While it has long been anticipated that the increased use of technology in the private sector would result in massive job losses, pandemic lockdowns and the coming disruption caused by a war will speed up this process, and many companies will be left with no other option but to lay off staff and replace them with creative technological solutions merely for the survival of their businesses.

In other words, many of the jobs which will be lost in the years ahead were already moving towards redundancy and are unlikely to be recovered once the dust is settled.

3. The war has significantly reduced Europe’s reliance on the Russian energy sector and reinforced the centrality of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ‘net zero‘ emissions which lies at the heart of the Great Reset.

un sustainable development goals

Policymakers marching lockstep with the Great Reset have capitalised on the tough sanctions against Russia by accelerating the shift towards ‘green’ energy and reiterating the importance of decarbonisation as part of the ‘fight against climate change’.

However, it would be very short-sighted to assume that the Great Reset is ultimately geared towards the equitable distribution of ‘green’ hydrogen and carbon-neutral synthetic fuels replacing petrol & diesel.

While UN SDGs are crucial to post-pandemic recovery, more importantly, they are fundamental to the makeover of shareholder capitalism which is now being vaunted by the Davos elites as ‘stakeholder capitalism’.

In economic terms, this refers to a system where governments are no longer the final arbiters of state policies as unelected private corporations become the de facto trustees of society, taking on the direct responsibility to address the world’s social, economic and environmental challenges through macroeconomic cooperation and a multi-stakeholder model of global governance.

Under such an economic construct, asset holding conglomerates can redirect the flow of global capital by aligning investments with the UN’s SDGs and configuring them as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of potentially hundreds of millions of people reeling from the economic collapse caused by war.

Therefore, the war offers a huge impetus for the governments pushing the reset to actively pursue energy independence, shape markets towards ‘green and inclusive growth’ and eventually move populations towards a cap-and-trade system, otherwise known as a carbon credit economy.

This will centralise power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means, using deceptive slogans like ‘Build Back Better’ without sacrificing the perpetual growth imperative of capitalism.

4. Food shortages created by the war will offer a major boon to the synthetic biology industry as the convergence of digital technologies with materials science and biology will radically transform the agricultural sector and encourage the adoption of plant-based and lab-grown alternatives on a global scale. 

Russia and Ukraine are both breadbaskets of the world and critical shortages in grains, fertilisers, vegetable oils and essential foodstuffs will catapult the importance of biotechnology to food security and sustainability and give birth to several imitation meat start-ups similar to ‘Impossible Foods’ which was co-funded by Billy Boy.

One can therefore expect more government regulation to usher a dramatic overhaul to industrial food production and cultivation, ultimately benefiting agribusiness and biotech investors, since food systems will be redesigned through emerging technologies to grow ‘sustainable’ proteins and CRISPR gene-edited patented crops.

5. Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) foreshadows an economic reset which will generate precisely the kind of blowback necessary for corralling large swathes of the global population into a technocratic control grid.

As several economists have opined, weaponizing SWIFT, CHIPS (The Clearing House Interbank Payments System) and the US Dollar against Russia will only spur geopolitical rivals like China to accelerate the process of de-dollarisation.

The main benefactor of economic sanctions against Russia appears to be China which can reshape the Eurasian market by encouraging member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and BRICS to bypass the SWIFT ecosystem and settle cross-border international payments in the Digital Yuan.

While the demand for cryptocurrencies will see a massive spike, this is likely to encourage many governments to increasingly regulate the sector through public blockchains and enforce a multilateral ban on decentralised cryptocurrencies.

The shift to crypto could be the dress rehearsal to eventually expedite plans for programmable money overseen by a federal regulator, leading to the greater accretion of power in the hands of a powerful global technocracy and thus sealing our enslavement to financial institutions.

I believe this war will bring currencies to parity, therefore heralding a new Bretton Woods moment which promises to transform the operation of international banking and macroeconomic cooperation through the future adoption of central bank digital currencies.

6.  This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international rules-based order anchored in Eurasia.

As the ‘father of geopolitics’ Halford Mackinder opined over a century ago, the rise of every global hegemon in the past 500 years has been possible because of dominance over Eurasia. Similarly, their decline has been associated with losing control over that pivotal landmass.

This causal connection between geography and power has not gone unnoticed by the global network of stakeholders representing the WEF, many of whom have anticipated the transition to a multipolar era and return to great power competition amid America’s receding political and economic influence and a pressing need for what technocrats call smart globalisation.

While America tries desperately to cling to its superpower status, China’s economic ascent and Russia’s regional ambitions threaten to upend the strategic axial points of Eurasia (Western Europe and Asia Pacific).

The region in which America previously enjoyed uncontested hegemony is no longer impervious to cracks and we may be witnessing a changing of the guard which dramatically alters the calculus of global force projection.

Although China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has the potential to unify the world-island (Asia, Africa and Europe) and cause a tectonic shift in the locus of global power, the recent invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for China-Europe rail freight.

The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road.

As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism.

7. With speculation mounting over the war’s long term impact on bilateral trade flows between China and Europe, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will catapult Israel – a leading advocate of the Great Reset – to even greater international prominence. 

israel great reset big tech

Israel is a highly attractive BRI market for China and the CCP is acutely aware of Israel’s importance as a strategic outpost connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through the Gulf of Suez.

Furthermore, the Chinese government has for many years acknowledged the primacy of Israel as a global technology hub and capitalised on Israel’s innovation capabilities to help meet its own strategic challenges.

Therefore, Naftali Bennet’s mediation between Moscow and Kiev is likely to factor the instrumental role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in expanding both China and Israel’s regional and global strategic footprint.

Israel’s status as among the leading tech hubs of the future and gateway connecting Europe and the Middle East is inextricably tied to the web of physical infrastructures, such as roads, railways, ports and energy pipelines which China has been building over the past decade.

Already a powerhouse in auto-technologies, robotics and cybersecurity, Israel aspires to be the central nation in the millennial Kingdom and the country’s tech startups are predicted to play a key role in the fourth industrial revolution.

Strengthening its evolving relationship with China amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis could help propel Israel into a regional hegemon par excellence with a large share of centralised economic and technological power converging in Jerusalem.

As Israel embarks on efforts to diversify its export markets and investments away from the United States, it begs an important question.

Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis?

8. It is now common knowledge that Digital IDs are a central plank in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda and are to be streamlined across industries, supply chains and markets as a way of advancing the UN 2030 SDGs and delivering individualised and integrated services in future smart cities.


Many have cottoned on to how such a platform can be used to usher in a global system of technocratic population control and compliance by incorporating humanity into a new corporate value chain where citizens are mined as data commodities for ESG investors and human capital bond markets and assigned a social and climate score based on how well they measure up against the UN SDGs.

This seamless verification of people and connected devices in smart environments can only take place once our biometrics, health records, finances, education transcripts, consumer habits, carbon footprint and the entire sum of human experiences is stored on an interoperable database to determine our conformity with the UN SDGs, thus forcing a monumental change to our social contract.

Vaccine passports were initially touted by public-private partnerships as an entry point for Digital IDs. Now that such a logic has run its course, how might the present geopolitical tensions contribute to scaling what is the key node in a new digital ecosystem?

Ukraine has traditionally been called Europe’s breadbasket and alongside Russia, both nations are major global suppliers of staple grains. Therefore, the war has all the makings of a black swan for commodities and inflation.

With an economy teetering on the brink of collapse due to a global supply crunch, I believe the resulting economic tremors will trigger wartime emergencies across the world and the public will be told to brace themselves for rationing.

Once this takes place, the multilateral adoption of Digital IDs which interface with Central Bank Digital Currencies can be touted as the solution to efficiently manage and distribute household rations under an unprecedented state of emergency and exception.

The Bank of England has already floated the prospect of programmable cash which can only be spent on essentials or goods which an employer or government deem sensible.

Once the issuer is granted control over how it is spent by the recipient, it will become nigh impossible to function adequately without a Digital ID, which will be required to receive food parcels and obtain a basic means of subsistence. Think UBI (Universal Basic Income).

If food inflation continues on an upward trajectory with no signs of abating, governments may institute price controls in the form of rationing and ration entries could be logged on blockchain ledgers on the Digital ID to track our carbon footprint and consumptive habits during a national emergency.

9. Europe is directly in the line of fire once a hybrid war between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis is underway.

It would be remiss to ignore the clear and present danger posed by a cyber attack on banks and critical infrastructure or even a tentative and tactical nuclear exchange with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

Warning! The World Economic Forum Ran a Financial Cyberattack Simulation That Led to a Great Reset of the Global Economy.

I can’t see how any warring party will not be limited by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction so a thermonuclear fallout is unlikely.

However, the use of remote access technologies to erase system memory from the SWIFT banking apparatus or Cross-Border Interbank Payment System can potentially render much of the international economy non-operational and send the dollar into a tailspin.

If an event of such cataclysmic proportions was to occur, it will undoubtedly lead to increasing demands to overhaul cyber security.

The fallout from such an event could very well establish a new global security protocol according to which citizens must possess a Digital ID as a necessary national security measure.

One can imagine how accessing the internet or public services in the aftermath of a nationwide cyberattack may require citizens to use a Digital ID to authenticate that their online activities and transactions are from a legitimate and non-malicious source.

There are few coincidences in politics.

10. The economic implications of this war will be so disastrous that governments and the public sector will require a significant injection of private capital to address the financing shortfall.

This will effectively render the traditional separation of powers between central banking institutions and governments obsolete, as the former will be positioned to disproportionately influence the fiscal trajectory of nation states, whose sovereignty will be hollowed out by the wholesale capture of governments by the central banks and hedge funds.

Therefore, the nation-state model is gradually being upended by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process.

Therefore, the future of international relations and the social, economic and political transformation which the world is presently undergoing in light of the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be decided through multilateralism and elected representatives of sovereign states.

Rather, it will be decided through a network of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are motivated by the politics of expediency and not accountable to any electorate or beholden to any state and for whom concepts like sovereignty and international law are meaningless.

The Beast Vs. Mankind: Agenda 2030 Vs. The People

Would it be fair to say that the Triumph of the Beast is the dictatorial takeover of the world by the doctrines of the World Economic Forum? Has the WEF been designed by the Masters that Be to invoke worldwide Apocalypse?

the beast vs. mankind agenda 2030 vs. the people

The Triumph of the Beast is, or would be – if we, The People, let it happen – a full Reset of our mostly western, over-indebted, over-extended, run out-of-control financial system. It concerns mostly the dollar- and euro-based economies.

The Triumph of the Beast is, or would be – if we, The People, let it happen – a full Reset of our mostly western, over-indebted, over-extended, run out-of-control financial system. It concerns mostly the dollar- and euro-based economies. The financial reset and a new Global World Order would imply three major objectives:

  • A massive reduction of the world’s population, again, primarily and in a first step, the western population or Global North – many or most of them are considered by the ruling elite, “useless eaters and consumers”. Around the mid-1960s, the world’s total consumption of natural resources exceeded the factor “1” (one) of what Mother Earth is generally providing.

This over-consumption reaches today, in the early 2020s, factors 3.5 to 4.5 between Europe and the US of Mother Nature’s offerings. This refers not just to food – which, after all, is a renewable resource — but primarily to non-renewable resources, one of which is hydrocarbon. Fossil fuels in mid-2020 (the year of the COVID lock-down) accounted for 84% (87% in 2019) of all energy used worldwide. An increase of 4% was projected for 2021.

On food: As an example, Eurostat (2018) reports that in the EU about 88 million tons of food waste are generated per year, at a cost of about 143 billion euros. This corresponds to about 20% of total food produced. According to FAO, worldwide approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted – see this.

  • A huge shift of capital and assets are transferred from the bottom and the middle class (mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises) to the top. According to Forbes, 2021 accounted for 2,755 billionaires worldwide, an increase of 660 new ones over 2020. Altogether these billionaires are worth $13.1 trillion, up from $8 trillion in 2020. These gains include increased share values – see this.
  • Digitization of everything – including the human brain – converting humans into transhumans (Klaus Schwab). But foremost full-digitization of money which gives governments full control over your – the people’s — money. Governments or those of the planned Global Government may seize your bank account, whenever they find a reason for punishing a disobedient citizen.

This is what Klaus Schwab (WEF) calls “Governance 4.0”, congruent with what he also calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution. All-digitization allows for full control of everything. Despite all the widely propagated, so-called loosening of COVID restrictions, there are already quietly put EU laws in place which would require full vaccination of every EU citizen (EU Resolution 2361) – and an all-encompassing digital ID, without which citizens cannot move.

Similar actions are envisaged in the US. However, resistance there by the public and especially by State Governors – see especially Texas and Florida – has been greater than in Europe. And this despite President Biden’s constant pressure for “universal vaccination”. Also, US court interventions, including by the Supreme Court, have so far on several occasions sided with the people.

These digital IDs, Billy Boy’ invention Agenda ID2020, will most likely come in the form of QR codes. The QR code will also be used for making electronic / digital payments and has virtually unlimited capacity of storing information, about your health, bank accounts and other properties, consumption, habits, travels – literally, every step you take will be recorded. See also this.

The completion of this three-step – or triple-objective – agenda is the Real Goal of UN Agenda 2030. The so-called UN Development Goals, euphemistically called UN Agenda 2030, are nothing but an unrealistic smoke-screen.

As said above, if we, the People, won’t let it happen – with spiritual will-power and foremost NO FEAR – this nefarious agenda will not come to fruition.

An Alternative

Yes, a reduction of resources wasted and excessively used, is absolutely necessary. But not to be imposed by a turbo-neoliberal financial elite, WEF-style.

Also, according to FAO, there is currently, with 2020 technologies, enough food-producing capacity available in the world to nourish 12 billion people. Capacity will increase as new technologies are developed.

Inequality, poverty and famine have to do with profit-seeking food-price speculation, with a failing or inappropriate distribution system and largely with greed of the ruling classes, that prefer hoarding food for “better times”, causing shortages and famine. And now, to stress the point of “shortages”, with artificially interrupted or destroyed supply chains.

To gain back our autonomy and sovereign lives, We, the People, must take consciousness, must wake up from our comfort slumber, see through the COVID pandemic scam – and take matters into our own hands and minds. That means – without delay:

  • Radical deglobalization
  • Back to sovereign nations
  • Radical de-digitization of banking, finances and monetary systems
  • Back to economy-based and supported sovereign currencies
  • Respecting cultural differences
  • International trading and cooperation according to comparative advantages – an economic principle that gradually died with the onslaught of global, neoliberal capitalism of the 1980s – to achieve to the maximum possible “win-win” situations.

If it sounds impossible to achieve – think again.

Think back three quarters of a century, after WWII in the 1950s, when we rebuilt the war-devastated world. With the onset of the slowly and gradually US secret services imposed global ideology of the Club of Rome, of a united one government, one currency federation of multi-cultural European countries beginning in the mid-sixties European nations’ sovereignty and independence gradually melted away. This was never a European idea, but sold to and then nurtured by corrupt European colonialist “leaders” (sic).

Yes, we the People can do it; can regain our sovereign independence and peoples’ values. Absolutely without Klaus Schwab in any form or shape, and without the WEF.


In this Dark Cult language, the Triumph of the Beast would be preceded by the Mark of the Beast. Would that be the fake “jjab” – the instrument that brings about death and destruction? And eventually the infamous Triumph of the Beast?

There is no doubt, what is happening to humankind and even to Mother Earth, is the deed of a diabolical cult. As one of such cults’ rules, in order to succeed, they must disclose to the public – to their chosen and potential victims – what they intend to do. For decades they have complied with this rule. But, we the people didn’t see it, didn’t believe it, or were too complacent and blind in our comfort to see it.

This planned and aspired world domination by a super-rich and a super-sick elite has started decades ago, at least since WWII, probably earlier. While we could go back much further, this is just to mention a few of these open warnings within the last couple of decades.

  • The 2010 Rockefeller Report. It outlined in four simple steps and chapters what was planned and what would be the end-result. Starting with the “Lockstep” phase, where people would be stunned, shocked, isolated and made fearful and totally submissive to authorities (à la Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine”), from things not visible including an invisible – and never isolated – virus, all the way to the final phase of full digitization and total control.
  • Billy Boy’ February 2010 TedTalk, “Innovating to Zero” in which he infamously said: “If we are really doing a good job [jjabing], we could reduce the world population by between 10% and 15%” (about minute four of the video).
  • The June 2016 (Swiss) Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony, depicting a Luciferian ceremony beginning with a Lockstep scenario and ending with the total submission of the people. It was attended mostly by European politicians in lead positions – and, in hindsight, many of those who attended went to Klaus Schwab’s “academy” for Young Global Leaders. See this 6-minute video clip.(CREEPY)
  • Event 201 – An open simulation of the COVID plandemic that was to come, on 18 October 2019 in NYC, organized by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The event depicted a high-level pandemic exercise with participants from the World Bank, IMF, various agencies of the UN system, including WHO and UNICEF and many more, illustrating “areas where public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.” For more details and video clips, see this.

The rest is history. In the meantime we know how large-scale economic and societal consequences were avoided or diminished. To the contrary, they were intended to hit the population as severely as possible, to cause utmost shock, fear, financial, physical and emotional damage.

The Role Of The Financial Giants

They – the masters behind the WEF and above all 193 UN member countries, the collective trillionaires of this world and their (so far) all-commanding financial institutions like, BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity — are advancing at relentless pace on several fronts and in several dimensions.

These financial giants are largely inter-woven through mutual shareholderships and inter-changeable management positions. Together, they control some US$ 20 to 25 trillion of assets, giving them a leverage power in excess of 100 trillion dollars (the world’s 2021 GDP US$ 95 trillion, IMF estimate – see this).

With such powers it is possible to coerce, force, or blackmail everyone nation of the 193 UN members to chant and act to the tune of Big Finance, whether or not they agree with the root purpose of such coercion. Hence, WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.

As we know by now, a lockdown and plandemic and all the repressive covid measures, that have nothing, but nothing to do with health, but only with the ulterior goal of installing a global One World Government with absolute and total control over everything, including all surviving citizens, In fact, making those citizens into digitally manipulable transhumans, modern slaves that own nothing but are happy (Klaus Schwab – The Great Reset).

This agenda is advancing despite people’s protests throughout the globe, and despite the “fake” loosening of covid restrictions throughout the world, predominantly the western world.


With almost all covid restrictions lifted in the western world, be aware and conscious, not to fall into the trap of illusions, that all is over now and that we are back to “normal”. This thought would be fatal. It is part of an ongoing psychological warfare. It’s a strategy to shock you again into submission, to clamp down even further in the fall, or before.

If We, the People, let it happen.

We are just entering Phase 6 of the Great Reset – full digitization: Agenda ID2020, fully integrated into the QR codification of everything, digital money – towards total and absolute control – and transhumanism.

Precursors to the final blow may be artificially produced inflation (in the US already 7% [end January 2022], expected to move into double-digits by fall 2022, or before), rising interest rates, further rising debt driven by all the COVID-induced subsidies, more “new” money put in circulation  without any economic backing – all to be “balanced” and “resolved” by a (sudden) debt-wipe-out and introduction of digital money, over which governments and banks have full control on behalf of the world financial elite.

But again, only if We, the People, let it happen.

And be prepared – NOT SCARED – as part of the renewed socio-psychological fear domination, possibly the application of the “shock doctrine” through a serious disease, like Ebola, tested in West Africa in 2014. Earlier this year, French Prime Minister Jean Castex, warned of possibly postponing France’s Presidential election in April 2022, due to a possible outbreak of Marburg (Ebola) disease. Any reference to this statement has disappeared from internet. It may have been simply a fearmongering remark.

Whatever may happen, we may expect more forced “vaxxing”, more experimental “gene-therapy”, many more deaths before closure of Agenda 2030.

Nothing is beyond evil, for these un-people.

But there is nothing that cannot be successfully fought, if We the People, collectively and solidarily put our minds, conscience and spirits together.

It is never too late, in fact it is high time, to step up protests, to step up our conscious rejection of this monster tyranny that is descending on Mother Earth, threatening full annihilation of whatever democracy was left, of humanity, or at least of civilization as we know it.

We Cannot Idle. Time Is Precious And Is Of The Essence.

If anyone still doubts that we are in the fangs of a worldwide drive towards a One World Order, a Global Government led by extraordinary financial interests, but also by a cult of power-thirsty megalomaniacs, then think again. The world is in deep trouble. If anything “globalist” has to happen, it is a global awakening. Fast.

What is occurring at ever accelerating pace, is the establishment of a global tyranny; a tyranny directed and led by the World Economic Forum. It is obvious that the financial elite and the all-controlling top financial institutions, such as BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity, plus some obscure multi-multi billionaires, are calling the shots. The WEF complies with an agenda well and by long-hand prepared – we are talking decades – implementing this nefarious, diabolical plan which also goes under the anodyne name of UN Agenda 2030.

Absolute must-read: Very Detailed Explanation Of The Great Reset And The New World Order.

The WEF’s Trained Global Leaders

Canada may be the beginning of absolute totalitarianism. The first WEF-led tyranny. Canada may well be an example for others to follow. Especially those countries for which the WEF selected its WEF-trained leaders.

For three decade the WEF has been “educating” young promising politicians, artists, industrialists (Volkswagen, the Coca Cola Company, BP Amoco and more) – but foremost politicians – to become so-called “Young Global Leaders” (YGL). Among those that went to Klaus Schwab’s YGL-academy, were Angela Merkel, Germany; Sarkozy, Macron, France; Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister, New Zealand; Scott Morrison, PM, Australia – and many more. But outstanding is Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister – see this.

Learn more here: World Economic Forum’s ‘Young Global Leaders’ Is A Massive Network Of Royals, Politicians, Big Tech, Billionaires And Other ‘Elites’.

Klaus Schwab singled Trudeau out as a “model” leader who will show the world how a country can be turned into a modern “democracy” – in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and in an all-digitized New World Order, as depicted by the Great Reset (Schwab). In other words, Trudeau will lead Canada not in favor of and for the benefits of the Canadian people, but for the global objectives of the WEF.

Trudeau is an instrument of the WEF. To strengthen the ties with the WEF, Trudeau is assisted by Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who is also on the WEF’s Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values – see this.

Prime Minister Trudeau has recently invoked the Emergency Act, against the truckers’ protest and freedom convoys, actually for reasons that have nothing to do with what the Canadian Constitution specifies as reasons for invoking this totalitarian act. But so far nobody has stopped him. A majority of the Parliament supported this Emergency Measure against the people’s interest. The leader of the NDP who secured the vote in favour of the Liberal Government is also a WEF Global Leader.

You may just imagine what kind of corruption, coercion or outright blackmail and threats are in play to achieve such tyranny.

Incidentally, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission (EC), is also a member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees, see this.

Just to show, the WEF is also in charge of the European Union. Who would have thought…?

However, the Canadian experience empowered hundreds of thousands, or millions of people across the world to stand up to their own governments and demand their freedoms be restored. Citizens in New Zealand, Australia, across Europe, and North America, after nearly two years, tolerating massive government encroachment into nearly every aspect of their lives, and after seeing how these policies were not effective at reducing the spread of COVID, finally had enough.

We shall overcome!


Collectively in Solidarity.

Billionaires Are Stealing Millions Of Acres Of Land Using ‘Climate Change’ As Their Justification

The release of the most recent report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was met with widespread international alarm. The BBC wrote that this was “code red for humanity” and the New York Times warned, “A Hotter Future Is Certain.” A Guardian headline stated that major changes to the climate were “inevitable” and “irreversible,” while both the BBC and the Guardian seemingly celebrated a survey that showed 4 in 10 young people now have almost uncontrollable anxiety about the climate.

billionaires are stealing millions of acres of land using ‘climate change’ as their justification

According to the survey, nearly half of 16-25-year-olds around the world are hesitant to have children as a result of what they believe is a climate crisis and feel that governments are doing too little to prevent it.

In come the bankers with the help of the UN and world governments to finally save the day. The first step is: Find a way to purchase, own, and monetize the land we need to conserve.

In October, journalist Whitney Webb reported on one of the plans launched by a new group called the ‘Intrinsic Exchange Group‘ (IEG) that promises to save us from this catastrophe once and for all. According to the IEG, with the help of multinational corporations, billionaires, and other investors, the UN and IEG will rescue the planet from certain extermination.

After all, the UN conceded once that ‘the businesses of the world is now the business of the UN.

From the report:

In September, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) announced it had developed a new asset class and listing vehicle aimed at “preserving and restoring the natural assets that ultimately underlie the ability for there to be life on Earth.” The vehicle, known as a natural asset company, or NAC, will enable the formation of specialized firms “that own the rights to the ecosystem services produced on a certain piece of land, such as carbon sequestration or clean water.” The natural assets that these NACs commodify will subsequently be maintained, managed, and grown by them.

In the US, Summit Carbon Solutions recently began work on obtaining land in North Iowa for its proposed Midwest Carbon Express pipeline.

Summit Carbon Solutions, an offshoot of Summit Agriculture Group, is behind the $4.5 billion Midwest Carbon Express project. It would be the largest carbon capture project in the world with the goal of sending 12 million tons of CO2 annually to western North Dakota, where it can be stored underground.

Landowners expressed concerns regarding Summit Carbon’s use of eminent domain, which allows the company to build the pipeline on land without consent from the landowner.

Eminent domain is when a government body can acquire private property for public use, with compensation for affected landowners.

While shady deals like these have been happening in the US for decades, these new corporations — soon to be traded on the stock market casino — aren’t going to be largely focused on land looted in the US.

Allegedly, NACs will use the funds from these newly obtained and monetized natural assets to help fight climate change by ‘preserving’ the rain forests, mountains, and lakes mostly abroad. They also vow to change the “conventional agricultural production practices” of farms to make them more efficient and sustainable.

But, the creators of NACs concede the ultimate goal is to extract trillions in profits from natural processes such as photosynthesis, apply intrinsic values to natural processes, and then monetize it.

“Our hope is that owning a natural asset company is going to be a way that an increasingly broad range of investors have the ability to invest in something that’s intrinsically valuable, but, up to this point, was really excluded from the financial markets,” said NYSE COO Michael Blaugrund upon the launch of the NAC idea.

On their website the Intrinsic Exchange Group states that they are “using Intrinsic value as the umbrella for values not yet identified or quantified, as well as values such as cultural, social, aesthetic, spiritual, etc.”

intrinsic exchange group

Following the launch, Fortune Magazine noted that NACs allow for a ‘new form of sustainable investment’ which has caught the ears of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink along with countless other infamous investors.

…”In return, investors will get access to a new form of sustainable investment—a space that has enthralled the likes of BlackRock CEO Larry Fink…” Fortune Magazine wrote.

In 2019, the IEG teamed up with NYSE — which itself holds a minority stake — to launch the idea of NACs. The top three investors in the IEG are the Rockefeller Foundation, Aberdare Ventures, a venture capital firm founded by Paul Klingenstein focused mainly on digital healthcare, and the Inter-American Development Bank, which is the largest source of development financing for Latin America.

According to Webb, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Rockefeller Foundation both have been tied to pushes for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and biometric Digital IDs.

Climate Alarmism: A Land Grab Manufactured And Funded By The Bankers, For The Bankers

IEG is currently working with the Costa Rican government to guide a ‘pilot program’ of the efforts in Costa Rica. Andrea Meza Murillo, Costa Rican Minister of Environment and Energy, argued that the pilot project with IEG “deepens the economic analysis of the economic value of nature and continues to mobilize the flow of funds for nature maintenance.”

According to the IEG, the plan is to  pioneer “a new asset class based on natural assets, and the mechanism to convert them to financial capital.” The new ‘assets’ according to the group are all of which make “life on Earth possible and enjoyable, and include biological systems that provide clean air, water, foods, and medicines.”

Put simply, entire ecosystems and the benefits people receive from them, will become financial assets. Assets will include food production, tourism, clean water, biodiversity, pollination, and even carbon sequestration. The assets will then be owned by corporations, and stocks in these assets will be sold on Wallstreet.

As IEG notes, the NAC is just the issuer of the natural asset, while the assets the NAC represents can be purchased by investors like BlackRock. Those investors include institutional investors, private investors, individuals and institutions, corporations, sovereign wealth funds, and multilateral development banks.

All of this is only possible if the ownership of the land is transferred into the hands of the banks.

From the IEG Website:

intrinsic exchange group
ieg website the opportunity

Webb recently reported that in early November an “industry-led and UN-convened” alliance of private banking and financial institutions announced their plans at the COP26 conference. The group is called the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the goal is to overhaul the role of global and regional financial institutions, including the World Bank and IMF, as part of a broader plan to “transform” the global financial system.

According to the group’s own progress report, the group aims to merge these institutions with the private-banking interests that compose the alliance and create a new system of “global financial governance.”

To obtain the land necessary for the NAC, developing nations would be forced to establish business environments beneficial to the alliance members and open up land. This can be accomplished in several ways including debt-for-nature swaps. This process is where a creditor country forgives a portion of the public bilateral debt of a debtor nation in exchange for environmental commitments from that country.

The degree of debt-for-nature swaps groups like these have engaged in have been well documented in Argentina, specifically Patagonia, for decades. What occurred in Argentina and Chile however would pale in comparison to the level of swaps this plan would entail.

At the Climate Leaders Summit in April 2021, convened by the US and attended by global policymakers, Argentina alluded to another one of these swaps. Argentina’s president Alberto Fernández pushed for an agreement with its creditor countries to reduce part of the foreign debt in exchange for increased ‘environmental and climate commitments.’

In other words, when a Latin American country owes money, they open up their land to pay the debt or the interest of the debt. This process is normally referred to as Debt-trap diplomacy or put simply, debt-entrapment.

Multilateral development banks (MDBs), such as the World Bank, leverage the debt of developing countries to force them to privatize public assets. The GFANZ report states that the Alliance is now trying to use the same controversial tactics by forcing more deregulation in developing countries to allow alliance members to invest.

In the 1990s founder of Northface clothing, Doug Tompkins, and his second wife, Kris Tompkins, who was an executive of clothing brand Patagonia, purchased more than 2 million acres of wilderness in Chile under the guise of ‘conservation efforts.’ Following Tomkins’ death, their NGO Tompkins Conservation formally donated one million acresof land back to the Chilean government.

The other way this land grab can be accomplished is by using powerful international groups like the UN to pressure developing countries to deregulate and open up their land for privatization due to the ‘urgent life-threatening’ menace of climate change.

The GFANZ alliance was launched in April by John Kerry, Janet Yellen, and former chair of the Bank of England, Mark Carney. Carney also co-chairs the alliance with Michael Bloomberg. 

While the world focuses on Russia reportedly planning a military offensive against Ukraine, and China apparently rehearsing for an attack on Taiwan, the supranational banking elite is quietly invading the US and countries worldwide to loot their resources.

John Kerry recently noted that “the largest financial players in the world recognize energy transition represents a vast commercial opportunity.” Boris Johnson described GFANZ as being responsible for paving the way to “uniting the world’s banks and financial institutions behind the global transition to net zero.”

The principals listed on the GFANZ website include the CEOs of BlackRock, Bank of America, Citi Bank, Banco Santander, and HSBC. The CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group and Nili Gilbert, chairwoman for the David Rockefeller Fund are also listed.

In mid-November, Michael Bloomberg hosted his ‘New Economy’ forum. According to the event’s website, the group is focused primarily on climate change and COVID-19 vaccines.

“Covid-19 held a mirror to society’s biggest problems, from climate change to inequality, forcing humanity to grapple with their consequences. But there is hope. Even as the pandemic still rages, the success of groundbreaking mRNA vaccines, the acceleration of the digital economy during lockdowns, and a focus on government spending to save lives and improve livelihoods demonstrate that humankind is capable of taking on — and overcoming — great challenges. Breakthroughs are possible. In science and technology, we’ve entered a new age of discovery.”

Bloomberg’s ‘New Economy’ forum is led by Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, and Penny Pritzker, as well as a dozen other board members with ties to multinational banks like Goldman Sachs. Former Governor of the People’s Bank of China Zhou Xiaochuan, as well as the founder of Binance, are on the board as well.

bloomberg’s ‘new economy’ forum is led by bill gates, henry kissinger, and penny pritzker

From Whitney Webb:

“As part of COP26, GFANZ— a key group at that conference—is publishing a plan aimed at scaling “private capital flows to emerging and developing economies.” Per the alliance’s press release, this plan focuses on “the development of country platforms to connect the now enormous private capital committed to net zero with country projects, scaling blended finance through MDBs [multilateral development banks] and developing high integrity, credible global carbon markets.” The press release notes that this “enormous private capital” is money that alliance members seek to invest in emerging and developing countries, estimated at over $130 trillion, and that—in order to deploy these trillions in investment—“the global financial system is being transformed” by this very alliance in coordination with the group that convened them, the United Nations.”

A “country platform” is defined by GFANZ as a mechanism for a “public-private partnership around a specific issue or geography.” In other words, a country with lucrative land they can obtain ownership of, monetize, corporatize, and sell on the New York Stock Exchange.

As documented in a recent Bloomberg article, U.S. climate envoy John Kerry says investment banks including Goldman and Morgan Stanley are ready to invest $4.16 trillion in the energy transition over the next decade. “We have to find a way to deploy that money,” he says.

“We have to start where the greatest amount of emissions are if we’re going to win the battle,” Kerry told the Bloomberg New Economy Forum. “We have to, all of us, be able to put the deals together that will phase out their coal fast.”

According to another Bloomberg report, Jeff Bezos has given over $1 billion dollars to date. Last year, Bezos gave $791 million to 16 organizations as part of his commitment to his ‘Earth Fund to fight climate change.’ Bezos has promised to distribute the full amount by 2030.

The GFANZ report plainly states that the MDB should be used to encourage developing countries to “create an appropriate high-level and cross-cutting enabling environment” for alliance members’ investments in these countries.

Another mechanism that comes into play is the Global Public-Private Partnership(GPPP) The GPPP is a worldwide collective of billionaires — including central banks, philanthropic foundations, think-tanks, and governments — working together as a network in order to implement policy favorable to the banks.

As journalist Iain Davis writes“Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the GPPP creates policy initiatives at the global level which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the IMF or IPCC, and national government then enact the recommended policies.”

Based on the proposed international ‘problem’ the GPPP enforces the international consensus for the ‘solution.’ It is then the policy framework is set. The supranational partners then collaborate to ensure the desired policies are implemented and enforced. The GPPP can control nations across the world without the need for traditional individual legislation.

the global public private partnership

At the same time, Bloomberg partnered with holdings company Equitable, Franch Insurance firm AXA, and banks like Goldman Sachs and HSBC to form the Climate Finance Leadership Initiative (CFLI). The group was formed at the request of the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

Through the CFLI, networks of banks and corporations recommend policy to achieve ‘net-zero emissions.’ One of the solutions implied is obtaining huge swaths of land in North America to build solar and wind farms.

Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates maintain a close relationship in this broad network of self-described philanthropists.

An analysis by The Land Report found in January that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates owns 242,000 acres of farmland in the US, making him the largest private-farmland owner in the country.

Gates’ farmland portfolio stretches across 18 states, according to the report. His biggest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres), and Nebraska (20,588 acres).

According to another report, one of Gates’ investment firms also purchased about 25,000 acres near Phoenix, part of which to be transformed into a suburb with space for 80,000 homes. Gates is not alone, recent viral news reports indicate that corporations Like BlackRock are buying up thousands of homes and entire neighborhoods, further pricing Americans out of the market.

In 2017, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also pledged $300 million to ‘help low-income farmers in Asia and Africa adapt to climate change.’

bill gates and michael bloomberg

According to an Insider report, in 2011 the Oakland Institute made one of their investigative reports public regarding billionaires buying up land in Africa. The OI stated that the amount of land being purchased in the continent ‘concerned them,’ and that hedge funds and other foreign firms have been acquiring large swathes of African land, often without proper contracts. In the same year, the BBC published a headline titled ‘Hedge Funds Grabbing Land in Africa.’

The OI report concluded that the acquisitions had displaced millions of small farmers and is “creating insecurity in the global food system that could be a much bigger threat than terrorism,” the report said.

The interest these billionaires have in this land abroad is not just the infinite lucrative potential of NACs, it also includes precious metals and minerals.

According to the New York Post, Mineral exploration company KoBold Metals —backed by billionaires including Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates — recently signed a deal to search and mine for critical materials used in electric vehicles.

According to one of their recent reports, KoBold metals calls on networks of billionaires and multinational firms to get behind ‘competing with China’ in the race to develop electric vehicles, in order to aid the Western world in being the first to achieve net-zero emissions.

In their report, KoBold states that more than half of the world’s cobalt reserves are in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and two-thirds of the world’s production of refined cobalt, a prerequisite for large EV batteries, takes place in China.

The company implies that the Western world needs to find a way to prevent China’s influence over natural resources, including lithium, cobalt, and other precious metals.

world’s cobalt reserves

It seems this broad network of philanthropists seeking to achieve net-zero emissions forgot that Cobalt mining is one of the dirtiest processes for the environment. It should come as no surprise that a recent report from predicts that CO2 emissions from cobalt production are expected to soar in 2021.

Lockheed Martin is also apparently getting in on the action.

UK Seabed Resources, a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, in partnership with the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, currently holds licenses and contracts to explore endless amounts of the Pacific seafloor to extract mineral-rich polymetallic nodules.

Tanzania — one of the countries in Africa on the chopping block for multinational firms — has recently become a target for Nickel production. According to Reuters, the Northwest part of the country has the world’s largest development-ready, high-grade nickel sulfide deposit. Conspiracy theories surrounding the recent death of Tanzanian President John Magufuli are usually centered around his COVID-19 vaccine response, but his regulations against investment firms are a far more plausible conspiracy.

According to a Reuters report, Barrick Gold and Glencore lost a massive nickel project in 2018 when Tanzanian President John Magufuli’s administration revoked their retention license along with the licenses of 10 other investors as part of new mining laws and regulations.

Just months after Magufi’s death, UK-based mining firm Kabanga Nickel Limited signed an agreement with Tanzania to develop the Kabanga nickel project formerly sought by Barrick Gold and Glencore. The company says the recent agreement could help ease electric-vehicle manufacturers’ ‘insatiable demand for nickel.’

In 2017, Tanzania nationalized $29.5 million worth of diamonds it seized from Petra Diamonds Ltd.’s Williamson mine after Tanzanian authorities accused the company of under-declaring mineral exports. In May of 2021, the Guardian reported that the London Stock Exchange-listed company paid a settlement of £4.3m in compensation to dozens of Tanzanians who allegedly suffered serious human rights abuses at mines.

A US-Supported 2019 coup in Bolivia — which many news outlets say led to massacres — came less than a week after former President Juan Morales stopped a multinational firm’s Lithium Deal in the country. Morales resigned as president on 10 November 2019, and he called his removal “forced” and a “coup” but also said that he wanted to stop the bloodshed.

Morales thanked Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, whom he credited with saving his life, after a Mexican government plane flew Morales out of Cochabamba, refueling in Paraguay before arriving in Mexico.

Morales was no saint, however. The former President oversaw a time when Bolivia was one of the largest producers of illicit drugs, had close relationships with drug cartels, and faced multiple rape accusations. In 2020, several photographs of him with a minor came to light and were circulated on social networks. Bolivian authorities said that Morales had been in a relationship with the minor since the age of 14.

The Western world has a well-documented history of bankers, war, and regime change. Many claim the U.S.-backed 2011 military intervention in Libya by NATO forces, and the subsequent death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was an intentional act by the US government which sought to benefit bankers.

Just six months after the email, Muammar Gaddafi, the deposed leader of Libya, was captured and killed after the Battle of Sirte.

Billionaires are Stealing MILLIONS OF ACRES of Land Using ‘Climate Change’ as Their Justification at 0:00:09