George Soros’ No.1 Mission Is The Downfall Of America…

Billionaire George Soros is that rare megalomaniac who not only believes he’s a god but revels in behaving like one. “It’s a sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out,” he once boasted to The Independent.

This god complex, combined with his downright amorality and bizarre ideas about society, makes the 92-year-old extremely dangerous to democracies, especially America.

george soros chief mission is the downfall of america

The warning comes loud and clear in Matt Palumbo’s recent book, The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros (of course he’s not the tip of the spear), which documents Soros’s decades of financial dealings, political operations, and nefarious networks.

Early in the book, Palumbo highlights Soros’s amorality, planted perhaps when his Hungarian Jewish family assumed Christian identities and collaborated with the invading Nazis. The teenage Soros accompanied his phony godfather, who inventoried properties seized from Jewish families sent to concentration camps. Yet, he says he feels no guilt, only detachment.

“I was only a spectator; the property was being taken away. I had no role in taking away that property. So, I had no sense of guilt,” he said in a 1998 interview on 60 Minutes. He likened his actions then to his playing the markets later. “In a funny way,” he said, “it’s just like in the markets – that if I weren’t there – of course, I wasn’t doing it – but somebody else would – would be taking it away anyhow.” He recounts that period as “probably the happiest year of my life” and “a very happy-making, exhilarating experience.”

Besides hubris and amorality, two major ideas drive Soros. He has a personal theory of ‘reflexivity’ and the philosophy of Karl Popper, his guru at the London School of Economics (LSE).

Both have inbuilt ironies. While ‘reflexivity’ might be just an eccentric speculator’s hobby horse, Popper’s ideas, riding on Soros’s mind and money, could lead the free world into an anarchist-leftist hell.

Simply put, reflexivity says the world is very complex, so humans use perceptual shortcuts like generalizations, dichotomies, metaphors, and decision rules. These, in turn, affect reality via the changes they cause in human behavior.

Soros believes that, guided by this concept, he has gamed the markets by recognizing when perception and reality are at enough variance for betting big.

Like all ‘systems’ to beat the casino, this is humbug and hubris, for it posits someone immune to the perceptual shortcomings that, by the premise, afflict everyone. But every successful speculator’s theorizing gains some indulgence, never mind the informants and networks he’ll never mention. Nor is Soros innocent of insider trading, either.

That is Soros’s business. What should worry us is his obsession with implementing Popper’s ideas. In The Open Society and Its Enemies, Popper propounded that no single philosophy possesses the truth, no society is superior to another, and ‘closed’ cultures are built on taboos and a single version of reality. In Soros’s words, in ‘open’ cultures, “nobody has a monopoly on the truth; a society which is not dominated by the state or any particular ideology, where minorities and minority opinions are respected.”

This may seem idealistic. But, quoting Eduardo Andino of Philanthropy Daily, Palumbo points out that, if groups must let go of “their truth,” the open society becomes the overarching truth by which its members must live, leaving no diversity. Witness how conservatives and others resisting the left’s anarchic impulses are denounced as authoritarian.

Much of that is because Soros funded leftist causes like Antifa, and BLM through his Open Society Foundation (OSF), the NGO he set up with $32 billion to spend on disruption. He is the largest donor in American politics, spending billions on political projects in 37 countries through over 50,000 grants. With sociopathic aplomb, he has destabilized and toppled governments, broken currencies, and attacked Western democracies and institutions, all in the name of freedom, rights, and equity.

Palumbo calls Soros a “Schrodinger’s meddler,” both denying and boasting about his activities. When President Eduard Shevardnadze’s government fell in 2003, Soros said it was the Georgian people’s will, and he had nothing to do with it. Months later, he told the New York Times: “I’m delighted by what happened in Georgia, and I take great pride in having contributed to it.”

Soros’s initial projects involved anti-communist activities in Poland, ousting a popularly elected president in Ukraine, and anti-Gorbachev interventions in Russia. The last denied Russians, emerging from 70 years of communism, any chance of economic freedom. As a one-size-fits-all globalist, he sees the European Union as “the embodiment of the idea of the open society,” where like-minded states surrender their sovereignty for the common good.

But Soros’s biggest mission is America’s downfall, which he considers the biggest impediment to an open society. He entered American presidential politics in 2003, opposing George W. Bush and the war on terrorism after 9/11. He started numerous left-wing organizations to influence America’s social fabric. As tax-exempt groups, they receive unlimited funds and use them to influence elections.

Using his hold on the media, universities, and the White House, Soros has been able to push his ideas on racism; ecology and conservation; welfare for illegals; legalizing drugs; going soft on crime; automatic voter registration; canceling student; housing; and medical debt; and cutting military budgets.

Equally, he has pushed socialist agendas, such as increasing government dependency, unionizing all jobs, and advancing racial and gender diversity. This may seem unusual coming from someone who made billions in the markets, but it’s a potent strategy to destroy the American ideals of competition, merit, and excellence.

In 2015, Soros began backing state prosecutors who want to dismantle the criminal justice system, portraying it – and America itself – as systemically racist.

According to him, one should “blame the system, not the criminal, who is the real victim.” Around the time BLM was growing, he spent hundreds of millions to back candidates who were anti “law and order,” weak on crime, tough on gun control, and opposed to cash bail.

After donating heavily to Barack Obama’s Senate and presidential races and pouring money into Hillary Clinton’s campaign, Soros spent even more to defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. He told the World Economic Forum that Trump’s America First agenda ran counter to the globalist project.

While criticizing big money’s influence in politics, he injected $81 million (including $70 million of his own) through the Democracy PAC. Using the pandemic as an excuse, his funding vehicles sought to increase vote-by-mail, expanding opportunities for vote tampering and harvesting.

He war-gamed election outcomes and, visualizing a “despotic” Trump’s refusal to leave office, started the Transition Integrity Project, a backup plan of civil disobedience and revolutionary protests. He infiltrated the Biden-Harris team even before it took office by raising $20 million for transition teams of officials to prepare the duo to “hit the ground running” on Day One.

The same year, Soros budgeted over $63 million to further progressivism in higher education, beginning with the Central European University (CEU) in his native Hungary. He also brought together world leaders and Harvard liberals to create a “multilateral economic system where America is not dominant.”

When Victor Orban forced him out of Hungary for supporting mass refugee resettlement in Europe, he turned to funding universities in America and other countries.

Palumbo’s painstakingly researched book also traces Soros’s hand in the media, including journalism schools – which is why they push his pet issues and put out “fact checks” to deny his infamous past.

Thus, he can shape narratives and target those who don’t match his global vision. As he angles to perpetuate his influence beyond the grave, through his son Alexander, his second wife Susan Weber, and other acolytes, free societies worldwide should brace for a long battle.

NY Times “Admits” Stupid-19 is a Hoax

DECEMBER 15, 2021

NY Times:
 As U.S. Nears 800,000 Virus Deaths, 1 of Every 100 Older Americans Has Perished

They are among the most vaccinated groups, but people 65 and older make up about three-quarters of the nation’s corona-virus death toll.

Though certainly not intending to do so, the “paper of record” — in big bold headline letters as well as in the small print — has just announced  to all of Normiedom (though to no effect) that the Stupid-19 scamdemic (including its oh-so-scary “son of” variant sequels) is a hoax of historic proportions. In case the subtle significance of the headline escaped your own notice, let’s try it again and let it sink in: 1 of Every 100 Older Americans Has Perished.

Just to keep this discussion on “normal” grounds — let us put aside, for argument’s sake only — the little known (concealed) facts that:

* No new virus has ever been purified, isolated and identified.
* There has been and continues to be a deliberate misclassification of deaths (for money).
* The PCR “test” is calibrated to yield false positives (for money).
* Hospitals and nursing homes have deliberately isolated, sedated, ventilated and mass murdered many seniors (for money).
Hospitals in poorer areas have also deliberately isolated, sedated, ventilated and murdered some healthy younger people (for money).

Those damning little details aside, this headline still means that over the course of nearly a 2 year long period, in a country with an average life expectancy of 78.8years, 1 out of every 100 of those “65 and older” (that includes folks in their 80s, 90s, and 100s!) has passed away.

……. Yeah … so?

Is 1% really such a wildly disproportionate  ratio? Are humans not mortal? Furthermore, as the article itself confirms, most of the dead suffered from other serious conditions (94% according to the CDC).


You would think that the OPENLY publicized death-by-age statistics would cause Normie to scratch his head in bewildered confusion and ask: “What’s the big deal?” —- But no.


Here’s another “open conspiracy” confirmation from the articles headline graphic:

“Three quarters of U.S. Covid deaths have been among people 65 and older.”

So then, why the frickety-frack are we traumatizing and masking up toddlers and children for?

The astonishing takeaway from these admissions is this: Even when the “respectable” media  OPENLY serves up — albeit unintentionally and indirectly — enough raw data for any semi-astute reader to quickly pick up and easily debunk the “crisis” story line, the stupefied subjects of the overlapping tyrannical kingdoms of Normiedom & Libtardia still can’t critically think their way out of the brown bag of dog shit which has been placed over their stone-filled heads. Providing them with a “2” and another “2” (in a frickin’ headline, no less!) still isn’t enough. No, only when the Judenpresse specifically announces “4” are they finally able to puzzle out such advanced algebra equations — proudly believing they did it “on their own.”


Think, Normie…. Think!!!

The shattered mind of a normie has been gang-raped to pieces and cemented back together in such a hardened block form that it can no longer recognize blatantly contradictory double-think — even when it’s in his face. Point out the almighty CDC‘s own published statistics to an “educated” normie (including doctors and scientists!) and you’re likely to get the type of response which so frustrated the protagonist of Orwell’s “1984,” Winston Smith, while he was being  schooled by O’Brien of the “Thought Police:”

“What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?”

Short of whacking a normie over the head with a tire iron, what can you do to get him to see the obvious? Answer: Other than planting a seed in a dry crack of his block head and praying for rain at a future date, not much. So save your breath and move on to the next lost soul.

2021 is — literally — as bad as “1984.”
O’Brien “intelligently” preaches well-worded madness to Winston.
Normie blockheads may hold advanced degrees and can memorize reams of data — yet they cannot detect the simplest clues, nor recognize patterns, nor think things through to a logical conclusion without guidance from media-anointed “experts.”

Normie 1:  I read in the New York Times today that people over 65 make up the majority of Covid deaths, even though they have the highest vaccination rates.

Normie 2: Interesting. I wonder why that is.
Me: Because they’re frickin’ OLDER Dumbass!!!


Summary:‌ ‌ ‌A‌ ‌quick,‌ ‌“how‌ ‌to”‌ ‌guide‌ ‌that‌ ‌helps‌ ‌the‌ ‌‌average‌ ‌American‌ ‌‌weather‌ ‌the‌ ‌storm‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌national‌ ‌crisis.‌ ‌ ‌It’s‌ ‌a‌ ‌workday‌ ‌afternoon‌ ‌and‌ ‌the‌ ‌power‌ ‌has‌ ‌just‌ ‌gone‌ ‌out‌ ‌in‌ ‌your‌ ‌city.‌ ‌You‌ ‌have‌ ‌no‌ ‌cell‌ ‌phone,‌ ‌a‌ ‌quarter‌ ‌tank‌ ‌of‌ ‌gas,‌ ‌and‌ ‌you‌ ‌don’t‌ ‌know‌ ‌how‌ ‌to‌ ‌contact‌ ‌your‌ ‌children.‌ ‌You‌ ‌haven’t‌ ‌done‌ ‌a‌ ‌single‌ ‌pushup‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌last‌ ‌five‌ ‌years.‌ ‌The‌ ‌radio‌ ‌in‌ ‌your‌ ‌car‌ ‌is‌ ‌only‌ ‌picking‌ ‌up‌ ‌emergency‌ ‌broadcasts.‌ ‌You‌ ‌have‌ ‌some‌ ‌difficult‌ ‌decisions‌ ‌to‌ ‌make‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌next‌ ‌48‌ ‌hours‌ ‌that‌ ‌will‌ ‌change‌ ‌your‌ ‌life‌ ‌forever,‌ ‌and‌ ‌ ‌you’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌ready.‌ ‌Don’t‌ ‌worry.‌ ‌You’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌alone.‌ ‌You‌ ‌are‌ ‌about‌ ‌to‌ ‌become‌ ‌an‌ ‌“armchair‌ ‌survivalist.”‌ ‌ ‌If‌ ‌you‌ ‌are‌ ‌like‌ ‌a‌ ‌lot‌ ‌of‌ ‌Americans‌ ‌who‌ ‌work‌ ‌behind‌ ‌a‌ ‌computer,‌ ‌this‌ ‌is‌ ‌your‌ ‌worst‌ ‌nightmare.‌ ‌What‌ ‌you‌ ‌only‌ ‌thought‌ ‌could‌ ‌happen‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌movies‌ ‌is‌ ‌your‌ ‌new‌ ‌life.‌ ‌You’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌nearly‌ ‌resourceful enough to go to the woods and “live off the land”. Forget all that nonsense about  skinning your own rabbit and eating insects. You’re going to go back to your home and be with  your family. 

So make the most of it. There are plenty of supplies within walking distance of your house that  will help make life bearable during the dark hours. You will learn to move without the mob, to  band together with friends and neighbors if possible, and to keep everything you hold dear safe  from the raging population that will develop into a destructive mob before your eyes. You can do  

this. You now have help.

The text you are about to read was initially designed for the worst case scenario, one where the  power goes out, leaving the average person “in the dark”. The full version covers everything  leading up to that point, and a lot of theory regarding the current state of the country and what  the average citizen would see during a severe national crisis. 

After the initial text was completed, I started working on an audio version which was  accompanied by a slide show for effect. This was eventually going to be uploaded to Youtube as  an instructional series. 

Then I read a very disheartening news story about how 75% of the people that went back to New  Orleans after Katrina didn’t bother to keep emergency supplies on hand. Let me say that again.  The city drowned and many people suffered greatly because they didn’t have a backup plan.  When everything dried out and they went back to their homes, they STILL didn’t prepare for a  worst-case scenario. 

So this project was shelved until the 2008 financial crisis got into full swing. Friends encouraged  me to start it up again, despite my objections that a “financial crisis” is not the end of the world. 

Or is it? 

The United States power grid is run mainly from a combination of coal, hydro-electric, and  nuclear plants. If all the banks fail at once, the lights will still be on. You may not have a job, but  the television stations will still broadcast. The internet will still be up. 

It’s the things we can’t think of that worry us. What if there is another severe oil shortage, or  massive terrorist attack, anything large that disrupts food or energy supplies? That is the risk that  you have to decide for yourself. Your family, your friends, your lifestyle is important to you. If  you went out of your way to get life and homeowners insurance, maybe you should think about  taking a few extra steps to insure you and the ones you love can weather the unpredictable  storms, in whatever forms they take. 

What you will read starts with a basic scenario, just to give you a frame of mind. It then covers  bare bones needs, what you can do to make things more comfortable, and how to protect it. After  that comes some advanced urban survival tricks, along with a longer term plan, all in language  the average American can understand. 

If you are reading this during an actual crisis, then God be with you.

Chapter 1: Hell in a Hand Basket 

“In every American there is an air of incorrigible innocence, which seems to conceal a  diabolical cunning.”  

-A. E. Housman 

No matter what crisis develops, you are at best, an “armchair survivalist”. The country you live  in has so many layers of convenience, so many basic needs that are taken for granted, so many  interconnected systems of daily living that we are dependent on, describing them all would take  volumes. Suffice it to say that we are a land of luxurious, easy to use, hands free, soft touch  product users. It has taken us about 80 years to reach this wonderful pinnacle of “runaway  consumerism”. Our Internet is tied to our phones, which is tied to our banks. We can now use the  cable company to watch television, use Internet, and phone lines, all on one bill. With even a  moderate amount of money, and some online shopping, we now never have to leave our homes  to survive.  

Even though I grew up when the CD and computer were new, it is still a marvel to watch the  new technological toys we are putting out every year. Our businesses are tied to elaborate  wireless email and networking systems. Our cars now have built in DVD, GPS, and push button  roadside service. Our boats have the ability to determine global location at all times. You can  track your loved ones plane flight from gate to gate. Packages can be rerouted in transit, with a  single text message. 

America has, for all intents and purposes, made it as easy as it’s going to get. Congratulations red  white and blue, you have done what all other nations have aspired to achieve! You’ve created a  society of out-of-shape, lazy, Madden playing, pizza ordering, latte chugging, “text anywhere”  zombies who at the first sign of trouble will probably just start chewing off their own arms for  food.

Maybe I’m being too critical. Americans can deal with a crisis, as long as it’s small, and the  inconvenience is short. Several years ago, in Boulder, Colorado I witnessed my first “true”  power outage. The entire Western United States grid had gone down, and our software office had  gone dark. It was the middle of a summer afternoon; the sun was still beaming through most of  the windows. 

Our office phones were dead, along with the Internet. Cell phones were up, for a while anyway.  With the systems down our office manager didn’t know what to do with the employees, so we  were given the rest of the afternoon off. I took a short walk down to the main drag where the  highway ended and Main Street began. I watched, as cars in a large intersection didn’t know  exactly what to do. The stoplights were out, and it was hard to tell who arrived at an intersection  first, what with six lanes on each side. Some cars just went for it, some stayed longer than they  should. Tempers were raised, and honking horns were frequent. 

Bank employees just stood outside in the parking lot. The grocery stores were forced to let  people abandon their carts while they escorted them out of the store. The aisles were too dark to  see where to put back the items. 

The city of 90,000+ was at a standstill, and it stayed that way for the next 4 hours. In less than an  hour local police went to the busiest intersections within the city limits and directed traffic by  hand. It had probably been a while since any of them had used their whistles, but they did a  pretty good job. 

Store managers stood in front of their shops and turned people away. Some simply locked their  doors. Everything went fairly smoothly. I did see a few people try to enter the grocery store  closest to me, each time the manager explaining that the cash registers couldn’t ring them up.  Not that it mattered; the back of the store was pitch black. 

Sometime later that afternoon the lights came back on, and everyone went back to what they  were doing. In some ways it felt like a large fire drill. Everyone calmly walked outside, milled  around quietly, and waited for it to be over. What makes this situation different from the nasty  version that starts looting and puts human life at risk? 

Most of the people in town didn’t know why the power went out.  

It’s the unknown that gives people pause. It’s the mystery that forces people to stop and think  about their decisions. Within an hour after the lights stopped working, people in their cars  listening to radio stations still broadcasting found out the entire Western power grid was in the  middle of a rolling blackout. There is still some debate on where exactly the breakdown  occurred. The important thing was that the authorities didn’t tell anyone exactly what happened,  or how long it would take to fix. It’s good policy. Never give the public information they could  use against you. 

To put it another way, if a teacher walks out of a classroom, the kids will have one impression.  When that same teacher runs out of the classroom, and is then seen getting into their car and 

driving away, the children then develop a very different attitude. Compare the West Coast grid failure, or any East Coast Blackout, with one where the reason is  exposed immediately like the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake.

Watching CNN during the first few days after that particular California quake was surreal. There  was some stunning video footage. Dark beauty as water mains gushed from the streets, fire  burning in the middle of the water through an ignited gas main. I sat in mild shock as I watched  Korean gun shop owners standing on the roof of their store, firing wildly at looters that came  within 100 yards, the police nowhere in sight. 

And then there were the shopping mall videos. In any modern structure, there are some backup  systems when the power goes out. Hospitals have generators that can keep a surgical team going  for a short duration. Many buildings have some sort of emergency lighting, and a few select ones  have cameras with battery backups, catching everything that people do when they think they  aren’t being watched. 

The Northridge California earthquake proved something we all know, but rarely admit. For a  great many of us, we do what we can get away with. Cameras caught the looting action as it  unfolded. The earthquake hits, the lights go out. Within seconds, the inner hallways of the  shopping malls erupted in chaos. People of all ages ransacked the shelves with greedy abandon.  What surprised me wasn’t that they did it, but the speed at which everything escalated. The  looting was immediate, reckless, and illogical. Electronics, shirts, shoes, alcohol, everything  stripped from the stores except the basic necessities.  

No one stole water or food. They stole cigarettes and alcohol. They didn’t steal batteries, they  stole cell phones. Why? 

Because the public was armed with very valuable information and then their short-term instincts  took over. They knew eventually the city would get the power back on. The gas and water mains  would be repaired, and sooner or later, the police would be able to protect the stores, just not  right now. The looting masses knew that this crisis was limited to their part of California, and it  wouldn’t last forever. 

Food, water, anything that might help them in a real emergency was the furthest thing from their  minds. The luxury items were the main target. Anything that was expensive or sellable was  priority. These items were important because they knew the currency would still be valid when  the lights came back on. The physical dollar would still have value because only part of  California was affected. As long as the currency remains intact, there is a good chance that  normal life will continue, provided of course that active food distribution lines exist. 

The aftermath of Katrina showed us an even darker aspect of economic disruption. The  earthquake was replaced with flooding, and again, the power was out for an extended period of  time. The city population realized that the hurricane and large amounts of standing water caused  the blackout, and looting began immediately. The same patterns started, but then evolved.

At first, the looting, like in Los Angeles, started with luxury items. Electronics, shoes, cigarettes,  liquor, and firearms, were taken quickly. After a while, as the water didn’t subside, and there  were no signs of National Guard, the basic items became much more attractive. Food, water,  batteries, the things that could keep you alive, these replaced everything else.  

Law enforcement officials were overwhelmed, and the water hindered their mobility. In LA,  most of the streets were still drivable after the earthquake. In New Orleans, some of the streets  had water higher than the roof of a truck. On foot, the police and sheriff’s department became  fatigued quickly. A number of them just gave up and deserted their posts, or worse, they joined  in with the looters. 

Some of the authorities did have a plan. Before the winds had even died down, a local SWAT  team had been dispatched to an outlying Sam’s club with orders to secure it for “local forces”.  During a state of emergency, authorities have broad powers to take private supplies and  buildings for their use. The storeowner was contacted and a list of all supplies taken was to be  billed back to the New Orleans police department. This debt was eventually forgiven once the  extent of the disaster was known. While some would condemn this law enforcement unit for  what could potentially be branded as a “selfish act”, it hardly compares with a different division  of the same police department, which was accused of breaking into a local Cadillac dealership  and driving out of the city with 40 new cars while the city quickly filled up with water. 

At night, gangs roamed the dark streets, creating anarchy wherever they went. During the day,  the masses emptied the stores of anything and everything. It was a limited exercise in chaos management. What would a general population do if left on their own without outside help for an  undetermined period of time? 

The only thing that couldn’t be measured was the same population ‘without hope.” All the New  Orleans residents who gathered around the superdome had some faith and were counting on aid.  There was a small army of reporters on the scene who had flown in on helicopters. The news  teams and camera crews constantly reminded the people that help was eventually coming. This  and the fact that the cameras were recording many sections of the city probably helped save it. 

What would happen to that same city if the reporters weren’t there, and the citizens knew that the  National Guard wasn’t coming?  

It’s the one thing in America we haven’t seen yet. What happens without help from the outside?  Everything we have dealt with until now has been contained, been compartmentalized. An  Earthquake happens in San Francisco, we send help. The Mississippi overflows and we send  help. Like a giant immune system, we absorb and adjust. The question still remains: At what  point are we stretched too thin, and can the American culture pull itself back from the brink? 

To be sure, not all of America is vulnerable. For sake of argument, we’re going to leave out all  the remote farming communities because they are remarkably self-sufficient. If you live in one  of these very small agricultural groups, you still might be able to get something out of this, such  as what the nearest large town closest to you might be going through, what random groups of  cars might be thinking as they drive up your long country road, or more importantly, what kind 

of essential goods you might be able to trade for, and where the nearest place to get them could  be. 

In a long-term environmental disaster, farms stand to lose more than others, depending on the  situation. If the natural catastrophe in question were a comet, it would suggest that crops would  have a hard time growing. If that’s the case, then livestock and perishables should be traded  away as quickly as possible. A farm has a lot of assets going for it, though most would be short  term. 

If you happen to have a survival cabin somewhere in the North West states, such as Montana,  Idaho, or the Eastern part of Washington, then you already know this drill, and quite frankly,  have probably spent a huge amount of time preparing for the worst. You are therefore excluded  from most of the chapters. Enjoy your powdered milk and cured meat sitting next to your  propane or wood stove. I’m sure you’re very content.  

The only other people I have to exclude is anyone currently living or about to move to Utah. For  those of you who don’t know, “practicing Mormons” keep at least a year’s supply of food and  water on hand for each member of their family. It’s a religious obligation. Sounds a bit strange I  know, but from a “survival” standpoint, I can’t really argue the logic. With this in mind, and I  can see some of you cringing already, if America starts collapsing in on itself, Utah will most  likely be the last to go quietly into the night. It’s simple math. They already have an extra year’s  supply of food right out of the gate, in non-rationed portions. 

The rest of us live in a suburb, our own version of “Elm Street.” You have at least one strip mall close by and maybe a full size indoor shopping center down the road. There are fast food chains  within a mile or two, and then the usual restaurants like Chili’s, Cracker Barrel, etc. Outside that  

you have a bulk store like Sam’s Club or Costco, or both. The neighborhoods interconnect  endlessly, and gas stations are plenty. You know the names of some of the neighbors on your  street, the name of your children’s school, but probably couldn’t say who the mayor was. 

Most of your bills are paid online, and most of your direct purchases are done by credit card,  which by the way is carrying a balance most months. You have car payments, a mortgage (or  two), and have either been divorced, separated, or are seeing a marriage counselor. 

You have a 20% of being a smoker, and a 67% chance of being at least 20 pounds overweight  (33% that it’s 50 pounds or more). 

You could have some relatives in state, some out of state. You may have a pet, probably at least  one dog, or a few cats. If your yard is big enough, it’s possible you plant a small garden when the  weather is nice. You have a favorite restaurant or bar that you frequent. 

Your office is 10-20 miles away. You either have a large cubicle or a smaller office with no  windows. You work hard, but think you’re underpaid. This may, or may not be, your life.  

What do all these things have to do with the scenario? In a major crisis all of these little details  will affect your outcome in one way or another. These are the cards you have to play with. The 

dealer now shows their hand. 

Chapter 2: The cards you’ve been dealt 

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened” 

– Lao Tzu 

You are at your office. The power has just gone out. Cell phones work, but you are having a hard  time getting an outside line. You leave your cube, walk down the aisle, and look out the window.  All the office buildings next to you are out as well. 

If you are like many offices, upper management will assume that the outage is limited to a few  blocks. They will wait a while to see if things come back on. The emergency lights in the  bathrooms, as well as the plumbing, still work. Everyone at the office is bored, because all  computers and phones are down. A few people try their laptops, but they can’t get out to the  Internet. 

Boredom turns to annoyance as an hour goes by. If it’s before lunch, management may wait  another hour. If it’s after lunch, they probably just call it a day and send everyone home. 

Traffic is a little slower on the drive back. Rush hour will be staggered because of the outage. All  stoplights are down, and single police units direct the cars through busy intersections. You get  home. The lights are of course, out, but the water is running. You have natural gas, but the power  to run the furnace isn’t on. You have a wood stove, but only a few logs. 

Your spouse isn’t home yet. Maybe he / she went to get the kids. The dog looks at you for  attention. Another hour goes by. Your family arrives. The kids go upstairs to their rooms, which  are lit through the windows by the afternoon sun. They try to entertain themselves using portable  electronics. It wouldn’t have been their first choice, but at least it’s a distraction.

Two more hours go by, and you start to get curious. 

There are no portable radios in the house, so you use the one in your car. Most of the stations  aren’t broadcasting. The few that you do find are playing an endless loop of the emergency  broadcast system. There are a few other people on the block doing the same thing. You tell your  spouse. The kids overhear, but don’t understand. The dog still wants attention. 

These are the cards you’ve been dealt. You have some decisions to make, and they can’t wait.  Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Follow the steps. 

Step 1: Gain some confidence, right now. 

Get yourself in the right frame of mind, and do it quickly. Don’t assume the worst, because it  will eat you up. Try not to cover all your bases right away. Organize your priorities. As of right  now you don’t have any appointments or meetings. You don’t have any flights to catch. 

Your primary concern is the comfort and safety of your immediate family. They are looking to  you for support, for reassurance, for guidance. Show confidence at all times. The old military  posture still applies: For good or bad, be confident in your decisions. If the decision was wrong,  then change direction, but do it with confidence. Nothing makes people lose faith quicker than  watching their leader waiver when important things are on the line. 

Confidence gives you strength. Confidence gives you the ability to do things without much  question from others. Confidence allows you to walk the edge, or cross the line if needed. If  you’re committed that it’s a good decision and you can confidently explain why, there is a solid  chance that others will follow you, back you, and defend your ideas in your absence. 

Step 2: Don’t rush. 

In the long term, seconds aren’t going to make that much of a difference. Moving faster than  normal gets the blood levels up, and teases the adrenalin factor. It also helps induce panic, and  with it some bad decision-making. Don’t do it. Be brisk, but be calm. Keep the energy levels at a  managed pace. Don’t drag anyone anywhere. Speak to your family in low tones, but be serious.  Don’t yell. It doesn’t help. If your children don’t want to listen, try to explain what’s going on,  but do it logically. “Just because I said so” probably won’t fly. Think of something else. 

Step 3: Should you stay or should you go? 

It’s a difficult choice, and you may or may not have to make it. Is there somewhere you would  rather be? Do you have family members that live within driving distance, and by that I mean how  far you can go with the gas that’s in your tank right now. If they aren’t within range, you’re  not going. If you’re thinking of a round trip and you don’t think you’ll make it back, you’re not  going. The only exception here is if you have a neighbor who you’re close with, someone you  can borrow a vehicle from.

There is some breathing room here. If you have a pretty good idea that your tank will run dry  within a few miles of your destination, and you have no intention of coming back, then discuss  the plan with your spouse and make the call. Keep in mind your betrothed may want to go to his  / her relatives house, or have them come to you. This needs to be decided first thing. The  window for these options gets closed fairly quickly in the grand scheme of things. Deciding in  the next few hours will make the situation a lot easier on you. 

If you do decide to vacate your house, there are a few things you need to take care of. Assume  that you won’t be coming back for a while. This means you should take everything that you  might find useful. Leave a few lights on so that if the power comes back there will be light if  needed, and contrary to what others may tell you, don’t lock anything. The average house is  designed to deter crime, not prevent it. If your door is locked, and someone really wants to get  in, they will just choose a window, or sliding glass door. 

You’re not prepping your house for when you go to Europe. When you’re touring France,  neighbors and friends back home don’t usually ransack your home looking for supplies. When  these groups eventually figure out that it is vacant, they are coming in, locked door or not. If it’s  unlocked, and you do return, at least you won’t come back to broken glass and shattered  deadbolts. 

Think carefully of other family members who might be in driving distance. Will they be trying to  get to you? Do you have close friends with no family in the area who might look you up? If you  answered “maybe” to the question, then play it safe and leave a few simple notes. One on the  kitchen counter is good. If you want to give the neighbors a heads up, tape a quick one to the  door. Something like: 

Went to parents farm in Arlington,  

451 East Maple Drive 

Left May 14th 

Jason, Carol, Timmy, Julie 

The names may seem unnecessary, but it’s good to let people know who was in the group. 

So go already. Load up the family and pets. If the pets aren’t that important, leave a back door  open so they can come and go as they please. Animal’s survival instincts are honed a lot sharper  than yours oh balding monkey. They also don’t have a conscious to deal with. 

Good luck in your journey, and when you get there, read on! 

Step 4: Taking stock. 

At this point you’ve either decided to stay, or have already arrived at your destination. See?  You’re making decisions already, and you haven’t even thought about eating people! 

Seriously, you’re doing great. The next step is figuring out what you have, and in most cases,  what you don’t have but need. This is probably the most time consuming part of the beginning, 

but it doesn’t have to be full of anxiety. To make it easier, I’ve come up with a few easy to  follow lists. These lists include a comprehensive set of “must haves”, “should haves”, and “why  nots” that you should be at least thinking about prior to this day of reckoning. Before we get to  that though, let’s see if there is anyone close by that can help you in acquiring the items on your  list. It may be time to make peace with the lady who consistently lets her lab take a big dump on  your lawn. 

Chapter 3: Band of Neighbors  

“True friends stab you in the front”  

– Oscar Wilde 

A survivalist in a suburban setting, is a strange paradox. On one hand, standard Rambo type  doctrine preaches that the survivalist must be alone, because there is no one that can be trusted.  They should live a solitary life, filled with religious discipline and sacrifice. They are a human  fortress. They are a piece of metal. They are emotionally devoid of mercy and kindness. 

I appreciate that the “true survivalist” is committed to their trade, much like a serious method  actor. You are not this person. You are a social creature. After half a day sitting home alone you  are climbing the drapes, looking for some interaction with the rest of the community. Then again,  maybe you just play computer games all day long.  

For you people who consider solitary confinement the ultimate torture, I will share a secret with  you. The chances of you and your family living longer than the lone individual increases  dramatically if you can get by with a little help from your friends. There is safety in numbers.  You will find a better variety of skills with a group. A group has a collective mind, and if set on 

a goal, can come with creative ways of accomplishing it. 

But there’s a catch. You have to pick the right people, and after that, no one joins the club unless  the entire group is in agreement. Trust is everything here. The wrong people join the group, and  it can fall apart. I’ll use a friend of mine as an example. Her approach to the neighborhood group  is a good model of what can be expected. 

The neighborhood of Renaissance, Colorado

The power goes out, and right away it looks like it could be a long time before it, and order, is  restored. A single mother in her late 30’s starts the chain. She only contacts people she can trust,  and all of these people have a useful skill that can benefit the group. She looks up a contractor to  improvise repairs when things break or are destroyed She finds a doctor to treat minor wounds,  and assess major ones. She tracks down a good friend who is handy with firearms, because not  everyone knows how to shoot. She contacts women who have a strong survival instinct. These  are women who would fight to stay alive. No “girly girls” or useless “blob men” allowed.  Everyone in this ensemble is motivated, and willing to do what it takes to weather the storm.  Everyone chosen has something to bring to the table. In this situation, everyone’s got game. 

They all meet at one house, and decide the best place to “hold up.” They decide to pool their  resources and take shifts sleeping. Most importantly, they form a pact, and swear never to turn  on each other, no matter how hungry, or how tired. Without this pact the group is vulnerable  from within. There can be no “secret stashes” kept by anyone. To function as a single unit,  everything has to be laid out on the table, right now. Any personal issues should be cleared up  within 24 hours. They agree on a total of 8 people. This group could function as well with even  12 if needed. If members are added, and the social dynamics take a downward turn, then it needs  to be changed, but done fairly. 

They end up combining supplies from two houses that reside next to each other. They have  battery powered 2 way camping radios, and use them frequently. At night, the groups are split  evenly, in case of an emergency. Things work better than they had hoped. One of them gets an  older power generator working, and another finds a way to hook it up to the direct TV. The  doctor breaks into his own hospital and gets enough medical supplies to hold them for the  duration. The gun enthusiast teaches everyone how to shoot with purpose. 

The group decides against trading with other neighbors to increase inventory. It was a close vote,  but in the end, the added risk of unwanted attention outweighed the additional supplies it  generated. Their strategy is simple. Gather as many supplies as they could in the first few days of  looting, then barricade themselves in their homes and keep a very low profile. Create the illusion  that they are as desperate as anyone else. Giving the rest of the hungry community a small target  is a solid plan. The neighborhood leaves them alone for the most part. Confidence is high that  their friendship and wits will get them through this, and they may be right. It’s a good start. – – – 

I’m not going to go so far and say something cheesy like “with friendship anything is possible”.  It does help. I suppose a better saying is: People are sometimes at their best when things are at  their worst. How I wish that were a consistent theme. There are a hundred things that could go  wrong with the Renaissance group. There could be a hidden affair between couples. Someone  with a criminal past could be exposed. There could be a psychological disorder that has been  buried. There could be a unknown pregnancy. 

There are also the routine survival problems. One couple is hording food for the kids;  accusations of not giving their share, letting someone get hurt, etc. Any situation involving  drama is possible, but then again, it could happen in a single family as well. The odds say that in  the short term, the group scenario has some great advantages, both in resource gathering and  protection. As supplies get thin, it can get more difficult. If the bonds of friendship are strong  enough, the group has a chance of staying together to the bitter end, a great testament to the  human spirit. 

If you really want to be multiple steps ahead of the pack, then talk about this very scenario every  few months over drinks during a neighborhood party. Feel the different people out, and see who  would be up to the task. Make a mental note of whom you would choose, why you would choose  

them.. Ask them about what they would do in a major crisis, and where would they go. As long  as the topic doesn’t have a dark, brooding tone, your run of the mill neighbor will probably have  an opinion on the subject. No need to be secretive, those not chosen will probably ignore this  little “block conspiracy.” Even if they do remember, they will be in no position to take advantage  of it. You will have the better numbers. 

A little trick would be the “bar fight buddies” scenario. Imagine yourself walking into a strange  bar far out of town with a small group of people. Suddenly, a mild misunderstanding turns into a  full-blown fight, and everyone in your party is going to get roughed up. Who would you want to  be there with you, and why? Try not to think about who throws the best punch, but who can  handle the stress without being traumatized. After the fight, who tries to take charge and who  comforts whom? Look past the action; see who the best under stress. This should help. 

Chapter 4: The important things 

“Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches”  

-Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Over the years I have poured over many different survival lists for just about every disaster  known. Aside for the ones that deal with different types of terrain, they share a lot of common  threads.  

We’re not going to touch different types of landscapes and what you might need for each one.  You’re not in the mountains, or in a deep forest, or walking around in some high desert. You’re  probably in an average wood framed two-bedroom house with an unfinished basement at the end  of a cul-de-sac. If your surroundings are more urban, you might be in a condo or apartment  building. If you’re a business traveler, you’re most likely in a hotel. The dynamics are still the  same. It’s America, and there is a huge mish-mash of resources scattered for miles around. Some  of these resources will be in your residence, and many will not. 

There have been countless debates about the priority of “the survival list”. The top ten, the top  20, what resource counts more? To make it easy to read and understand, I will cover each topic  and group it into one of three levels (Priority, what you need right now), (Secondary, quality of  life items), and (optional / tradable, which covers just about everything else, including things  that aren’t on my list, but could be on yours) 

Each item or group of items will be given a detailed explanation and some will have examples.  The hope here is to allow your mind to think of things as “resources” rather than items. Things  that may not be of value to you may be in high demand by others. Each explanation will also  cover where you can acquire the item in question, and when it might be available. Please keep in  mind that in your environment, there will be many other people who will eventually want the  same things you do. The difference here is that you will know exactly what you want before it  happens, and you will have a very good idea of Where to get more before others do. Timing is  important.

1. Water / consumable liquid: (Priority)

Yes it’s obvious. Yes, it’s critical. It’s number one with a big bullet. You’ve heard it mentioned  in movies, television, and books. We’re made up mostly of water, and without it we won’t last  long. It’s also taken for granted, and in many reported survival cases, overlooked early. Don’t  just skim past this, there are some things you need to know about the most common element on  the Earths surface. 

The human body is basically just a large contained mass of water. All of our functions, from  blood flow to digestion to neural activity, are encased in it. Water consumption is of course  based on your weight, metabolism, and diet. Environment will also factor in to some degree. The  basics remain the same. 

You can only be away from water for about 72 hours, give or take. It is the one resource that is  highly recommended not to be rationed. There have been many studies suggesting that drinking  a normal amount and then running out is much easier on the body than cutting your drinking in  

half, then half again. When it comes to water, it’s better to just pull the band-aid off quickly than  to peel it slowly off your skin.  

Water consumption is also affected by humidity. If you live in a really balmy environment, say,  Florida, you will be breathing in water vapor as well as expelling it, so there is a little wiggle  room. In an average urban environment, water is your prime concern. Everything else comes  second.

The good news: Even if the power goes out state wide, a lot of water stations are tied into backup  generators, and some even directly to the source, like a dam or power plant. These generators can  keep things moving as long as the fuel holds out. 

The bad news: Eventually, if the grid isn’t repaired, the water will stop, and you will have to get  more. 

There are two paths that need to be considered: Is the water still on, or has it stopped? If it’s still  on, then that’s fantastic news for you. This gives you a chance to create reserves. Fill up every  plastic and glass container you can think of with water and put a lid on it. If there’s no lid put  some plastic wrap over the top. If you have containers in the garage, fill them up, and label them  “do not drink”. These can still be used to run toilets if needed (See chapter X). If you have 2  bathtubs, put a rubber stopper in one and fill it up. If you don’t have a rubber stopper use  anything to make it watertight. The bathtub water can be used for various things, but I wouldn’t  necessarily use it for drinking or cooking, unless your tub is spotless. If you’re like me, it’s not  often. 

Once you have filled up everything you can think of, go back and see what you left out. Cups,  sports bottles, empty soda or wine bottles. If there is a residue that excludes it from cooking or  drinking, label it. Don’t forget your washing machine. It may be a bit awkward to get to, but it  can hold quite a bit. 

This is your base, your backup, and your insurance. If the tap is still running, then rotate water  supplies slowly every few days. Water is life, and you now have a good supply. I’m not going to  regurgitate all the other guides that want you to use the water tank at the back of your toilet or  from your hot water heater. You’re not a caveman for Gods sake. 

The taps still running, which means you can be liberal with other things. You can flush your  toilet as usual. You can take cold showers. If you don’t like cold showers you can fill up your  other tub half way with water, let it warm up a bit, then use a washcloth. You can wash dishes,  pots, and pans in the kitchen sink.  

Life in this area is just a notch or two below normal, until… 

“Honey, there’s no water coming out of the faucet”. 

You knew it was going to happen sooner or later. If the water was off when you got home, or just  stops, or more than likely, the flow becomes weaker and weaker until it’s just a few drips, then  you’re going to have to see what consumable liquids you have in the house, and then start  planning on where to get some. 

Search every cupboard, every cabinet. If it’s drinkable, it’s useful. Bottled juice, seltzer, and diet  soda. It doesn’t matter if it tastes good; just find out how much you have. Chances are, it’s worth  something. Some exceptions would be liquids that contain a large amount of salt, like spicy  tomato juice or bloody Mary mix. It may taste good, but the added salt will increase the rate of  dehydration.

Note: Alcoholic beverages have some water in it, but probably not enough to counteract the  dehydrating effect of the alcohol itself. The only exception that you can pull off for a while is  beer with its low alcohol content. A case of juice is worth a lot more than a case of beer. 

Rationing: None. Don’t do it. Drink your normal amount on a daily basis and try to find more.  Keeping your body running at regular levels is very important. Also, don’t eat anything if you  have no water. You’re body needs water to digest food and it will only dehydrate you further. 

Where to get more: There is an entire section dedicated to looting, so techniques on acquiring it,  as well as keeping yourself safe is covered later. For the sake of the list, the “where” is almost  entirely centered on locations close to your home. How you get in and what you might face is  later. You will start forming these questions on your own as you work your way down the items. 

Where: Numerous places, in many forms and in different levels of usage. One rule of thumb is  that closer is better. This is because water is heavy. Surprisingly heavy. You’re made out of  water, think of how heavy you are, cow. Now try carrying someone like you for a few blocks. 

The water next door: No you can’t kill your neighbors, yet. Find out who’s not home, and by that  I mean who’s left with a note on their door. Search the house the same way you searched yours.  Organize your supplies in the afternoon. Carry them back at night. 

You’re subdivision may have an artificial lake or pond. It’s probably not safe to drink, even if  attempts are made to purify it. If you want to boil it or better yet, boil and save off the steam into  another container, it may be ok. Water from a neighborhood pool is a little better. Water with  chlorine isn’t supposed to be consumed regularly, but it will work in a pinch. 

I mention these not-so-attractive options because they are closer than the nearest strip mall,  convenience store, or gas station. For higher quality consumable water, you will need to explore  these other locations. 

The obvious choices: Grocery stores, bulk food stores, pharmacies, the corner gas station,  convenience stores without gas. All these places will have pure water, consumable liquids, or  both. 

Secondary choices: Restaurants, Athletic clubs, office water coolers, commercial building  vending machines, educational cafeterias. 

Alternates: Collected rainwater. There is no real trick to this. Any plastic sheeting, tarp, even  your gutters will work. Rainwater can be pretty clean, depending on where you live. All you  have to do is hope for rain. If there is a concern about any contamination, it can be boiled, or  partially purified by adding 4 drops of bleach per gallon. 

2. Food (Priority)

Water may be life, but food is energy. Calories are literally units of heat. Food keeps your body  warm, it drives your system, and it gives you the strength to endure in times of stress. Unlike  water, the average human body can go without food for quite some time. Even a fit person with a  small amount of body fat can survive for 30 days or more on just water. 

Question: Does this mean that fat people will live longer during the apocalypse?  

Answer: Unfortunately, Yes. I can’t tell you how much this upsets me. Overweight people have  a pretty good chance at living longer than your fitness instructor neighbor! 


Like many things, there’s a catch. For those of you who are say, 50 pounds or more overweight,  there is a flip side to this coin. If you have a large supply of water and no food, your body will  start tapping those vast fat reserves of yours, and you will start to lose weight instead of dying,  but your energy will drop dramatically, to less than 20% of their current levels. You will be  colder, because there is nothing in your stomach to generate heat. You will have a constant  headache, because your blood sugar will be at an all time low, and most of all, you’ll be really  hungry. I mean really starving. Your thought process will be skewed and blurred. In short,  you’ll survive, but suffer the entire time. You’ll look at everything and everyone and see food. 

My only hope is that if you do outlive all your friends and get rescued by the government, you’ll  be grateful enough and use the respect of your loved ones to have a salad every once in a while! 

That being said, food needs to be gathered, counted, and estimated. Even 1000 calories a day can  keep you around for a long time. Do the math, and figure out how long you can keep going with  what’s in your house.  

Eat all perishable foods first. These include fruits and vegetables, anything in your deli shelf,  milk, anything that will expire in the next week. Then, eat everything in the freezer. Cook what  you can, use a pan in the fireplace if you have to. Once these items expire, they are useless to  you, so eat and overeat (the only time I will endorse this). 

Have all perishables been eaten? Good. Now you can spread out your canned goods, the rice,  flour, popcorn, oils, condiments, anything with calories counts, and the higher the better. Sweets  too. I could break down the food into smaller groups, but eventually, it’s all going to be eaten.  

The good news: Starvation fools the palette. Up until now, eating for most Americans has come  down to: “What am I in the mood for”. There is so much cheap food in this country it just  staggers other nations. There are many tasty varieties in unlimited supply; it’s no wonder we’ve  been blowing up like balloons over the last 30 years. Maybe this “end of the world” situation is a  good thing. Maybe a good chunk of the United States population will make it through this  tribulation because we’ve neglected our bodies for so long.  

When you get really hungry, just about anything tastes good, so if you want to have a bowl of  rice with a mix of mayo and ketchup, it will do just nicely. Old candy? No problem. Your body  will adjust and every meal you have will have the most vibrant flavors. This won’t apply to foods  you already hate. 

Try to mix fats and proteins and carbohydrates. Your body wants them. Mix the basics equally if  you can. Try not to spend a week eating nothing but canned beets. You’re body will not be happy  with you, and really, eating beets for a week is just weird. 

Be a member of the clean plate club. Eat everything out of the can. If there is some packing  water, see if you can cook with it. Lick everything clean as soon as you can. Don’t get caught  going through the leftovers later. 

Food requires water to digest. If you are going to finish off the last of the bread, be prepared to  have a generous amount of water. If you don’t have the water, don’t eat until you find some.  Salty foods require even more water. Look at both your water and food supply before you go to  town. 

Store your food in a cool dark place if possible. Heat tends to shorten the expiration date of  anything, including canned food. I know the powers out and the only light is the sun through  your living room window. You can sort them there; just move them into the shadows when  you’re done.

Keep a list of your food. You should really keep a list of everything, but at least do this for food.  This is done for two reasons. 1. You can do some math in your spare time, and figure out at  length how long it will last you and your family. 2. You can see if any food is being consumed  outside of your knowledge. 

Put your empties in trash bags, just as you do now. No reason to change your patterns there.  Keep the full bags in the garage if needed. They will be fairly light and will take a while before  they pile up. 

Rationing: Almost limitless. Your energy levels will be reduced the more you ration, but you can  greatly extend your time by rationing.  

Where to get more: Abandoned homes, Grocery stores, bulk food stores, pharmacies, the corner  gas station, and convenience stores without gas. 

Secondary choices: Restaurants, Athletic clubs, office water coolers, commercial building  vending machines, educational cafeterias. 

Alternates: Places you wouldn’t expect like arts and crafts stores, specialty shops that have  chocolate. Any shop that you can remember that has candy at the front for the kids will work.  Gift shops and novelty stores are good examples of these. The average office or cube drawer has  a variety of snacks that should keep for at least a few weeks. 

Note: Food manufacturing plants are a source of supplies, but will be covered under looting:  What not to do. 

Food footnote: A word on cannibalism 

There is a nearly 100% chance that you will not become a cannibal during the apocalypse. You  are a good person and don’t like to eat people. You do not have peer pressure from friends who 

eat people. There is a lot of cheap flavorful food available in America, most of which tastes  better than people. Also, in order to eat another person they have to be either dead or held  hostage. One way or another, you have to start with murder or kidnapping. Things tend to go  downhill from there. You are neither a heartless killer nor a terrorist. You are also not a vampire,  and receive no mystical powers from consuming human flesh and drinking human blood. 

That being said, human flesh is edible meat like any other mammal, and does contain a generous  amount of calories that your body can digest. Gross right? You would never in a million years,  no matter how much money, no matter what the situation, eat your friends. I agree, I would  rather resort to suicide rather than eat another person. The human drive to survive is extremely  strong, and can in some cases, override the dignity in taking ones own life, instead turning to an  act that even now I can only describe as “barbaric”. 

In most cases, an excruciating, drawn out physical hunger that blinds the palette and appetite,  precedes the act of cannibalism. In these circumstances, people have been known to eat rotting  food out of trashcans within one week. During the 900-day Siege of Leningrad (World War 2  Russia), people first turned on pets, birds, and rats. After this supply was exhausted, groups of  starving Russians sought out lone individuals. These unlucky souls were then killed and  summarily eaten. The city police had to form special units to deal with this problem. 

The slippery slope from rats to people happens in a relatively short amount of time. A Rugby  team crash-landed their plane in the Andes mountain range with no food, but they did have an  unlimited supply of water in the form of snow. They remained there for 72 days. After several  

weeks they realized the search parties weren’t coming. After a while longer, with no other  resources, some turned to the frozen bodies of their dead teammates. It kept them alive long  enough for the season to change. A small group then ventured out of the mountains to the nearest  town. The movie based on the true story is called “Alive”. 

Tips for eating people: Try to do it in a cold environment. Snow is especially good for  preserving all meat. Cooked meat keeps longer than raw, and can be stored for a short amount  of time. I don’t have any tips for curing human meat. 

Question: If I do actually eat my neighbor, what will they taste like? 

Answer: From documented reports, people taste almost identical to veal. Remember that the  next time you’re at a restaurant.  

3. Light Sources (Priority)

There are many survival guides that will tell you the third most important thing is either  medicine or weaponry. I consider this to be utter crap. The third most important thing is a light  source. You are in the dark. Without light you will be handicapped during the day, and crippled  at night. You need to read labels, to read numbers, put things together, let alone see your  family’s faces. Light is critical. Light is reassuring. We are drawn to it instinctually, and it makes  us feel better to have it around. Light is great for morale, and morale is key during a time like  this. 

It’s why you have nightlights, streetlights, and hall lights. People don’t like the dark, the  blackness. The darkness reminds us of the unknown, it feeds on our imagination, and not in a  good way. Horror movies take place mostly at night. Where do monsters and bogeymen jump?  The black of the shadows. 

If the power goes out, there are several places in your own home that will very dimly lit, even  during the middle of a sunny day. Interior bathrooms are normally dark, so are closets,  basements, some entertainment rooms. Bigger houses have even more dim places. You need  light when you search for supplies, no matter where you go. 

And this is just during the day. At night, you will be totally dependent on artificial light. 

So don’t let the lights go out. Even low light is better than no light. Today you’re in luck. While  America is known for it’s ample food, it is also known for it’s plentiful array of portable light  sources. 

Light comes in many different forms, both bright and dim. Some are mobile. Some are not.  Since some light sources are good trade material, we’ll look at each one individually and you can  determine what value can be placed. 


Portable. Powerful. Directional. There is a huge amount of high quality flashlights at  reasonable prices, most of which use LED bulbs. LED’s, or “light emitting diodes”, are a  heavy-duty solid-state bulb, which are technically classified as a low-level laser device. They  never burn out, are practically indestructible, and draw much less power from the battery. 

Because of this versatile technology, LED flashlights have exploded in recent years. There are  basic lights, lamps, headgear, penlights, key chains, they’re everywhere! And they’re all good!  Lucky you, it’s a great time to be alive in the world of portable light. 

The only drawbacks to this kind of light, (you knew there were going to be some), are 1. The  light emitted by an LED is more of a “moon light” rather than sun, so colors won’t be as true. 2.  As mentioned above, LED’s are considered to be a laser device, and shouldn’t be used to look  into people’s eyes, nor should they be looked directly into. Long-term exposure may be  hazardous. 

Everyone should have at least one good flashlight lying around. The more common the battery it  needs, the better. One theme that will be stressed both here and in several other item descriptions  is “common usage.” The majority rules, and you should follow it. This means that whatever most  people use in their house, like the basic battery types, you should use as well.  

When it comes to flashlights, the most common batteries are: D (Toys, radios), C (toys, radios)  AA (remotes, small toys), AAA (thin remotes, very small toys, laser pointers)  

Most people will have some or not all of these battery sizes. Pick one or more types and buy a  good flashlight, either LED or standard 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, convenience stores, Sporting  goods, outdoor stores, ski shops, novelty stores, the sharper image, gadget stores, just about  everywhere! Getting a flashlight shouldn’t be that hard.


A good second choice for light sources, and they also come in wide ranges, some for camping,  and others for in house use. 

For a long time, lanterns came in only one flavor, which was the oil and wick type of the 1800’s.  Some of these are very collectable now. These shouldn’t be your first choice because of their  mostly glass housing. If these tip over and break, well, then you’ve got the Chicago fire all over  again. 

Since the 1970’s, lanterns were also built to run off butane and propane. In the 80’s fluorescent  bulbs were introduced. Now, we have LED lanterns added to the list.  

A lantern’s main purpose is to have non-directional light for a wide area. This is good for just  sitting around, going through inventory, and in some cases looking into dark places. The only  drawback for a lantern is that the light shines everywhere, including into your eyes, which makes  looking into distant dark places a challenge. 

It also illuminates your face, so people can see who you are sometimes before you can see them.  This can either be a good or a bad thing, depending on the situation. 

Lanterns also have a wide base, so you don’t need to be holding it for maximum effect.  Flashlights can be awkward if you need both hands. Lanterns are a good tool to fill this gap. 

Where to get them: Your choices are pretty limited for this type of item. Camping and sporting  goods stores are the first choice. Some bulk and general stores may carry them. The occasional  specialty store that carries some random camping gear isn’t bad either. 

A secondary source if needed is abandoned houses. Lucky for you, a great deal of Americans try  camping at least once, and then store all the sleeping bags, tents, and lanterns, in the attic,  garage, or basement.  


Ah, candles, the most romantic of the survival items. It’s also the oldest type of lighting still  around. The light is hypnotic, and nothing soothes the nerves quite like the light of a solid candle  flame. The candle and all it’s variants have followed the human civilization through the  centuries. If there is one thing you can say about the candle, is that it is universal. 

They are a solid replacement for the lantern, last a lot longer, and many give off a pleasant scent  that can help mask some of the unpleasant aroma of the apocalyptic world. The only real drawback to candles is the ones we always see in the movies or on television. The  candle is a mobile open flame, which can ignite other materials. It also can be blown out without  much effort. This is by design, but it can also work against you. 

A candle should be your last resort if you are searching a dark area and need a mobile lighting  device. Because your forward motion produces a relative wind, your speed is limited. No one  gets to run away with a candle. It goes out, you trip and fall, and the masked serial killer gets you  from behind with an axe. 

Also, searching with an open flame can be hazardous: “Oh look! A gas main!” Queue explosion.  

In America, good candles have gotten so trendy in the last 15 years that large stashes of them can  be found in just about any decent sized town. They come in many different sizes, from tapered  table to Giant five wick monstrosity living room candles that can burn for weeks. Chances are,  you have candles tucked away in drawers that you don’t even know about. Go look!

Where to get more: Grocery stores, drug stores, department stores, general stores like target, wall  mart, exotic furniture stores. There are even certain stores that sell nothing but candles!  

Secondary choices: Abandoned houses should have a small supply of candles, whether it be  dinner, table. Even birthday candles have some value! 

Light sticks 

This type of technology is only a few decades old, and in my opinion should be further along  than what we have today, but any light is better than no light, and the light stick does have a few  advantages that no other one has. 

For those of you new to this light source: A light stick is a chemically created light encased in a  clear flexible plastic tube. The tube is filled with one chemical. A second chemical is inside a  small glass vial within the liquid. When you bend the plastic tube, the glass breaks, and the two  chemicals mix like epoxy adhesive. Presto! Hours of low level, usable light. 

They currently serve some specialized functions. One being they can be thrown into dark areas  and stays lit no matter what. This can be helpful if you do not know how far down the rabbit hole  goes, or even how deep a particular dark body of water is. They can also be hung off of items as  markers. If storage is limited, a bag of these can be very handy. 

I’ll admit, they science part is very cool. The drawbacks of the light stick are too many to  consider it a primary light source. The light only lasts a short time, and is color skewed similar to  the LED. The light isn’t very bright and would be difficult to read by. They stick itself isn’t  rechargeable and has to be disposed of entirely. 

However, having a few around isn’t a bad idea, and here’s why: Ease of use. Bend and shake.  That’s it. No switches, no flame, no batteries. 

Note: White should always be your first choice. Also, their chemical compounds break down  over time. Treat them no different than batteries. Check the expiration dates and replace them  every so often. The reaction in light sticks is temperature sensitive. The warmer you make the  stick, the brighter it gets. This will diminish its glow time however. 

Where to get more: Some camping stores, hardware stores.

Road flares 

Standard issue road flares are more useful than you might think. Road flares have a limited range  of environments. As a light source, they aren’t the best because of the dark red flame, which is  deliberate as an emergency warning sign during traffic accidents. 

They also can’t be used indoors because of the substantial smoke that is generated from the  pyrotechnic compound burning. One exception to this would be in starting a fire in the fireplace.  The smoke just goes up the chimney. As an ignition device it is pretty handy. 30 minutes or so of  high temperature flame, which can be positioned by holding one end of the flare. 

It is also the only flame-based device that can be waved back and forth safely if you wish to  signal someone. You can also run with a flare if needed. Remember to hold the flare to the left or  right of you while moving forward, to keep the smoke away from your face. 

Road flares are also one of the only flame-based items, which need no ignition device. The top is  like one giant match, and just needs to be rubbed briskly against something. This can be  invaluable if water has drenched everything and you can’t get a dry fire started. 

In a pinch, road flares can be used as a poor mans fuse. The flare burns uniformly at a steady  rate. Attaching an item at some point on the flare will ensure that it will ignite. Keep in mind that  the flare is bright, so if you are planning on using this as a timing device to “blow something  up”, you may want to conceal it. 

Note: Road flares shouldn’t be confused with “Marine” or underwater flares. Marine and  underwater flares burn much hotter and give off a brighter light, sometimes being white rather  than red. These flares create more smoke and if dropped in water, will keep burning. They can be  extinguished by impacting them heavily onto a hard surface like cement, the hope being to knock  off enough of a chunk of the burning tip that the underlying surface doesn’t catch. Road flares  are not waterproof, and will go out if doused in water. 

Where to get more them: Hardware stores, auto part stores, some general goods like target,  Wal-Mart. Grocery stores with an automotive section, although some automotive sections are of 

the light variety and only carry things like air fresheners and quarts of oil. 

Marinas will carry marine flares. Specialty shops that deal with scuba supplies will also have  marine flare and underwater flare devices. 

Lighters / Matches: 

In most cases this will be your last source of light. We take matches for granted. The self-striking  match has been embedded in our culture, especially when it comes to the smoking population.  Because of them the apocalypse will most likely never be without matches. Thank you smokers! 

Who cares about matches? You do if you don’t have any lying around. This shouldn’t be a  problem. Everyone has matches, or lighters, or both. Even if you don’t smoke you probably  have candles, which by default need matches. Older model gas fireplaces and stoves need  matches. Birthday candles need matches. Fireworks need matches! 

So if you smoke, and this is the only time I will encourage you, good job! You’ve got this one  covered! 

Lighters and matches are basically short-term candles, and the same rules apply. Don’t go  wandering around a big closet filled with fireworks with a box of matches. Don’t crawl down a  badger hole with a lighter. These are bad ideas. 

Where to get more: Grocery stores, drug stores, specialty stores, restaurants that still allow  smoking, general stores, convenience stores, all gas stations and truck stops, most bars. 

Secondary locations: Abandoned houses, abandoned factories, abandoned meeting places of  every kind. Special bonus hiding place: office drawers. You’ve got a 1 in 5 chance of finding 

some there. In the end of the world, those are good odds. 

Note: Some matches will be more valuable than others, such as waterproof camping versions, or  water resistant military version. The actual value may be off set by the huge abundance of  lighters. Current estimates of lighters in America range from 50-200 million.  

Still, even with the large numbers of lighters produced, it can’t hurt to several fire making  materials. Pick up a few extra when you get a chance. 

Vehicle headlights 

The common automobile headlight is a paradox of sorts. It is by far the most powerful lighting  device you own. It can light up a broad area for hours, it has a huge long life battery, and it  recharges itself! 

All that doesn’t do you much good while it sits inside a garage or out on the street. If you want to  light up your basement, headlights aren’t going to help. Vehicles are mobile, which can give you  some breathing room if needed. You have an outside project, which needs to be done at night.  Using the headlights will be much more efficient than rigging up something with a lantern or  series of flashlights.  

Headlights are also great for security if the need arises. Criminals by nature tend to avoid bright  light areas. Maybe a large beam of white light conjures up images of God exposing their sins.  Nothing scares away intruders quite like high beams at short range. If you have a decent sized  yard, the average vehicle can be moved into different positions facing the house, and can be used  to illuminate areas that are next to a large glass door or window. Remember to run the engine  every so often to keep the battery from running down. Low beams uses less energy than high  beams, and will do the job just as well. High beams are good for illuminating large areas at some  distance. Keeping your lights on is recommended if you are going to be using your vehicle for 

sleeping. Intruders are less likely to approach a well-lit vehicle. 

Tip: When sleeping in your car, set an alarm every two hours. You can use the lights without a  running engine for the first two, then turn on the engine for the next two. Repeat as necessary.  Your battery will stay charged. This is important in case you need to make a quick exit. 


It’s unlikely, but there is a chance you don’t have any portable light sources at all. The fireplace  will have to do. It can also supplement your light if you are low on batteries, candles, or other  devices. If you haven’t used it in a while, make sure the check that the flue is open. If it’s not, the  first few minutes of your fire will be filled with smoke and coughing. Using a fireplace screen is  always recommended to reduce the chance of embers popping out and burning things close to the  brick. 

Fireplace Tips: You’re using your fireplace as much as possible. You’ve gone through the logs,  and the lower branches on your trees, and your neighbor’s trees. You need something to burn! If  it’s heat and light you need, and you absolutely have to have it, then you will have to turn to  paper products first, then possibly furniture you don’t care about. 

Look first to your recycle bin. It’s ok; the truck isn’t going to pick it up this week. Roll up the  paper first. If you have rubber bands, you can make small paper or cardboard logs. If rubber  bands are too small, try string or wire. Paper products will create more ash; so make sure to  

clean the fireplace more often. Other paper products you can use: Catalogs, the yellow pages,  and older books. I wouldn’t recommend burning the Bible, God hates that. Go through your  closets, your basement, and your attic. Maybe you have a collection of National Geographic. 

Note that if you have Pornography tucked away, chances are someone in your family is going to  find it. Better burn that when they’re asleep. 

After paper start looking at wooden shelving. Most of it is made of particleboard anyway. It  should burn quite well. Try to stay away from plastics. They have the potential to create toxic  smoke, and I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Do not under any circumstances try to burn old tires.  Tires create a huge amount of black smoke, they don’t fit well in the fireplace, and they are  difficult to extinguish. Burning a tire in the street as a distraction is ok, and would give you a  real good idea of what it could do in your living room. 


This fits into the light source category more than others, mostly because anyone that fires up a  generator will probably try to get some electric lights working first. 

Pros: The obvious. You have light again. You have power again. At the very least you can plug  in multiple electrical items, like a freezer, a microwave, floodlights, power tools, air  compressors, etc. In a best-case scenario, you could have your generator hardwired to a fuse box, and if there were enough power, you’d hardly even know the lights went out in the  first place. The power is yours, but how long can you hold onto it? 

Cons: Generators use fuel, which is limited. How long you can use it depends on the fuel supply  on hand, and what you can acquire. Generators can be noisy, and in a very quiet neighborhood,  absent of all the white noise that used to drown out something like a generator, you will stick out  like a sore thumb. 

Drawing attention to your house isn’t exactly a good thing in a tense situation. People covet,  people envy. Your neighbors want what you have and they don’t. Generators have to be placed  in well-ventilated areas, which usually means they are outside. They are also fairly light. Two  people can walk at a good pace carrying a generator. They can be disconnected easily. These  things mean that yours will be outside, making noise, and giving you light, which also draw  attention. Potential predators can see this from literally a mile away. 

This isn’t to scare you or make you paranoid; it’s just the facts. Anyone with a generator has to  acknowledge that it is a target of theft, or maybe worse. A smart thief will know that anyone who  prepared enough to have light and power will also have other things, and now this motor running  outside your house is covering the sound of their footsteps. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, some camping store, some bulk stores. 

4. Batteries (Priority) 

Like ammunition, batteries could be lumped with their main flashlight counterparts. What makes  them different is that batteries have multiple devices that can be used. This item listing was  created to define types, brands and potential devices, as well as the best place to find them. 

Top 2 things you will be using batteries for: 1. Flashlights. 2. Portable radios. 

Batteries equal light, and as discussed above, light will be a hot commodity, one that can be  bartered for. Batteries are based on metal and dense chemicals, so they are heavier than other  supplies. Keep this in mind before throwing a couple hundred D cells into a large container. Try 

picking that box up quickly without using your legs. 

Batteries hold a charge for a limited time. The technology has gotten better, and right now the  average lifespan of a good battery is about 6 or 7 years. In some cases a high-powered battery  can go a year or two past that. Battery type means everything when it comes to lifespan. The  more power the battery claims to have, the better it is. Your lights will be brighter, and your  radio will last longer. 

Brand names count for a lot when it comes to batteries. You get what you pay for. This isn’t like  knockoff designer jeans where a fake can look almost like the real thing. Look for batteries by  name. The two brands that quickly come to mind are Duracell and Energizer. Both are  outstanding, and in blind taste tests, really can’t be told apart from one another. Everything else is  a distant cousin, such as generic Eveready, ray-o-vac, and Kodak brands. 

Many electronic manuals will tell you not to mix high power with low power batteries. While  this is true in the civilized “why doesn’t my DVD remote work from the kitchen” world, it  doesn’t hold water now. Mix away. You can even combine dead batteries with live ones in a  pinch. You will get lower performance, but it’s better than nothing at all. 

Batteries seem to get cheaper every year, and bulk packs are everywhere. Having some spares in  the basic four flavors is recommended. The most popular being D, C, AA, and AAA. 

Tip: Battery testers can be found in a variety of places now, and can really be handy in an  emergency situation. They usually run about $15 and can tell you if a battery is holding high,  medium and low power. The testers run off of calculator batteries, which are quite common as  well. In a trading post scenario, they are essential, because the average person can’t tell good  from bad when it comes to batteries, unless you were thinking of having a series of flashlights,  and can judge based on the light output how valuable the battery really is. 

Where to get more: Look around your house first. You will have some of what you need. Most of  your remotes will use either AA or AAA. Large toys will use D and C. Small toys will use AA  and AAA. Adult toys will use either AA or C. 

Secondary choices: Grocery stores, Hardware stores, pharmacies, general store, bulk food  outlets, electronics stores, toy stores, any place that sells any electronic devices will carry a  supply of batteries. 

5. Receive only radio (Priority)

What’s going on in the world? Don’t you wish that, somehow, you knew the answer to that  question? World events don’t mean much to you right now. You’re sitting comfortably on your  plush sectional, flipping between stations on your digital cable, knowing with reassurance that at  any time you can go to one of 50 different channels dedicated to the freshest and most interesting  stories. You literally have news on tap, 24 hours a day. 

And what if you don’t have access to the TV right now? Maybe you’re family is hogging the  remotes, pouring over entertainment delights. You still have the high speed Internet, with  millions of different pages, telling you within seconds what’s going on in every part of the globe. 

If and when the power goes out, all that changes. Some of you may have already experienced  this once or twice in your life. In those situations a radio or portable television is your only  lifeline to the outside world. This is the information that could affect your course of actions.  People will crave it more than the season finale of American idol. It is the one constant source of  hope. You must find the signal, the message that lets you know the government is coming to  help, keeps people going, keeps people motivated, and most importantly, helps keep people from  turning on each other. 

This is the one item that you won’t have to worry about. If you don’t want to spend any effort,  money or thought on a radio, then you don’t have to. There is a 95% chance you already have  one, specially built with a rechargeable battery, multiple bands and preset stations. Heck, it’s  even got heated seats! Yes, your car / truck radio is the easiest choice to find out what you want,  when you want. Just get in, hit scan, and keep one ear glued to the dash. 

The drawbacks for this convenience are glaring. You’re now in your car, and not in your home.  Cars can be vulnerable, especially if they are parked in the street. All vehicles have the ability to 

run the radio from inside the garage. This will be a relatively safe place to listen to world events.  Remember to charge the battery by running the engine every so often. The radio doesn’t draw  much power off of a large car battery. Running the car for 20 minutes once a week should be fine  to keep the energy level high.  

Again, if you run the engine in the garage make sure that either the garage door is open, or you  leave the garage while it’s running. The carbon monoxide that a car exhaust creates tricks the  brain into “not panicking” when your body starts to run out of oxygen. In short, you would just  go to sleep and never wake up. It’s estimated that around 1800 people a year, mostly intoxicated,  accidentally fall asleep when they return home to their garage, with tragic results. 

A car is the easiest of all radio solutions, but it is far from optimum. There are hundreds of  different portable radio devices, some designed specifically for survival situations. The best  radios cover frequencies other than the basic AM and FM. If you get a chance, pick one up that  can deliver basic television audio as well. 

Portable radios extend their battery time by using a small earpiece instead of a speaker. Ipod type  headphones also work well with portable radio jacks. Having a few different radios gives better  coverage when scanning all frequencies. They also come in handy if you are looking for  something constructive your children can be involved with. A radio is after all, media based, and  your kids will be anxious to hear about what’s going on as much as you. 

If you have the extra money, picking up a digital radio with auto scan (similar to scan in your  car) is worth the extra effort. Scan means more hands free time that you could spend doing other  things. Very helpful if you’re alone, or when everyone else is asleep. 

Where to get more: Electronics stores, general stores, bulk stores, camping stores, hardware. 

Secondary locations: – Office buildings (most will not have batteries inside), Abandoned homes,  look for small radios such as I pods or older Walkman types. 

6. Fire Extinguisher: (Priority)

This device is constantly overlooked, but in an emergency situation it’s potentially a lifesaver. If  you still have water pressure during a fire, then using water to extinguish flames isn’t a big deal.  If the water is off however, the last thing you want to do is use up your remaining water supply  to fight a fire. Chemical fire extinguishers can put out the flames without any liquid, saving you  resources. If the fire spreads too quickly and you’re pretty sure that you won’t be able to contain  it, then move what supplies you can out of the house, because there won’t be any fire engine  sirens in the distance. 

Fire Extinguishers can also be used as a non-lethal weapon in a desperate situation. Pointed at  the face, it can temporarily blind or disorient the attacker. Note that it isn’t tear gas, and after the  person takes a few moments to clear their eyes, they will most likely be even more enraged, so  hit them with an iron skillet or get the hell out of there! 

The supply items mentioned so far are essential, and if you have a decent amount of all of them,  you can keep going for weeks, months, or more until help arrives. Congratulations, you get to  live longer than your neighbors! Now it’s time to look at items that add to the quality of life.  

Chapter 5: One mans trash 

“Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool” 

– Seneca

Once the priority items are taken care of, you need to look past just “living” and see how close  you can get back to “normality”. It’s never going to be exactly the way it was, but with a little  creative thinking, and some luck, you may be able to forge a comfortable niche for yourself. This  is relative contentment. All the items in this next section fit this bill in some fashion. Again,  these are not listed in any particular order, because the level of importance will depend on the  group or individual. For example, first aid has been burned into our brains since childhood of  being a necessity, and it can be, for small pain relief or minor injuries. A first aid kit is going to  do little against a deep cut, let alone a bullet wound. It does however offer some psychological  comfort and reassurance that someone can be helped if injured. 

Others who are very “bathroom conscious” may see a portable toilet as holding a higher rank  than say, a power inverter. After all the “creature comforts” come the vices, which again,  depending on the individual, may be ranked number one. This is due mostly to the huge  psychological impact of their addiction to the substance, for it provides distraction and comfort  in real life. In a crisis situation like this, the level of comfort will be magnified many times,  distorting the decision making process.  

Cigarettes for example, slightly dull certain pain centers of the brain. Alcohol can repress  short-term memory, judgment, and make pressing matters seem rather trivial. Prescription  painkillers can alter reality to where the individual has forgotten their current situation entirely.  As illogical as it seems to be taking these substances in a crisis situation, their value is  considerably high, especially for those who have lost hope.

A word on Recreational Vehicles 

Top 10 Bang-for-Your-Buck RVs |

For the suburban “armchair survivalist”, this represents the ultimate in apocalyptic luxury living.  This was going to be a miscellaneous item, but it covers so many needs, both primary and  secondary, that it’s considerable value in a crisis situation needs to be addressed. 

The “RV” has evolved over the decades from a meager bed and chair to what now resembles a  “rolling house”, fully equipped with multiple bathrooms, very comfortable seating and sleeping  quarters, kitchen, and a myriad of electronics. 

If you have one of these vehicles, or know a good friend close by who has one, consider this the  primary living quarters for the duration. The recreational vehicle has several advantages over a  house during an “end of the world situation. 

Built in power conversion: All late model RVs have an advanced power grid, which converts  electricity from its petroleum engine to regular current. Everything you need is already hard  wired into the bus. As long as the engine has fuel, everything will function like it does in  “normal” life. This is what the RV was designed to do, create a home like environment in places  where there is no power and plumbing. 

The metal home: Except for the fuel supply, RV’s are much more resistant to extremes than  homes. They are designed to hold up well against wind, rain, and heat. They are also made of  metal, which means the chances of an exterior fire breaking out are reduced. 

Advanced information: In addition to the standard radio frequencies, many RVs have  communication bands. Higher end models may even have a direct television dish, which can run  if a neighborhood power grid is disabled. This will give the RV owner visual news that other  homeowners will not have access to. 

Hot meal ready: Mobile homes like the one pictured above have a self contained cooking  facility which will run one either electricity or gas. Meals can be cooked at leisure. If the gas  runs out, the on board microwave can be a suitable substitute.

Extended lifespan: It is true that RVs get terrible gas mileage, and the fuel can be used up  quickly if there is no place to refill. If the vehicle is running the engine without moving, the fuel  will be consumed at a much slower rate. An RV tank is generally many times larger than that of  a common car. This will provide power over a long period of time if rationed wisely. 

Mobility: In the event of an added emergency, like a fire, earthquake, or flood, the RV can be  moved to a safer location. This can be very convenient if a neighborhood is located with better  protection than your own. 

Entertainment: A minor benefit in a crisis situation, but always good for morale. The RV’s  entertainment systems, be it music, DVD, or video games, are still functional as long as the  battery and engine have power. These things can significantly lower stress levels of yourself and  your family. 

Note: RVs are not bulletproof. Their metal skin can slow down and sometimes deflect small  caliber ammunition, but it will not protect you against larger caliber rifle rounds. 

First Aid (Optional, but important) 

Safety First: Three Tips for Packing the Perfect First Aid Kit

You’re out of your element, out of your routine. You and your family will be doing things inside  the house they don’t normally do. Lifting, pulling, dragging, sorting, opening, filling, all the  while in environments that are different than what they are used to. Mistakes will be made.  Someone will drop something, run into something, or more likely, something will run into him or  her.

Cuts, bumps, bruises are all part of the game. A first aid kid helps not only physically, but also  psychologically. A band-aid does wonders for the soul, especially in children. Now if they could  only package a kiss to make it better. 

First aid kits vary in size from the pocket version to a full blown med kit, which can treat  moderate wounds. Pick up a few, one for the home, and one for the car. Good ones include  multiple size bandages, gauze, some aspirin, alcohol pads, and maybe a few lower end surgical  tools. 

Where to get more: First aid kids are limited in general population. General stores, camping  stores, anything dealing with the outdoors. 

Secondary choices: Most companies, regardless of size and type, will have at least one first aid  kid on the premises. 

Light Pharmaceuticals (Optional) 

Never underestimate the power of low-grade painkillers. They take them for headaches,  backaches, stomachaches, arthritis, joint inflammation, and sometimes even stress. Speaking of  stress, did I mention that you are involved in what could quite possibly be the end of civilization  as we know it? Something tells me that the over the counter painkillers are going to be a popular  item. 

Brand names will matter at first, but will lose their preference over time. Start out with the well  known. Tylenol, Excedrin, and all their variants. Aspirin will never go out of style.  Antihistamines, allergy relief, stomach relief, anything you can remember seeing a commercial  for has value in this bizarre reality you now live in. 

Where to get more: The usual suspects, grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores, general  stores, gas stations. Should be easy to find in generous quantities. 

Power inverter (Optional)

For those of you who haven’t seen these, they are a great substitute for a full-blown generator,  and here’s why: The power inverter plugs into the cigarette lighter of your vehicle and coverts it  so that you can plug in regular household items. The premise is that your car / truck already has  the engine to generate the juice; all you need is the adapter. They cost about 1/4 the price of a  generator, and weigh about the same as a laptop computer. I can’t say enough about this option.  If you want quick power, without worrying about theft, this may be for you. 

Let’s look at it a little closer. Say you need to use a power saw to cut or build something critical  next to, or in your home. You just start the car in the garage (garage door open), hook up an  extension cord, hit the car alarm and away you go. If you have to go some distance, you just get  in the car and drive there. Generators need 2 people to carry it easily. Best of all, you can use the  power even if the car isn’t running. Be careful though. Once your car battery is drained, you will  need to jump it from another vehicle. 

Where to get more: Very limited supplies. Specialty camping stores, RV dealerships, some boat  dealerships. Your best bet is online. 

Secondary locations: None. You’re best bet when the power goes out is to steal the whole RV or  large boat, because they have them built in! 

Water purification tablets (Optional)

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Water purification tablets are small aspirin size tabs that can be added to a suspicious water  source, killing most of the harmful germs that can lead to some intestinal problems. The value of  these won’t be high during the first week. Most bottled water and confirmed safe water will be  used up first. After that will be rainwater. This should be purified just to be safe. Drinking your  rainwater today might be completely harmless. A few weeks after a crisis situation, without  accurate news to tell you of potential contaminants, can produce problems. 

Purification tablets are a good trading item. Everyone will want piece of mind when it comes to  drinking water. It’s a safe bet that if you stock up on these, they won’t go to waste. 

Where to get more: Very limited supply. Camping stores, hardware stores, and some general  stores. 

Substitutions: 4 drops of generic laundry bleach per gallon of water, mix well. Boiling water can  help in a pinch. In a perfect world, everyone would own an old type still, used to make  moonshine. This still can make purified water (with a heat source to boil), hence the term,  distilled water. Distilled water creates no residue when it dries, because the particles are too  heavy to be carried with the water vapor that is created. 

Sleeping bags (Optional)

Which sleeping bag liner should I choose? – Sea to Summit

Bedding in America is plentiful. Sleeping bags fall somewhere in between optional and priority,  especially with families. We learn as both children and parents that when things get scary, the  family likes to sleep in the same room, most commonly the parent’s bedroom. 

This instinct will be even more prominent in a long-term power outage. A good place for the  entire family to sleep could be the bedroom, but more likely it will be a living or family room,  wherever the fireplace is. People sleep around campfires, and the light from inside the fireplace  will have the same mental effect. It’s light, it’s heat, and it’s reassuring.  

Sleeping bags have different temperature ratings; so pick one that is suitable for your climate.  Most homes without heat will drop to near outside temperatures within a few days, regardless of  the type of windows. An active fireplace will help, but if it’s 55 degrees outside, expect 59-60  inside. 

Sleeping bags are also portable. They can easily be moved from one house to another, or from a  house to a refugee center. Bags that can withstand lower temperatures will be thicker and heavier  to carry. Keep that in mind if you plan to travel anywhere on foot. 

Where to get more: Limited locations. Camping stores, some bulk stores, some general stores. Secondary locations: Abandoned homes 

Substitutions – Bedding from existing sleeping quarters, extra blankets lying around. 

Tip – If you use existing bedding, don’t bring everyone’s mattress into the living room. It will  make it difficult to walk around during the day. Try to treat this area like a camping situation.

Tents (not recommended) 

Best pop up tent 2021: Instant tents for stress-free camping | T3

Tents always seem to pop up in survival documents. I agree they have usefulness, if you’re in the  woods or other environment without pre-built structures. This isn’t that place. You’re an average  American. You’ve most likely been camping what, once or twice in your life? No need to start  going down that road now. Tents provide no protection in a suburban environment. I don’t even  recommend them if your house has a big hole in the ceiling and it’s raining on you. You simply  can’t see enough once you’re inside. With the front flap closed you are blind.  

If you’re huddled on the side of a mountain, hoping the reach the summit in a few days, then  great, a tent is just what you need. I still think you’re a little nutty for going up the mountain in  the first place, but then again, I can’t understand ice climbers either. 

Gasoline (Optional)

I’ve had a few people ask me if I was going to add this to the list. I had mixed feelings about it. It  is by far and away the most important resource from an economic standpoint. Gasoline is a  strange product, almost ethereal in a way. It isn’t electricity, but it can generate it if needed. It’s  not a battery, but it can charge one. It can be both used to make medicine and weaponry. 

It is the sole reason our civilization, especially the United States, has achieved so much growth  over the last 100 years. In a severe crisis situation, it will probably be consumed so quickly, be  used up at such an alarming rate, that within a few weeks, only very small pockets will exist in  an average American city. 

But then again, maybe the decrease in supply will be slower, more methodical. It all depends on  what the average Joe does. As mentioned earlier, you will either stay or leave your current  location in favor of one that gives you a better chance. If you go, the fuel in your car, which is  the only fuel you have on hand, gets used during the drive. If you stay, you will have anywhere  between 1 to 20 gallons of gasoline sitting in your vehicles tank.  

Other than power generators, which will be few and far between, this gas, will be used to power  your vehicle. It can be transferred to another car via a siphon (hose). It can also be stolen using  the same siphon (see looting). Cars mean mobility, and this mobility has value. Gas can be stored  in a car without any problems for 6 months or so. By then there will be a lot of siphoning going  on. I’m still trying to work out the potential logistics because there is a real unknown factor to be  considered. Where would you go if you had a full tank of gas? If family were more than a tank  away, then it would have to be local. There is no work commute. You aren’t dropping the kids  off at school. Most looting is done on foot, unless you have a group to do it with. 

Gasoline is the unknown factor in the grand equation. There will be a large supply available, but 

it will be broken up into hundred and thousands of smaller supply groups. If a trading post could  be established, gasoline would still be the most sought after resource. People would trade things  for gasoline, and fill their vehicle. They would then have options and the freedom to go places.  They wouldn’t have direction though. I suppose they would be trading for the mobility option  alone. In case they needed to take off, they could. There will be some people who will create  Molotov cocktails (glass bottles filled with gasoline, a small piece of burning cloth attached to  the bottle) they have very few practical uses in an apocalyptic situation.  

Where to get more: Gas stations (good luck getting that with a siphon), marinas, private airfields,  any abandoned car, truck, boat, or plane. 

Tip: Airplane fuel is a higher octane and shouldn’t be used in car engines if possible. In a pinch it  can be mixed with regular gasoline. Your engine will run hotter, and should not be used to tow  objects or climb steep hills during that time. 

Tip: Larger trucks run on diesel fuel, which will not work in regular gasoline engines. Diesel fuel  smells much different than gasoline. It is still valuable for larger vehicles. 

Gas Siphon (Optional) 

Gas Siphons haven’t changed much over the years. In the old days, and by that I mean ever since  the car was invented, people used a short length of hose to siphon gas from vehicles. All you  need is suction (usually human powered) to get the gas flowing, and then you could run it into a  container outside the car. 

The unpleasant drawback is that the person doing the sucking is going to get a mouthful of gas  when it first clears the tube, no matter what. No one tells you that part; sort of like the person  getting CPR has a 90% chance of throwing up in the mouth of the person resuscitating them.  Gross. Gasoline won’t kill you, even if you swallow it. I don’t recommend drinking it. It tastes  terrible, much like a bad moonshine! Gas Siphons are built with a small hand pump, which does  the sucking for you. If you don’t own one already, and you think you will be using or trading gas,  you may want to invest the 20 bucks. If not? Get a short piece of garden hose and get ready to  start sucking.

Tip: Do not think you came up with a clever idea and use a wet / dry vacuum to start the suction  process out of the car. The vacuum does suck liquids, but it also runs on a motor. The motor has  internal sparks. The gasoline vapor may catch fire, burning up the dry vacuum and spreading to  the car. 

Where to get more: Auto parts store. 

Gas cans (optional) 

This was going to be included with the siphon, but there are some important tips here that should  be mentioned separately.  

Tips: Proper gas cans will either be heavy RED plastic or metal in nature. Look carefully at the  container to see if it has warnings about storing gasoline. If it does, you CANNOT use it to hold  fuel for extended periods of time. Here’s why: Petroleum is one of the major ingredients in most  

plastics. Because of this, it has a tendency to break down and dissolve lower level plastic  containers. Tupperware will not work. Milk or water jugs will buckle and burst. You should only  used “marked” gasoline containers.

Where to get more: Auto parts stores, some general stores, any store with an automotive section.  Gas stations will have a limited supply of mostly 2-3 gallon containers. 

Substitutions – Any metal container with a small top opening. I do not recommend large 5-gallon  metal paint containers because they have such a large top lid. 

Cash (Optional) 

Even in the late 1970’s, cash was one of the top ten things to include in a survival pack. Today,  it’s value declines to almost nothing within 72 hours.  

Here’s why: Most stores, no matter what type, run on advanced electronic registers. They use  laser bar code scanners and registers that calculate tax automatically. When the power goes out,  the stores will be crippled. A Mom and Pop shop may run manual calculators and take cash. The  problem is that no one will have it. People rarely carry any substantial amount of physical  currency. Credit cards are the rule of the day. The ATM machines need power to run. 

I still don’t keep any cash lying around. I do this because the grocery store, pharmacy and gas  station within walking distance will just shut down in the event of a power loss. Everyone will  just wait. The only situation I can think of where money might be helpful is using the cash to  bribe someone who 1. Works at a place that has something I need, and 2. Is dumb enough to take  it, not knowing that within a week, food and water will be the new currency. 

If you doubt this, and some will, try this exercise. Imagine you had $500 in 20 dollar bills tucked  away in a shoebox. Try to spend all of it in the first 72 hours of a long-term power outage. Then  try to spend the rest of it a week later. 

Where to get more: Just find a cash register, and open it. Banks are good too. If I see someone  actually looting a bank a week or two in, I’m going to ask them what exactly are their long-term 

plans. Chances are they won’t have any. 

Extra clean clothes (optional)  

Clean Clothes Clip Art N3 free image download

All your disaster movies seem to have the heroes looking dirty and tattered after a short time.  Real life news stories seem to mimic this in different ways. The point is people get grubby in a  hurry. The world is full of dirt and grime. Your everyday clothes are vulnerable. They can get  wet; suffer smoke damage, and get covered with mud. Don’t let the end of civilization stop you  from looking your best! 

That’s not just shallow advice. People feel better when they’re clean, except for maybe football  linemen, mud wrestlers and bikers. Keeping a few changes of clothes in a sealed plastic  container is always a good idea during situations like this. You’ve just been running away from  zombies for the last 2 hours, you stink! How do you think you’re self esteem is going to hold up  when you try to hold your son or daughter and they say, “Mommy, you smell like ass”.  

Even a few outfits, something simple like jeans and a t-shirt (always a good apocalyptic classic),  some socks, underwear, would be enough. Put them in a garbage bag; store them in a box or high  shelf of a closet. 

Where to get more: All clothing stores. 

Secondary choices – Abandoned houses will have lots of extra clothing, although you may end  up wearing a God awful Hawaiian Muumuu or a t-shirt that says something like “I’m with  stupid”, which is oddly appropriate now. I think entire families should wear those shirts, would  be a great gag. 

Backpack (Optional)

You may need to make a quick exit. A backpack is just common sense. You only have two arms,  and that Batman style utility belt isn’t going to hold everything and the kitchen sink. 

Lots of kids carry backpacks now, from primary on up through college. Go take theirs. It’s not  like they were learning anything. 

Tip: When loading a backpack, try to keep the heavy items at the bottom, and things you need to  get to quickly towards the top. A weapon doesn’t do you much good if you’re doing that whole  back scratching movement, flailing to find something you can’t see. 

Where to get more: Camping and outdoor stores, some general stores, some bulk stores.

Toilet water (Optional)

Remember that toilets work on gravity. They don’t need incoming water to function. Without  running water they will need to be filled up. It may seem like a luxury, until you’re copping a  squat in a bucket. Do what you can to keep the toilet working. Trust me, it’s the little things that  matter.  

The good news: You can use just about any liquid to fill the back of the toilet. Pond water,  stream water, rain water, you name it. Just get a container and fill it from time to time. I know it’s  heavy, but you’re motivated. 

Tip: If there is a large supply of pond water, get it during the day, and let your neighbors know  what you’re up to. They may follow your example, and their houses will smell a bit better too. 

Tip: Conserving water is a good idea, but don’t wait too long to flush. Your mood will already be  bad enough without having to flush an apocalyptic toilet. Ick. 

Where to get more: Any place that has a generous amount of non-potable (not drinkable) water.

Toilet paper (Optional?)

Logic dictates that you should be eating less as food resources start getting scarce, but you will  need to use the lieu from time to time. 

Someone once wrote: “the apocalypse doesn’t officially start until the toilet paper runs out”. I  love that quote. It’s meaning is simple: We take for granted the little conveniences that make our  lives easier, and when these things are removed, it just pisses us off. Toilet paper is one of these.  We use it every day for various tasks. We fight over who left the empty roll on the holder. We  laugh as the cat discovers that it spins! We watch Seinfeld as Elaine asks if she can spare a  square. 

You’ve just run out, oh crap! There are no easy answers here. You either have it or you don’t.  Ration out your squares people! 

Where to get more: General store, grocery, pharmacies, bulk stores, some convenience. Secondary locations: Abandoned homes, any abandoned building with a bathroom. Substitutes: 

Sub 1 – Kleenex type tissue. This type of tissue is softer than toilet paper, but doesn’t dissolve  well in septic systems. You are now free and clear to use these at will. 

Sub 2 – Paper napkins / Paper towels. Depending on the type and brand, tend to be rougher than  normal TP. They also don’t dissolve well in sewer systems.  

Sub 3 – Any other regular paper product from newspaper to copy machine stacks. Brace yourself.  If you are the tender backside type, it is going to be an eye opening experience. The good side is  that you will never complain about generic toilet paper again. 

Advanced tip: If you absolutely cannot find any paper products, you can use small squares of 

cloth, but don’t flush them down the toilet. They tend to jam up pipes quickly. Treat them like  dog poop in a city. Put it in a small bag and tie it off. After a while you may think about burying  or burning it. 

Sponges (Optional) 

After a few days of not taking a shower, you’re going to start getting pretty gamy. A few days  after that and your dog is going to think about rolling in you. Do yourself and the people around  you a favor, and wash up. What? No running water? No problem! This is a very old trick taken  from the healthcare community. Sponge baths! Bucket of water, some soap, and of course, a  sponge.  

Go into the bathroom with maybe a candle, preferably scented, and scrub yourself down. This  may even be fun with a spouse involved, or maybe not. Get the kids washed up too. You don’t  want them catching anything. Just about any sponge will do, big ones hold the most water. You  can also use them to get water on top of your head. It’s soothing, relaxing, and gives you a  chance to unwind a bit. Yes you are vulnerable while partially or completely naked. If you’re  worried about a break in, consider that the least amount of crime occurs at sunrise and sunset. 

.Where to get more: General stores, some convenience stores, some bulk stores, any place that  sells cleaning supplies. 

Secondary locations: Abandoned homes (Make sure to rinse out any sponges that smell like  cleaning products), any company’s janitor closet. 

Substitutes: Washrags work just about as well, but don’t hold as much water.

Portable stove (Toasty)

You can eat your food cold, but why? There is a reason why they call them hot meals, it’s  because they taste better than cold meals. Heating up food is a time-honored tradition. It  improves morale. Imagine smile on your children’s faces as they are eating a hot bowl of,  raccoon casserole. I’m kidding. It’s squirrel. 

A portable cooking station is a great way to bring people together. The heat lets the aroma out,  gets peoples appetites up, and even makes the food seem better than it really is. Think of all the  fond kitchen memories you have of someone close to you cooking a delicious meal and the  smells surrounding it. 

Anything that runs propane is a great choice, because it can be set up anywhere. If you do  acquire one, make sure to get extra fuel for it. This is by far the most relevant quality of life item,  because even though rations will keep you alive, it’s little things like hot cooked food that make  life worth living. 

Where to get more: Camping stores, some bulk outlets, some hardware stores: Substitutes: You have a couple, so no excuses; fix your family a hot meal! 

Sub 1. Gas grill, if you have it. The propane in those tanks should hold you for a week or so. Use  pans on top and cook with lid closed to increase heat efficiency. 

Sub 2. The fireplace. Burn the wood or paper under the grating, and use a pan with a lid to keep  any stray ash out. 

Portable toilet (Smelly)

These vary in shapes and size, but the cheapest and easiest to make and use are standard 5 gallon  buckets with a cheap plastic lid in the shape of a toilet seat. The portable toilets are meant mostly  for hunters who think it’s fun to spend their Fall days getting drunk in the woods while sitting in  

a deer blind. Good times! They work with a garbage can type liner that collects the good stuff.  You then tie off the bag and bury it. I recommend burying it somewhere the dog can’t get to it.  You’d rather have your canine rolling in an old moose carcass than bringing one of those bags  back into the house. “Daddy, the dog’s breath smells worse than you do”! 

This is a “just in case” item. If the power runs out your toilet will still work as long as the water  is on. When the water is off you can still fill the tank. All well in good, but maybe there is an  earthquake, and the toilet cracks, making it unable to hold water? That is where the portable  version comes in. Let’s hope you never have to use it. 

Where to get more: – Camping stores. 

Secondary locations – Abandoned houses of people that hunt. 

Substitutes: Does a yuppie crap in the backyard? They will if they don’t have a toilet.

A good hat (hats are back in)

This may seem like a ridiculous item. It’s not. I don’t have a lot of hair and I still bought one. I’m  not thinking of me here, I’m thinking for those people with good hair. You know who you are. I  hate you, and yet, I still try to help. You good hair types are going to be taking sponge baths now, and washing your hair isn’t going to be high on your list of things to do. Fend off zombies,  check. Steal gas from neighbor’s car, check. Wash hair, nah. 

Hats get hair out of the way. Hats let you do more active things without worrying about it. Ever  been river rafting or seen pictures of people river rafting? People wear a lot of hats. Hats give  you some protection. You could go with something more elaborate, like a bike helmet, but then  people will just ask “where ya headed”? You could wear a plastic construction hat, and then  people will ask you to help them with their water or power because they think you work for the  city. How about an army style helmet? Eh, probably too militant for your neighborhood. Stick  with something simple. Your kids may also like hats; it’s like dress up! 

Cloth baseball type caps are good. Try to stay away from the nylon and foam types. Darker  colors are better because they don’t show grime as much. White foam caps that say “keep on  truckin” or “best friends forever” are right out. I will be looking for you people. Black hats with a  Harley Davidson eagle are bad ass.  

Where to get more: Sporting good stores, camping stores, clothing stores, especially towns with  a college. College kids love hats. 

Secondary choices: – Abandoned homes, Some companies will give these out as promotional  materials to clients, although, the more I think about it, don’t loot a company warehouse just for  hats, that’s silly, unless it’s a Harley Davidson hat. That’s bad ass. 

A good pair of work boots (butch)

Good shoes. Should I say more? A good pair of footwear can mean all the difference. The world  is burning around you. Those 8-year-old flip-flops with the broken strap aren’t going to cut it.  Neither are those 4-inch pumps. I don’t care if they’re more comfortable than they look. It’s dark.  You’re going to be stubbing your toe into all sorts of new things. You’re going to drop a variety  of items from chest level, and they are going to land somewhere near those oh so delicate  clodhoppers of yours. Protect them, with a solid pair of shoes. 

Pretend you were going to go camping. You never go camping, I see. Just pretend! What would  you wear? Put those on now, and keep them on. No, snow boots are not the same thing, neither  are galoshes. High top basketball shoes are better; something with a steel toe would be nice. Of  all the items of clothing, this should be the first choice when looking around. 

Where to get more – Shoe stores, camping stores, some hardware, some ski shops. 

Police scanner (because you are a bad person)

UNIDEN Analog Orange Backlit LCD Display Handheld Police Scanner, Number of  Channels 500 - 40L166|BC125AT - Grainger

Some years ago I ran into a group of guys who on a regular basis, would get drunk on happy  hour martinis, eat a bunch of oysters, and talk about robbing a bank. Invariably, one of their  items in this robbery fantasy was a police scanner. 

This is a very optional item. As mentioned earlier, local law enforcement is going to go offline  within a few days. There may be a crusader or two out there trying to keep the streets safe. This  device allows you to listen into all emergency band frequencies within the city limits. It’s a pretty  safe bet what you will hear is an increasing level of activity immediately after the blackout,  which keeps building until there is a head to head conflict with a mob of some sort. This is where  the intensity peaks, followed by a sharp decrease as law enforcement either deserts or moves to a  safe location. After a while, you might hear some civilians on those channels as police units are  stolen. 

It’s an intriguing item. They are pretty expensive for what you get out of them. Tapping into the  emergency bands of a town could tell you a great deal about where trouble is, and more  importantly, where emergency vehicles are. You could use this information to find the nearest  fire or police vehicle in case you had injured or sick people in your party. 

Or, you could find out where the police and fire units were not

Where to get more: Specialty electronic stores, Radio shack, some pawnshops. 

Earplugs (What?) 

Soldiers wear them. The firing range requires them. Your long-term hearing is important. Then  again, so is your short term. Anyone who has ever fired a gun without hearing protection, or had  a very loud explosion noise go off next to their head doesn’t need an explanation. To the rest of  you, I’ll explain. A firearm round is not only propelled by a small explosive charge, but most  bullets break the speed of sound right out of the barrel. Sound travels like ripples on the water. If  they are used outdoors, the sound disperses quickly, depending on obstacles next to you. Inside a  house, they dance around and play havoc with your eardrum.

Trust me when I say this. Firing a shotgun in a hallway or bedroom has a chance of disorienting  you. The sound will bounce off the walls and seem to come at you from all sides. Your ears will  ring loudly, and that ringing won’t fade for some time. Make it easy on yourself and take the  sound out of the equation. You don’t need the added distraction of a temporary hearing loss. The  flash of the gun, the shock of it pushing against your hand or shoulder, will be quite enough. 

Having hearing protection also can give you an added advantage in a gunfight that takes longer  than 10 seconds. If your opponent isn’t using any, he / she will be hearing impaired after their  first shot. You will be able to hear their footsteps or their weapon action. They may even be  dumb enough to yell over the ringing at anyone behind them. I recommend wearing them every  time you’re carrying a firearm. Can’t be too careful. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, some auto parts stores. 

Secondary choices: Manufacturing plants, shooting ranges. 

Manual Can opener:

At one point I think I had five different can openers in storage. Over the last ten years,  food-packaging technology, especially in convenience-oriented America, has gotten a lot better.  Most soup cans now have pull-tab tops, which require no tools whatsoever. This is the same for  some canned meats and vegetables, tuna fish, etc. I would expect that within the next five years,  just about all cans to have this type of opening system. 

However, this is not necessarily true for large bulk food can items you might find at Costco or a  restaurant supply house. These items haven’t seen an increased demand for ease of use. As long  as there are regular can tops out there, you should acquire one or two can openers. Why? 

Because your electric can opener doesn’t work any more. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, Grocery stores, some bulk food stores, some camping  supply stores. 

Secondary choice: Abandoned homes. 

Two way radio 

Two-way radios have improved a great deal in the last 30 years, with some models running up to  25 miles or more. They’re small in size, and usually come with cool extras like power saving  features, hands free talk options, and multiple channels for security. In short, they are cell phones  that can be used within city limits. 

If you plan on being alone the whole time, the two-way radio isn’t going to be of much use,  unless you’re really bored. If you have a friend, and I really hope you do, then you now have  long distance communication that can be helpful during scout missions, looting, defending, just  about anything. Don’t overlook this item. All law enforcement units, including special weapons  teams use them. You should too. 

Deck of cards (Go fish!)

There is something I need to tell you about the apocalypse. There is no net flix. You can fiddle  with your Play station controls all day; it’s not going to work. Americans are addicted to  entertainment that is based on electricity. Without it, some people will really think the world has  ended. 

It’s times like these we have to return to the basic forms of entertainment that kept all the  generations before us occupied. Board games, physical games, and of course, cards. There are  hundreds of different card games and some believe or not, are pretty engaging! It wasn’t that long  ago that my family spent the evenings teaching me all the rites of passage in old school entertainment: Yahtzee, Boggle, Sorry. Maybe those are too easy. How about Trivial Pursuit or  Pictionary? Want something that takes a long time? Get the kids into a 4-hour marathon of  Monopoly or Risk. 

A little leisure goes a long way. It distracts you from the rest of the world. Who wants to think  about giant radioactive spiders all day? Games are as old as humanity. The only difference in this  type of world is that we have to take a step back and adjust to having fun without electronics. Oh  yes, there will be holdouts. The game boys will be used until the little screens go dark. Some  people will fire up generators just to play Madden 2010.  

This is especially for the kids, who are going to create their own games if none are provided.  You do not want them making up stuff like “pin the tail on the giant three-headed rabbit” or  “who can hit the mutant with the most flaming tennis balls”. It just angers the mutants and that’s  not fun for anyone. 

Keep your urchins (and yourself) busy with a wholesome family game. Winners get extra  rations. Losers get a cold sponge bath, or have to use bathroom tissue made out of copy paper.  Let them pick. It adds to the fun. 

Where to get more: Toy stores, general stores, any place that sells games. Some convenience  stores.

Secondary choices: Abandoned homes. 

Chapter 6: Smoke em if you got em:  

“There are two infinites: One is the Universe, and the other is mankind’s stupidity, and I’m  not sure about the Universe” 

– Albert Einstein 

Cigar in Ashtray Photograph by Joe Belanger

No list would be complete without a small group of bad habits. In most end of the world movies  where human vices survive, there is still a high demand for them. Why? Because they’re  addictive! They’re bad for you. In a world where people are scrapping to live to the next day  there is no logical reason for these things to exist! 

Some of you will argue whether or not this section has any value. Who does it benefit? Today I  can say with a great voice of confidence that it benefits you! Here’s why. You don’t have a vice.  Fantastic. The opportunities for you and your family are nearly endless.  

In times of high stress people turn even harder to things that make them feel better. In a situation  where the stress never ends, the breaking point for people with addictions will be much quicker.  When they finally snap, they will turn to whoever has what they need for help. If the people  holding what they need are weaker, they will be overcome. If they are stronger, the addicts will  barter. The addicts bartering abilities won’t be done with a clear head. They will be desperate,  and in some cases will trade almost anything. Use this to your advantage, and bring them to their  knees! 

You feel sorry for them. There is nothing wrong with that. Pat yourself on the back, because  you’re a good person. If you want, go ahead and give them some sensible words of advice, but do  it after the trade. Don’t feel bad because they’re walking away with a few moments of relief,  while you just gained weeks worth of supplies. You were more prepared. You were “stronger  willed”. You are the ant. They are the grasshoppers.

It’s the vices that will be snapped up first, grabbed off the shelves in a mindless fury by the  desperate. Your best chance at taking the upper hand here is to buy some now and store it away.  These bottles and small boxes could mean the difference between starving and salvation. They  could buy the time you and your family need. 

Liquor (Vice) 

Government sanctioned, population approved. Alcohol has been by our side for thousands of  years. It is the cause of, and solution to, many of life’s problems. It is sought after by the young,  and used as a crutch by the old. Almost everyone I know has a good (and bad) alcohol story. 

Alcohol itself, in whatever form it takes, is by definition a depressant. It dulls the senses and  reaction time. It dissolves the edge off of urgency. It impairs judgment. It has been called “liquid  courage”. 

It really has no place in a pure, organized survival structure. The last thing you want is to have  alcohol mixed in with a group of people carrying weapons. The results could be disastrous. It  ebbs the chain of command. Orders are ignored, respect takes a back seat, and basic instinct  takes over. 

My favorite alcohol based saying is from old Russia. “What’s on a sober mans mind is on a  drunk mans tongue”. Drunk people say things they shouldn’t, and lose perspective. You don’t  want tempers flaring. Not now. You and your group are barely holding on as it is. Trade the alcohol off to the masses, otherwise known as the morons. Choose your trades wisely. Keep it away from people you like. 

There is a time for everything, and I agree that people should eventually get a chance to cut  loose. Alcohol does facilitate that. If you want to use it yourself, then save it for later, after the  dust finally dies down.

Alcohol’s strength is based on proof, or measurement of alcohol content. The closer the proof  number is to 200, the more pure alcohol it has. The higher the proof, the more potent the  beverage is. As the potency gets higher, it takes less to get someone intoxicated. A bottle of  whiskey is more valuable than a case of beer. It weighs much less. You need to drink less to  receive the desired effect. For this reason alone I recommend sticking to hard liquors as a trade  material. Any hard liquor is worth more than a bottle of wine. And to a lesser extent, a bottle of  wine is worth more than a few cans of beer. 

Note that all alcohol tricks the body into releasing excess water through urination. This is why  you feel dehydrated later. Alcohol can never replace actual water. The low alcohol content of  beer means you can drink more of it, but you’re still going to be thirsty afterwards. 

Advanced tip: The most valuable alcohol in this situation has seen a recent comeback. It is  government-sanctioned moonshine called Ever clear. Some of you will remember the name  from social gatherings of your youth. It is 190 proof, the highest alcohol content available for  legal sale, and about 10 states still aren’t allowed to sell it. It cannot be consumed without a  mixer. It must be diluted with something else, like water, juice, or tonic. It has no smell or taste.  Ever clear can be purchased at most liquor stores, and is inexpensive at $15 for a large bottle. 

What makes Ever clear different from all other alcohol products is it’s ultra refined properties. It  is pure alcohol, and is extremely flammable. It can be used in certain camping stoves. It can be  used to start fires. Ever clear is sterile, and can be used to treat wounds if needed. Because of it’s  very high alcohol content, it cannot ever freeze, and can be used to de-ice metal parts. One bottle  can last a long time, in more than one capacity. 

Where to get more: Depending on what state you live in, Alcohol may only be sold in liquor  stores, or it could be sold in grocery stores and possibly bulk food stores. 

Secondary sources – Abandoned home liquor cabinets. 

Cigarettes (I have a bone to pick with you people)

For five years I told myself I wouldn’t bring this item to the trading table. It has done so much  damage to our country. I can’t overstate it. Everyone knows someone who has died or is dying of  cigarette related cancer. Everyone knows exactly what the product can do, and yet 30 years after  the ads have been banned from television and radio, this country still has over 50 million people  who smoke. 

Maybe Dennis Leary was right. At this point you could put the cigarettes into a black pack with a  skull and crossbones on the front, and people would still buy them. No matter what we do, there  is a very large group of people out there who have decided that dulling the pain centers of their  brain in small amounts is more important than the huge health consequences. 

Once the cigarette trucks stop moving, their value will skyrocket. You think your smoker  buddies light up a lot now, just wait until their stress levels jump up about five notches. 

This item will be looted first, even before alcohol, because of its lightweight and convenient  pre-packed portions. You will not be able to find cigarettes a week after the lights go out. 

I have a challenge for the smoker reading this. You have the chance to live longer than most  people. All you have to do is save the cigarettes you have, the cigarettes you just bought, and  trade them later for needed supplies. Cigarettes can get you food, water, medicine, weapons, 

anything. Just stop smoking when the power goes out. Lock them in a chest and hide the key. Put  them in a plastic bag and bury them in the backyard. 

Where to get more: Grocery stores, liquor stores, convenience stores, bulk food. Secondary choices: Vending machines, Office drawers, Vehicle glove boxes, abandoned homes. 

Prescription drugs (Vice) 

There are certain medicines that can be helpful to treat sick people. Antibiotics,  anti-inflammatory, etc. For every one of those that are another five currently being abused in this  country. Most of the culprits fall into the painkiller category. In normal circumstances they  relieve extreme forms of pain. In regular doses, they can help with surgery recovery, muscle  tears, broken bones and torn ligaments. That’s what they were designed for. 

If taken by a healthy individual, the person feels a great sense of euphoria. In short, they get  high, and could care less about anything. They are powerful escapism drugs, as strong as most  black-market items. In a low resource environment, they will be more valuable than alcohol and  cigarettes combined, because they can produce several mind-altering effects simultaneously. 

Normally I would only recommend them for injuries. However if their value increases enough, it  might be wise to see what you can get in trade. Prescription drugs, being chemical based, have an  official expiration date of maximum potency. It’s value will slowly decrease after this date is  reached, until the drugs effects are nominal.

The most popular types of prescription drugs include painkillers, mood stabilizers, and ADD or  hyperactivity drugs. 

Examples of Painkillers–sometimes referred to as narcotics—are morphine, codeine, and  related medications. Morphine is often used before or after surgery to alleviate severe pain.  Codeine is used for milder pain. Other examples of opioids that can be prescribed to alleviate  pain include oxycodone (OxyContin) (Darvon) (Vicodin) (Dilaudid) (Demerol), which are used  less often because of its side effects. In addition to their effective pain relieving properties, some  of these medications can be used to relieve severe diarrhea (Lomotil, for example, which is  diphenoxylate) or severe coughs (codeine). 

Examples of mood stabilizers–Barbiturates, (Mebaral) (Nembutal), which are used to treat  anxiety, tension, and sleep disorders. 

(Valium), (Librium), (Xanax), which can be prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions,  and panic attacks. (ProSom), can be prescribed for short-term treatment of sleep disorders. 

Examples of Stimulants— (Dexedrine) (Ritalin) Stimulants increase the levels of these  chemicals in the brain and body. This, in turn, increases blood pressure and heart rate, constricts  blood vessels, increases blood glucose, and opens up the pathways of the respiratory system. In  addition, the increase in dopamine is associated with a sense of euphoria that can accompany the  use of stimulants. 

Where to get more: Very limited supply. Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, or any grocery store with  a pharmacy. 

Secondary choices: Abandoned homes, more specifically, medicine cabinets and bedroom  nightstands. 

Prostitution (Just say no!)

Ladies of the Night (@LadiesOTNight) | Twitter

The oldest profession in the world. This millennia old industry has been a part of every world  city, both large and small. In an unstable environment like a breakdown of general society, it’s  best to stay far away from anything that has to do with it. There are just too many unknowns, all  with potentially horrible results.  

Here’s just a few:  

Safety. Pimps in a city full of armed stressed out people? Are you kidding? They wouldn’t last an  hour, which means no protection for the woman, and you’re not a pimp! 

Disease. Condoms are going to be in short supply, and it’s a safe bet that tricks will be turned  without them. Bad idea. Hospitals and clinics will have bigger problems to deal with, assuming  that they are still operational.  

Predators. With the streets turning very violent, don’t be surprised to see some women just get  thrown into the back of a truck, and then never seen again. 

I don’t want to say that you can’t have sex at the end of the world, but trying to sell or trade it in  this new environment is a poor choice. That being said, it is still a commodity for women who  find themselves in a dire situation. Would you sell your body to save your child? Would you sell  your body to save yourself? Some would say yes. 

All I can say to you brave souls is to be careful. I mean it. Men are especially dangerous in a  high stress environment with few laws, and double-crossing you is an easy decision. If you have  a regular place for sex then place a weapon under a pillow or mattress. You don’t need much. A  knife, ice pick, or big pair of hedge clippers will do the trick. Having someone to watch your  back is better.

Black Market Drugs 

This would include any illegal substance that is bought on a street level. It’s not a realistic trade  item, with the exception of Marijuana. Overseas drug runners deal in cash, and in this scenario  the dollar has plummeted to nothing. Distribution lines will be cut. Local Meth labs need raw  materials, which will dry up fast. Marijuana requires sunlight, or grow lights, which need large  amounts of electricity. There are better things to spend your generator juice on. 

For those of you who still want them, there will be some small pockets of marijuana,  mushrooms, and other organic drugs surfacing in more rural areas where farmable land is  available. 

Chapter 7: Rock, paper, scissors, gun 

“The quickest way to end a war is to lose it” 

– George Orwell 

Weapon Sketch HD Stock Images | Shutterstock

This topic raises a lot of eyebrows, and passions. Americans are so divided on the issue of gun 

control and lethal weapons in general, it deserves it’s own section. I’ll be as objective as I can.  You can decide your own defensive options.  

The point of this item / section is that everything you have accumulated so far, which hopefully  will have been water, food, and light sources, needs to be defended at all costs. First, we need to  find you a weapon of choice. Further down we will cover the attitude around combat for the  average American. Right now we just need to pick something off the rack. 

Let’s start with a quick test to see where you stand when it comes to weapons. Try to do this in  an empty house without your family. If your family is there, try not to look obvious; otherwise  they might think you’re having some sort of breakdown. 

Use your imagination, and picture a person banging at your front door and yelling. You don’t  know who it is, or how many people might be there with this person. What you do you for sure is  that they intend to cause you some sort of harm. If it makes it easier, pretend it’s a burglar with a violent side. We’ve all entertained that thought at one point or another. You need to defend  yourself, right now. You have 60 seconds before that door comes crashing down. Drop the  book, take 60 seconds, see what you would go for, and then come back. 


… Really, not kidding. Get off the couch and pretend this is real. It will give you a new  perspective on what might happen. 

… If you did go and come back, then kudos. If you just “imagined” yourself getting off the  couch, then you’re in worse shape than I thought, and probably aren’t taking this very seriously. I  will do my best to shed some different light on the topic in hopes that it will motivate you. 

Did you immediately go to the kitchen and fumble around for the biggest knife you could find?  Did you grab a tire iron you had sitting in a closet, or a big wrench? A pair of scissors perhaps?  When you got this life saving device, did you think of where you might be standing when the  door opens, what to look for? Are you going to hold the knife with both hands in front of you,  waving wildly like the wife in “the shining”, or perhaps go charging in like Glenn Close in “fatal  attraction”. You’re protecting your family from an unknown threat. This person isn’t going to go  away. The weapon you chose, do you really think it’s going to stop whatever is behind that door? 

I’m not asking you to buy a gun. You may hate guns. You may be, or know someone who has  been a victim of domestic violence or some other violent crime. This section isn’t meant to  offend you. 

I’m also not going to offend the red meat eating gun enthusiasts, some of which have an  unnecessarily large stockpile of firearms, and think that it’s their right to accumulate even more. 

The attempt here is to try to find a happy medium, one that will keep you safe, without looking  so militant that people think you’re going to start a revolution. 

This is about weapons, any weapons that you are comfortable with and will use if someone tries  to take something that is yours. We are assuming here that if someone says: Please hand over  your food and water, you won’t just roll over and say “God bless you”. That would be a pretty  silly ending to your efforts. 

If you are into baseball bats, then grab a bat. If you are into knives, grab a knife. If you think you  can hold your stash with a 9 iron, by all means, go to the back of your Range Rover and get one  of those. 


Sooner or later, and in this country it means sooner, one day, you will bring a knife to a gunfight.  If the other party is of even average skill, you will lose. It’s just that simple. Rock, paper,  scissors, gun. Gun wins. Remember where you are. This is America: Land of the crazy, and  home of the armed. 

Fine, you are a bow hunter, and are very skilled at it. To you I say first: You get one shot, then  you’re trouble scale goes way up. Second, I have yet to meet a bow hunter who doesn’t also own  a firearm. The same goes for you crossbow people. Don’t get cute; I’ve heard all the arguments a  thousand times. 

If you are so against firearms and are so stubborn that you absolutely will not use one, then at  least pretend, and get one of those high-end air soft “replica” toy guns that look like the real  thing. Even that will give the person across from you pause. If they see a kitchen knife, the fight  is over.  

Demographics say if you’re reading this, the idea of a firearm in any form isn’t totally out of the  question. For you I offer this: Make your choices wisely. Your life depends on it. The over used  KISS principle of sports (keep it simple stupid) applies even more so in mortal combat  situations. Try not to get fancy or exotic. Exotic when referring to firearms often means  complicated. If you’re the type who has a problem running a television remote and eating a bag  of chips at the same time, stay away from the complicated weapons. 

Complicated weapons are sexy. They are cool; they are deadly, in the right hands. Let’s leave the  complicated firearms to the military and the police special weapons unit (note the word special).  We are Plumbers, middle managers, and programmers. We are ordinary business people who  spend more time with their families than at firing ranges. You need something you can actually  use, not something that looks good on a “my space” page. 

Your weapon should suit you and you only. Don’t plan on a universal weapon that others will  use. Don’t plan on your spouse using it. They can get their own. I’ve been studying small arms  for 25 years, and there is a lot to consider before purchasing one. Forget the magazines say and  forget what your buddies down at the gun shop tell you. Treat this decision even more carefully  than you would in buying a car. It’s that critical. This small piece of metal and plastic could save  you, your family, and everything you hold important, from tragedy.

The highly revered George S. Patton, decorated General of the US Army during World War 2  once said: “The basic principle of war hasn’t changed. It is to deliver the maximum amount of  firepower in the minimum amount of time”. In layman’s terms, fire the biggest weapon you can  that holds the largest amount of shells. 

The concept, though now 60 years old, is still valid. From a single person point of view, it comes  down to body weight, muscle, and the energy your firearm delivers. It’s common sense that a 120  woman would be hard pressed to fire an elephant gun on a regular basis without suffering some  heavy bruises or maybe even a dislocated shoulder. On that same line it would be a waste to have  a 240-pound man firing a tiny pistol designed to hunt rabbits. In a stressful situation, shoot the  biggest thing that you can, comfortably. 

Numerous survival guides will tell you that in the long term, you should own at least 1 rifle, 1  shotgun, and one handgun, with a generous amount of ammunition for each. This is not bad  advice, but a little hardcore for the average citizen. Let’s reduce it down a bit, and again, keep it  simple. 

One rifle or shotgun, and one handgun. 

If you have to choose between a rifle and a shotgun, I’d probably choose a shotgun for an  everyday neighborhood environment. Rifles have greater range, hit harder at greater distances,  and can carry more shells. Shotguns hit much harder in the first 50 yards, but aren’t good at long  range, and hold fewer rounds. 

You, me, and just about everyone else isn’t that accurate at longer ranges, so a rifle isn’t going to  help you much there. You’ll have a chance to hit things from far away, but the percentage isn’t  very high. Rifles also have a double-edged problem, and that they can penetrate house walls very  easily. Shooting at something inside a house and missing means that it will most likely go  through several other rooms, exit your house and go into someone else’s. No need to start  creating accidents that will haunt you later. 

On the other hand, if you are convinced that in a gunfight you will be blind with panic, and  totally out of control, a semi automatic rifle may be your only real answer. There is something to  be said about pulling the trigger and letting 30 bullets fly in front of you. You’re bound to hit the  bad guys once, right? There is logic there. Just remember that any time you miss, the bullet has  to go somewhere, and a rifle will be sending bullets hundreds of yards in that direction. 

Choice 1: Shotgun

You’ve chosen a shotgun. Good for you. Shotguns haven’t changed much in the 100 plus years  that they’ve been around, and there is a wide selection to choose from.You also need to choose  between Semi-automatic, which means you just pull the trigger and the weapon fires each time,  

or pump action, in which each shot needs to be chambered manually. You will need to choose  the size of shell you want to fire. I’ll help you along the way. 

Pros and cons of semi-automatic: They are more expensive by a few hundred dollars. They have 

a narrower selection. Semi-automatic is usually found in bird hunting shotguns. If you want a  good one that holds the maximum amount of shells (at the time of this writing, 9) it can run you  up to $1000. One obscure drawback of the semi-auto is its inability to fire “non-standard” shells,  ones made by custom ammunition makers. The semi-auto mechanism, which ejects one shell and  inserts another, is based on a minimum amount of powder to power the action. If there is not  enough power, the action jams. If the action jams and what you’re shooting at is still standing,  that’s bad. 

Pros and cons of pump action: Less expensive, holds the same maximum amount of shells. Wide  variety of models can fire any type of shell, standard or non-standard. One drawback is that you  will fire slower because of its manual operation. This may or may not help you, and here’s why:  People tend to shoot too many times when pumped up on adrenalin. That’s much easier to do  with a semi-automatic. A pump action slows you down a bit, giving you time to think as you  deliberately cycle the shells. A pump action also will let you know you’re out of ammunition  about a second later than an automatic, because of the extra pump, but this may not affect much. 

By far and away the most popular shotgun caliber is the 12 gauge round. It is the current US  military caliber, and is preferred by all types of hunters and law enforcement. There are millions  of rounds of 12-gauge ammunition in circulation, with many different purposes. Please see Item  (Ammunition) for types and potency. 

Tip: There are some slight differences in shotgun shell sizes when it comes to 12-gauge  ammunition. The variance is in length. 12 gauge comes in 2 ¾ inches, 3 inches, and some a little  longer. Make absolutely sure that your shotgun can handle the length of the shells. A shotgun  labeled 2-¾ inch cannot take 3-inch shells. A 3-inch shotgun can however, take the shorter  rounds. The majority of ammunition made is in 2 ¾, but since they look almost identical, it’s  always good to go with a larger chamber, just to be sure. 

All other calibers in the shotgun category should be considered distant seconds. This includes  .410, 16, 20, and 10 gauge models. 

Choice 2: Rifle

You’ve chosen a rifle. Rifles have been around even longer than shotguns, hundreds of years in  fact, and being the murdering warmongers that we are, we have created everything from  low-level plinkers to bristling monstrosities that can rip down small buildings. 

The same topics apply for the rifle as they did the shotgun. Semi-auto vs. manual, and the size of  shell you want to fire. Let’s get the easy choice out of the way. Choose semi-auto. I’m not saying  this because there is anything particularly wrong with manual, bolt-action rifles. There is just a  huge fundamental difference between bolt action rifles and say, pump shotguns. Bolt action is 

where you have to lift up the bolt lever, pull the spent shell back, push it forward, and swing the  bolt down again. This is four movements versus two for the pump shotgun, which is just pull  back and push out. 

All the movie and television scenes where the guy with the bolt-action rifle screws up and jams  the weapon under high stress, that really happens! Don’t be like them and get eaten by the  dinosaur, or the giant crocodile, or the mutant rat, or whatever else seems to know that you are  using a bolt-action rifle in a life or death situation.  

Whether it’s a $400 off the shelf bolt action, or a $10,000 gold inlayed, custom made, elephant  killing bolt action, it still works basically the same. Soldiers don’t use bolt action, general police  don’t use bolt action. The only people that really use it are snipers. Why? Because bolt-action  rifles are consistently more accurate at long ranges, on a target that is only in there for one shot. 

If a bolt action is all you have, then try not to engage anyone at close range. If you do, chances  are you will have one shot. Treat your strategy like you’re using a musket. 

The semi auto rifle comes in all sizes, and being that we’re in America, you have an enormous selection in front of you.  

Here’s why: Back in the early 1980’s some Hollywood producers realized that the popular Clint  Eastwood series “Dirty Harry”, had increased the sales of the .44 magnum revolver by leaps and  bounds. In collaboration with the major US and then later foreign manufacturers, Hollywood  started giving every leading man a sexy gun of some kind, and the firearm makers in turn, started  churning out “civilian” versions of the same weapons to the public. They fired the same shell,  held the same number of bullets, and looked identical. The only difference is that they weren’t  “machine guns”, weapons that fire multiple shells with one pull of the trigger. 

Public response was very enthusiastic and the general public bought everything in sight. Every  year up until the Brady gun bill was passed the gun makers created more and more exotic  weapons for the public. Some of these included drum fed shotguns, plastic pistols that held 100  shells, rifles with shotguns bolted to them. 

One side effect of this, whether deliberate or not, is that America has now the most well armed  civilian population on the surface of the Earth. Not exactly an appetizing target if you were going  to invade. There are as many firearms in circulation as there are Americans, the downside being  17,000 domestic gun related deaths a year. 

As with the shotgun, there are some military calibers to consider. Our current US army rifle  cartridge is the 5.56 mm, .223 inches. Many companies make the civilian version of the US army  weapon. They range in price from $600-$2000. If you weigh less than 160 pounds I highly  recommend this caliber. If you are over 160 pounds, you may want to look at the larger military  caliber 7.62, .308 inches. The selection is fewer, but the shells reach farther, and hit harder. Both  domestic and international companies manufacture them. They range in price from $400-$3000  and are well worth looking into. If money is an object, but you still want a popular round, try any  of the civilian AK-47 variants that are in high supply in today’s market.


The choice of a one handed firearm is simpler. While it is true that there are a large variety of  handguns manufactured in this country, the decisions of what to use in a crisis still come down to  the two same basic options. Semi auto or revolver, and the caliber used.


An old, tried and tested technology. A revolver is what we grew up with, played cowboys and
Indians with. Movie after movie, year after year, used the revolver. It holds six rounds; and in
most cases has no safety. Cops used them, criminals used them, and the Lone Ranger had one
that fired silver bullets. Dirty Harry used one for most of his career. It is by far the most
comfortable in our hands. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some of the cartridges used
have been manufactured for over 150 years.

Pros and cons: In the majority of revolvers, you have six shots as fast as you can pull the trigger.
If you have to reload, the cylinder has to swing out and shells ejected manually. Revolvers have
regained some popularity recently because the shells stay in the gun. No shells, no fingerprints or
DNA. Professional assassins gravitate towards these weapons in certain discrete situations. The
revolver doesn’t have a safety. To combat this, some users keep at least one chamber empty to
prevent an accidental firing.

The revolver has one very important advantage. It’s instinctual in a crisis situation for the
common man. You point and shoot. You don’t cycle a round, you don’t throw in a clip. A
revolver doesn’t jam, and it is one of the few weapons that can fire repeatedly underwater if

Until the mid 1980’s, all law enforcement in America used the revolver. When the military type
weapons began entering the civilian population, law enforcement found themselves in firefights
where the criminals were doing most of the shooting. This wasn’t good, both for police mortality
rates and morale. It was then that law enforcement switched from .38 and .357 revolvers to their
semi auto counterparts, evening the odds.

Some popular revolver calibers in include the .22, .38, .357, .44, and .45. Each has it’s own
purpose which will be explained in a short listing at the end of this section.

Semi Auto Pistol

Until the mid 1980’s, the predominant semi auto pistol in America was the legendary Colt 45. All
war movies up until that time used them. A beer was named after it. George Patton carried a
customized .45. Their legacy dates back to 1911 when a refined version entered service. It uses a
very slow bullet; so slow in fact the sound could be silenced completely if needed. The first
weapon “silencers” were based on this round.

After 1980, the civilian market saw a huge influx of semi auto pistols, first with the ex-Nazi
9-millimeter round, and then followed by slightly larger versions such as the .40, the 10
millimeter, and then the heavier rounds like the .357 and .44 mag. The most popular of these was
the 9mm, mostly because is was the current US military round. In 1985, it replaced the US army
.45 as the official American army sidearm. Almost every sidearm company in the world makes a
9mm pistol, despite its reputation as a “wounding round”. The concept behind a “non-killing”
bullet was very similar to the .223 rifle round used in the American M-16, in that an army that
wounds more soldiers than it kills will eventually win the war, because wounded men used up far
more resources than dead ones.

The semi auto pistols of today have seen very few modifications in the last 20 years. The pros
and cons now are the same as they were then. The semi auto holds many more rounds, and in the
hands of an experienced user, can be reloaded more quickly than a revolver. The semi auto can
jam in certain situations. It can be fired very quickly because the action keeps the next shell in
“ready” mode, which requires a lighter pull on the trigger. Semi auto weapons come with a
variety of safety features, includes some that will not allow the weapon to fire without a strong
grip on the handle.

The two most popular calibers for semi auto pistols currently are 9mm, and .45.
Where to get more: The manufacture and sale of new and used firearms is controlled (sometimes
loosely) by the federal government. Because of this, the number of places firearms can be
acquired is limited and monitored. Because of their dangerous nature, everyone and every place
that sells firearms implement safety precautions.

Primary: Firearm shops, Some hardware and sporting goods stores, pawn shops, gun shows,
private firearm dealers, online manufacturers, and of course, online private owners through the
Secondary locations: Abandoned homes, security offices of some companies, abandoned police
stations, National Guard armories.


You don’t use firearms on a regular basis. The range fees can be expensive, ammunition isn’t
free, and quite frankly, we’re normally way too busy to be playing with things that we’re never
going to use in a practical situation anyway.
Get real. Stress and panic turns us all into idiots. The reason they put push bar levers on
auditorium doors is because when people panic, they forget how to use things, like door handles.
Learn the basics, get to a range, and practice every once in a while. If you’re reading this by
flashlight because the powers already gone out, and you have yet to fire a gun, then you have
some things to think about.
Don’t freak out. You’re holding a gun, not a cobra. Both are deadly, but this one is built to

protect you.
Make sure the safety is off when you are ready to shoot. The whole point of the safety is to keep
you from shooting things accidentally, like your underwear drawer. If you think you’ll forget,
then take the safety off and leave it off for the duration of the apocalypse.
Aim for the legs. This was taught to me decades ago and I firmly believe it is the best method for
house-to-house fighting. Shooting the legs means there is a good chance your target doesn’t get
to stand up any more. It puts your enemy on the ground, where they are much slower. Shooting
the legs doesn’t kill them right away. This should make you anti-killing people feel a little better.
Shooting them in the legs creates an obstacle for the person behind them. It gives you options.
All the targets and training about hitting someone in the torso talk about hitting vital organs. This
is good advice, but it doesn’t cover body armor. Even if your adversary is only wearing a t-shirt
and you hit their stomach they’re still going to be standing for a little while longer. Shooting
someone in the foot will produce better results than hitting them in shoulder.

Count your shots. If you’re not yelling out some movie inspired Viking battle cry, then try to
count how many shots you’re firing. It sounds juvenile. I agree. Counting your shots lets you
know how close you are to being empty. Being empty is bad. Most studies of small arms combat
have proven time and time again, that in a one-on-one gunfight, the person who runs out of
bullets last usually wins. Count your shots; reload if you have the time. Don’t be the one
standing there with when the gun goes “click”, instead of “bang”.

You can let them live. Survivalists all over the country are screaming No! My history teacher
from 10th grade was one of the first to tell me that if an intruder comes in with the intention of
sending you to the grave, your only logical choice is to shoot them as many times as possible. I
used to like this advice. I will probably follow this advice. This advice isn’t perfect, and here’s
why. You’re not a killer! Ok, some of you are, and I hope you don’t live next to me. The rest of
you aren’t expected to end anyone’s life.
Guns and the images of death follow each other everywhere. You can do what you want with
your gun. You can fire a warning shot into the air, you can fire a warning shot next to their head.
I’m aiming for the legs. If you wound them, and they retreat, they’ll carry their sorry butts out
the door. If you empty 20 bullets into them, guess what, you have to drag them out of your place.
This is America. There are some heavy burglars out there. If the person weighs more than 200
pounds, you may not be able to move them, and then what?

If you haven’t figured out the most important reason to ‘wound them and let the burglars run out
the door”, here it is: They can’t get their wounds treated anyway! The hospitals aren’t
operational! The first aid kits are far away, and can’t do anything for bullet wounds!
So fire away America, your conscious is clear!

Ammunition (Priority)

Normally this would be embedded inside the weapons category, but ammunition in itself is both
a tool and a tradable item. There are many calibers you could acquire but not need. At the same
time they could provide a huge value for someone else, either as an asset or a trade item.
Tip: All ammunition has value, and its trade range can vary widely.
Firearm manufacturers in the last 30 years have made it so that calibers that used to be exclusive
to pistols and rifles are now interchangeable. Because of this the list below is not broken down
into rifles and pistols, just calibers and what can use them. Note that Shotgun shells are forbidden
by the general public to be used in a pistol.

Sawed off shotguns (barrels under 18 inches) are considered a federal crime, punishable by a
minimum 10 years in prison without early release, which means if you were planning on sawing
off the top part of your hunting shotgun, be sure to do it after the end of the world has started.
You don’t have to read the ammunition chart below, it’s just for reference.
Most popular ammunition types (most valuable)
.223 – Current allied forces rifle round. Small bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Medium range.
.9mm – Current allied forces pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car
doors. Low range.
.308 – Current allied forces heavy rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate standard
body armor. High range.
12 gauge – Current allied forces shotgun round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car
doors. Very low range.

.45 – Older allied forces pistol round. Heavy bullet, slow speed, Can penetrate car doors. Low
.762×39 – Current Russian military rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate lower
body armor. High range.
Secondary ammunition types (very tradable)
.30.06 – Older allied forces rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. High range.
.38 – Older police pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car doors. Low
.357 – Older police pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car doors. Low
.44 – Older hunting pistol round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. Medium range.
.40 – Current law enforcement pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most
house walls. Medium range.
.454 – Popular hunting pistol round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. Medium range.
.22 – Older rifle / pistol round. Small bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Low range.
.50 – Older allied forces machine gun round. Heavy bullet, very fast speed. Can penetrate plate
armor. High range.
Miscellaneous ammunition types (some trade value)
.380 – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, low speed. Can penetrate some house walls. Low
.25 – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, low speed. Can penetrate some house walls. Low
.22 mag – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Medium range.
.41 mag – Popular pistol round. Large bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate some body armor.
Low range.
You will only be using a few calibers from the above lists. If you do come across any of the
others, keep them for later. You never know when they might prove useful.
Note: Ammunition has almost no expiration date. As long as it isn’t stored underwater, shells
can stay preserved almost forever. At the time of this writing there is still ammunition
manufactured in the 1960’s currently being sold around the world.
Tip: Please remember that ammunition should be treated like an explosive. If ammunition is
thrown into a fire, the brass or steel casing will heat up quickly and ignite the powder inside. The
bullet will then fire in whatever direction it is facing. If you see a fire that you know contains a
stash of ammunition, get to cover as quickly as possible!

Where to get more: Ammunition isn’t under strict regulation by the government, and can be
acquired quickly from many locations. Large quantities are kept in: Firearm shops, sporting good
and hardware stores. They can also be purchased online in many states without paperwork.
Secondary locations: Abandoned houses, abandoned police stations, National Guard armory
(only for military calibers)

Chapter 8: Hot loot, cold loot
“Honey, I think we’re out of toilet paper”

– Your Spouse)

The Division 2 Survivalist Specialization Guide: Best Skills and Talents |  Tom Clancy's The Division 2

You’re like most of your peers. By the objective standards of the law, you qualify as a good
person. You don’t rob banks, or shoplift, or kidnap. The most trouble you’ve seen in the last 10
years are a pair of speeding tickets and a slightly guilty feeling in your stomach that you took too
many tax deductions.
Or, you could be squeaky clean. I mean shiny sparkly. You don’t miss a Sunday of church. You
have never looked at an Internet site full of naked people. You take your family to Disney every
few years. You have parental locks on the television. You respect authority, and in turn condemn
anyone who doesn’t.
Convincing you that the brutal basic human instincts still lie within your DNA will be difficult,
but not impossible. In this crisis scenario everything is possible, including turning your overly
righteous and judgmental butt into a logical and sensible survivor that will look past the
unthinkable, barbaric actions of the masses, someone that will see yourself and family as priority
number one.
Believe it or not I used to be the most law-abiding person around. I feared authority, and did
everything I was told. I respected all laws, and tried to stay out of trouble. Circumstances change.
People change. You will change.

You yell: “I would never!” How many times have I heard that? Remember the first time you
watched a news broadcast during Christmas, you know the one, where the rare toy gets released,
the one that all the kids want? The department store only had 60 cabbage patch dolls, and there
are 500 people outside. The doors opened, and chaos ensued. Mothers pushed and shoved,
Fathers cursed and threatened. Kids were trampled.
It was Christmas, and this was a toy for God’s sake. These are your neighbors in action.
Maybe that was an isolated incident. Did you watch the home run king Barry Bonds as he hit
those last five shots deep into the stands? Each ball was worth thousands, and when each landed,
the crowds went berserk. They punched, kicked, screamed. People bled. People went to jail. This
was about the chance, just the chance, to sell the ball on Ebay.
These are your friends banging on your door.
When the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake took place, the looting started within seconds.
When Katrina hit, the looting didn’t stop for weeks. Even the police were taking things from the
You may be a good person, bordering on saint hood. You may be so perfect that it is difficult to
gaze on you directly. Your sense of righteousness may be the size of a city bus, but you are still
human. Humans in a survival situation act in very similar and predictable ways.
Imagine just for a second, that you’ve been wrongly accused of some minor crime and are
thrown in a jail cell. You’re getting hungry, and the jailer opens the mail slot at the bottom of
your door. He shoves a sandwich through, and a dirty glass of water.
You’re not really a sandwich person. To make things worse, it’s a Spam sandwich, with spicy
mustard. You hate both Spam and spicy mustard. You just sit and stare at it. Now pretend that
the jailer isn’t coming back for a few days.

After a while, that sandwich starts looking better and better. You are like a vampire. You hunger,
you thirst. You fight it, but your mind starts playing tricks on you. Unless you are the most
stubborn and overly dignified person on earth, or maybe British, you will eat the sandwich. Your
instinct will override all other bias, all protests, and all objections.
Now, imagine one more thing. Pretend that your life depended on it. Pretend that your family’s
life depends on you breaking the rules. Deny it all you want. The quicker you accept that you are
a part of the masses, the faster you can stay ahead of them.

To be clear, I am not officially endorsing the looting process. In a perfect world, authorities
would distribute resources evenly. In some places this might actually happen. In most they will
not. People will have to fend for themselves. The criminal element will act first. The people with
injured or sick family members will move second. Those with younger families will follow that.
Let’s take a look at will probably happen to an average strip-mall over the first few days of a
power outage.

0-24 hours: This scenario assumes that there is loss of power only with no hint of why or when
it will return. At first the power outage is seen as a curious anomaly. Everyone is on stand by.
Order is contained. Routine burglaries see an increase. Some outlying liquor stores are robbed, as
well as some smaller stores that sell small, expensive electronics such as phones and portable
music players. Hospitals automatically switch over to backup generators, with a limited amount
of fuel. Their clock is ticking. Most of the gas stations close. Large amounts of local law
enforcement are allocated to traffic control. A number of intersections have officer’s running
lights with LED batons. Grocery stores pack what they can in ice, and close their doors. Some
smaller shops attempt to stay open with calculators. Convenience stores along major roads begin
to raise prices on popular items.

24-48 hours: Assuming the emergency broadcast system hasn’t been activated, burglaries
involving luxury items increase dramatically as criminals realize alarm systems are down and the
backup power supplies have been exhausted. Confused individuals drive around town, looking
for any store to be open. There are small gatherings outside of supermarkets. This is the critical
point where state and local authorities dictate the actions of the population. If the emergency
broadcast system is running, and instructions are given over major radio stations, it will buy a
few days for protection to be put in place. For our scenario we will imagine that any available
National Guard troops have been dispatched to other locations. Your town has to depend only on
local law enforcement for security.
By design, local law enforcement is not equipped to deal with martial law. Their first priority,
like at Katrina and Los Angeles, is to protect human life. SWAT teams are few and far between.
Your average sheriff or traffic officer is not going to spend their days firing rounds into angry
mob. They just aren’t equipped for this type of situation.
By the end of the second day, people will start becoming resolved on their next course of action.
They will want solutions from the authorities, and the authorities won’t have the best answers.
We are waiting for the state or federal government to issue instructions. This waiting doesn’t
feed your children. There are people around you who have run out of diapers, soap, and toilet
paper. Toilet paper!
48-72 hours: The resolutions will manifest as day breaks. At first light, friends and neighbors
will again start gathering in front of the larger supermarkets. They will start congregating in front
of Costco and Sam’s club. The things they need are in the darkened stores. Supplies are just
sitting there. The registers don’t work, so the items can’t be paid for. The aisles are very dim, so
it isn’t safe to shop. The general population won’t care. The only thing sitting between them and
the things that power their comfort zone is a single law enforcement unit.

The bold individuals will approach the lone officer, friendly at first, asking questions about when
the store might be open, casually suggesting ideas about letting a few people in, taking names
and phone numbers so that the store can be reimbursed later. Those sales pitches will start to get
old after the first few dozen times. The officer will use the radio occasionally, to show the
growing crowd there is backup if needed.

Unfortunately, this scene is being played out all over town, and there is no backup to send. The
police and sheriff units are stretched too thin, and the officer knows it. Hour by hour the crowd
gets more agitated. The strain is starting to show. By midday, his / her hand is constantly at rest
on their sidearm, and with good reason. Then, a loud, desperate voice from the crowd demands
that the people be let through to get what they need. Threats come from the masses. The
corresponding threat of reprisal by the officer is impotent. After all, how many people can they
arrest and still protect the store?

The situation is not a stalemate. The officer will lose. Even if the officer has civilian friends that
come to their aid, they will get pushed aside or fall. The reason is simple. Law and order can
only function as long as the public is at relative peace with itself. The population’s needs must be
met, and those needs are insatiable. A bullhorn can’t compete with the yelling of hundreds.
72+ hours: The officer stops responding to questions. Only the mob is yelling now. A sound
comes over the police radio. One of the stores at the other side of town has just been overtaken
by a large group of people. The police chief orders all units to pull away from what they’re doing
and converge on that particular supermarket. The chief’s logic is flawed. He can only save one
store with the manpower he has, and it is already being overrun. They will lose the store, people
will be arrested, and officers potentially injured. All the while the rest of the town is being taken
The lone officer gets into the car and drives away quickly, siren blaring. The crowd doesn’t even
wait until the police unit is out of earshot before smashing through the grocery store glass.
Within 60 seconds there is already fighting in the aisles. Within an hour, that same store will
hear gunfire.

This scene will have different variations of tempo, but the theme is constant. It will happen. The
general population is not very different from man’s best friend. Your family dog is loyal. It hunts
with you; it plays with your children and licks your face. If it is not fed, given enough time, your
dog will turn on you as food.
You could easily be one of the mob, but you’re better than that. You’re smarter than that. The
mob runs off of pure instinct. Collectively, their decisions are childish, brutal, and reckless. The
only way to beat the mob is to become your own animal, one that is more cunning, logical, and
level headed.

In order to be one step ahead, the group mentality needs to be understood. Once you have the
knowledge, and can predict what a mob will do before hand, Everything will play out like a
well-executed crime movie. All eyes are looking in one direction, but you and what you need to
do, will be somewhere else. Somewhere secret.
Most people are creatures of habit. We take the same route to work, even though multiple streets
are available to us. We watch the same television shows each week, have lunch at the same
group of restaurants, use the same ATM, and most important to this topic: We shop at the same
grocery store, month after month.

The community mentality runs on simple rules, and survives on a very primitive mindset. We are
out of food. Where do we get more food? I shop there. We need to go there. Where are you
going to get food? I am going there. I am going there as well. Let’s both go there, to get food.
You’d think we just learned to walk upright, heading out of our caves to kill a mammoth. It just
gets worse from here. Food store closed. Dark. Locked. Lots of glass. We don’t need to use door.
Angry person with gun in front of store. We will wait.
The sentences may play out a little better than that, but not much. Some may think of other
stores, only to find a different group of people, and the same law enforcement units. The clever
people will do the math and deduce that with that amount of people in front of the store, no one
is getting out with a cart full of anything. There aren’t enough goods in the aisles for that. They
will start thinking of the obvious alternatives; the most obvious being the bulk food outlets.
There is one thing about following the mob mindset. If you’ve thought of it, others have to. Of
course, Costco! People will be slapping their heads by the hundreds. There is way more food and
supplies there. We need to hit that place! Let’s go!

You should have stayed at the grocery store. Costco is a literal fortress compared to the average
supermarket. Have you ever been parked outside a Costco and just stared at it? It’s a stone and
metal warehouse, with giant rolling steel doors. The small doors are steel too, with windows too
small to squeeze through.
Yes, it is filled literally to the ceiling with every kind of supply you could think of. Forget for a
moment about how solid the building is. Another problem is that all these great supplies are in
the middle of a giant room with few windows, and no light. Throw in the fact that you will have
about 1000 people sitting outside it trying to find a way in. Do you have a plan of getting a large
amount of food out of this building? Here are a few bad ideas to consider.
Attempt 1. You force open a smaller door on the back loading dock with pry bars and portable
drills. A bottleneck is now created. You would need armed guards to keep people out while you
went in, filling a flatbed cart with everything you could in about 10 minutes. Word spreads
through the crowd in the front, and hundreds of people flock to the back to see if they can get in
on it. You get the cart back to the door, and try to load up your truck for the escape. If you were
smart you pull the guards off the door and let people flood in, distracting them from your
getaway. For this you need at least five people, armed, who you can trust, and who are willing to
open fire if things get ugly. This will be difficult with a group. If you don’t have the manpower,
then the bulk food store isn’t a valid target. It doesn’t matter how many firearms you carry by
yourself, there are some things a single person can’t do.
Attempt 2: You get a backhoe or front loader and just plow through one of the front steel doors.
Once down, you set up armed guards to keep people from getting in, and use the same plan of
attack from before. The same amount of people are required, plus you need the bulldozer, which
you don’t have. Because of the large opening, there is a good chance that warning shots will
need to be fired if you expect to keep other people out of the area.

Attempt 3: You wait until someone else breaches an entrance, and then try to find what you can.
This is called a “hot loot” situation, and is only recommended as a last resort.
“Hot loot” refers to an area that is either 1. Being looted by two or more people at the same time,
or 2. Being looted, even though there are defenses present. Stores that are being mobbed are hot
loot zones. Stores that are being protected by owners are also Hot Loot zones. Homes with
owners inside are a hot loot area.

These areas are dangerous, because they are filled with unpredictable people. You don’t know if
the person next to you wants that same 5-pound container of peanuts. If they go for it, what are
you going to do? Grab it back? Hit them? Start shooting? Hot loot zones are chaotic, full of noise
and panic. Adrenalin is up, and everyone is moving quickly, because the faster you move, the
faster you can pick up things. It’s like a giant game of musical chairs, but you don’t know
where the chairs are, everyone has guns, and if you can’t find a chair when the music stops,
you starve.
Pushing a cart is a waste of time. The store is dark, flashlights the only way to see anything. You
get to a section you were thinking of, and it’s been cleaned out. You can’t carry enough. Did you
bring a backpack? Some people a few rows over start fighting, and a gun goes off. People
scream, some run. The smart ones stay. You go into that row and have to step over a body to see
if there’s any more beef jerky. This isn’t where you should be. Someone shines a flashlight at
your backpack, then into your eyes. You hear the cocking of a weapon.

You are better than this, more clever. The last thing you need is to be spending your time running
around dark hallways fighting for scraps. Look, listen and learn. The mob is like a swarm of
angry bees, moving as a single unit, like a virus, consuming everything it touches. It is something
to be feared. It is also something that can be manipulated.

The best thing, what you and your family need, is a “cold loot” situation. A place that isn’t either
a primary or secondary target. A place that is so far ahead of the mob that they can only wish
they thought of it first. Cold loot refers to a stash of supplies that can be acquired alone, or with a
group you trust. There is no competition here. It can be emptied at your leisure. It is ahead of the
curve. When the tentacles of the mob finally reach it, they will find only empty shelves. More
importantly, they will not find you. Imagine yourself blending in with the mob. Feel what they
feel. See what they see. They are a blunt instrument looking for resources. All their targets, every
single one of them, will be a hot loot situation. Every stash they find will be by definition, a
danger zone. Understand their primary and secondary targets.

Week 1: Mob Primary targets

Grocery stores – The lifeblood of any community. They contain food, water, batteries, and toilet
paper; everything needed to keep an average household operational.
Pharmacies – non-perishable food, water, batteries, toilet paper, enough to keep an average
household operational.
Bulk food stores – Food, water, batteries, toilet paper. Everything needed to keep an average
household operational, and it’s in large, easily transportable amounts.
Convenience stores – Non-perishable food, water, batteries, enough to keep an average
household operational.
The first week of the outage is an orgy of acquiring consumption materials. The grocery stores
will be bare, emptied in a frenzy of consumer madness. The adjoining pharmacies will be hit
almost simultaneously. As discussed earlier, the bulk food stores will be the biggest challenge,
and most likely produce the highest amount of casualties because of the higher concentration of
people combined with a collision of well-laid plans. Some people will try to drive into the store,
others will try to access some of the food and supplies placed 20 feet above the floor. Forklifts
will tip over. Lots of people will make mistakes.

There are huge stashes of basic supplies in a bulk food store; enough to last well organized group
years if rationed well. There will be more than one group that will make a play for it. There will
be in store skirmishes. Can you imagine what it would be like to be an average family walking
into that giant dark place? There is a gun battle raging in one corner of the warehouse, and all the
while supplies that could keep them alive for months are within an arms reach.

The only good thing to say about convenience stores is that each one is so small; a single vehicle
would be able to empty out the entire place in less than 30 minutes. It could be done with twenty
garbage bags and vehicle headlights to illuminate the store. The process would be relatively
painless. Either you’re there alone, or you’ve missed your window. Note that many convenience
stores are franchise owned, which means the owners / employees will probably just move in and
live off the inventory.

Week 2: Mob Secondary targets


Gas stations – Some non-perishable food, some water, batteries. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Restaurants – Some canned food, some water, and misc items. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Hardware stores – Some non-perishable food, some water, misc items. Enough to keep an
average household alive.
Specialty shops – Some non-perishable food, some water, misc items. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Sporting good stores – Some non-perishable food, misc items, including firearms. Can
supplement household supplies.
As the primary targets are being depleted, first level alternative stores become more attractive to
the mob. Even the smallest gas station carries a substantial supply of candy and chips.
Restaurants vary in the different types of canned food, but the rule of thumb is, the better the
restaurant, the better the stash. Note that a large share of restaurants have alcoholic beverages
(tradeable) as well. Fast food franchises still suck in the apocalypse, with the majority of their
supplies coming in large cans of sauces and a huge amount of perishable frozen food that will

become useless once thawed.
Hardware stores carry a large supply of batteries The smart looters will ignore the shelves, and
go into the back stockrooms where everything is packed into large boxes. Some sporting good
shops will carry not only camping gear and power bars, but also a generous supply of
non-military firearms. The mob will have some trouble with acquiring these weapons. Security
devices for guns have gotten better over the years. Some firearms contain a special lock that
covers the entire trigger section. It can only be unlocked with a key. The average person cannot
make the gun function without the aid of power tools. The other, more popular option for
securing store firearms is to run a long steel cable between all the triggers. This can be severed
easily with a set of bolt cutters.

Week 3: The first sweep
By week three, there will be some organized groups using trucks. They will be searching
business to business, looking for anything consumable. They will find the water cooler bottles,
the vending machines, and the factory cafeterias. If the groups have anyone efficient running the
operation, they will go from location to location until the truck is filled, and then head back to a
rally point. Running the sweeps during the day will make it easier to find things, save battery
time, and make it easier to coordinate personnel. Night sweeps are risky. In a dark world,
headlights can be seen for miles away. Ambushes will be frequent. Some of the smaller teams
might work at night with minimal lighting in order to avoid the larger groups. The successful
ones will be fast, mobile, and have the ability to work with smaller lights, or even night vision.
Week 4: Leftovers
By the end of the first month, all the visible targets will have been exhausted. All stores and
shops that contain supplies that can be seen from the street will be gone. Soda machines will
have been forced open. Specialty shops with small amounts of candy next to the register. All
office refrigerators containing non-perishable liquids, all the snacks in Blockbuster, every candle
at Williams Sonoma. The camping sections of any hardware store will be decimated. Every can
of food in the hotel kitchens will be gone. The juice bar at the local spa will be bare.
The only things left now are misc items hidden away in all the drawers, cabinets, and cupboards
within office buildings. If your coworkers are as consistent as mine, there still is quite a bit to be
had. God bless us, for there is food in almost every cubicle. It will just take more energy to find
The general mob finally runs out of motivation at this point. Their wave crests here. The
shopping spree is over. The looting of commercial and corporate America has come to and end.
Unfortunately, some of the smaller, more hardcore groups are still alive. If they are to survive,
they can only do so by taking on the homeowners. Personal residences are the final targets. The
predators are forced to try their luck against the everyday citizen. This is the unknown scenario
which even government models have a hard time predicting. Is the house that is being raided
occupied? Will the owners fight back? Are there casualties? When do the looters give up?
When it comes to long-term predictions, there has been much debate in the survival world. Some

think that it will develop into a “Thunder dome” scenario, where limited trade is restored. Some
think that larger groups will venture out of the city, hoping to find a better outpost. Their purpose
seems aimless. Yours is not. You still have hope; have faith that the government who used to be
in charge will return to help their population to restore order. This is what you can cling to, and
with some organization, can create a protective bubble that can keep those who you care about

You now have a rough blueprint of targets that a garden-variety town mob will take to secure
resources. Do you see the pattern? Have you figured out the trends, and what you could do to
take advantage of this?
The mob attacks the obvious, and keeps hitting it until the resource is exhausted. They then move
to the next big thing that sticks out. In short, the mob is a bunch of slack jawed mouth breathers
who couldn’t make a good decision if their life depended on it. You’re much better off without
Your window lies in the small gaps that the mob overlooks. Your chance is hidden between the
huge waves of chaos these people create. The timelines mentioned above will have some
variance, but it will give you the chance to get what you need, without the added pressure of
looking over your shoulder.

Your edge, your angle, is a cold loot target that only you know. Forget the mobs first choices.
They are the choices for the masses. All their focus will be the immediate three targets closest to
their homes. Take the easier path. Sieze your chance and hit a well thought out cold loot target.
The target chosen could be anything from a secondary mob choice, or something special you
came up with on your own. If your decision is well thought out, there won’t be any law
enforcement or lights. Look for a back service entrance or loading dock, something that faces
away from the street. Expect the unexpected. Employees of this establishment, especially kids,
will come up with the idea to hit their own store shortly, and may move on it. Have at least one
backup selection, and maybe two.

To get an idea of what you should look for; be overly observant the next time you are driving
through town. Look for some interesting stores. Here’s what I mean: Pick a supermarket or any
good-sized grocery store. Now look right across the street and see what’s there. Maybe there’s a
convenience mart, coffee shop, radio shack, or a restaurant, all with service entrances that are not
visible from the grocery store parking lot. This is the place where your knuckle dragging
adversaries will be. The restaurant has canned food. Radio shack has equipment. The coffee shop
has bottled everything. The decision is yours.

This is your sweet spot. You won’t need much motivation. The crowds making that incredible
ruckus should get your blood pumping. Go at night, and bring the smallest portable light sources
you have. Did you have your tools prepared? Are you ready to make the score that could buy
your family weeks or months that they need until help arrives?
You’re not ready yet? C’mon, let’s get the tools, pack your bags, and get psyched! This is the

moment of truth, the all or nothing night of your life! Are you going alone or bringing a friend to
help you keep your nerve? Look over your gear once more:
Looting equipment:

  1. Nylon or leather bags. Try to find a balance between weight and strength. Standard travel
    luggage is a bad idea, and don’t even think about using something with roller wheels! Those
    damn things are loud enough on a perfectly smooth airport concrete, and you want to roll this
    thing down a mile of city grade asphalt? Backpacks aren’t terrible; just make sure you leave them
    mostly unbuckled for a quick getaway. The size of the bag will work itself out naturally. If you
    choose one that’s too large, and notice that after it’s filled that you can’t lift it, then you are
    holding the proof that you’ve made a bad decision. Take some stuff out and try again
  2. Entry tool. These can be more valuable than weapons. Good examples are crowbars, pry bars,
    bolt cutters, the sturdier the better. They are all heavy steel, and you need to lug them to the
    location. That’s bad. The flip side is you can either bring them back with you on the first trip, or
    leave them until the last trip. The crow bar and pry bar are used to wedge into door jams, in order
    to force them open, breaking the lock. The bolt cutter is to punch through steel cable, padlocks,
    or chain link fences. When it comes to bolt cutters I recommend anything over 36 inches in
    length. That size will sever most steel barriers.
  3. Light source. Don’t grab your giant flashlight. This is supposed to be a covert operation. The
    only reason you’re bringing any light at all is to see what is being stuffed into the bag. Penlights
    are a good first choice, unless you have night vision goggles. If you are wealthy and crazy
    enough to own these, then you’re way ahead of the game. You should already have a solid plan
    of your own. Use your lights only if you are unsure of the terrain. If there is an obstacle in your
    way, light it up and check it out before trying to hurdle it.
  4. Be Defensive. You run into trouble, you have to look at the odds before making a move. One
    person? Size them up fight club style, and decide if they can be bargained with, or will it turn
    into a skirmish? Did you see two or more people? You may have to cut and run, even if they’re
    younger and smaller. If you are thinking about taking on one of them, the other may be running
    for help. There is no honor among thieves.
  5. Distraction device (optional)
    Head out at dark, not dusk. You don’t want anyone in your immediate vicinity following you. If
    you know the area well enough, then try to travel without any light. Walk down the middle of the
    street if you have to. Walk quickly, but quietly. This new world has some long stretches of silent
    streets. No need to give yourself away. If you consider yourself adept on a mountain bike, then
    you could save some travel time. Note that large bags will throw off your balance, especially
    when filled. The extra weight will make it harder to start and stop, but you will be able to outrun
    people on foot.
    Take small detours to avoid any other people you hear up ahead, and remember where they were
    for the return trip home. Anyone that has a bonfire going will work to your benefit. The light

from the fire resets their night vision, making it almost impossible for them to see at any distance
in the dark. Don’t take the long way around just to avoid a fire.
When you arrive at the entrance of the store, force it open as quickly as possible, but use some
stealth. If you need to hammer in a window, wrap the hammer in cloth to muffle the sound. If the
back door needs to be worked over with a pry bar for a few minutes, take a break every once in a
while to check your surroundings. If it’s going to take 15 minutes, you may want to consider a
Distraction techniques: Sometimes, it is like the movies. Distractions are used in warfare, but
are called diversions. There are times where you need to divert your opponent’s attention to
something else. Use the environment around you, and try to keep it simple. If it’s dark, use
something that involves light. If it’s quiet, create something that makes a lot of noise. A few
Fire is your friend. Despite what your parents have told you, it’s ok to play with fire. We are
moths to the flame. We sit around campfires and stare into the glow. We watch apartment
buildings burn. In a world without electric lights, fires become a magnet, the bug zapper of the
apocalypse. People will gather around and stare at a burning house like it was a giant beach
bonfire, and why not? There are no fire trucks to put it out.

Don’t get fancy. Find some flammable liquid. It can be gasoline, paint thinner, lamp oil, a strong
alcohol. Locate a wood structure, preferably with smaller pieces. Set the blaze quickly, and then
head over to your cold loot target. The fire doesn’t have to start big; a little goes a long way.
Car alarms. Did you ever think you would see the day you would welcome the sound of a car
alarm? Find some vehicles a few hundred yards away from the store you want to get into. Hit
them hard with a blunt object. If the car / truck doesn’t start making noise after a few whacks,
move to the next. Once the alarm goes off, high tail it out of there and get to work.

Once the distraction is set, you enter the coffee shop, or specialty store, or whatever you have
chosen. Use your lights sparingly. Even if you use the front door as an entrance, try to use the
back door as an exit. Fill up the bag with what you can comfortably carry, then calmly walk out
and start heading home. If you are wearing a watch, start keeping track of how long it takes you
per trip.
Rinse and Repeat:
When you do get back to home base, check your watch again, and see how many more times you
can hit this store before the sun comes up. As the sky starts to get lighter, you are done. I mean it.
Stop. Take inventory of what you now have, get some rest, and if you’re up to it, begin again the
next night.
If the plan goes wrong:
Sometimes, you can’t just go home. You are on your third trip back, and there are some people
following you. If you’re lucky, they won’t know the area as well as you do. They are tailing you,
waiting to see where you will crash for the night. Do not under any circumstances lead them to

your home and family. If your bag is heavy, look for a quick place to stash it. Hide it in some
bushes, underneath a car, some place that you can get back to in the daytime. As soon as you
ditch the bag, move faster, take an unusual corner. Don’t panic, just lose them, anyway you see
fit. If you think you can set up a quick ambush and scare them off, then do that. If you have to
fight, then fight.

Dangerous zones

“Extreme hot loot zones”, only recommended for groups of 10 or more people.
In every state, there are manufacturing facilities. Taking the odds into consideration, most of
these places will be making and storing products like distributor cap parts, plastic vomit, or lawn
furniture. These companies will only be useful for supplies you can get out of the cafeteria,
vending machines, or office drawers.
Then there are the gold mines, the warehouses that have literally lifetimes of supplies. They
include things like, a Campbell’s soup factory, a Nabisco plant, a grocery store distribution
center, a Wal-Mart shipping hub. Do not try to approach these places alone, or even in small
groups. The logistics are too large for you. Imagine a Costco, only 10 times as big, with
everything needing a forklift to move, in pitch-blackness. Now imagine all the employees that
work there, day after day, who will approach this facility within 24 hours.

Any employee with keys to the main gate will fill a truck by the end of the second day. After
that, anyone working in the immediate industrial park will try to get some groups together and
take their shot. After that, the public will catch wind of it, and things will start to get crazy.
These factories and warehouses are normally located in industrial zones, which are some
distance away from residential areas. Using a car or truck is a good idea. A tractor-trailer rig is
better, with a large group of people to guard it. A well-armed group could get in and get out
without too much trouble, and it could be done quickly if someone knew how to run a forklift.
Some brave souls may move some of the supplies into a more secure part of the building, and
just try to live at the warehouse. That would be a 24/7 job, constantly patrolling the area. With
enough troops it could be possible. These specialized stashes are rare, and shouldn’t be
considered a viable option for most people. Military or law enforcement groups have the best
chance of securing these, for whatever purpose they see fit.

Tip: There are only a few places that should be considered “too dangerous” to approach. One
example would be small gun shops run by private owners. Most firearm stores are like this. They
only sell firearms and firearm related products. Some of their employees carry side arms during
normal business hours. When the power goes out, they are instructed to immediately go to the
store and stand guard. This store has a lot to lose. These owners will shoot first, and ask
questions of your body later. They have more guns than you do, and enough ammunition to start
a small war. You can’t bargain with them, and sure as hell can’t out gun them. Go away, and
never think of it again. Some of your heavily armed pawnshops also fit into this category,
although they aren’t as dangerous in an extended fight because of their limited supply of

One other dangerous location is any privately owned army/navy surplus store. Some of these
places carry firearms on site. The owners of these shops are survival oriented. They will be
armed, and they are already convinced anyone approaching the store is a looter.
The Mormon supply house:
Weeks after the power goes out, when all the stores, factories, and vending machines have been
licked clean, there will be house to house skirmishes. The supplies acquired from these poorly
organized neighborhood battles almost don’t seem worth it, because the average family won’t
have much of a stockpile.

Well that is, except for the Mormon families living outside of Utah. I don’t want to pick on the
Mormons, I really don’t. I’d like to think of myself as treating everyone equally. I’d like to state
officially that I don’t have anything against the Mormon faith. Freedom of religion is a right in
this country. I happen to respect that this religious group practices what they preach and prepares
for their version of Armageddon. Great job! You have at least a year’s supply of food for every
member of your family, and weeks after the power has gone out; some of your neighbors just
remembered that little nugget of information. For you, it’s time to start sleeping with one eye
Unfortunately, this version of the grasshopper and the ant doesn’t end well. Outside of Utah
there are way more grasshoppers and the ants don’t have nearly enough guns to keep them out.
To be fair, I’m going to give help to both sides; I don’t want to play favorites.
If you are a practicing Mormon living outside of Utah, you should consider upgrading your
security. This means more fire extinguishers, bigger rifles, and more ammunition. You may want
to have a safe room built, one that can withstand fire. There should be some walls in certain areas
of your home with steel plating or heavy stone. Bomb shelters are an excellent fall back position.
Shoot first and shoot often. Keeping your opponent off guard and off balance is important. Have
faith that the neighbors will lose their nerve and go away!

If you are living in a large neighborhood and are planning on attacking a Mormon house:
You had better be ready for a drawn out fight. These families have God in their hearts, and will
not give up willingly. Luckily for you, unless a few families have banded together, you’re
probably looking at three guns or less coming at you. The best way to breach the house is to back
a car into a living room wall at about 20-30 miles per hour. Note I said back in you monkey.
Why would you drive in nose first and wreck your engine? Think people! Back the car / truck
through the wall, then drive forward, exposing the hole. There is your access point.

Yes, you could just burn the house down. The drawbacks are that it takes almost 24 hours before
you can even begin to start sifting through the wreckage, and you’ll have to move that out of the
way to get to the basement. The smoke won’t affect any canned goods, but the heat might. If
they are storing fuel in the basement, then all bets are off, and there may not be anything to

salvage. Better stick with the car idea.
Also note that a gun battle in your neighborhood will draw huge amounts of attention, even
blocks away. If or when you are victorious, and start carrying out all that hard fought cache of
supplies, you will now have become the new Mormons. You also are walking around the street
holding food and water instead of weapons. I hope for your sake that God is on your side now.

Chapter 9: Advanced: The trading post
“Who is rich? He who is content. Who is that? Nobody.”

-Benjamin Franklin

J & A Trading Post | eBay Stores

The concept of the trading post is simple, but the implementation can be challenging, and end
badly if you’re not very careful. An organized barter system is the best, and worst of both worlds.
It can be a windfall of essential resources, especially if used with specialized looters. It will also
draw some unwanted attention to your location, including potential thieves who may make a
move to take over your new enterprise.
A trading post can be started within 72 hours after the power goes out, and if well secured, will
be one of the last places with access to needed supplies. A trading post brings a sense of order, as
well as a familiar gathering place. If it’s completed quickly, it can bring a community together,
give it perspective, and allow organized barter to replace the chaotic roar of the mob.
The trading post can be as simple, or as complex as you want, depending on your manpower,
stockpile of items, and location. Keep in mind that the more complex and spread out it is, the
harder it will be to defend. The quick rules of the trading post are simple. 1. Acquire and
distribute needed supplies, and 2. Defend the stash at all costs.
Once completed, the trading post will provide you will potential goods, manpower, and most
importantly, information. It will become the general store where people come to gossip, trade,

and lament about their situation. All of these bits of information can become useful to you. The
key in any trading post is to be consistent, organized, and always project confidence in what you
are doing, whether you have it or not.
You can set up a barter based system with as few as two people, but I recommend four. To start,
you need a good trade building, one that isn’t your current residence. The building should be
solid, with as much brick and stone as possible. Brick and stone are resistant to gunfire and
impacts from vehicles (Remember the Mormons!). More stone means less wood. This means it
can withstand fire, and fire related products. It doesn’t have to be a large structure. You’re not
running a Costco, nor do you want to. This is a neighborhood trading post, which will cover an
area up to, 2-3 square miles. This is the maximum walking distance you should expect any one
person or group to travel to your location.

Bring the inventory you want to trade to the location, and then create a trading post sign. The
larger the sign is, the better. The sign should be moveable if possible. Don’t just get a can of
spray paint and write on the side of the building: “Trading!” What happens if you move? Better
to take a wooden door off its hinges, use that as the sign, and then lean it against the building.
When the post closes for the night, you simply lay the door down. Keep it mobile!
The important part of the post structure is where exactly the trade takes place. A window that is
big enough to pass through goods is a great start. Treat it more like a ticket window at a ballpark,
or a bank teller. People give you money. You give them the ticket. No one is behind the counter
but you. Your total inventory should not be visible from the ticket window, only the goods you
are trading. The window doesn’t get left unattended, ever. Give the impression that you have a
number of armed people inside the building, project threat. Be serious, but be fair. The trading
post is not only there to help you, but to build the trust of the community. You are not there to
loot and pillage. You are providing a service. You are providing some order that people
recognize. You are providing hope.

I recommend doing all trading through a window or on a trading table outside the front door.
One thing you should stick to, and I cannot stress this enough: Never use the front door for
anything. Put furniture in front of it, nail it shut, or better yet, cut holes in it big enough to stick
out gun barrels. The front door is the visible access point. No one should see it open. All
inventories should be brought in through the back door. Again, treat this like a ticket window, or
if it makes it easier, a bank teller window. The average customer should leave with a sense of
They should be doing anything else but thinking about how to rob you. Your group should
appear strong and organized. You are the shopkeepers. The force you represent is unknown.
People fear the unknown. When people do business with you, they will do so without thinking of
Display your firearms, real and fake. Replicas or props will work fine. You want an honest trade,
and so do your customers. If you feel safer with more than one person running the ticket
window, then use more. What’s important here is that they are polite and civil, and know how to
spot the BS. People with customer service skills are good. Bartenders are good. People who

know how to deal with crap on a regular basis are what you need.
You have your inventory sitting somewhere hidden in some type of solid structure which can’t be
crashed into with a car / truck. You have a few friends or neighbors, people you can trust,
running the trade window. You place random guns in visible distance and look as intimidating as
you can. You raise up the painted door sign and you are open for business!
At first you hear nothing but crickets. What did you expect? Did you want a local celebrity
cutting a ribbon on this grand opening? People will not be bursting out of their homes, running
with hands in the air, cheering the fact that there is finally a store open. Give it time. Be patient.
The great thing about a trading post in this scenario is that everyone’s a potential regular
customer. If you can get them to deal with you even once, they will come by almost every day
until the end. The process starts slow, but gains momentum. The people wandering streets need
things, your things. The dialogue is always the same. What the first customers want will dictate
the specials list.
What do you have to trade? What to you need? I need water. I need food. I need bullets. I need
cigarettes. Everyone is looking for something, and you may or may not have this something. If
you think you might be able to trade it later, add it to the need items list, and post it outside the
window. You may also want to post a “Robbers will be shot”, in an attempt to keep people
Most of the first people that come to window are just the curious types walking around. They
aren’t carrying anything. They have nothing to trade, except maybe a weapon, ammunition, or
water. They’re going to be holding onto those things. The old saying is true: We want most that
which we cannot have. They will be looking to you for something they need, maybe a few AA
batteries for their flashlight? You have them, and let them know. Now comes the barter. What do
they have? What they bring to the table has to correspond with your needs list. You give them a
business card with your needs list on the back-side. This is something they can take home with
them. The trade rate isn’t on the list, just the items. This is how the process starts.

They go home, and start looking through their inventory. They don’t know how much you have,
because it isn’t visible, so they aren’t thinking (for now) about robbing you. They debate, they
fret. What is important to them? Their decision process is extensive. The next day they show up
with a bag of goods, hoping to trade for some AA batteries. What are they bringing? Canned
food? Candles? Other batteries? Now the barter process kicks in, and haggling starts. Don’t be
unfair on the priority goods. See what it is worth, and what you can gain from it. These trades
should be as honest as possible. Your profit will come from another source. The person in
question gives you three cans of food for 4 AA batteries that expire in a year. Always try to trade
the earliest expiring items first. The exchange is made through the window. You inspect the cans,
they inspect the batteries, maybe even try them out in the flashlight. Everyone is happy, and they
go on their way. No fuss, no problems. You’ve just made a solid customer, maybe even a friend.
Given enough time, this person may even work for you.
The barter system is whatever you see fit to implement, but there are some guidelines in the new

world you should pay attention to, especially when it comes to priority items, and vices.
Examples of possible trades:
1 can of food = 1 battery or 3 rounds of ammunition or 1 cigarette (non filtered)
1 bottle of water (sealed) = 2 cans of food or 6 rounds of ammunition or 2 cigarettes
3 cigarettes = 1 shot of hard alcohol
The combinations for trade are endless. Try to be as consistent as possible. It’s going to be tough,
because demand is going to change. This is a cross between a general store and the stock market.
Someone may try to buy you out of AAA batteries, or all of your light sticks. Don’t completely
empty your inventory. Those last scraps will turn into gold. One day a can of food might be
worth a few batteries, then someone who looted a warehouse tries to trade more water than you
could use in a few months. Weigh the trades carefully. You have the time. If a line forms, then
try to assure the people that everyone will be serviced as soon as possible.

Don’t try to scam any of the fair trade people, especially if there are others in line. Your
reputation is everything. Word of mouth is crucial. Your ability to function as a vendor is the
most important thing in the world. You have the option of allowing people to trade with each
other in line. This doesn’t hurt you. In fact, you may want to encourage it. Your trading post will
become a gathering place, a hub of activity.
Days go by. You bring in items, you trade out items. Maybe you develop a relationship with a
regular customer or two, and some of them are handy with other things. In exchange for letting
them be part of the group, they help you with different functions. They can you help with
security, they can help with bartering. Your supply chain is becoming more efficient and helpful.
The people you deal with are grateful for what they have. The trade itself gives them purpose,
gives them some meaning in this difficult time.
The people that will make the real difference to you are the stragglers that have little or no
supplies, but are hoping you can help out. There is no charity in the Apocalypse. There are only
contracts. The people who have nothing to lose will be your greatest asset.

The Carders

“Obviously crime pays, or there’d be no crime”

-G. Gordon Liddy

Bay Area cities deal with fallout from looting and violence, prepare for  more protests – Times-Herald

The saying goes: “All any person wants is something to love. If you can’t give them that, give
them something to hope for. If you can’t give them that, then just give them something to do”.
The potential free time after a power outage is immense, but it shouldn’t be leisurely. Time is
money. Time is resources. For the downtrodden people walking the street, time may be their only
bargaining chip.
As the trading post develops, your inventory will neither grow nor shrink in any great amount as
long as the trades are fair. If people are desperate, then they will make trades to your advantage.
You will also be consuming resources which will balance these things out. Where the inventory

starts to expand is with the loose contracts you make with people who have nothing to lose, and
everything to gain.
We’ve already established that you are a good person. You take care of your own. You, your
family, and your friends are fed, safe, and are now part of the only business in your area. There
are others not so lucky. People who need guidance, who need a way of life to follow. The trading
post will be their new temporary church. You will offer them purpose, and they will be grateful.
You are looking for loners. These are your valuable assets. The conversations start the same, and
require a delicate touch. What do you have for trade? Us? We have almost everything, what do
you have? Me? Not much, a saddened look crosses their face. Look, (handing them the loot list
card) this is what we need. If you can get any of these things, we can do business.
If you want, hint that some of the houses in this area appear to be abandoned. For the first time in
weeks, they have hope in their eyes. They turn and head down the street.
24 hours later, you see the same person, carrying a large bag over their shoulder. They have
items for trade. These items are worth something to you. You deal. They smile. Once trust is
gained, you offer them something else. Your makeshift supply bank. A chance to store their stash
while they’re out looking for other supplies, for a small fee, of course.

The Bank

The supply bank is an easy to learn concept, and it only works if there is trust on both sides. The
person looting is having a hard time carrying the stash they have. If they try to hide it in a house
it could be stolen, and then they will have lost everything. You offer to keep their stash for them,
inside the secure trading post, at a rate of 25-33 percent, or 1/4 to 1/3. Translation. For every 4
cans of food they store with you, the post keeps 1. For every 12 rounds of ammunition, you keep
I recommend an inventory list, like a bank book, which they sign off on every time they leave the
post. They can view the inventory list at any time, but cannot come inside to look at the goods
physically. If they insist you can offer to bring it around to the main window, but this shouldn’t
happen too often.

  1. Rate of contract is established and set for all “carders” (People who have a bank account) If
    you set it at 25%, then that is what is will stay at. Carders will run into each other from time to
    time. They should all have the same rate.
  2. The inventory sheet should be on hand for them to view. They can deposit, withdraw, or close
    an account at will. You will not stop them. This freedom establishes trust. Trust builds
    relationships. You need allies.
  3. Carders have to check in to the post every three days to confirm existence. This is a nice way
    of saying that they have to prove they haven’t gotten themselves killed. If check in isn’t
    completed in three days, the house lays claim to the entire inventory of the carder. Three days is

plenty of time and should be acceptable. Date the inventory sheets and keep good records of
them. If a carder is gone for 5 days, then shows up out of the blue, they will still lose their
inventory. You have an option of replacing this with a starter account that gives them enough
water and food to last them another three days. This will keep them going while they get back to
work. This is to reestablish trust.

  1. Looting is strongly recommended in abandoned homes. If a house is occupied, the carder
    should leave at once and seek another location. Imply to others that you are a socially
    responsible organization.
  2. Carders must respect other carders. If two are looting the same house, they should identify
    themselves to each other immediately. Whoever had entered the house first has priority over the
    other. Any deals cut between the two looters are outside of the post. Disputes will be settled
    between the members. The post will not be involved in general looting matters.
  3. Exterior conflicts will not be brought to the post. The idea here is that eventually, a carder will
    stray into an occupied house. Let’s say for arguments sake, that an occupied house contains four
    families, and a bunch of guns. They chase the carder back to the post. One of the home’s
    occupants is injured. They demand justice. You now need to be a temporary judge. This is a
    potential situation and needs to be considered. Less than 2 months ago you were crying because
    you’re laptop didn’t have Internet, and now, you’re presiding over a domestic violence case.
    Nothing happens inside the post. For security reasons, all disputes are handled somewhere
    outside the main building.
    Judging isn’t that hard without a jury. You listen to both sides, determine a course of action, and
    then make a decision. Did the carder hurt anyone? What were the circumstances? What do the
    homeowners want for compensation? Do they want to trade? Are they a current customer? Do
    they want blood? You get to decide. If the carder is a real problem or has been a thorn in your
    side, then you could hand them over to the group, but that’s not really fair. Exile may be better,
    maybe a running head start? I suppose you could just open fire. It’s your decision; choose wisely!
    The odds say that these carders will be taking chances you wouldn’t. They may enter a house and
    get shot. They may fall down some stairs and get mauled by large dogs, they may get chased
    away from another group. Your goal is to make sure that either way the post benefits. You’re not
    exactly rooting for their demise, are you? I didn’t think so. The great part about this system is
    that it is driven by basic instincts. They are hungry, and there is no credit at the trading post. To
    eat, they have to forage for supplies. They become the perfect employee. No loafing, no clock
    punching, no long lunches. Sounds like a sweet deal doesn’t it? Time to kick back and enjoy your
    success. It will be an easy ride until help arrives. Think again.

  4. The flip side of the trading post is unwanted attention. As time passes, different groups will think
    about how they can get in to your supplies. Every location has a weakness. They are looking for
    it, and you can’t let your guard down for a minute. They will send carders who seem like honest
    people. Beware of carders who want to come inside and take a look. Keep a close eye on
    everyone that’s working for you. Remember the story about the dog. Everyone is trustworthy
    until they get hungry enough. As time goes on, and you become the only game in town, you are

almost guaranteed to have at least one standoff. A group will move past the line, armed, and
want to take what you have. You and your sentries will be outnumbered. Don’t back down. They
don’t want to start shooting. Hell, some of those guns may not even be loaded. Ask them what
they want to trade for, but be prepared to take action. If you lose the post the game is over.
Quick words can sometimes save the day faster than quick guns.

Chapter 10: When the bullets run out

“You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you”

Eric Hoffer

Something very serious has just happened, and it doesn’t involve toilet paper. You’re out of
ammunition. This is not a happy thing. In fact, for a lot of survivalists, it’s the scariest time of all.
Resources are running low! You might actually have to get your hands dirty in a real fight! All
your years of learning computer programming has not prepared you for this! What the hell are
you supposed to do now!
This is not the time for a “stay calm” speech. You play this too cool and you’re going to be
having a personal conversation with the Lord. There are literally thousands of self-defense styles,
with so many practical techniques I can’t begin to scratch the surface. Teaching you how to fight
is not what you need. You need huge amounts of bring-to-bear confidence.

You have to believe that even without a firearm, you can do enough damage to the other person
that they either collapse in a blubbering pile of pathetic Jell-O, or run away at top speed,
screaming in pain, thinking of the one adversary they never want to meet again, you!

There just isn’t that much I can teach you in a few short paragraphs. Some things will come
naturally. Your adrenalin will kick in; giving you enhanced strength and reflexes. You will attack
with everything you have, and with a little luck and God’s blessing, you will be the last one
standing. If you have friends and family, think of them, and how you are their last line of
Of course it also helps if you are willing to fight dirty, and have some cool tricks to back it
up. Let’s review some items that might give you an edge in a hand-to-hand fight.

Brass knuckles:

Your hands are soft like a baby’s bottom. You haven’t done a hard day’s work in your life. There
is no way that you will transform into a seasoned union dockworker in the next 10 seconds, so
stop with the fantasy. Any martial arts training will tell you to hit someone with the base of your
palm. It saves you a lot of pain and still will deliver a good impact. You won’t remember that
though. All your fight training was in grade school, or maybe you learned from the movies,
which means you will hit with fist closed, knuckle to chin. Make it count, but if you can help it,
get something that will protect your hand. Go online and pick up a cheap pair of brass knuckles.
This little toy is a solid piece of metal with holes to stick your fingers through. It rests tight
enough in your hand that you can hit something with a full swing and the only thing that strikes
your target is the metal wrapped around your knuckles, hence the name. The beauty of this item
is that you can miss your opponent and strike something solid like a wall or your refrigerator,
and you won’t break your hand!

For decades, this product was strictly a black market item like it’s cousin the switchblade knife.
You can really hurt someone with a pair of brass knuckles. It’s like getting a small pipe to the
face; only it fits in your pocket. There were extra legal penalties if the police caught you with a
pair. Then someone figured out you could mass produce them, call them paperweights, and
presto! Brass knuckles you can buy over the Internet!

Aluminum bat

Feed off of your childhood. Everyone has held a baseball bat at one point or another. It’s a
playground regular. It doesn’t matter if you were chosen almost last on your elementary school
teams; you still got to hold the bat. It was built to be swung and to hit things. They can be found
in many places, you don’t need the Internet for this. Aluminum bats are best because they don’t
break easily. When it comes to size, the smaller the better. Remember that if you are swinging
inside the house, there are walls, furniture, and knickknacks. A long bat will just get in your way,
and will slow down or even stop if you over swing and hit a solid object. A dark colored bat is
better than a light colored one.


Buck 119 Special Knife with Leather Sheath - Buck® Knives OFFICIAL SITE

You are now a part of history! Humans have been hurting each other with knives ever since they

lumbered out of the caves and started carving them out of flint. We’ve come so far! Yep. Pretty
straight forward, and I mean that literally. The sharp point goes into the bad guy. Note I said
point, not blade. Short strong thrusts forward, not side-to-side. Don’t start waving that thing
around wildly. If that happens, there is a good chance you’ll also cut yourself in the fight.

Flammable liquid, and a match:

D32-WAR - Warning Flammable Liquid Shipping Label

This defense technique is kind of tricky, but the principal idea is taken straight from the prison
yard. Take 8-12 ounces of a flammable liquid and throw at target. Then throw a lighter, match,
or candle at target. Target catches fire. Target then either rolls on floor yelling something about
“being on fire” and “how much it burns”, or they run down the hall and out of the building,
fanning the flames, and drawing attention to them.

Martial arts:

All about skill: The art of martial arts | Art Of |

You are not Chuck Norris. No one is. If I see one more amateur attempting martial arts in a real
fight I swear I’m going to go insane! Martial arts are a discipline, not an absolute. Martial arts
create a fighting style, not a guarantee that you will win, or even that you have an edge. Every
wonder why those reality cage fights on television aren’t filled with a lot of guys jumping and
twisting, trying to land that perfect palm technique? Watch a match and you’ll see. Each fight is
different depending on your opponent! If you are trying some Matrix style drunken boxing, and
your opponent wants to wrestle that will end your movie real quick.

You can’t do spin kicks in your entryway. There is no flying tiger inside a bathroom. There is no
karate kid crane technique from the other side of a dining room table. Just hit for the head,
sternum or genitals as hard as you can. Box their ears, try to smack the base of the back of their
neck, there is a big nerve cluster where the shoulder meets the neck. Claw at the eyes; try to hit
their Adams apple. So it’s not a pretty, visually entertaining fight, the goal is to win, not to look

Throwing things

When I was growing up my sister used to throw anything she could at me. I learned quickly
when to catch, and when to dodge. You are not a professional baseball player. If a major league
pitcher has someone coming through their front door they have permission to throw the high
fastball. You throw slowly, because you are a sloth. Being a good video game player doesn’t
mean your reflexes will help you hit someone from across the room with a book. If you have
something good to throw, like a bowling ball, or an all steel crock pot, then get close to the door,
and hit them from 4 feet or less.

Note on throwing things: Do not throw your gun at the target! This is a bad lesson taught by bad
guys in the movies! Just set it down or put it back into your pocket. You never know when you
might find extra ammunition.

Stun Guns

Due to the bad memories this item brings up, and that I’m not a fan of less than lethal devices, I
can say only this: Hit the intruder with the stun gun and don’t let go of the trigger. The disruption
that they have on a body’s electrical system is somewhat cumulative, and really taxes the brain if
you give them an extra dose. Hit them long enough, and they will stay down for 30 minutes or
more. Just to be sure, just empty the battery on the target.

Pepper spray

There have been many documented cases about the use of pepper spray and there is some bad
news. You spray your enemy with mace, and you will get some on yourself. It’s like spraying
underarm deodorant on another person. No matter how careful you are, you’re going to smell it.
The difference here is that mace stings a great deal. If you don’t mind some tears and shortness of

breath, then this one is for you.


This goes against our basic “fight or flight” instincts. You may have been great at hide and seek
as a child, but hiding under a pile of clothes, or under the stairs with your pornography isn’t
going to do much this time around. Remember that this is a low resource scenario. All those
televisions programs where the mob guys toss the apartment looking for the stolen drugs, that’s
amateur hour now. People will be going through everything, and unless you have an Anne Frank
style piece of furniture, they’re going to find you, in which case you’ll have to choose something
else mentioned above.

Playing dead

It works on bears, doesn’t it? Sometimes it works on bears. It works on people sometimes too.
The cases that seem to have the most success involve a large-scale military conflict, and there are
a lot of bodies. People hide underneath them, and try to blend in. Do you have a lot of bodies in
your home? If you do, then you have some larger issues, and the looters are just your next
victims. I’ll make sure to stay clear of your place.
If you are alone and trying to play dead, you may want to consider a few things before putting on
your best “open eye and open mouth” dead movie face. First, the person coming in the door is
looking for things, but they are also looking for you, to see if you’re a threat. If they have a lot of
extra ammunition they may just put a bullet into you. If bullets are scarce, they may poke you
with something and check for a reaction. If they try to check your pulse, the jig is up, and I
recommend using their close proximity to hit hard and fast.
Say however, that your performance is convincing, and they think you’re really taking the big
dirt nap. You are still going to have to deal with this person going through all your pockets. Let’s
hope you’re not ticklish.

Acting crazy

I like this idea, even though I can’t pull it off. Start screaming and flailing about, acting as insane
as possible. For some of you, this will be quite easy. The idea is that a really noisy, scary person
may not be worth the trouble. This is recommended even before they come in the room. The
motivation is to pretend you are a human car alarm. If you make enough of a ruckus, the stealthy
attacker may just move on, and kill your neighbors instead.
To summarize:
If you are out of bullets, find the best weapon you can come up with, and ambush your attacker
with everything you’ve got. The best places to do this are either directly by the door they are
entering from, or behind a blind corner inside the house. I don’t recommend trying it from
underneath the bed. Everyone knows there are monsters under there.

The End?

That’s it, everything you need. Water, food, light, weapons, tactics, and some sensible advice
that could save your families life.
You are now officially versed in the wonderful world of urban survival. The majority of you
reading will have found it mildly entertaining. It was a small distraction in a never ending series.
A short time from now you will be back to watching something on network television. In a week
you will have forgotten most of what’s been said here.
A smaller number of you may discuss some of the concepts casually with other people,
pondering the possibility of a national crisis situation. Your friends and coworkers will have not
read the guide, and therefore will condemn it as some extremist nonsense. You will feel relieved
at this and return to some form of quiet contentment.

There may be a few that actually get something out of this guide. To those individuals who know
deep in their hearts that the worst can happen, or have survived limited catastrophes of their
own, I say this: Start small and follow through.
You don’t have to drive at top speed to the nearest bulk food store and stock a spare bedroom
floor to ceiling with freeze-dried goods. The secret, the KEY to this whole idea, is to start small.
Buy a footlocker sized plastic container, make a small list of things you might want to have if
your house was say, hit by a tornado, and start filling the container.
Once the list is checked off, and your footlocker contains the things you need, you might just
stop and call it good. Mission accomplished, you’ll never think of it again.
Chances are though, that as you make the effort to acquire your items, you will think of others,
and those other things will give you more ideas. It can snowball. Before you know it, you have a
nice corner of your basement ready for anything.
And while you’re putting things into your plastic containers, why not include this manual as
Thanks for reading this, I hope it one day helps you and yours. BUT ALSO HOPING THAT IT WON’T COME TO THAT.


Summary:‌ ‌ ‌A‌ ‌quick,‌ ‌“how‌ ‌to”‌ ‌guide‌ ‌that‌ ‌helps‌ ‌the‌ ‌‌average‌ ‌American‌ ‌‌weather‌ ‌the‌ ‌storm‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌national‌ ‌crisis.‌ ‌ ‌It’s‌ ‌a‌ ‌workday‌ ‌afternoon‌ ‌and‌ ‌the‌ ‌power‌ ‌has‌ ‌just‌ ‌gone‌ ‌out‌ ‌in‌ ‌your‌ ‌city.‌ ‌You‌ ‌have‌ ‌no‌ ‌cell‌ ‌phone,‌ ‌a‌ ‌quarter‌ ‌tank‌ ‌of‌ ‌gas,‌ ‌and‌ ‌you‌ ‌don’t‌ ‌know‌ ‌how‌ ‌to‌ ‌contact‌ ‌your‌ ‌children.‌ ‌You‌ ‌haven’t‌ ‌done‌ ‌a‌ ‌single‌ ‌pushup‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌last‌ ‌five‌ ‌years.‌ ‌The‌ ‌radio‌ ‌in‌ ‌your‌ ‌car‌ ‌is‌ ‌only‌ ‌picking‌ ‌up‌ ‌emergency‌ ‌broadcasts.‌ ‌You‌ ‌have‌ ‌some‌ ‌difficult‌ ‌decisions‌ ‌to‌ ‌make‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌next‌ ‌48‌ ‌hours‌ ‌that‌ ‌will‌ ‌change‌ ‌your‌ ‌life‌ ‌forever,‌ ‌and‌ ‌ ‌you’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌ready.‌ ‌Don’t‌ ‌worry.‌ ‌You’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌alone.‌ ‌You‌ ‌are‌ ‌about‌ ‌to‌ ‌become‌ ‌an‌ ‌“armchair‌ ‌survivalist.”‌ ‌ ‌If‌ ‌you‌ ‌are‌ ‌like‌ ‌a‌ ‌lot‌ ‌of‌ ‌Americans‌ ‌who‌ ‌work‌ ‌behind‌ ‌a‌ ‌computer,‌ ‌this‌ ‌is‌ ‌your‌ ‌worst‌ ‌nightmare.‌ ‌What‌ ‌you‌ ‌only‌ ‌thought‌ ‌could‌ ‌happen‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌movies‌ ‌is‌ ‌your‌ ‌new‌ ‌life.‌ ‌You’re‌ ‌not‌ ‌nearly‌ ‌resourceful enough to go to the woods and “live off the land”. Forget all that nonsense about  skinning your own rabbit and eating insects. You’re going to go back to your home and be with  your family. 

So make the most of it. There are plenty of supplies within walking distance of your house that  will help make life bearable during the dark hours. You will learn to move without the mob, to  band together with friends and neighbors if possible, and to keep everything you hold dear safe  from the raging population that will develop into a destructive mob before your eyes. You can do  

this. You now have help.

The text you are about to read was initially designed for the worst case scenario, one where the  power goes out, leaving the average person “in the dark”. The full version covers everything  leading up to that point, and a lot of theory regarding the current state of the country and what  the average citizen would see during a severe national crisis. 

After the initial text was completed, I started working on an audio version which was  accompanied by a slide show for effect. This was eventually going to be uploaded to Youtube as  an instructional series. 

Then I read a very disheartening news story about how 75% of the people that went back to New  Orleans after Katrina didn’t bother to keep emergency supplies on hand. Let me say that again.  The city drowned and many people suffered greatly because they didn’t have a backup plan.  When everything dried out and they went back to their homes, they STILL didn’t prepare for a  worst-case scenario. 

So this project was shelved until the 2008 financial crisis got into full swing. Friends encouraged  me to start it up again, despite my objections that a “financial crisis” is not the end of the world. 

Or is it? 

The United States power grid is run mainly from a combination of coal, hydro-electric, and  nuclear plants. If all the banks fail at once, the lights will still be on. You may not have a job, but  the television stations will still broadcast. The internet will still be up. 

It’s the things we can’t think of that worry us. What if there is another severe oil shortage, or  massive terrorist attack, anything large that disrupts food or energy supplies? That is the risk that  you have to decide for yourself. Your family, your friends, your lifestyle is important to you. If  you went out of your way to get life and homeowners insurance, maybe you should think about  taking a few extra steps to insure you and the ones you love can weather the unpredictable  storms, in whatever forms they take. 

What you will read starts with a basic scenario, just to give you a frame of mind. It then covers  bare bones needs, what you can do to make things more comfortable, and how to protect it. After  that comes some advanced urban survival tricks, along with a longer term plan, all in language  the average American can understand. 

If you are reading this during an actual crisis, then God be with you.

Chapter 1: Hell in a Hand Basket 

“In every American there is an air of incorrigible innocence, which seems to conceal a  diabolical cunning.”  

-A. E. Housman 

No matter what crisis develops, you are at best, an “armchair survivalist”. The country you live  in has so many layers of convenience, so many basic needs that are taken for granted, so many  interconnected systems of daily living that we are dependent on, describing them all would take  volumes. Suffice it to say that we are a land of luxurious, easy to use, hands free, soft touch  product users. It has taken us about 80 years to reach this wonderful pinnacle of “runaway  consumerism”. Our Internet is tied to our phones, which is tied to our banks. We can now use the  cable company to watch television, use Internet, and phone lines, all on one bill. With even a  moderate amount of money, and some online shopping, we now never have to leave our homes  to survive.  

Even though I grew up when the CD and computer were new, it is still a marvel to watch the  new technological toys we are putting out every year. Our businesses are tied to elaborate  wireless email and networking systems. Our cars now have built in DVD, GPS, and push button  roadside service. Our boats have the ability to determine global location at all times. You can  track your loved ones plane flight from gate to gate. Packages can be rerouted in transit, with a  single text message. 

America has, for all intents and purposes, made it as easy as it’s going to get. Congratulations red  white and blue, you have done what all other nations have aspired to achieve! You’ve created a  society of out-of-shape, lazy, Madden playing, pizza ordering, latte chugging, “text anywhere”  zombies who at the first sign of trouble will probably just start chewing off their own arms for  food.

Maybe I’m being too critical. Americans can deal with a crisis, as long as it’s small, and the  inconvenience is short. Several years ago, in Boulder, Colorado I witnessed my first “true”  power outage. The entire Western United States grid had gone down, and our software office had  gone dark. It was the middle of a summer afternoon; the sun was still beaming through most of  the windows. 

Our office phones were dead, along with the Internet. Cell phones were up, for a while anyway.  With the systems down our office manager didn’t know what to do with the employees, so we  were given the rest of the afternoon off. I took a short walk down to the main drag where the  highway ended and Main Street began. I watched, as cars in a large intersection didn’t know  exactly what to do. The stoplights were out, and it was hard to tell who arrived at an intersection  first, what with six lanes on each side. Some cars just went for it, some stayed longer than they  should. Tempers were raised, and honking horns were frequent. 

Bank employees just stood outside in the parking lot. The grocery stores were forced to let  people abandon their carts while they escorted them out of the store. The aisles were too dark to  see where to put back the items. 

The city of 90,000+ was at a standstill, and it stayed that way for the next 4 hours. In less than an  hour local police went to the busiest intersections within the city limits and directed traffic by  hand. It had probably been a while since any of them had used their whistles, but they did a  pretty good job. 

Store managers stood in front of their shops and turned people away. Some simply locked their  doors. Everything went fairly smoothly. I did see a few people try to enter the grocery store  closest to me, each time the manager explaining that the cash registers couldn’t ring them up.  Not that it mattered; the back of the store was pitch black. 

Sometime later that afternoon the lights came back on, and everyone went back to what they  were doing. In some ways it felt like a large fire drill. Everyone calmly walked outside, milled  around quietly, and waited for it to be over. What makes this situation different from the nasty  version that starts looting and puts human life at risk? 

Most of the people in town didn’t know why the power went out.  

It’s the unknown that gives people pause. It’s the mystery that forces people to stop and think  about their decisions. Within an hour after the lights stopped working, people in their cars  listening to radio stations still broadcasting found out the entire Western power grid was in the  middle of a rolling blackout. There is still some debate on where exactly the breakdown  occurred. The important thing was that the authorities didn’t tell anyone exactly what happened,  or how long it would take to fix. It’s good policy. Never give the public information they could  use against you. 

To put it another way, if a teacher walks out of a classroom, the kids will have one impression.  When that same teacher runs out of the classroom, and is then seen getting into their car and 

driving away, the children then develop a very different attitude. Compare the West Coast grid failure, or any East Coast Blackout, with one where the reason is  exposed immediately like the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake.

Watching CNN during the first few days after that particular California quake was surreal. There  was some stunning video footage. Dark beauty as water mains gushed from the streets, fire  burning in the middle of the water through an ignited gas main. I sat in mild shock as I watched  Korean gun shop owners standing on the roof of their store, firing wildly at looters that came  within 100 yards, the police nowhere in sight. 

And then there were the shopping mall videos. In any modern structure, there are some backup  systems when the power goes out. Hospitals have generators that can keep a surgical team going  for a short duration. Many buildings have some sort of emergency lighting, and a few select ones  have cameras with battery backups, catching everything that people do when they think they  aren’t being watched. 

The Northridge California earthquake proved something we all know, but rarely admit. For a  great many of us, we do what we can get away with. Cameras caught the looting action as it  unfolded. The earthquake hits, the lights go out. Within seconds, the inner hallways of the  shopping malls erupted in chaos. People of all ages ransacked the shelves with greedy abandon.  What surprised me wasn’t that they did it, but the speed at which everything escalated. The  looting was immediate, reckless, and illogical. Electronics, shirts, shoes, alcohol, everything  stripped from the stores except the basic necessities.  

No one stole water or food. They stole cigarettes and alcohol. They didn’t steal batteries, they  stole cell phones. Why? 

Because the public was armed with very valuable information and then their short-term instincts  took over. They knew eventually the city would get the power back on. The gas and water mains  would be repaired, and sooner or later, the police would be able to protect the stores, just not  right now. The looting masses knew that this crisis was limited to their part of California, and it  wouldn’t last forever. 

Food, water, anything that might help them in a real emergency was the furthest thing from their  minds. The luxury items were the main target. Anything that was expensive or sellable was  priority. These items were important because they knew the currency would still be valid when  the lights came back on. The physical dollar would still have value because only part of  California was affected. As long as the currency remains intact, there is a good chance that  normal life will continue, provided of course that active food distribution lines exist. 

The aftermath of Katrina showed us an even darker aspect of economic disruption. The  earthquake was replaced with flooding, and again, the power was out for an extended period of  time. The city population realized that the hurricane and large amounts of standing water caused  the blackout, and looting began immediately. The same patterns started, but then evolved.

At first, the looting, like in Los Angeles, started with luxury items. Electronics, shoes, cigarettes,  liquor, and firearms, were taken quickly. After a while, as the water didn’t subside, and there  were no signs of National Guard, the basic items became much more attractive. Food, water,  batteries, the things that could keep you alive, these replaced everything else.  

Law enforcement officials were overwhelmed, and the water hindered their mobility. In LA,  most of the streets were still drivable after the earthquake. In New Orleans, some of the streets  had water higher than the roof of a truck. On foot, the police and sheriff’s department became  fatigued quickly. A number of them just gave up and deserted their posts, or worse, they joined  in with the looters. 

Some of the authorities did have a plan. Before the winds had even died down, a local SWAT  team had been dispatched to an outlying Sam’s club with orders to secure it for “local forces”.  During a state of emergency, authorities have broad powers to take private supplies and  buildings for their use. The storeowner was contacted and a list of all supplies taken was to be  billed back to the New Orleans police department. This debt was eventually forgiven once the  extent of the disaster was known. While some would condemn this law enforcement unit for  what could potentially be branded as a “selfish act”, it hardly compares with a different division  of the same police department, which was accused of breaking into a local Cadillac dealership  and driving out of the city with 40 new cars while the city quickly filled up with water. 

At night, gangs roamed the dark streets, creating anarchy wherever they went. During the day,  the masses emptied the stores of anything and everything. It was a limited exercise in chaos management. What would a general population do if left on their own without outside help for an  undetermined period of time? 

The only thing that couldn’t be measured was the same population ‘without hope.” All the New  Orleans residents who gathered around the superdome had some faith and were counting on aid.  There was a small army of reporters on the scene who had flown in on helicopters. The news  teams and camera crews constantly reminded the people that help was eventually coming. This  and the fact that the cameras were recording many sections of the city probably helped save it. 

What would happen to that same city if the reporters weren’t there, and the citizens knew that the  National Guard wasn’t coming?  

It’s the one thing in America we haven’t seen yet. What happens without help from the outside?  Everything we have dealt with until now has been contained, been compartmentalized. An  Earthquake happens in San Francisco, we send help. The Mississippi overflows and we send  help. Like a giant immune system, we absorb and adjust. The question still remains: At what  point are we stretched too thin, and can the American culture pull itself back from the brink? 

To be sure, not all of America is vulnerable. For sake of argument, we’re going to leave out all  the remote farming communities because they are remarkably self-sufficient. If you live in one  of these very small agricultural groups, you still might be able to get something out of this, such  as what the nearest large town closest to you might be going through, what random groups of  cars might be thinking as they drive up your long country road, or more importantly, what kind 

of essential goods you might be able to trade for, and where the nearest place to get them could  be. 

In a long-term environmental disaster, farms stand to lose more than others, depending on the  situation. If the natural catastrophe in question were a comet, it would suggest that crops would  have a hard time growing. If that’s the case, then livestock and perishables should be traded  away as quickly as possible. A farm has a lot of assets going for it, though most would be short  term. 

If you happen to have a survival cabin somewhere in the North West states, such as Montana,  Idaho, or the Eastern part of Washington, then you already know this drill, and quite frankly,  have probably spent a huge amount of time preparing for the worst. You are therefore excluded  from most of the chapters. Enjoy your powdered milk and cured meat sitting next to your  propane or wood stove. I’m sure you’re very content.  

The only other people I have to exclude is anyone currently living or about to move to Utah. For  those of you who don’t know, “practicing Mormons” keep at least a year’s supply of food and  water on hand for each member of their family. It’s a religious obligation. Sounds a bit strange I  know, but from a “survival” standpoint, I can’t really argue the logic. With this in mind, and I  can see some of you cringing already, if America starts collapsing in on itself, Utah will most  likely be the last to go quietly into the night. It’s simple math. They already have an extra year’s  supply of food right out of the gate, in non-rationed portions. 

The rest of us live in a suburb, our own version of “Elm Street.” You have at least one strip mall close by and maybe a full size indoor shopping center down the road. There are fast food chains  within a mile or two, and then the usual restaurants like Chili’s, Cracker Barrel, etc. Outside that  

you have a bulk store like Sam’s Club or Costco, or both. The neighborhoods interconnect  endlessly, and gas stations are plenty. You know the names of some of the neighbors on your  street, the name of your children’s school, but probably couldn’t say who the mayor was. 

Most of your bills are paid online, and most of your direct purchases are done by credit card,  which by the way is carrying a balance most months. You have car payments, a mortgage (or  two), and have either been divorced, separated, or are seeing a marriage counselor. 

You have a 20% of being a smoker, and a 67% chance of being at least 20 pounds overweight  (33% that it’s 50 pounds or more). 

You could have some relatives in state, some out of state. You may have a pet, probably at least  one dog, or a few cats. If your yard is big enough, it’s possible you plant a small garden when the  weather is nice. You have a favorite restaurant or bar that you frequent. 

Your office is 10-20 miles away. You either have a large cubicle or a smaller office with no  windows. You work hard, but think you’re underpaid. This may, or may not be, your life.  

What do all these things have to do with the scenario? In a major crisis all of these little details  will affect your outcome in one way or another. These are the cards you have to play with. The 

dealer now shows their hand. 

Chapter 2: The cards you’ve been dealt 

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened” 

– Lao Tzu 

You are at your office. The power has just gone out. Cell phones work, but you are having a hard  time getting an outside line. You leave your cube, walk down the aisle, and look out the window.  All the office buildings next to you are out as well. 

If you are like many offices, upper management will assume that the outage is limited to a few  blocks. They will wait a while to see if things come back on. The emergency lights in the  bathrooms, as well as the plumbing, still work. Everyone at the office is bored, because all  computers and phones are down. A few people try their laptops, but they can’t get out to the  Internet. 

Boredom turns to annoyance as an hour goes by. If it’s before lunch, management may wait  another hour. If it’s after lunch, they probably just call it a day and send everyone home. 

Traffic is a little slower on the drive back. Rush hour will be staggered because of the outage. All  stoplights are down, and single police units direct the cars through busy intersections. You get  home. The lights are of course, out, but the water is running. You have natural gas, but the power  to run the furnace isn’t on. You have a wood stove, but only a few logs. 

Your spouse isn’t home yet. Maybe he / she went to get the kids. The dog looks at you for  attention. Another hour goes by. Your family arrives. The kids go upstairs to their rooms, which  are lit through the windows by the afternoon sun. They try to entertain themselves using portable  electronics. It wouldn’t have been their first choice, but at least it’s a distraction.

Two more hours go by, and you start to get curious. 

There are no portable radios in the house, so you use the one in your car. Most of the stations  aren’t broadcasting. The few that you do find are playing an endless loop of the emergency  broadcast system. There are a few other people on the block doing the same thing. You tell your  spouse. The kids overhear, but don’t understand. The dog still wants attention. 

These are the cards you’ve been dealt. You have some decisions to make, and they can’t wait.  Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Follow the steps. 

Step 1: Gain some confidence, right now. 

Get yourself in the right frame of mind, and do it quickly. Don’t assume the worst, because it  will eat you up. Try not to cover all your bases right away. Organize your priorities. As of right  now you don’t have any appointments or meetings. You don’t have any flights to catch. 

Your primary concern is the comfort and safety of your immediate family. They are looking to  you for support, for reassurance, for guidance. Show confidence at all times. The old military  posture still applies: For good or bad, be confident in your decisions. If the decision was wrong,  then change direction, but do it with confidence. Nothing makes people lose faith quicker than  watching their leader waiver when important things are on the line. 

Confidence gives you strength. Confidence gives you the ability to do things without much  question from others. Confidence allows you to walk the edge, or cross the line if needed. If  you’re committed that it’s a good decision and you can confidently explain why, there is a solid  chance that others will follow you, back you, and defend your ideas in your absence. 

Step 2: Don’t rush. 

In the long term, seconds aren’t going to make that much of a difference. Moving faster than  normal gets the blood levels up, and teases the adrenalin factor. It also helps induce panic, and  with it some bad decision-making. Don’t do it. Be brisk, but be calm. Keep the energy levels at a  managed pace. Don’t drag anyone anywhere. Speak to your family in low tones, but be serious.  Don’t yell. It doesn’t help. If your children don’t want to listen, try to explain what’s going on,  but do it logically. “Just because I said so” probably won’t fly. Think of something else. 

Step 3: Should you stay or should you go? 

It’s a difficult choice, and you may or may not have to make it. Is there somewhere you would  rather be? Do you have family members that live within driving distance, and by that I mean how  far you can go with the gas that’s in your tank right now. If they aren’t within range, you’re  not going. If you’re thinking of a round trip and you don’t think you’ll make it back, you’re not  going. The only exception here is if you have a neighbor who you’re close with, someone you  can borrow a vehicle from.

There is some breathing room here. If you have a pretty good idea that your tank will run dry  within a few miles of your destination, and you have no intention of coming back, then discuss  the plan with your spouse and make the call. Keep in mind your betrothed may want to go to his  / her relatives house, or have them come to you. This needs to be decided first thing. The  window for these options gets closed fairly quickly in the grand scheme of things. Deciding in  the next few hours will make the situation a lot easier on you. 

If you do decide to vacate your house, there are a few things you need to take care of. Assume  that you won’t be coming back for a while. This means you should take everything that you  might find useful. Leave a few lights on so that if the power comes back there will be light if  needed, and contrary to what others may tell you, don’t lock anything. The average house is  designed to deter crime, not prevent it. If your door is locked, and someone really wants to get  in, they will just choose a window, or sliding glass door. 

You’re not prepping your house for when you go to Europe. When you’re touring France,  neighbors and friends back home don’t usually ransack your home looking for supplies. When  these groups eventually figure out that it is vacant, they are coming in, locked door or not. If it’s  unlocked, and you do return, at least you won’t come back to broken glass and shattered  deadbolts. 

Think carefully of other family members who might be in driving distance. Will they be trying to  get to you? Do you have close friends with no family in the area who might look you up? If you  answered “maybe” to the question, then play it safe and leave a few simple notes. One on the  kitchen counter is good. If you want to give the neighbors a heads up, tape a quick one to the  door. Something like: 

Went to parents farm in Arlington,  

451 East Maple Drive 

Left May 14th 

Jason, Carol, Timmy, Julie 

The names may seem unnecessary, but it’s good to let people know who was in the group. 

So go already. Load up the family and pets. If the pets aren’t that important, leave a back door  open so they can come and go as they please. Animal’s survival instincts are honed a lot sharper  than yours oh balding monkey. They also don’t have a conscious to deal with. 

Good luck in your journey, and when you get there, read on! 

Step 4: Taking stock. 

At this point you’ve either decided to stay, or have already arrived at your destination. See?  You’re making decisions already, and you haven’t even thought about eating people! 

Seriously, you’re doing great. The next step is figuring out what you have, and in most cases,  what you don’t have but need. This is probably the most time consuming part of the beginning, 

but it doesn’t have to be full of anxiety. To make it easier, I’ve come up with a few easy to  follow lists. These lists include a comprehensive set of “must haves”, “should haves”, and “why  nots” that you should be at least thinking about prior to this day of reckoning. Before we get to  that though, let’s see if there is anyone close by that can help you in acquiring the items on your  list. It may be time to make peace with the lady who consistently lets her lab take a big dump on  your lawn. 

Chapter 3: Band of Neighbors  

“True friends stab you in the front”  

– Oscar Wilde 

A survivalist in a suburban setting, is a strange paradox. On one hand, standard Rambo type  doctrine preaches that the survivalist must be alone, because there is no one that can be trusted.  They should live a solitary life, filled with religious discipline and sacrifice. They are a human  fortress. They are a piece of metal. They are emotionally devoid of mercy and kindness. 

I appreciate that the “true survivalist” is committed to their trade, much like a serious method  actor. You are not this person. You are a social creature. After half a day sitting home alone you  are climbing the drapes, looking for some interaction with the rest of the community. Then again,  maybe you just play computer games all day long.  

For you people who consider solitary confinement the ultimate torture, I will share a secret with  you. The chances of you and your family living longer than the lone individual increases  dramatically if you can get by with a little help from your friends. There is safety in numbers.  You will find a better variety of skills with a group. A group has a collective mind, and if set on 

a goal, can come with creative ways of accomplishing it. 

But there’s a catch. You have to pick the right people, and after that, no one joins the club unless  the entire group is in agreement. Trust is everything here. The wrong people join the group, and  it can fall apart. I’ll use a friend of mine as an example. Her approach to the neighborhood group  is a good model of what can be expected. 

The neighborhood of Renaissance, Colorado

The power goes out, and right away it looks like it could be a long time before it, and order, is  restored. A single mother in her late 30’s starts the chain. She only contacts people she can trust,  and all of these people have a useful skill that can benefit the group. She looks up a contractor to  improvise repairs when things break or are destroyed She finds a doctor to treat minor wounds,  and assess major ones. She tracks down a good friend who is handy with firearms, because not  everyone knows how to shoot. She contacts women who have a strong survival instinct. These  are women who would fight to stay alive. No “girly girls” or useless “blob men” allowed.  Everyone in this ensemble is motivated, and willing to do what it takes to weather the storm.  Everyone chosen has something to bring to the table. In this situation, everyone’s got game. 

They all meet at one house, and decide the best place to “hold up.” They decide to pool their  resources and take shifts sleeping. Most importantly, they form a pact, and swear never to turn  on each other, no matter how hungry, or how tired. Without this pact the group is vulnerable  from within. There can be no “secret stashes” kept by anyone. To function as a single unit,  everything has to be laid out on the table, right now. Any personal issues should be cleared up  within 24 hours. They agree on a total of 8 people. This group could function as well with even  12 if needed. If members are added, and the social dynamics take a downward turn, then it needs  to be changed, but done fairly. 

They end up combining supplies from two houses that reside next to each other. They have  battery powered 2 way camping radios, and use them frequently. At night, the groups are split  evenly, in case of an emergency. Things work better than they had hoped. One of them gets an  older power generator working, and another finds a way to hook it up to the direct TV. The  doctor breaks into his own hospital and gets enough medical supplies to hold them for the  duration. The gun enthusiast teaches everyone how to shoot with purpose. 

The group decides against trading with other neighbors to increase inventory. It was a close vote,  but in the end, the added risk of unwanted attention outweighed the additional supplies it  generated. Their strategy is simple. Gather as many supplies as they could in the first few days of  looting, then barricade themselves in their homes and keep a very low profile. Create the illusion  that they are as desperate as anyone else. Giving the rest of the hungry community a small target  is a solid plan. The neighborhood leaves them alone for the most part. Confidence is high that  their friendship and wits will get them through this, and they may be right. It’s a good start. – – – 

I’m not going to go so far and say something cheesy like “with friendship anything is possible”.  It does help. I suppose a better saying is: People are sometimes at their best when things are at  their worst. How I wish that were a consistent theme. There are a hundred things that could go  wrong with the Renaissance group. There could be a hidden affair between couples. Someone  with a criminal past could be exposed. There could be a psychological disorder that has been  buried. There could be a unknown pregnancy. 

There are also the routine survival problems. One couple is hording food for the kids;  accusations of not giving their share, letting someone get hurt, etc. Any situation involving  drama is possible, but then again, it could happen in a single family as well. The odds say that in  the short term, the group scenario has some great advantages, both in resource gathering and  protection. As supplies get thin, it can get more difficult. If the bonds of friendship are strong  enough, the group has a chance of staying together to the bitter end, a great testament to the  human spirit. 

If you really want to be multiple steps ahead of the pack, then talk about this very scenario every  few months over drinks during a neighborhood party. Feel the different people out, and see who  would be up to the task. Make a mental note of whom you would choose, why you would choose  

them.. Ask them about what they would do in a major crisis, and where would they go. As long  as the topic doesn’t have a dark, brooding tone, your run of the mill neighbor will probably have  an opinion on the subject. No need to be secretive, those not chosen will probably ignore this  little “block conspiracy.” Even if they do remember, they will be in no position to take advantage  of it. You will have the better numbers. 

A little trick would be the “bar fight buddies” scenario. Imagine yourself walking into a strange  bar far out of town with a small group of people. Suddenly, a mild misunderstanding turns into a  full-blown fight, and everyone in your party is going to get roughed up. Who would you want to  be there with you, and why? Try not to think about who throws the best punch, but who can  handle the stress without being traumatized. After the fight, who tries to take charge and who  comforts whom? Look past the action; see who the best under stress. This should help. 

Chapter 4: The important things 

“Fill what’s empty. Empty what’s full. Scratch where it itches”  

-Alice Roosevelt Longworth

Over the years I have poured over many different survival lists for just about every disaster  known. Aside for the ones that deal with different types of terrain, they share a lot of common  threads.  

We’re not going to touch different types of landscapes and what you might need for each one.  You’re not in the mountains, or in a deep forest, or walking around in some high desert. You’re  probably in an average wood framed two-bedroom house with an unfinished basement at the end  of a cul-de-sac. If your surroundings are more urban, you might be in a condo or apartment  building. If you’re a business traveler, you’re most likely in a hotel. The dynamics are still the  same. It’s America, and there is a huge mish-mash of resources scattered for miles around. Some  of these resources will be in your residence, and many will not. 

There have been countless debates about the priority of “the survival list”. The top ten, the top  20, what resource counts more? To make it easy to read and understand, I will cover each topic  and group it into one of three levels (Priority, what you need right now), (Secondary, quality of  life items), and (optional / tradable, which covers just about everything else, including things  that aren’t on my list, but could be on yours) 

Each item or group of items will be given a detailed explanation and some will have examples.  The hope here is to allow your mind to think of things as “resources” rather than items. Things  that may not be of value to you may be in high demand by others. Each explanation will also  cover where you can acquire the item in question, and when it might be available. Please keep in  mind that in your environment, there will be many other people who will eventually want the  same things you do. The difference here is that you will know exactly what you want before it  happens, and you will have a very good idea of Where to get more before others do. Timing is  important.

1. Water / consumable liquid: (Priority)

Yes it’s obvious. Yes, it’s critical. It’s number one with a big bullet. You’ve heard it mentioned  in movies, television, and books. We’re made up mostly of water, and without it we won’t last  long. It’s also taken for granted, and in many reported survival cases, overlooked early. Don’t  just skim past this, there are some things you need to know about the most common element on  the Earths surface. 

The human body is basically just a large contained mass of water. All of our functions, from  blood flow to digestion to neural activity, are encased in it. Water consumption is of course  based on your weight, metabolism, and diet. Environment will also factor in to some degree. The  basics remain the same. 

You can only be away from water for about 72 hours, give or take. It is the one resource that is  highly recommended not to be rationed. There have been many studies suggesting that drinking  a normal amount and then running out is much easier on the body than cutting your drinking in  

half, then half again. When it comes to water, it’s better to just pull the band-aid off quickly than  to peel it slowly off your skin.  

Water consumption is also affected by humidity. If you live in a really balmy environment, say,  Florida, you will be breathing in water vapor as well as expelling it, so there is a little wiggle  room. In an average urban environment, water is your prime concern. Everything else comes  second.

The good news: Even if the power goes out state wide, a lot of water stations are tied into backup  generators, and some even directly to the source, like a dam or power plant. These generators can  keep things moving as long as the fuel holds out. 

The bad news: Eventually, if the grid isn’t repaired, the water will stop, and you will have to get  more. 

There are two paths that need to be considered: Is the water still on, or has it stopped? If it’s still  on, then that’s fantastic news for you. This gives you a chance to create reserves. Fill up every  plastic and glass container you can think of with water and put a lid on it. If there’s no lid put  some plastic wrap over the top. If you have containers in the garage, fill them up, and label them  “do not drink”. These can still be used to run toilets if needed (See chapter X). If you have 2  bathtubs, put a rubber stopper in one and fill it up. If you don’t have a rubber stopper use  anything to make it watertight. The bathtub water can be used for various things, but I wouldn’t  necessarily use it for drinking or cooking, unless your tub is spotless. If you’re like me, it’s not  often. 

Once you have filled up everything you can think of, go back and see what you left out. Cups,  sports bottles, empty soda or wine bottles. If there is a residue that excludes it from cooking or  drinking, label it. Don’t forget your washing machine. It may be a bit awkward to get to, but it  can hold quite a bit. 

This is your base, your backup, and your insurance. If the tap is still running, then rotate water  supplies slowly every few days. Water is life, and you now have a good supply. I’m not going to  regurgitate all the other guides that want you to use the water tank at the back of your toilet or  from your hot water heater. You’re not a caveman for Gods sake. 

The taps still running, which means you can be liberal with other things. You can flush your  toilet as usual. You can take cold showers. If you don’t like cold showers you can fill up your  other tub half way with water, let it warm up a bit, then use a washcloth. You can wash dishes,  pots, and pans in the kitchen sink.  

Life in this area is just a notch or two below normal, until… 

“Honey, there’s no water coming out of the faucet”. 

You knew it was going to happen sooner or later. If the water was off when you got home, or just  stops, or more than likely, the flow becomes weaker and weaker until it’s just a few drips, then  you’re going to have to see what consumable liquids you have in the house, and then start  planning on where to get some. 

Search every cupboard, every cabinet. If it’s drinkable, it’s useful. Bottled juice, seltzer, and diet  soda. It doesn’t matter if it tastes good; just find out how much you have. Chances are, it’s worth  something. Some exceptions would be liquids that contain a large amount of salt, like spicy  tomato juice or bloody Mary mix. It may taste good, but the added salt will increase the rate of  dehydration.

Note: Alcoholic beverages have some water in it, but probably not enough to counteract the  dehydrating effect of the alcohol itself. The only exception that you can pull off for a while is  beer with its low alcohol content. A case of juice is worth a lot more than a case of beer. 

Rationing: None. Don’t do it. Drink your normal amount on a daily basis and try to find more.  Keeping your body running at regular levels is very important. Also, don’t eat anything if you  have no water. You’re body needs water to digest food and it will only dehydrate you further. 

Where to get more: There is an entire section dedicated to looting, so techniques on acquiring it,  as well as keeping yourself safe is covered later. For the sake of the list, the “where” is almost  entirely centered on locations close to your home. How you get in and what you might face is  later. You will start forming these questions on your own as you work your way down the items. 

Where: Numerous places, in many forms and in different levels of usage. One rule of thumb is  that closer is better. This is because water is heavy. Surprisingly heavy. You’re made out of  water, think of how heavy you are, cow. Now try carrying someone like you for a few blocks. 

The water next door: No you can’t kill your neighbors, yet. Find out who’s not home, and by that  I mean who’s left with a note on their door. Search the house the same way you searched yours.  Organize your supplies in the afternoon. Carry them back at night. 

You’re subdivision may have an artificial lake or pond. It’s probably not safe to drink, even if  attempts are made to purify it. If you want to boil it or better yet, boil and save off the steam into  another container, it may be ok. Water from a neighborhood pool is a little better. Water with  chlorine isn’t supposed to be consumed regularly, but it will work in a pinch. 

I mention these not-so-attractive options because they are closer than the nearest strip mall,  convenience store, or gas station. For higher quality consumable water, you will need to explore  these other locations. 

The obvious choices: Grocery stores, bulk food stores, pharmacies, the corner gas station,  convenience stores without gas. All these places will have pure water, consumable liquids, or  both. 

Secondary choices: Restaurants, Athletic clubs, office water coolers, commercial building  vending machines, educational cafeterias. 

Alternates: Collected rainwater. There is no real trick to this. Any plastic sheeting, tarp, even  your gutters will work. Rainwater can be pretty clean, depending on where you live. All you  have to do is hope for rain. If there is a concern about any contamination, it can be boiled, or  partially purified by adding 4 drops of bleach per gallon. 

2. Food (Priority)

Water may be life, but food is energy. Calories are literally units of heat. Food keeps your body  warm, it drives your system, and it gives you the strength to endure in times of stress. Unlike  water, the average human body can go without food for quite some time. Even a fit person with a  small amount of body fat can survive for 30 days or more on just water. 

Question: Does this mean that fat people will live longer during the apocalypse?  

Answer: Unfortunately, Yes. I can’t tell you how much this upsets me. Overweight people have  a pretty good chance at living longer than your fitness instructor neighbor! 


Like many things, there’s a catch. For those of you who are say, 50 pounds or more overweight,  there is a flip side to this coin. If you have a large supply of water and no food, your body will  start tapping those vast fat reserves of yours, and you will start to lose weight instead of dying,  but your energy will drop dramatically, to less than 20% of their current levels. You will be  colder, because there is nothing in your stomach to generate heat. You will have a constant  headache, because your blood sugar will be at an all time low, and most of all, you’ll be really  hungry. I mean really starving. Your thought process will be skewed and blurred. In short,  you’ll survive, but suffer the entire time. You’ll look at everything and everyone and see food. 

My only hope is that if you do outlive all your friends and get rescued by the government, you’ll  be grateful enough and use the respect of your loved ones to have a salad every once in a while! 

That being said, food needs to be gathered, counted, and estimated. Even 1000 calories a day can  keep you around for a long time. Do the math, and figure out how long you can keep going with  what’s in your house.  

Eat all perishable foods first. These include fruits and vegetables, anything in your deli shelf,  milk, anything that will expire in the next week. Then, eat everything in the freezer. Cook what  you can, use a pan in the fireplace if you have to. Once these items expire, they are useless to  you, so eat and overeat (the only time I will endorse this). 

Have all perishables been eaten? Good. Now you can spread out your canned goods, the rice,  flour, popcorn, oils, condiments, anything with calories counts, and the higher the better. Sweets  too. I could break down the food into smaller groups, but eventually, it’s all going to be eaten.  

The good news: Starvation fools the palette. Up until now, eating for most Americans has come  down to: “What am I in the mood for”. There is so much cheap food in this country it just  staggers other nations. There are many tasty varieties in unlimited supply; it’s no wonder we’ve  been blowing up like balloons over the last 30 years. Maybe this “end of the world” situation is a  good thing. Maybe a good chunk of the United States population will make it through this  tribulation because we’ve neglected our bodies for so long.  

When you get really hungry, just about anything tastes good, so if you want to have a bowl of  rice with a mix of mayo and ketchup, it will do just nicely. Old candy? No problem. Your body  will adjust and every meal you have will have the most vibrant flavors. This won’t apply to foods  you already hate. 

Try to mix fats and proteins and carbohydrates. Your body wants them. Mix the basics equally if  you can. Try not to spend a week eating nothing but canned beets. You’re body will not be happy  with you, and really, eating beets for a week is just weird. 

Be a member of the clean plate club. Eat everything out of the can. If there is some packing  water, see if you can cook with it. Lick everything clean as soon as you can. Don’t get caught  going through the leftovers later. 

Food requires water to digest. If you are going to finish off the last of the bread, be prepared to  have a generous amount of water. If you don’t have the water, don’t eat until you find some.  Salty foods require even more water. Look at both your water and food supply before you go to  town. 

Store your food in a cool dark place if possible. Heat tends to shorten the expiration date of  anything, including canned food. I know the powers out and the only light is the sun through  your living room window. You can sort them there; just move them into the shadows when  you’re done.

Keep a list of your food. You should really keep a list of everything, but at least do this for food.  This is done for two reasons. 1. You can do some math in your spare time, and figure out at  length how long it will last you and your family. 2. You can see if any food is being consumed  outside of your knowledge. 

Put your empties in trash bags, just as you do now. No reason to change your patterns there.  Keep the full bags in the garage if needed. They will be fairly light and will take a while before  they pile up. 

Rationing: Almost limitless. Your energy levels will be reduced the more you ration, but you can  greatly extend your time by rationing.  

Where to get more: Abandoned homes, Grocery stores, bulk food stores, pharmacies, the corner  gas station, and convenience stores without gas. 

Secondary choices: Restaurants, Athletic clubs, office water coolers, commercial building  vending machines, educational cafeterias. 

Alternates: Places you wouldn’t expect like arts and crafts stores, specialty shops that have  chocolate. Any shop that you can remember that has candy at the front for the kids will work.  Gift shops and novelty stores are good examples of these. The average office or cube drawer has  a variety of snacks that should keep for at least a few weeks. 

Note: Food manufacturing plants are a source of supplies, but will be covered under looting:  What not to do. 

Food footnote: A word on cannibalism 

There is a nearly 100% chance that you will not become a cannibal during the apocalypse. You  are a good person and don’t like to eat people. You do not have peer pressure from friends who 

eat people. There is a lot of cheap flavorful food available in America, most of which tastes  better than people. Also, in order to eat another person they have to be either dead or held  hostage. One way or another, you have to start with murder or kidnapping. Things tend to go  downhill from there. You are neither a heartless killer nor a terrorist. You are also not a vampire,  and receive no mystical powers from consuming human flesh and drinking human blood. 

That being said, human flesh is edible meat like any other mammal, and does contain a generous  amount of calories that your body can digest. Gross right? You would never in a million years,  no matter how much money, no matter what the situation, eat your friends. I agree, I would  rather resort to suicide rather than eat another person. The human drive to survive is extremely  strong, and can in some cases, override the dignity in taking ones own life, instead turning to an  act that even now I can only describe as “barbaric”. 

In most cases, an excruciating, drawn out physical hunger that blinds the palette and appetite,  precedes the act of cannibalism. In these circumstances, people have been known to eat rotting  food out of trashcans within one week. During the 900-day Siege of Leningrad (World War 2  Russia), people first turned on pets, birds, and rats. After this supply was exhausted, groups of  starving Russians sought out lone individuals. These unlucky souls were then killed and  summarily eaten. The city police had to form special units to deal with this problem. 

The slippery slope from rats to people happens in a relatively short amount of time. A Rugby  team crash-landed their plane in the Andes mountain range with no food, but they did have an  unlimited supply of water in the form of snow. They remained there for 72 days. After several  

weeks they realized the search parties weren’t coming. After a while longer, with no other  resources, some turned to the frozen bodies of their dead teammates. It kept them alive long  enough for the season to change. A small group then ventured out of the mountains to the nearest  town. The movie based on the true story is called “Alive”. 

Tips for eating people: Try to do it in a cold environment. Snow is especially good for  preserving all meat. Cooked meat keeps longer than raw, and can be stored for a short amount  of time. I don’t have any tips for curing human meat. 

Question: If I do actually eat my neighbor, what will they taste like? 

Answer: From documented reports, people taste almost identical to veal. Remember that the  next time you’re at a restaurant.  

3. Light Sources (Priority)

There are many survival guides that will tell you the third most important thing is either  medicine or weaponry. I consider this to be utter crap. The third most important thing is a light  source. You are in the dark. Without light you will be handicapped during the day, and crippled  at night. You need to read labels, to read numbers, put things together, let alone see your  family’s faces. Light is critical. Light is reassuring. We are drawn to it instinctually, and it makes  us feel better to have it around. Light is great for morale, and morale is key during a time like  this. 

It’s why you have nightlights, streetlights, and hall lights. People don’t like the dark, the  blackness. The darkness reminds us of the unknown, it feeds on our imagination, and not in a  good way. Horror movies take place mostly at night. Where do monsters and bogeymen jump?  The black of the shadows. 

If the power goes out, there are several places in your own home that will very dimly lit, even  during the middle of a sunny day. Interior bathrooms are normally dark, so are closets,  basements, some entertainment rooms. Bigger houses have even more dim places. You need  light when you search for supplies, no matter where you go. 

And this is just during the day. At night, you will be totally dependent on artificial light. 

So don’t let the lights go out. Even low light is better than no light. Today you’re in luck. While  America is known for it’s ample food, it is also known for it’s plentiful array of portable light  sources. 

Light comes in many different forms, both bright and dim. Some are mobile. Some are not.  Since some light sources are good trade material, we’ll look at each one individually and you can  determine what value can be placed. 


Portable. Powerful. Directional. There is a huge amount of high quality flashlights at  reasonable prices, most of which use LED bulbs. LED’s, or “light emitting diodes”, are a  heavy-duty solid-state bulb, which are technically classified as a low-level laser device. They  never burn out, are practically indestructible, and draw much less power from the battery. 

Because of this versatile technology, LED flashlights have exploded in recent years. There are  basic lights, lamps, headgear, penlights, key chains, they’re everywhere! And they’re all good!  Lucky you, it’s a great time to be alive in the world of portable light. 

The only drawbacks to this kind of light, (you knew there were going to be some), are 1. The  light emitted by an LED is more of a “moon light” rather than sun, so colors won’t be as true. 2.  As mentioned above, LED’s are considered to be a laser device, and shouldn’t be used to look  into people’s eyes, nor should they be looked directly into. Long-term exposure may be  hazardous. 

Everyone should have at least one good flashlight lying around. The more common the battery it  needs, the better. One theme that will be stressed both here and in several other item descriptions  is “common usage.” The majority rules, and you should follow it. This means that whatever most  people use in their house, like the basic battery types, you should use as well.  

When it comes to flashlights, the most common batteries are: D (Toys, radios), C (toys, radios)  AA (remotes, small toys), AAA (thin remotes, very small toys, laser pointers)  

Most people will have some or not all of these battery sizes. Pick one or more types and buy a  good flashlight, either LED or standard 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, pharmacies, grocery stores, convenience stores, Sporting  goods, outdoor stores, ski shops, novelty stores, the sharper image, gadget stores, just about  everywhere! Getting a flashlight shouldn’t be that hard.


A good second choice for light sources, and they also come in wide ranges, some for camping,  and others for in house use. 

For a long time, lanterns came in only one flavor, which was the oil and wick type of the 1800’s.  Some of these are very collectable now. These shouldn’t be your first choice because of their  mostly glass housing. If these tip over and break, well, then you’ve got the Chicago fire all over  again. 

Since the 1970’s, lanterns were also built to run off butane and propane. In the 80’s fluorescent  bulbs were introduced. Now, we have LED lanterns added to the list.  

A lantern’s main purpose is to have non-directional light for a wide area. This is good for just  sitting around, going through inventory, and in some cases looking into dark places. The only  drawback for a lantern is that the light shines everywhere, including into your eyes, which makes  looking into distant dark places a challenge. 

It also illuminates your face, so people can see who you are sometimes before you can see them.  This can either be a good or a bad thing, depending on the situation. 

Lanterns also have a wide base, so you don’t need to be holding it for maximum effect.  Flashlights can be awkward if you need both hands. Lanterns are a good tool to fill this gap. 

Where to get them: Your choices are pretty limited for this type of item. Camping and sporting  goods stores are the first choice. Some bulk and general stores may carry them. The occasional  specialty store that carries some random camping gear isn’t bad either. 

A secondary source if needed is abandoned houses. Lucky for you, a great deal of Americans try  camping at least once, and then store all the sleeping bags, tents, and lanterns, in the attic,  garage, or basement.  


Ah, candles, the most romantic of the survival items. It’s also the oldest type of lighting still  around. The light is hypnotic, and nothing soothes the nerves quite like the light of a solid candle  flame. The candle and all it’s variants have followed the human civilization through the  centuries. If there is one thing you can say about the candle, is that it is universal. 

They are a solid replacement for the lantern, last a lot longer, and many give off a pleasant scent  that can help mask some of the unpleasant aroma of the apocalyptic world. The only real drawback to candles is the ones we always see in the movies or on television. The  candle is a mobile open flame, which can ignite other materials. It also can be blown out without  much effort. This is by design, but it can also work against you. 

A candle should be your last resort if you are searching a dark area and need a mobile lighting  device. Because your forward motion produces a relative wind, your speed is limited. No one  gets to run away with a candle. It goes out, you trip and fall, and the masked serial killer gets you  from behind with an axe. 

Also, searching with an open flame can be hazardous: “Oh look! A gas main!” Queue explosion.  

In America, good candles have gotten so trendy in the last 15 years that large stashes of them can  be found in just about any decent sized town. They come in many different sizes, from tapered  table to Giant five wick monstrosity living room candles that can burn for weeks. Chances are,  you have candles tucked away in drawers that you don’t even know about. Go look!

Where to get more: Grocery stores, drug stores, department stores, general stores like target, wall  mart, exotic furniture stores. There are even certain stores that sell nothing but candles!  

Secondary choices: Abandoned houses should have a small supply of candles, whether it be  dinner, table. Even birthday candles have some value! 

Light sticks 

This type of technology is only a few decades old, and in my opinion should be further along  than what we have today, but any light is better than no light, and the light stick does have a few  advantages that no other one has. 

For those of you new to this light source: A light stick is a chemically created light encased in a  clear flexible plastic tube. The tube is filled with one chemical. A second chemical is inside a  small glass vial within the liquid. When you bend the plastic tube, the glass breaks, and the two  chemicals mix like epoxy adhesive. Presto! Hours of low level, usable light. 

They currently serve some specialized functions. One being they can be thrown into dark areas  and stays lit no matter what. This can be helpful if you do not know how far down the rabbit hole  goes, or even how deep a particular dark body of water is. They can also be hung off of items as  markers. If storage is limited, a bag of these can be very handy. 

I’ll admit, they science part is very cool. The drawbacks of the light stick are too many to  consider it a primary light source. The light only lasts a short time, and is color skewed similar to  the LED. The light isn’t very bright and would be difficult to read by. They stick itself isn’t  rechargeable and has to be disposed of entirely. 

However, having a few around isn’t a bad idea, and here’s why: Ease of use. Bend and shake.  That’s it. No switches, no flame, no batteries. 

Note: White should always be your first choice. Also, their chemical compounds break down  over time. Treat them no different than batteries. Check the expiration dates and replace them  every so often. The reaction in light sticks is temperature sensitive. The warmer you make the  stick, the brighter it gets. This will diminish its glow time however. 

Where to get more: Some camping stores, hardware stores.

Road flares 

Standard issue road flares are more useful than you might think. Road flares have a limited range  of environments. As a light source, they aren’t the best because of the dark red flame, which is  deliberate as an emergency warning sign during traffic accidents. 

They also can’t be used indoors because of the substantial smoke that is generated from the  pyrotechnic compound burning. One exception to this would be in starting a fire in the fireplace.  The smoke just goes up the chimney. As an ignition device it is pretty handy. 30 minutes or so of  high temperature flame, which can be positioned by holding one end of the flare. 

It is also the only flame-based device that can be waved back and forth safely if you wish to  signal someone. You can also run with a flare if needed. Remember to hold the flare to the left or  right of you while moving forward, to keep the smoke away from your face. 

Road flares are also one of the only flame-based items, which need no ignition device. The top is  like one giant match, and just needs to be rubbed briskly against something. This can be  invaluable if water has drenched everything and you can’t get a dry fire started. 

In a pinch, road flares can be used as a poor mans fuse. The flare burns uniformly at a steady  rate. Attaching an item at some point on the flare will ensure that it will ignite. Keep in mind that  the flare is bright, so if you are planning on using this as a timing device to “blow something  up”, you may want to conceal it. 

Note: Road flares shouldn’t be confused with “Marine” or underwater flares. Marine and  underwater flares burn much hotter and give off a brighter light, sometimes being white rather  than red. These flares create more smoke and if dropped in water, will keep burning. They can be  extinguished by impacting them heavily onto a hard surface like cement, the hope being to knock  off enough of a chunk of the burning tip that the underlying surface doesn’t catch. Road flares  are not waterproof, and will go out if doused in water. 

Where to get more them: Hardware stores, auto part stores, some general goods like target,  Wal-Mart. Grocery stores with an automotive section, although some automotive sections are of 

the light variety and only carry things like air fresheners and quarts of oil. 

Marinas will carry marine flares. Specialty shops that deal with scuba supplies will also have  marine flare and underwater flare devices. 

Lighters / Matches: 

In most cases this will be your last source of light. We take matches for granted. The self-striking  match has been embedded in our culture, especially when it comes to the smoking population.  Because of them the apocalypse will most likely never be without matches. Thank you smokers! 

Who cares about matches? You do if you don’t have any lying around. This shouldn’t be a  problem. Everyone has matches, or lighters, or both. Even if you don’t smoke you probably  have candles, which by default need matches. Older model gas fireplaces and stoves need  matches. Birthday candles need matches. Fireworks need matches! 

So if you smoke, and this is the only time I will encourage you, good job! You’ve got this one  covered! 

Lighters and matches are basically short-term candles, and the same rules apply. Don’t go  wandering around a big closet filled with fireworks with a box of matches. Don’t crawl down a  badger hole with a lighter. These are bad ideas. 

Where to get more: Grocery stores, drug stores, specialty stores, restaurants that still allow  smoking, general stores, convenience stores, all gas stations and truck stops, most bars. 

Secondary locations: Abandoned houses, abandoned factories, abandoned meeting places of  every kind. Special bonus hiding place: office drawers. You’ve got a 1 in 5 chance of finding 

some there. In the end of the world, those are good odds. 

Note: Some matches will be more valuable than others, such as waterproof camping versions, or  water resistant military version. The actual value may be off set by the huge abundance of  lighters. Current estimates of lighters in America range from 50-200 million.  

Still, even with the large numbers of lighters produced, it can’t hurt to several fire making  materials. Pick up a few extra when you get a chance. 

Vehicle headlights 

The common automobile headlight is a paradox of sorts. It is by far the most powerful lighting  device you own. It can light up a broad area for hours, it has a huge long life battery, and it  recharges itself! 

All that doesn’t do you much good while it sits inside a garage or out on the street. If you want to  light up your basement, headlights aren’t going to help. Vehicles are mobile, which can give you  some breathing room if needed. You have an outside project, which needs to be done at night.  Using the headlights will be much more efficient than rigging up something with a lantern or  series of flashlights.  

Headlights are also great for security if the need arises. Criminals by nature tend to avoid bright  light areas. Maybe a large beam of white light conjures up images of God exposing their sins.  Nothing scares away intruders quite like high beams at short range. If you have a decent sized  yard, the average vehicle can be moved into different positions facing the house, and can be used  to illuminate areas that are next to a large glass door or window. Remember to run the engine  every so often to keep the battery from running down. Low beams uses less energy than high  beams, and will do the job just as well. High beams are good for illuminating large areas at some  distance. Keeping your lights on is recommended if you are going to be using your vehicle for 

sleeping. Intruders are less likely to approach a well-lit vehicle. 

Tip: When sleeping in your car, set an alarm every two hours. You can use the lights without a  running engine for the first two, then turn on the engine for the next two. Repeat as necessary.  Your battery will stay charged. This is important in case you need to make a quick exit. 


It’s unlikely, but there is a chance you don’t have any portable light sources at all. The fireplace  will have to do. It can also supplement your light if you are low on batteries, candles, or other  devices. If you haven’t used it in a while, make sure the check that the flue is open. If it’s not, the  first few minutes of your fire will be filled with smoke and coughing. Using a fireplace screen is  always recommended to reduce the chance of embers popping out and burning things close to the  brick. 

Fireplace Tips: You’re using your fireplace as much as possible. You’ve gone through the logs,  and the lower branches on your trees, and your neighbor’s trees. You need something to burn! If  it’s heat and light you need, and you absolutely have to have it, then you will have to turn to  paper products first, then possibly furniture you don’t care about. 

Look first to your recycle bin. It’s ok; the truck isn’t going to pick it up this week. Roll up the  paper first. If you have rubber bands, you can make small paper or cardboard logs. If rubber  bands are too small, try string or wire. Paper products will create more ash; so make sure to  

clean the fireplace more often. Other paper products you can use: Catalogs, the yellow pages,  and older books. I wouldn’t recommend burning the Bible, God hates that. Go through your  closets, your basement, and your attic. Maybe you have a collection of National Geographic. 

Note that if you have Pornography tucked away, chances are someone in your family is going to  find it. Better burn that when they’re asleep. 

After paper start looking at wooden shelving. Most of it is made of particleboard anyway. It  should burn quite well. Try to stay away from plastics. They have the potential to create toxic  smoke, and I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Do not under any circumstances try to burn old tires.  Tires create a huge amount of black smoke, they don’t fit well in the fireplace, and they are  difficult to extinguish. Burning a tire in the street as a distraction is ok, and would give you a  real good idea of what it could do in your living room. 


This fits into the light source category more than others, mostly because anyone that fires up a  generator will probably try to get some electric lights working first. 

Pros: The obvious. You have light again. You have power again. At the very least you can plug  in multiple electrical items, like a freezer, a microwave, floodlights, power tools, air  compressors, etc. In a best-case scenario, you could have your generator hardwired to a fuse box, and if there were enough power, you’d hardly even know the lights went out in the  first place. The power is yours, but how long can you hold onto it? 

Cons: Generators use fuel, which is limited. How long you can use it depends on the fuel supply  on hand, and what you can acquire. Generators can be noisy, and in a very quiet neighborhood,  absent of all the white noise that used to drown out something like a generator, you will stick out  like a sore thumb. 

Drawing attention to your house isn’t exactly a good thing in a tense situation. People covet,  people envy. Your neighbors want what you have and they don’t. Generators have to be placed  in well-ventilated areas, which usually means they are outside. They are also fairly light. Two  people can walk at a good pace carrying a generator. They can be disconnected easily. These  things mean that yours will be outside, making noise, and giving you light, which also draw  attention. Potential predators can see this from literally a mile away. 

This isn’t to scare you or make you paranoid; it’s just the facts. Anyone with a generator has to  acknowledge that it is a target of theft, or maybe worse. A smart thief will know that anyone who  prepared enough to have light and power will also have other things, and now this motor running  outside your house is covering the sound of their footsteps. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, some camping store, some bulk stores. 

4. Batteries (Priority) 

Like ammunition, batteries could be lumped with their main flashlight counterparts. What makes  them different is that batteries have multiple devices that can be used. This item listing was  created to define types, brands and potential devices, as well as the best place to find them. 

Top 2 things you will be using batteries for: 1. Flashlights. 2. Portable radios. 

Batteries equal light, and as discussed above, light will be a hot commodity, one that can be  bartered for. Batteries are based on metal and dense chemicals, so they are heavier than other  supplies. Keep this in mind before throwing a couple hundred D cells into a large container. Try 

picking that box up quickly without using your legs. 

Batteries hold a charge for a limited time. The technology has gotten better, and right now the  average lifespan of a good battery is about 6 or 7 years. In some cases a high-powered battery  can go a year or two past that. Battery type means everything when it comes to lifespan. The  more power the battery claims to have, the better it is. Your lights will be brighter, and your  radio will last longer. 

Brand names count for a lot when it comes to batteries. You get what you pay for. This isn’t like  knockoff designer jeans where a fake can look almost like the real thing. Look for batteries by  name. The two brands that quickly come to mind are Duracell and Energizer. Both are  outstanding, and in blind taste tests, really can’t be told apart from one another. Everything else is  a distant cousin, such as generic Eveready, ray-o-vac, and Kodak brands. 

Many electronic manuals will tell you not to mix high power with low power batteries. While  this is true in the civilized “why doesn’t my DVD remote work from the kitchen” world, it  doesn’t hold water now. Mix away. You can even combine dead batteries with live ones in a  pinch. You will get lower performance, but it’s better than nothing at all. 

Batteries seem to get cheaper every year, and bulk packs are everywhere. Having some spares in  the basic four flavors is recommended. The most popular being D, C, AA, and AAA. 

Tip: Battery testers can be found in a variety of places now, and can really be handy in an  emergency situation. They usually run about $15 and can tell you if a battery is holding high,  medium and low power. The testers run off of calculator batteries, which are quite common as  well. In a trading post scenario, they are essential, because the average person can’t tell good  from bad when it comes to batteries, unless you were thinking of having a series of flashlights,  and can judge based on the light output how valuable the battery really is. 

Where to get more: Look around your house first. You will have some of what you need. Most of  your remotes will use either AA or AAA. Large toys will use D and C. Small toys will use AA  and AAA. Adult toys will use either AA or C. 

Secondary choices: Grocery stores, Hardware stores, pharmacies, general store, bulk food  outlets, electronics stores, toy stores, any place that sells any electronic devices will carry a  supply of batteries. 

5. Receive only radio (Priority)

What’s going on in the world? Don’t you wish that, somehow, you knew the answer to that  question? World events don’t mean much to you right now. You’re sitting comfortably on your  plush sectional, flipping between stations on your digital cable, knowing with reassurance that at  any time you can go to one of 50 different channels dedicated to the freshest and most interesting  stories. You literally have news on tap, 24 hours a day. 

And what if you don’t have access to the TV right now? Maybe you’re family is hogging the  remotes, pouring over entertainment delights. You still have the high speed Internet, with  millions of different pages, telling you within seconds what’s going on in every part of the globe. 

If and when the power goes out, all that changes. Some of you may have already experienced  this once or twice in your life. In those situations a radio or portable television is your only  lifeline to the outside world. This is the information that could affect your course of actions.  People will crave it more than the season finale of American idol. It is the one constant source of  hope. You must find the signal, the message that lets you know the government is coming to  help, keeps people going, keeps people motivated, and most importantly, helps keep people from  turning on each other. 

This is the one item that you won’t have to worry about. If you don’t want to spend any effort,  money or thought on a radio, then you don’t have to. There is a 95% chance you already have  one, specially built with a rechargeable battery, multiple bands and preset stations. Heck, it’s  even got heated seats! Yes, your car / truck radio is the easiest choice to find out what you want,  when you want. Just get in, hit scan, and keep one ear glued to the dash. 

The drawbacks for this convenience are glaring. You’re now in your car, and not in your home.  Cars can be vulnerable, especially if they are parked in the street. All vehicles have the ability to 

run the radio from inside the garage. This will be a relatively safe place to listen to world events.  Remember to charge the battery by running the engine every so often. The radio doesn’t draw  much power off of a large car battery. Running the car for 20 minutes once a week should be fine  to keep the energy level high.  

Again, if you run the engine in the garage make sure that either the garage door is open, or you  leave the garage while it’s running. The carbon monoxide that a car exhaust creates tricks the  brain into “not panicking” when your body starts to run out of oxygen. In short, you would just  go to sleep and never wake up. It’s estimated that around 1800 people a year, mostly intoxicated,  accidentally fall asleep when they return home to their garage, with tragic results. 

A car is the easiest of all radio solutions, but it is far from optimum. There are hundreds of  different portable radio devices, some designed specifically for survival situations. The best  radios cover frequencies other than the basic AM and FM. If you get a chance, pick one up that  can deliver basic television audio as well. 

Portable radios extend their battery time by using a small earpiece instead of a speaker. Ipod type  headphones also work well with portable radio jacks. Having a few different radios gives better  coverage when scanning all frequencies. They also come in handy if you are looking for  something constructive your children can be involved with. A radio is after all, media based, and  your kids will be anxious to hear about what’s going on as much as you. 

If you have the extra money, picking up a digital radio with auto scan (similar to scan in your  car) is worth the extra effort. Scan means more hands free time that you could spend doing other  things. Very helpful if you’re alone, or when everyone else is asleep. 

Where to get more: Electronics stores, general stores, bulk stores, camping stores, hardware. 

Secondary locations: – Office buildings (most will not have batteries inside), Abandoned homes,  look for small radios such as I pods or older Walkman types. 

6. Fire Extinguisher: (Priority)

This device is constantly overlooked, but in an emergency situation it’s potentially a lifesaver. If  you still have water pressure during a fire, then using water to extinguish flames isn’t a big deal.  If the water is off however, the last thing you want to do is use up your remaining water supply  to fight a fire. Chemical fire extinguishers can put out the flames without any liquid, saving you  resources. If the fire spreads too quickly and you’re pretty sure that you won’t be able to contain  it, then move what supplies you can out of the house, because there won’t be any fire engine  sirens in the distance. 

Fire Extinguishers can also be used as a non-lethal weapon in a desperate situation. Pointed at  the face, it can temporarily blind or disorient the attacker. Note that it isn’t tear gas, and after the  person takes a few moments to clear their eyes, they will most likely be even more enraged, so  hit them with an iron skillet or get the hell out of there! 

The supply items mentioned so far are essential, and if you have a decent amount of all of them,  you can keep going for weeks, months, or more until help arrives. Congratulations, you get to  live longer than your neighbors! Now it’s time to look at items that add to the quality of life.  

Chapter 5: One mans trash 

“Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool” 

– Seneca

Once the priority items are taken care of, you need to look past just “living” and see how close  you can get back to “normality”. It’s never going to be exactly the way it was, but with a little  creative thinking, and some luck, you may be able to forge a comfortable niche for yourself. This  is relative contentment. All the items in this next section fit this bill in some fashion. Again,  these are not listed in any particular order, because the level of importance will depend on the  group or individual. For example, first aid has been burned into our brains since childhood of  being a necessity, and it can be, for small pain relief or minor injuries. A first aid kit is going to  do little against a deep cut, let alone a bullet wound. It does however offer some psychological  comfort and reassurance that someone can be helped if injured. 

Others who are very “bathroom conscious” may see a portable toilet as holding a higher rank  than say, a power inverter. After all the “creature comforts” come the vices, which again,  depending on the individual, may be ranked number one. This is due mostly to the huge  psychological impact of their addiction to the substance, for it provides distraction and comfort  in real life. In a crisis situation like this, the level of comfort will be magnified many times,  distorting the decision making process.  

Cigarettes for example, slightly dull certain pain centers of the brain. Alcohol can repress  short-term memory, judgment, and make pressing matters seem rather trivial. Prescription  painkillers can alter reality to where the individual has forgotten their current situation entirely.  As illogical as it seems to be taking these substances in a crisis situation, their value is  considerably high, especially for those who have lost hope.

A word on Recreational Vehicles 

Top 10 Bang-for-Your-Buck RVs |

For the suburban “armchair survivalist”, this represents the ultimate in apocalyptic luxury living.  This was going to be a miscellaneous item, but it covers so many needs, both primary and  secondary, that it’s considerable value in a crisis situation needs to be addressed. 

The “RV” has evolved over the decades from a meager bed and chair to what now resembles a  “rolling house”, fully equipped with multiple bathrooms, very comfortable seating and sleeping  quarters, kitchen, and a myriad of electronics. 

If you have one of these vehicles, or know a good friend close by who has one, consider this the  primary living quarters for the duration. The recreational vehicle has several advantages over a  house during an “end of the world situation. 

Built in power conversion: All late model RVs have an advanced power grid, which converts  electricity from its petroleum engine to regular current. Everything you need is already hard  wired into the bus. As long as the engine has fuel, everything will function like it does in  “normal” life. This is what the RV was designed to do, create a home like environment in places  where there is no power and plumbing. 

The metal home: Except for the fuel supply, RV’s are much more resistant to extremes than  homes. They are designed to hold up well against wind, rain, and heat. They are also made of  metal, which means the chances of an exterior fire breaking out are reduced. 

Advanced information: In addition to the standard radio frequencies, many RVs have  communication bands. Higher end models may even have a direct television dish, which can run  if a neighborhood power grid is disabled. This will give the RV owner visual news that other  homeowners will not have access to. 

Hot meal ready: Mobile homes like the one pictured above have a self contained cooking  facility which will run one either electricity or gas. Meals can be cooked at leisure. If the gas  runs out, the on board microwave can be a suitable substitute.

Extended lifespan: It is true that RVs get terrible gas mileage, and the fuel can be used up  quickly if there is no place to refill. If the vehicle is running the engine without moving, the fuel  will be consumed at a much slower rate. An RV tank is generally many times larger than that of  a common car. This will provide power over a long period of time if rationed wisely. 

Mobility: In the event of an added emergency, like a fire, earthquake, or flood, the RV can be  moved to a safer location. This can be very convenient if a neighborhood is located with better  protection than your own. 

Entertainment: A minor benefit in a crisis situation, but always good for morale. The RV’s  entertainment systems, be it music, DVD, or video games, are still functional as long as the  battery and engine have power. These things can significantly lower stress levels of yourself and  your family. 

Note: RVs are not bulletproof. Their metal skin can slow down and sometimes deflect small  caliber ammunition, but it will not protect you against larger caliber rifle rounds. 

First Aid (Optional, but important) 

Safety First: Three Tips for Packing the Perfect First Aid Kit

You’re out of your element, out of your routine. You and your family will be doing things inside  the house they don’t normally do. Lifting, pulling, dragging, sorting, opening, filling, all the  while in environments that are different than what they are used to. Mistakes will be made.  Someone will drop something, run into something, or more likely, something will run into him or  her.

Cuts, bumps, bruises are all part of the game. A first aid kid helps not only physically, but also  psychologically. A band-aid does wonders for the soul, especially in children. Now if they could  only package a kiss to make it better. 

First aid kits vary in size from the pocket version to a full blown med kit, which can treat  moderate wounds. Pick up a few, one for the home, and one for the car. Good ones include  multiple size bandages, gauze, some aspirin, alcohol pads, and maybe a few lower end surgical  tools. 

Where to get more: First aid kids are limited in general population. General stores, camping  stores, anything dealing with the outdoors. 

Secondary choices: Most companies, regardless of size and type, will have at least one first aid  kid on the premises. 

Light Pharmaceuticals (Optional) 

Never underestimate the power of low-grade painkillers. They take them for headaches,  backaches, stomachaches, arthritis, joint inflammation, and sometimes even stress. Speaking of  stress, did I mention that you are involved in what could quite possibly be the end of civilization  as we know it? Something tells me that the over the counter painkillers are going to be a popular  item. 

Brand names will matter at first, but will lose their preference over time. Start out with the well  known. Tylenol, Excedrin, and all their variants. Aspirin will never go out of style.  Antihistamines, allergy relief, stomach relief, anything you can remember seeing a commercial  for has value in this bizarre reality you now live in. 

Where to get more: The usual suspects, grocery stores, pharmacies, convenience stores, general  stores, gas stations. Should be easy to find in generous quantities. 

Power inverter (Optional)

For those of you who haven’t seen these, they are a great substitute for a full-blown generator,  and here’s why: The power inverter plugs into the cigarette lighter of your vehicle and coverts it  so that you can plug in regular household items. The premise is that your car / truck already has  the engine to generate the juice; all you need is the adapter. They cost about 1/4 the price of a  generator, and weigh about the same as a laptop computer. I can’t say enough about this option.  If you want quick power, without worrying about theft, this may be for you. 

Let’s look at it a little closer. Say you need to use a power saw to cut or build something critical  next to, or in your home. You just start the car in the garage (garage door open), hook up an  extension cord, hit the car alarm and away you go. If you have to go some distance, you just get  in the car and drive there. Generators need 2 people to carry it easily. Best of all, you can use the  power even if the car isn’t running. Be careful though. Once your car battery is drained, you will  need to jump it from another vehicle. 

Where to get more: Very limited supplies. Specialty camping stores, RV dealerships, some boat  dealerships. Your best bet is online. 

Secondary locations: None. You’re best bet when the power goes out is to steal the whole RV or  large boat, because they have them built in! 

Water purification tablets (Optional)

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Water purification tablets are small aspirin size tabs that can be added to a suspicious water  source, killing most of the harmful germs that can lead to some intestinal problems. The value of  these won’t be high during the first week. Most bottled water and confirmed safe water will be  used up first. After that will be rainwater. This should be purified just to be safe. Drinking your  rainwater today might be completely harmless. A few weeks after a crisis situation, without  accurate news to tell you of potential contaminants, can produce problems. 

Purification tablets are a good trading item. Everyone will want piece of mind when it comes to  drinking water. It’s a safe bet that if you stock up on these, they won’t go to waste. 

Where to get more: Very limited supply. Camping stores, hardware stores, and some general  stores. 

Substitutions: 4 drops of generic laundry bleach per gallon of water, mix well. Boiling water can  help in a pinch. In a perfect world, everyone would own an old type still, used to make  moonshine. This still can make purified water (with a heat source to boil), hence the term,  distilled water. Distilled water creates no residue when it dries, because the particles are too  heavy to be carried with the water vapor that is created. 

Sleeping bags (Optional)

Which sleeping bag liner should I choose? – Sea to Summit

Bedding in America is plentiful. Sleeping bags fall somewhere in between optional and priority,  especially with families. We learn as both children and parents that when things get scary, the  family likes to sleep in the same room, most commonly the parent’s bedroom. 

This instinct will be even more prominent in a long-term power outage. A good place for the  entire family to sleep could be the bedroom, but more likely it will be a living or family room,  wherever the fireplace is. People sleep around campfires, and the light from inside the fireplace  will have the same mental effect. It’s light, it’s heat, and it’s reassuring.  

Sleeping bags have different temperature ratings; so pick one that is suitable for your climate.  Most homes without heat will drop to near outside temperatures within a few days, regardless of  the type of windows. An active fireplace will help, but if it’s 55 degrees outside, expect 59-60  inside. 

Sleeping bags are also portable. They can easily be moved from one house to another, or from a  house to a refugee center. Bags that can withstand lower temperatures will be thicker and heavier  to carry. Keep that in mind if you plan to travel anywhere on foot. 

Where to get more: Limited locations. Camping stores, some bulk stores, some general stores. Secondary locations: Abandoned homes 

Substitutions – Bedding from existing sleeping quarters, extra blankets lying around. 

Tip – If you use existing bedding, don’t bring everyone’s mattress into the living room. It will  make it difficult to walk around during the day. Try to treat this area like a camping situation.

Tents (not recommended) 

Best pop up tent 2021: Instant tents for stress-free camping | T3

Tents always seem to pop up in survival documents. I agree they have usefulness, if you’re in the  woods or other environment without pre-built structures. This isn’t that place. You’re an average  American. You’ve most likely been camping what, once or twice in your life? No need to start  going down that road now. Tents provide no protection in a suburban environment. I don’t even  recommend them if your house has a big hole in the ceiling and it’s raining on you. You simply  can’t see enough once you’re inside. With the front flap closed you are blind.  

If you’re huddled on the side of a mountain, hoping the reach the summit in a few days, then  great, a tent is just what you need. I still think you’re a little nutty for going up the mountain in  the first place, but then again, I can’t understand ice climbers either. 

Gasoline (Optional)

I’ve had a few people ask me if I was going to add this to the list. I had mixed feelings about it. It  is by far and away the most important resource from an economic standpoint. Gasoline is a  strange product, almost ethereal in a way. It isn’t electricity, but it can generate it if needed. It’s  not a battery, but it can charge one. It can be both used to make medicine and weaponry. 

It is the sole reason our civilization, especially the United States, has achieved so much growth  over the last 100 years. In a severe crisis situation, it will probably be consumed so quickly, be  used up at such an alarming rate, that within a few weeks, only very small pockets will exist in  an average American city. 

But then again, maybe the decrease in supply will be slower, more methodical. It all depends on  what the average Joe does. As mentioned earlier, you will either stay or leave your current  location in favor of one that gives you a better chance. If you go, the fuel in your car, which is  the only fuel you have on hand, gets used during the drive. If you stay, you will have anywhere  between 1 to 20 gallons of gasoline sitting in your vehicles tank.  

Other than power generators, which will be few and far between, this gas, will be used to power  your vehicle. It can be transferred to another car via a siphon (hose). It can also be stolen using  the same siphon (see looting). Cars mean mobility, and this mobility has value. Gas can be stored  in a car without any problems for 6 months or so. By then there will be a lot of siphoning going  on. I’m still trying to work out the potential logistics because there is a real unknown factor to be  considered. Where would you go if you had a full tank of gas? If family were more than a tank  away, then it would have to be local. There is no work commute. You aren’t dropping the kids  off at school. Most looting is done on foot, unless you have a group to do it with. 

Gasoline is the unknown factor in the grand equation. There will be a large supply available, but 

it will be broken up into hundred and thousands of smaller supply groups. If a trading post could  be established, gasoline would still be the most sought after resource. People would trade things  for gasoline, and fill their vehicle. They would then have options and the freedom to go places.  They wouldn’t have direction though. I suppose they would be trading for the mobility option  alone. In case they needed to take off, they could. There will be some people who will create  Molotov cocktails (glass bottles filled with gasoline, a small piece of burning cloth attached to  the bottle) they have very few practical uses in an apocalyptic situation.  

Where to get more: Gas stations (good luck getting that with a siphon), marinas, private airfields,  any abandoned car, truck, boat, or plane. 

Tip: Airplane fuel is a higher octane and shouldn’t be used in car engines if possible. In a pinch it  can be mixed with regular gasoline. Your engine will run hotter, and should not be used to tow  objects or climb steep hills during that time. 

Tip: Larger trucks run on diesel fuel, which will not work in regular gasoline engines. Diesel fuel  smells much different than gasoline. It is still valuable for larger vehicles. 

Gas Siphon (Optional) 

Gas Siphons haven’t changed much over the years. In the old days, and by that I mean ever since  the car was invented, people used a short length of hose to siphon gas from vehicles. All you  need is suction (usually human powered) to get the gas flowing, and then you could run it into a  container outside the car. 

The unpleasant drawback is that the person doing the sucking is going to get a mouthful of gas  when it first clears the tube, no matter what. No one tells you that part; sort of like the person  getting CPR has a 90% chance of throwing up in the mouth of the person resuscitating them.  Gross. Gasoline won’t kill you, even if you swallow it. I don’t recommend drinking it. It tastes  terrible, much like a bad moonshine! Gas Siphons are built with a small hand pump, which does  the sucking for you. If you don’t own one already, and you think you will be using or trading gas,  you may want to invest the 20 bucks. If not? Get a short piece of garden hose and get ready to  start sucking.

Tip: Do not think you came up with a clever idea and use a wet / dry vacuum to start the suction  process out of the car. The vacuum does suck liquids, but it also runs on a motor. The motor has  internal sparks. The gasoline vapor may catch fire, burning up the dry vacuum and spreading to  the car. 

Where to get more: Auto parts store. 

Gas cans (optional) 

This was going to be included with the siphon, but there are some important tips here that should  be mentioned separately.  

Tips: Proper gas cans will either be heavy RED plastic or metal in nature. Look carefully at the  container to see if it has warnings about storing gasoline. If it does, you CANNOT use it to hold  fuel for extended periods of time. Here’s why: Petroleum is one of the major ingredients in most  

plastics. Because of this, it has a tendency to break down and dissolve lower level plastic  containers. Tupperware will not work. Milk or water jugs will buckle and burst. You should only  used “marked” gasoline containers.

Where to get more: Auto parts stores, some general stores, any store with an automotive section.  Gas stations will have a limited supply of mostly 2-3 gallon containers. 

Substitutions – Any metal container with a small top opening. I do not recommend large 5-gallon  metal paint containers because they have such a large top lid. 

Cash (Optional) 

Even in the late 1970’s, cash was one of the top ten things to include in a survival pack. Today,  it’s value declines to almost nothing within 72 hours.  

Here’s why: Most stores, no matter what type, run on advanced electronic registers. They use  laser bar code scanners and registers that calculate tax automatically. When the power goes out,  the stores will be crippled. A Mom and Pop shop may run manual calculators and take cash. The  problem is that no one will have it. People rarely carry any substantial amount of physical  currency. Credit cards are the rule of the day. The ATM machines need power to run. 

I still don’t keep any cash lying around. I do this because the grocery store, pharmacy and gas  station within walking distance will just shut down in the event of a power loss. Everyone will  just wait. The only situation I can think of where money might be helpful is using the cash to  bribe someone who 1. Works at a place that has something I need, and 2. Is dumb enough to take  it, not knowing that within a week, food and water will be the new currency. 

If you doubt this, and some will, try this exercise. Imagine you had $500 in 20 dollar bills tucked  away in a shoebox. Try to spend all of it in the first 72 hours of a long-term power outage. Then  try to spend the rest of it a week later. 

Where to get more: Just find a cash register, and open it. Banks are good too. If I see someone  actually looting a bank a week or two in, I’m going to ask them what exactly are their long-term 

plans. Chances are they won’t have any. 

Extra clean clothes (optional)  

Clean Clothes Clip Art N3 free image download

All your disaster movies seem to have the heroes looking dirty and tattered after a short time.  Real life news stories seem to mimic this in different ways. The point is people get grubby in a  hurry. The world is full of dirt and grime. Your everyday clothes are vulnerable. They can get  wet; suffer smoke damage, and get covered with mud. Don’t let the end of civilization stop you  from looking your best! 

That’s not just shallow advice. People feel better when they’re clean, except for maybe football  linemen, mud wrestlers and bikers. Keeping a few changes of clothes in a sealed plastic  container is always a good idea during situations like this. You’ve just been running away from  zombies for the last 2 hours, you stink! How do you think you’re self esteem is going to hold up  when you try to hold your son or daughter and they say, “Mommy, you smell like ass”.  

Even a few outfits, something simple like jeans and a t-shirt (always a good apocalyptic classic),  some socks, underwear, would be enough. Put them in a garbage bag; store them in a box or high  shelf of a closet. 

Where to get more: All clothing stores. 

Secondary choices – Abandoned houses will have lots of extra clothing, although you may end  up wearing a God awful Hawaiian Muumuu or a t-shirt that says something like “I’m with  stupid”, which is oddly appropriate now. I think entire families should wear those shirts, would  be a great gag. 

Backpack (Optional)

You may need to make a quick exit. A backpack is just common sense. You only have two arms,  and that Batman style utility belt isn’t going to hold everything and the kitchen sink. 

Lots of kids carry backpacks now, from primary on up through college. Go take theirs. It’s not  like they were learning anything. 

Tip: When loading a backpack, try to keep the heavy items at the bottom, and things you need to  get to quickly towards the top. A weapon doesn’t do you much good if you’re doing that whole  back scratching movement, flailing to find something you can’t see. 

Where to get more: Camping and outdoor stores, some general stores, some bulk stores.

Toilet water (Optional)

Remember that toilets work on gravity. They don’t need incoming water to function. Without  running water they will need to be filled up. It may seem like a luxury, until you’re copping a  squat in a bucket. Do what you can to keep the toilet working. Trust me, it’s the little things that  matter.  

The good news: You can use just about any liquid to fill the back of the toilet. Pond water,  stream water, rain water, you name it. Just get a container and fill it from time to time. I know it’s  heavy, but you’re motivated. 

Tip: If there is a large supply of pond water, get it during the day, and let your neighbors know  what you’re up to. They may follow your example, and their houses will smell a bit better too. 

Tip: Conserving water is a good idea, but don’t wait too long to flush. Your mood will already be  bad enough without having to flush an apocalyptic toilet. Ick. 

Where to get more: Any place that has a generous amount of non-potable (not drinkable) water.

Toilet paper (Optional?)

Logic dictates that you should be eating less as food resources start getting scarce, but you will  need to use the lieu from time to time. 

Someone once wrote: “the apocalypse doesn’t officially start until the toilet paper runs out”. I  love that quote. It’s meaning is simple: We take for granted the little conveniences that make our  lives easier, and when these things are removed, it just pisses us off. Toilet paper is one of these.  We use it every day for various tasks. We fight over who left the empty roll on the holder. We  laugh as the cat discovers that it spins! We watch Seinfeld as Elaine asks if she can spare a  square. 

You’ve just run out, oh crap! There are no easy answers here. You either have it or you don’t.  Ration out your squares people! 

Where to get more: General store, grocery, pharmacies, bulk stores, some convenience. Secondary locations: Abandoned homes, any abandoned building with a bathroom. Substitutes: 

Sub 1 – Kleenex type tissue. This type of tissue is softer than toilet paper, but doesn’t dissolve  well in septic systems. You are now free and clear to use these at will. 

Sub 2 – Paper napkins / Paper towels. Depending on the type and brand, tend to be rougher than  normal TP. They also don’t dissolve well in sewer systems.  

Sub 3 – Any other regular paper product from newspaper to copy machine stacks. Brace yourself.  If you are the tender backside type, it is going to be an eye opening experience. The good side is  that you will never complain about generic toilet paper again. 

Advanced tip: If you absolutely cannot find any paper products, you can use small squares of 

cloth, but don’t flush them down the toilet. They tend to jam up pipes quickly. Treat them like  dog poop in a city. Put it in a small bag and tie it off. After a while you may think about burying  or burning it. 

Sponges (Optional) 

After a few days of not taking a shower, you’re going to start getting pretty gamy. A few days  after that and your dog is going to think about rolling in you. Do yourself and the people around  you a favor, and wash up. What? No running water? No problem! This is a very old trick taken  from the healthcare community. Sponge baths! Bucket of water, some soap, and of course, a  sponge.  

Go into the bathroom with maybe a candle, preferably scented, and scrub yourself down. This  may even be fun with a spouse involved, or maybe not. Get the kids washed up too. You don’t  want them catching anything. Just about any sponge will do, big ones hold the most water. You  can also use them to get water on top of your head. It’s soothing, relaxing, and gives you a  chance to unwind a bit. Yes you are vulnerable while partially or completely naked. If you’re  worried about a break in, consider that the least amount of crime occurs at sunrise and sunset. 

.Where to get more: General stores, some convenience stores, some bulk stores, any place that  sells cleaning supplies. 

Secondary locations: Abandoned homes (Make sure to rinse out any sponges that smell like  cleaning products), any company’s janitor closet. 

Substitutes: Washrags work just about as well, but don’t hold as much water.

Portable stove (Toasty)

You can eat your food cold, but why? There is a reason why they call them hot meals, it’s  because they taste better than cold meals. Heating up food is a time-honored tradition. It  improves morale. Imagine smile on your children’s faces as they are eating a hot bowl of,  raccoon casserole. I’m kidding. It’s squirrel. 

A portable cooking station is a great way to bring people together. The heat lets the aroma out,  gets peoples appetites up, and even makes the food seem better than it really is. Think of all the  fond kitchen memories you have of someone close to you cooking a delicious meal and the  smells surrounding it. 

Anything that runs propane is a great choice, because it can be set up anywhere. If you do  acquire one, make sure to get extra fuel for it. This is by far the most relevant quality of life item,  because even though rations will keep you alive, it’s little things like hot cooked food that make  life worth living. 

Where to get more: Camping stores, some bulk outlets, some hardware stores: Substitutes: You have a couple, so no excuses; fix your family a hot meal! 

Sub 1. Gas grill, if you have it. The propane in those tanks should hold you for a week or so. Use  pans on top and cook with lid closed to increase heat efficiency. 

Sub 2. The fireplace. Burn the wood or paper under the grating, and use a pan with a lid to keep  any stray ash out. 

Portable toilet (Smelly)

These vary in shapes and size, but the cheapest and easiest to make and use are standard 5 gallon  buckets with a cheap plastic lid in the shape of a toilet seat. The portable toilets are meant mostly  for hunters who think it’s fun to spend their Fall days getting drunk in the woods while sitting in  

a deer blind. Good times! They work with a garbage can type liner that collects the good stuff.  You then tie off the bag and bury it. I recommend burying it somewhere the dog can’t get to it.  You’d rather have your canine rolling in an old moose carcass than bringing one of those bags  back into the house. “Daddy, the dog’s breath smells worse than you do”! 

This is a “just in case” item. If the power runs out your toilet will still work as long as the water  is on. When the water is off you can still fill the tank. All well in good, but maybe there is an  earthquake, and the toilet cracks, making it unable to hold water? That is where the portable  version comes in. Let’s hope you never have to use it. 

Where to get more: – Camping stores. 

Secondary locations – Abandoned houses of people that hunt. 

Substitutes: Does a yuppie crap in the backyard? They will if they don’t have a toilet.

A good hat (hats are back in)

This may seem like a ridiculous item. It’s not. I don’t have a lot of hair and I still bought one. I’m  not thinking of me here, I’m thinking for those people with good hair. You know who you are. I  hate you, and yet, I still try to help. You good hair types are going to be taking sponge baths now, and washing your hair isn’t going to be high on your list of things to do. Fend off zombies,  check. Steal gas from neighbor’s car, check. Wash hair, nah. 

Hats get hair out of the way. Hats let you do more active things without worrying about it. Ever  been river rafting or seen pictures of people river rafting? People wear a lot of hats. Hats give  you some protection. You could go with something more elaborate, like a bike helmet, but then  people will just ask “where ya headed”? You could wear a plastic construction hat, and then  people will ask you to help them with their water or power because they think you work for the  city. How about an army style helmet? Eh, probably too militant for your neighborhood. Stick  with something simple. Your kids may also like hats; it’s like dress up! 

Cloth baseball type caps are good. Try to stay away from the nylon and foam types. Darker  colors are better because they don’t show grime as much. White foam caps that say “keep on  truckin” or “best friends forever” are right out. I will be looking for you people. Black hats with a  Harley Davidson eagle are bad ass.  

Where to get more: Sporting good stores, camping stores, clothing stores, especially towns with  a college. College kids love hats. 

Secondary choices: – Abandoned homes, Some companies will give these out as promotional  materials to clients, although, the more I think about it, don’t loot a company warehouse just for  hats, that’s silly, unless it’s a Harley Davidson hat. That’s bad ass. 

A good pair of work boots (butch)

Good shoes. Should I say more? A good pair of footwear can mean all the difference. The world  is burning around you. Those 8-year-old flip-flops with the broken strap aren’t going to cut it.  Neither are those 4-inch pumps. I don’t care if they’re more comfortable than they look. It’s dark.  You’re going to be stubbing your toe into all sorts of new things. You’re going to drop a variety  of items from chest level, and they are going to land somewhere near those oh so delicate  clodhoppers of yours. Protect them, with a solid pair of shoes. 

Pretend you were going to go camping. You never go camping, I see. Just pretend! What would  you wear? Put those on now, and keep them on. No, snow boots are not the same thing, neither  are galoshes. High top basketball shoes are better; something with a steel toe would be nice. Of  all the items of clothing, this should be the first choice when looking around. 

Where to get more – Shoe stores, camping stores, some hardware, some ski shops. 

Police scanner (because you are a bad person)

UNIDEN Analog Orange Backlit LCD Display Handheld Police Scanner, Number of  Channels 500 - 40L166|BC125AT - Grainger

Some years ago I ran into a group of guys who on a regular basis, would get drunk on happy  hour martinis, eat a bunch of oysters, and talk about robbing a bank. Invariably, one of their  items in this robbery fantasy was a police scanner. 

This is a very optional item. As mentioned earlier, local law enforcement is going to go offline  within a few days. There may be a crusader or two out there trying to keep the streets safe. This  device allows you to listen into all emergency band frequencies within the city limits. It’s a pretty  safe bet what you will hear is an increasing level of activity immediately after the blackout,  which keeps building until there is a head to head conflict with a mob of some sort. This is where  the intensity peaks, followed by a sharp decrease as law enforcement either deserts or moves to a  safe location. After a while, you might hear some civilians on those channels as police units are  stolen. 

It’s an intriguing item. They are pretty expensive for what you get out of them. Tapping into the  emergency bands of a town could tell you a great deal about where trouble is, and more  importantly, where emergency vehicles are. You could use this information to find the nearest  fire or police vehicle in case you had injured or sick people in your party. 

Or, you could find out where the police and fire units were not

Where to get more: Specialty electronic stores, Radio shack, some pawnshops. 

Earplugs (What?) 

Soldiers wear them. The firing range requires them. Your long-term hearing is important. Then  again, so is your short term. Anyone who has ever fired a gun without hearing protection, or had  a very loud explosion noise go off next to their head doesn’t need an explanation. To the rest of  you, I’ll explain. A firearm round is not only propelled by a small explosive charge, but most  bullets break the speed of sound right out of the barrel. Sound travels like ripples on the water. If  they are used outdoors, the sound disperses quickly, depending on obstacles next to you. Inside a  house, they dance around and play havoc with your eardrum.

Trust me when I say this. Firing a shotgun in a hallway or bedroom has a chance of disorienting  you. The sound will bounce off the walls and seem to come at you from all sides. Your ears will  ring loudly, and that ringing won’t fade for some time. Make it easy on yourself and take the  sound out of the equation. You don’t need the added distraction of a temporary hearing loss. The  flash of the gun, the shock of it pushing against your hand or shoulder, will be quite enough. 

Having hearing protection also can give you an added advantage in a gunfight that takes longer  than 10 seconds. If your opponent isn’t using any, he / she will be hearing impaired after their  first shot. You will be able to hear their footsteps or their weapon action. They may even be  dumb enough to yell over the ringing at anyone behind them. I recommend wearing them every  time you’re carrying a firearm. Can’t be too careful. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, some auto parts stores. 

Secondary choices: Manufacturing plants, shooting ranges. 

Manual Can opener:

At one point I think I had five different can openers in storage. Over the last ten years,  food-packaging technology, especially in convenience-oriented America, has gotten a lot better.  Most soup cans now have pull-tab tops, which require no tools whatsoever. This is the same for  some canned meats and vegetables, tuna fish, etc. I would expect that within the next five years,  just about all cans to have this type of opening system. 

However, this is not necessarily true for large bulk food can items you might find at Costco or a  restaurant supply house. These items haven’t seen an increased demand for ease of use. As long  as there are regular can tops out there, you should acquire one or two can openers. Why? 

Because your electric can opener doesn’t work any more. 

Where to get more: Hardware stores, Grocery stores, some bulk food stores, some camping  supply stores. 

Secondary choice: Abandoned homes. 

Two way radio 

Two-way radios have improved a great deal in the last 30 years, with some models running up to  25 miles or more. They’re small in size, and usually come with cool extras like power saving  features, hands free talk options, and multiple channels for security. In short, they are cell phones  that can be used within city limits. 

If you plan on being alone the whole time, the two-way radio isn’t going to be of much use,  unless you’re really bored. If you have a friend, and I really hope you do, then you now have  long distance communication that can be helpful during scout missions, looting, defending, just  about anything. Don’t overlook this item. All law enforcement units, including special weapons  teams use them. You should too. 

Deck of cards (Go fish!)

There is something I need to tell you about the apocalypse. There is no net flix. You can fiddle  with your Play station controls all day; it’s not going to work. Americans are addicted to  entertainment that is based on electricity. Without it, some people will really think the world has  ended. 

It’s times like these we have to return to the basic forms of entertainment that kept all the  generations before us occupied. Board games, physical games, and of course, cards. There are  hundreds of different card games and some believe or not, are pretty engaging! It wasn’t that long  ago that my family spent the evenings teaching me all the rites of passage in old school entertainment: Yahtzee, Boggle, Sorry. Maybe those are too easy. How about Trivial Pursuit or  Pictionary? Want something that takes a long time? Get the kids into a 4-hour marathon of  Monopoly or Risk. 

A little leisure goes a long way. It distracts you from the rest of the world. Who wants to think  about giant radioactive spiders all day? Games are as old as humanity. The only difference in this  type of world is that we have to take a step back and adjust to having fun without electronics. Oh  yes, there will be holdouts. The game boys will be used until the little screens go dark. Some  people will fire up generators just to play Madden 2010.  

This is especially for the kids, who are going to create their own games if none are provided.  You do not want them making up stuff like “pin the tail on the giant three-headed rabbit” or  “who can hit the mutant with the most flaming tennis balls”. It just angers the mutants and that’s  not fun for anyone. 

Keep your urchins (and yourself) busy with a wholesome family game. Winners get extra  rations. Losers get a cold sponge bath, or have to use bathroom tissue made out of copy paper.  Let them pick. It adds to the fun. 

Where to get more: Toy stores, general stores, any place that sells games. Some convenience  stores.

Secondary choices: Abandoned homes. 

Chapter 6: Smoke em if you got em:  

“There are two infinites: One is the Universe, and the other is mankind’s stupidity, and I’m  not sure about the Universe” 

– Albert Einstein 

Cigar in Ashtray Photograph by Joe Belanger

No list would be complete without a small group of bad habits. In most end of the world movies  where human vices survive, there is still a high demand for them. Why? Because they’re  addictive! They’re bad for you. In a world where people are scrapping to live to the next day  there is no logical reason for these things to exist! 

Some of you will argue whether or not this section has any value. Who does it benefit? Today I  can say with a great voice of confidence that it benefits you! Here’s why. You don’t have a vice.  Fantastic. The opportunities for you and your family are nearly endless.  

In times of high stress people turn even harder to things that make them feel better. In a situation  where the stress never ends, the breaking point for people with addictions will be much quicker.  When they finally snap, they will turn to whoever has what they need for help. If the people  holding what they need are weaker, they will be overcome. If they are stronger, the addicts will  barter. The addicts bartering abilities won’t be done with a clear head. They will be desperate,  and in some cases will trade almost anything. Use this to your advantage, and bring them to their  knees! 

You feel sorry for them. There is nothing wrong with that. Pat yourself on the back, because  you’re a good person. If you want, go ahead and give them some sensible words of advice, but do  it after the trade. Don’t feel bad because they’re walking away with a few moments of relief,  while you just gained weeks worth of supplies. You were more prepared. You were “stronger  willed”. You are the ant. They are the grasshoppers.

It’s the vices that will be snapped up first, grabbed off the shelves in a mindless fury by the  desperate. Your best chance at taking the upper hand here is to buy some now and store it away.  These bottles and small boxes could mean the difference between starving and salvation. They  could buy the time you and your family need. 

Liquor (Vice) 

Government sanctioned, population approved. Alcohol has been by our side for thousands of  years. It is the cause of, and solution to, many of life’s problems. It is sought after by the young,  and used as a crutch by the old. Almost everyone I know has a good (and bad) alcohol story. 

Alcohol itself, in whatever form it takes, is by definition a depressant. It dulls the senses and  reaction time. It dissolves the edge off of urgency. It impairs judgment. It has been called “liquid  courage”. 

It really has no place in a pure, organized survival structure. The last thing you want is to have  alcohol mixed in with a group of people carrying weapons. The results could be disastrous. It  ebbs the chain of command. Orders are ignored, respect takes a back seat, and basic instinct  takes over. 

My favorite alcohol based saying is from old Russia. “What’s on a sober mans mind is on a  drunk mans tongue”. Drunk people say things they shouldn’t, and lose perspective. You don’t  want tempers flaring. Not now. You and your group are barely holding on as it is. Trade the alcohol off to the masses, otherwise known as the morons. Choose your trades wisely. Keep it away from people you like. 

There is a time for everything, and I agree that people should eventually get a chance to cut  loose. Alcohol does facilitate that. If you want to use it yourself, then save it for later, after the  dust finally dies down.

Alcohol’s strength is based on proof, or measurement of alcohol content. The closer the proof  number is to 200, the more pure alcohol it has. The higher the proof, the more potent the  beverage is. As the potency gets higher, it takes less to get someone intoxicated. A bottle of  whiskey is more valuable than a case of beer. It weighs much less. You need to drink less to  receive the desired effect. For this reason alone I recommend sticking to hard liquors as a trade  material. Any hard liquor is worth more than a bottle of wine. And to a lesser extent, a bottle of  wine is worth more than a few cans of beer. 

Note that all alcohol tricks the body into releasing excess water through urination. This is why  you feel dehydrated later. Alcohol can never replace actual water. The low alcohol content of  beer means you can drink more of it, but you’re still going to be thirsty afterwards. 

Advanced tip: The most valuable alcohol in this situation has seen a recent comeback. It is  government-sanctioned moonshine called Ever clear. Some of you will remember the name  from social gatherings of your youth. It is 190 proof, the highest alcohol content available for  legal sale, and about 10 states still aren’t allowed to sell it. It cannot be consumed without a  mixer. It must be diluted with something else, like water, juice, or tonic. It has no smell or taste.  Ever clear can be purchased at most liquor stores, and is inexpensive at $15 for a large bottle. 

What makes Ever clear different from all other alcohol products is it’s ultra refined properties. It  is pure alcohol, and is extremely flammable. It can be used in certain camping stoves. It can be  used to start fires. Ever clear is sterile, and can be used to treat wounds if needed. Because of it’s  very high alcohol content, it cannot ever freeze, and can be used to de-ice metal parts. One bottle  can last a long time, in more than one capacity. 

Where to get more: Depending on what state you live in, Alcohol may only be sold in liquor  stores, or it could be sold in grocery stores and possibly bulk food stores. 

Secondary sources – Abandoned home liquor cabinets. 

Cigarettes (I have a bone to pick with you people)

For five years I told myself I wouldn’t bring this item to the trading table. It has done so much  damage to our country. I can’t overstate it. Everyone knows someone who has died or is dying of  cigarette related cancer. Everyone knows exactly what the product can do, and yet 30 years after  the ads have been banned from television and radio, this country still has over 50 million people  who smoke. 

Maybe Dennis Leary was right. At this point you could put the cigarettes into a black pack with a  skull and crossbones on the front, and people would still buy them. No matter what we do, there  is a very large group of people out there who have decided that dulling the pain centers of their  brain in small amounts is more important than the huge health consequences. 

Once the cigarette trucks stop moving, their value will skyrocket. You think your smoker  buddies light up a lot now, just wait until their stress levels jump up about five notches. 

This item will be looted first, even before alcohol, because of its lightweight and convenient  pre-packed portions. You will not be able to find cigarettes a week after the lights go out. 

I have a challenge for the smoker reading this. You have the chance to live longer than most  people. All you have to do is save the cigarettes you have, the cigarettes you just bought, and  trade them later for needed supplies. Cigarettes can get you food, water, medicine, weapons, 

anything. Just stop smoking when the power goes out. Lock them in a chest and hide the key. Put  them in a plastic bag and bury them in the backyard. 

Where to get more: Grocery stores, liquor stores, convenience stores, bulk food. Secondary choices: Vending machines, Office drawers, Vehicle glove boxes, abandoned homes. 

Prescription drugs (Vice) 

There are certain medicines that can be helpful to treat sick people. Antibiotics,  anti-inflammatory, etc. For every one of those that are another five currently being abused in this  country. Most of the culprits fall into the painkiller category. In normal circumstances they  relieve extreme forms of pain. In regular doses, they can help with surgery recovery, muscle  tears, broken bones and torn ligaments. That’s what they were designed for. 

If taken by a healthy individual, the person feels a great sense of euphoria. In short, they get  high, and could care less about anything. They are powerful escapism drugs, as strong as most  black-market items. In a low resource environment, they will be more valuable than alcohol and  cigarettes combined, because they can produce several mind-altering effects simultaneously. 

Normally I would only recommend them for injuries. However if their value increases enough, it  might be wise to see what you can get in trade. Prescription drugs, being chemical based, have an  official expiration date of maximum potency. It’s value will slowly decrease after this date is  reached, until the drugs effects are nominal.

The most popular types of prescription drugs include painkillers, mood stabilizers, and ADD or  hyperactivity drugs. 

Examples of Painkillers–sometimes referred to as narcotics—are morphine, codeine, and  related medications. Morphine is often used before or after surgery to alleviate severe pain.  Codeine is used for milder pain. Other examples of opioids that can be prescribed to alleviate  pain include oxycodone (OxyContin) (Darvon) (Vicodin) (Dilaudid) (Demerol), which are used  less often because of its side effects. In addition to their effective pain relieving properties, some  of these medications can be used to relieve severe diarrhea (Lomotil, for example, which is  diphenoxylate) or severe coughs (codeine). 

Examples of mood stabilizers–Barbiturates, (Mebaral) (Nembutal), which are used to treat  anxiety, tension, and sleep disorders. 

(Valium), (Librium), (Xanax), which can be prescribed to treat anxiety, acute stress reactions,  and panic attacks. (ProSom), can be prescribed for short-term treatment of sleep disorders. 

Examples of Stimulants— (Dexedrine) (Ritalin) Stimulants increase the levels of these  chemicals in the brain and body. This, in turn, increases blood pressure and heart rate, constricts  blood vessels, increases blood glucose, and opens up the pathways of the respiratory system. In  addition, the increase in dopamine is associated with a sense of euphoria that can accompany the  use of stimulants. 

Where to get more: Very limited supply. Hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, or any grocery store with  a pharmacy. 

Secondary choices: Abandoned homes, more specifically, medicine cabinets and bedroom  nightstands. 

Prostitution (Just say no!)

Ladies of the Night (@LadiesOTNight) | Twitter

The oldest profession in the world. This millennia old industry has been a part of every world  city, both large and small. In an unstable environment like a breakdown of general society, it’s  best to stay far away from anything that has to do with it. There are just too many unknowns, all  with potentially horrible results.  

Here’s just a few:  

Safety. Pimps in a city full of armed stressed out people? Are you kidding? They wouldn’t last an  hour, which means no protection for the woman, and you’re not a pimp! 

Disease. Condoms are going to be in short supply, and it’s a safe bet that tricks will be turned  without them. Bad idea. Hospitals and clinics will have bigger problems to deal with, assuming  that they are still operational.  

Predators. With the streets turning very violent, don’t be surprised to see some women just get  thrown into the back of a truck, and then never seen again. 

I don’t want to say that you can’t have sex at the end of the world, but trying to sell or trade it in  this new environment is a poor choice. That being said, it is still a commodity for women who  find themselves in a dire situation. Would you sell your body to save your child? Would you sell  your body to save yourself? Some would say yes. 

All I can say to you brave souls is to be careful. I mean it. Men are especially dangerous in a  high stress environment with few laws, and double-crossing you is an easy decision. If you have  a regular place for sex then place a weapon under a pillow or mattress. You don’t need much. A  knife, ice pick, or big pair of hedge clippers will do the trick. Having someone to watch your  back is better.

Black Market Drugs 

This would include any illegal substance that is bought on a street level. It’s not a realistic trade  item, with the exception of Marijuana. Overseas drug runners deal in cash, and in this scenario  the dollar has plummeted to nothing. Distribution lines will be cut. Local Meth labs need raw  materials, which will dry up fast. Marijuana requires sunlight, or grow lights, which need large  amounts of electricity. There are better things to spend your generator juice on. 

For those of you who still want them, there will be some small pockets of marijuana,  mushrooms, and other organic drugs surfacing in more rural areas where farmable land is  available. 

Chapter 7: Rock, paper, scissors, gun 

“The quickest way to end a war is to lose it” 

– George Orwell 

Weapon Sketch HD Stock Images | Shutterstock

This topic raises a lot of eyebrows, and passions. Americans are so divided on the issue of gun 

control and lethal weapons in general, it deserves it’s own section. I’ll be as objective as I can.  You can decide your own defensive options.  

The point of this item / section is that everything you have accumulated so far, which hopefully  will have been water, food, and light sources, needs to be defended at all costs. First, we need to  find you a weapon of choice. Further down we will cover the attitude around combat for the  average American. Right now we just need to pick something off the rack. 

Let’s start with a quick test to see where you stand when it comes to weapons. Try to do this in  an empty house without your family. If your family is there, try not to look obvious; otherwise  they might think you’re having some sort of breakdown. 

Use your imagination, and picture a person banging at your front door and yelling. You don’t  know who it is, or how many people might be there with this person. What you do you for sure is  that they intend to cause you some sort of harm. If it makes it easier, pretend it’s a burglar with a violent side. We’ve all entertained that thought at one point or another. You need to defend  yourself, right now. You have 60 seconds before that door comes crashing down. Drop the  book, take 60 seconds, see what you would go for, and then come back. 


… Really, not kidding. Get off the couch and pretend this is real. It will give you a new  perspective on what might happen. 

… If you did go and come back, then kudos. If you just “imagined” yourself getting off the  couch, then you’re in worse shape than I thought, and probably aren’t taking this very seriously. I  will do my best to shed some different light on the topic in hopes that it will motivate you. 

Did you immediately go to the kitchen and fumble around for the biggest knife you could find?  Did you grab a tire iron you had sitting in a closet, or a big wrench? A pair of scissors perhaps?  When you got this life saving device, did you think of where you might be standing when the  door opens, what to look for? Are you going to hold the knife with both hands in front of you,  waving wildly like the wife in “the shining”, or perhaps go charging in like Glenn Close in “fatal  attraction”. You’re protecting your family from an unknown threat. This person isn’t going to go  away. The weapon you chose, do you really think it’s going to stop whatever is behind that door? 

I’m not asking you to buy a gun. You may hate guns. You may be, or know someone who has  been a victim of domestic violence or some other violent crime. This section isn’t meant to  offend you. 

I’m also not going to offend the red meat eating gun enthusiasts, some of which have an  unnecessarily large stockpile of firearms, and think that it’s their right to accumulate even more. 

The attempt here is to try to find a happy medium, one that will keep you safe, without looking  so militant that people think you’re going to start a revolution. 

This is about weapons, any weapons that you are comfortable with and will use if someone tries  to take something that is yours. We are assuming here that if someone says: Please hand over  your food and water, you won’t just roll over and say “God bless you”. That would be a pretty  silly ending to your efforts. 

If you are into baseball bats, then grab a bat. If you are into knives, grab a knife. If you think you  can hold your stash with a 9 iron, by all means, go to the back of your Range Rover and get one  of those. 


Sooner or later, and in this country it means sooner, one day, you will bring a knife to a gunfight.  If the other party is of even average skill, you will lose. It’s just that simple. Rock, paper,  scissors, gun. Gun wins. Remember where you are. This is America: Land of the crazy, and  home of the armed. 

Fine, you are a bow hunter, and are very skilled at it. To you I say first: You get one shot, then  you’re trouble scale goes way up. Second, I have yet to meet a bow hunter who doesn’t also own  a firearm. The same goes for you crossbow people. Don’t get cute; I’ve heard all the arguments a  thousand times. 

If you are so against firearms and are so stubborn that you absolutely will not use one, then at  least pretend, and get one of those high-end air soft “replica” toy guns that look like the real  thing. Even that will give the person across from you pause. If they see a kitchen knife, the fight  is over.  

Demographics say if you’re reading this, the idea of a firearm in any form isn’t totally out of the  question. For you I offer this: Make your choices wisely. Your life depends on it. The over used  KISS principle of sports (keep it simple stupid) applies even more so in mortal combat  situations. Try not to get fancy or exotic. Exotic when referring to firearms often means  complicated. If you’re the type who has a problem running a television remote and eating a bag  of chips at the same time, stay away from the complicated weapons. 

Complicated weapons are sexy. They are cool; they are deadly, in the right hands. Let’s leave the  complicated firearms to the military and the police special weapons unit (note the word special).  We are Plumbers, middle managers, and programmers. We are ordinary business people who  spend more time with their families than at firing ranges. You need something you can actually  use, not something that looks good on a “my space” page. 

Your weapon should suit you and you only. Don’t plan on a universal weapon that others will  use. Don’t plan on your spouse using it. They can get their own. I’ve been studying small arms  for 25 years, and there is a lot to consider before purchasing one. Forget the magazines say and  forget what your buddies down at the gun shop tell you. Treat this decision even more carefully  than you would in buying a car. It’s that critical. This small piece of metal and plastic could save  you, your family, and everything you hold important, from tragedy.

The highly revered George S. Patton, decorated General of the US Army during World War 2  once said: “The basic principle of war hasn’t changed. It is to deliver the maximum amount of  firepower in the minimum amount of time”. In layman’s terms, fire the biggest weapon you can  that holds the largest amount of shells. 

The concept, though now 60 years old, is still valid. From a single person point of view, it comes  down to body weight, muscle, and the energy your firearm delivers. It’s common sense that a 120  woman would be hard pressed to fire an elephant gun on a regular basis without suffering some  heavy bruises or maybe even a dislocated shoulder. On that same line it would be a waste to have  a 240-pound man firing a tiny pistol designed to hunt rabbits. In a stressful situation, shoot the  biggest thing that you can, comfortably. 

Numerous survival guides will tell you that in the long term, you should own at least 1 rifle, 1  shotgun, and one handgun, with a generous amount of ammunition for each. This is not bad  advice, but a little hardcore for the average citizen. Let’s reduce it down a bit, and again, keep it  simple. 

One rifle or shotgun, and one handgun. 

If you have to choose between a rifle and a shotgun, I’d probably choose a shotgun for an  everyday neighborhood environment. Rifles have greater range, hit harder at greater distances,  and can carry more shells. Shotguns hit much harder in the first 50 yards, but aren’t good at long  range, and hold fewer rounds. 

You, me, and just about everyone else isn’t that accurate at longer ranges, so a rifle isn’t going to  help you much there. You’ll have a chance to hit things from far away, but the percentage isn’t  very high. Rifles also have a double-edged problem, and that they can penetrate house walls very  easily. Shooting at something inside a house and missing means that it will most likely go  through several other rooms, exit your house and go into someone else’s. No need to start  creating accidents that will haunt you later. 

On the other hand, if you are convinced that in a gunfight you will be blind with panic, and  totally out of control, a semi automatic rifle may be your only real answer. There is something to  be said about pulling the trigger and letting 30 bullets fly in front of you. You’re bound to hit the  bad guys once, right? There is logic there. Just remember that any time you miss, the bullet has  to go somewhere, and a rifle will be sending bullets hundreds of yards in that direction. 

Choice 1: Shotgun

You’ve chosen a shotgun. Good for you. Shotguns haven’t changed much in the 100 plus years  that they’ve been around, and there is a wide selection to choose from.You also need to choose  between Semi-automatic, which means you just pull the trigger and the weapon fires each time,  

or pump action, in which each shot needs to be chambered manually. You will need to choose  the size of shell you want to fire. I’ll help you along the way. 

Pros and cons of semi-automatic: They are more expensive by a few hundred dollars. They have 

a narrower selection. Semi-automatic is usually found in bird hunting shotguns. If you want a  good one that holds the maximum amount of shells (at the time of this writing, 9) it can run you  up to $1000. One obscure drawback of the semi-auto is its inability to fire “non-standard” shells,  ones made by custom ammunition makers. The semi-auto mechanism, which ejects one shell and  inserts another, is based on a minimum amount of powder to power the action. If there is not  enough power, the action jams. If the action jams and what you’re shooting at is still standing,  that’s bad. 

Pros and cons of pump action: Less expensive, holds the same maximum amount of shells. Wide  variety of models can fire any type of shell, standard or non-standard. One drawback is that you  will fire slower because of its manual operation. This may or may not help you, and here’s why:  People tend to shoot too many times when pumped up on adrenalin. That’s much easier to do  with a semi-automatic. A pump action slows you down a bit, giving you time to think as you  deliberately cycle the shells. A pump action also will let you know you’re out of ammunition  about a second later than an automatic, because of the extra pump, but this may not affect much. 

By far and away the most popular shotgun caliber is the 12 gauge round. It is the current US  military caliber, and is preferred by all types of hunters and law enforcement. There are millions  of rounds of 12-gauge ammunition in circulation, with many different purposes. Please see Item  (Ammunition) for types and potency. 

Tip: There are some slight differences in shotgun shell sizes when it comes to 12-gauge  ammunition. The variance is in length. 12 gauge comes in 2 ¾ inches, 3 inches, and some a little  longer. Make absolutely sure that your shotgun can handle the length of the shells. A shotgun  labeled 2-¾ inch cannot take 3-inch shells. A 3-inch shotgun can however, take the shorter  rounds. The majority of ammunition made is in 2 ¾, but since they look almost identical, it’s  always good to go with a larger chamber, just to be sure. 

All other calibers in the shotgun category should be considered distant seconds. This includes  .410, 16, 20, and 10 gauge models. 

Choice 2: Rifle

You’ve chosen a rifle. Rifles have been around even longer than shotguns, hundreds of years in  fact, and being the murdering warmongers that we are, we have created everything from  low-level plinkers to bristling monstrosities that can rip down small buildings. 

The same topics apply for the rifle as they did the shotgun. Semi-auto vs. manual, and the size of  shell you want to fire. Let’s get the easy choice out of the way. Choose semi-auto. I’m not saying  this because there is anything particularly wrong with manual, bolt-action rifles. There is just a  huge fundamental difference between bolt action rifles and say, pump shotguns. Bolt action is 

where you have to lift up the bolt lever, pull the spent shell back, push it forward, and swing the  bolt down again. This is four movements versus two for the pump shotgun, which is just pull  back and push out. 

All the movie and television scenes where the guy with the bolt-action rifle screws up and jams  the weapon under high stress, that really happens! Don’t be like them and get eaten by the  dinosaur, or the giant crocodile, or the mutant rat, or whatever else seems to know that you are  using a bolt-action rifle in a life or death situation.  

Whether it’s a $400 off the shelf bolt action, or a $10,000 gold inlayed, custom made, elephant  killing bolt action, it still works basically the same. Soldiers don’t use bolt action, general police  don’t use bolt action. The only people that really use it are snipers. Why? Because bolt-action  rifles are consistently more accurate at long ranges, on a target that is only in there for one shot. 

If a bolt action is all you have, then try not to engage anyone at close range. If you do, chances  are you will have one shot. Treat your strategy like you’re using a musket. 

The semi auto rifle comes in all sizes, and being that we’re in America, you have an enormous selection in front of you.  

Here’s why: Back in the early 1980’s some Hollywood producers realized that the popular Clint  Eastwood series “Dirty Harry”, had increased the sales of the .44 magnum revolver by leaps and  bounds. In collaboration with the major US and then later foreign manufacturers, Hollywood  started giving every leading man a sexy gun of some kind, and the firearm makers in turn, started  churning out “civilian” versions of the same weapons to the public. They fired the same shell,  held the same number of bullets, and looked identical. The only difference is that they weren’t  “machine guns”, weapons that fire multiple shells with one pull of the trigger. 

Public response was very enthusiastic and the general public bought everything in sight. Every  year up until the Brady gun bill was passed the gun makers created more and more exotic  weapons for the public. Some of these included drum fed shotguns, plastic pistols that held 100  shells, rifles with shotguns bolted to them. 

One side effect of this, whether deliberate or not, is that America has now the most well armed  civilian population on the surface of the Earth. Not exactly an appetizing target if you were going  to invade. There are as many firearms in circulation as there are Americans, the downside being  17,000 domestic gun related deaths a year. 

As with the shotgun, there are some military calibers to consider. Our current US army rifle  cartridge is the 5.56 mm, .223 inches. Many companies make the civilian version of the US army  weapon. They range in price from $600-$2000. If you weigh less than 160 pounds I highly  recommend this caliber. If you are over 160 pounds, you may want to look at the larger military  caliber 7.62, .308 inches. The selection is fewer, but the shells reach farther, and hit harder. Both  domestic and international companies manufacture them. They range in price from $400-$3000  and are well worth looking into. If money is an object, but you still want a popular round, try any  of the civilian AK-47 variants that are in high supply in today’s market.


The choice of a one handed firearm is simpler. While it is true that there are a large variety of  handguns manufactured in this country, the decisions of what to use in a crisis still come down to  the two same basic options. Semi auto or revolver, and the caliber used.


An old, tried and tested technology. A revolver is what we grew up with, played cowboys and
Indians with. Movie after movie, year after year, used the revolver. It holds six rounds; and in
most cases has no safety. Cops used them, criminals used them, and the Lone Ranger had one
that fired silver bullets. Dirty Harry used one for most of his career. It is by far the most
comfortable in our hands. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some of the cartridges used
have been manufactured for over 150 years.

Pros and cons: In the majority of revolvers, you have six shots as fast as you can pull the trigger.
If you have to reload, the cylinder has to swing out and shells ejected manually. Revolvers have
regained some popularity recently because the shells stay in the gun. No shells, no fingerprints or
DNA. Professional assassins gravitate towards these weapons in certain discrete situations. The
revolver doesn’t have a safety. To combat this, some users keep at least one chamber empty to
prevent an accidental firing.

The revolver has one very important advantage. It’s instinctual in a crisis situation for the
common man. You point and shoot. You don’t cycle a round, you don’t throw in a clip. A
revolver doesn’t jam, and it is one of the few weapons that can fire repeatedly underwater if

Until the mid 1980’s, all law enforcement in America used the revolver. When the military type
weapons began entering the civilian population, law enforcement found themselves in firefights
where the criminals were doing most of the shooting. This wasn’t good, both for police mortality
rates and morale. It was then that law enforcement switched from .38 and .357 revolvers to their
semi auto counterparts, evening the odds.

Some popular revolver calibers in include the .22, .38, .357, .44, and .45. Each has it’s own
purpose which will be explained in a short listing at the end of this section.

Semi Auto Pistol

Until the mid 1980’s, the predominant semi auto pistol in America was the legendary Colt 45. All
war movies up until that time used them. A beer was named after it. George Patton carried a
customized .45. Their legacy dates back to 1911 when a refined version entered service. It uses a
very slow bullet; so slow in fact the sound could be silenced completely if needed. The first
weapon “silencers” were based on this round.

After 1980, the civilian market saw a huge influx of semi auto pistols, first with the ex-Nazi
9-millimeter round, and then followed by slightly larger versions such as the .40, the 10
millimeter, and then the heavier rounds like the .357 and .44 mag. The most popular of these was
the 9mm, mostly because is was the current US military round. In 1985, it replaced the US army
.45 as the official American army sidearm. Almost every sidearm company in the world makes a
9mm pistol, despite its reputation as a “wounding round”. The concept behind a “non-killing”
bullet was very similar to the .223 rifle round used in the American M-16, in that an army that
wounds more soldiers than it kills will eventually win the war, because wounded men used up far
more resources than dead ones.

The semi auto pistols of today have seen very few modifications in the last 20 years. The pros
and cons now are the same as they were then. The semi auto holds many more rounds, and in the
hands of an experienced user, can be reloaded more quickly than a revolver. The semi auto can
jam in certain situations. It can be fired very quickly because the action keeps the next shell in
“ready” mode, which requires a lighter pull on the trigger. Semi auto weapons come with a
variety of safety features, includes some that will not allow the weapon to fire without a strong
grip on the handle.

The two most popular calibers for semi auto pistols currently are 9mm, and .45.
Where to get more: The manufacture and sale of new and used firearms is controlled (sometimes
loosely) by the federal government. Because of this, the number of places firearms can be
acquired is limited and monitored. Because of their dangerous nature, everyone and every place
that sells firearms implement safety precautions.

Primary: Firearm shops, Some hardware and sporting goods stores, pawn shops, gun shows,
private firearm dealers, online manufacturers, and of course, online private owners through the
Secondary locations: Abandoned homes, security offices of some companies, abandoned police
stations, National Guard armories.


You don’t use firearms on a regular basis. The range fees can be expensive, ammunition isn’t
free, and quite frankly, we’re normally way too busy to be playing with things that we’re never
going to use in a practical situation anyway.
Get real. Stress and panic turns us all into idiots. The reason they put push bar levers on
auditorium doors is because when people panic, they forget how to use things, like door handles.
Learn the basics, get to a range, and practice every once in a while. If you’re reading this by
flashlight because the powers already gone out, and you have yet to fire a gun, then you have
some things to think about.
Don’t freak out. You’re holding a gun, not a cobra. Both are deadly, but this one is built to

protect you.
Make sure the safety is off when you are ready to shoot. The whole point of the safety is to keep
you from shooting things accidentally, like your underwear drawer. If you think you’ll forget,
then take the safety off and leave it off for the duration of the apocalypse.
Aim for the legs. This was taught to me decades ago and I firmly believe it is the best method for
house-to-house fighting. Shooting the legs means there is a good chance your target doesn’t get
to stand up any more. It puts your enemy on the ground, where they are much slower. Shooting
the legs doesn’t kill them right away. This should make you anti-killing people feel a little better.
Shooting them in the legs creates an obstacle for the person behind them. It gives you options.
All the targets and training about hitting someone in the torso talk about hitting vital organs. This
is good advice, but it doesn’t cover body armor. Even if your adversary is only wearing a t-shirt
and you hit their stomach they’re still going to be standing for a little while longer. Shooting
someone in the foot will produce better results than hitting them in shoulder.

Count your shots. If you’re not yelling out some movie inspired Viking battle cry, then try to
count how many shots you’re firing. It sounds juvenile. I agree. Counting your shots lets you
know how close you are to being empty. Being empty is bad. Most studies of small arms combat
have proven time and time again, that in a one-on-one gunfight, the person who runs out of
bullets last usually wins. Count your shots; reload if you have the time. Don’t be the one
standing there with when the gun goes “click”, instead of “bang”.

You can let them live. Survivalists all over the country are screaming No! My history teacher
from 10th grade was one of the first to tell me that if an intruder comes in with the intention of
sending you to the grave, your only logical choice is to shoot them as many times as possible. I
used to like this advice. I will probably follow this advice. This advice isn’t perfect, and here’s
why. You’re not a killer! Ok, some of you are, and I hope you don’t live next to me. The rest of
you aren’t expected to end anyone’s life.
Guns and the images of death follow each other everywhere. You can do what you want with
your gun. You can fire a warning shot into the air, you can fire a warning shot next to their head.
I’m aiming for the legs. If you wound them, and they retreat, they’ll carry their sorry butts out
the door. If you empty 20 bullets into them, guess what, you have to drag them out of your place.
This is America. There are some heavy burglars out there. If the person weighs more than 200
pounds, you may not be able to move them, and then what?

If you haven’t figured out the most important reason to ‘wound them and let the burglars run out
the door”, here it is: They can’t get their wounds treated anyway! The hospitals aren’t
operational! The first aid kits are far away, and can’t do anything for bullet wounds!
So fire away America, your conscious is clear!

Ammunition (Priority)

Normally this would be embedded inside the weapons category, but ammunition in itself is both
a tool and a tradable item. There are many calibers you could acquire but not need. At the same
time they could provide a huge value for someone else, either as an asset or a trade item.
Tip: All ammunition has value, and its trade range can vary widely.
Firearm manufacturers in the last 30 years have made it so that calibers that used to be exclusive
to pistols and rifles are now interchangeable. Because of this the list below is not broken down
into rifles and pistols, just calibers and what can use them. Note that Shotgun shells are forbidden
by the general public to be used in a pistol.

Sawed off shotguns (barrels under 18 inches) are considered a federal crime, punishable by a
minimum 10 years in prison without early release, which means if you were planning on sawing
off the top part of your hunting shotgun, be sure to do it after the end of the world has started.
You don’t have to read the ammunition chart below, it’s just for reference.
Most popular ammunition types (most valuable)
.223 – Current allied forces rifle round. Small bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Medium range.
.9mm – Current allied forces pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car
doors. Low range.
.308 – Current allied forces heavy rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate standard
body armor. High range.
12 gauge – Current allied forces shotgun round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car
doors. Very low range.

.45 – Older allied forces pistol round. Heavy bullet, slow speed, Can penetrate car doors. Low
.762×39 – Current Russian military rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate lower
body armor. High range.
Secondary ammunition types (very tradable)
.30.06 – Older allied forces rifle round. Medium bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. High range.
.38 – Older police pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car doors. Low
.357 – Older police pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate car doors. Low
.44 – Older hunting pistol round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. Medium range.
.40 – Current law enforcement pistol round. Medium bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most
house walls. Medium range.
.454 – Popular hunting pistol round. Heavy bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most non-plate
body armor. Medium range.
.22 – Older rifle / pistol round. Small bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Low range.
.50 – Older allied forces machine gun round. Heavy bullet, very fast speed. Can penetrate plate
armor. High range.
Miscellaneous ammunition types (some trade value)
.380 – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, low speed. Can penetrate some house walls. Low
.25 – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, low speed. Can penetrate some house walls. Low
.22 mag – Popular light pistol round. Small bullet, fast speed. Can penetrate most house walls.
Medium range.
.41 mag – Popular pistol round. Large bullet, medium speed. Can penetrate some body armor.
Low range.
You will only be using a few calibers from the above lists. If you do come across any of the
others, keep them for later. You never know when they might prove useful.
Note: Ammunition has almost no expiration date. As long as it isn’t stored underwater, shells
can stay preserved almost forever. At the time of this writing there is still ammunition
manufactured in the 1960’s currently being sold around the world.
Tip: Please remember that ammunition should be treated like an explosive. If ammunition is
thrown into a fire, the brass or steel casing will heat up quickly and ignite the powder inside. The
bullet will then fire in whatever direction it is facing. If you see a fire that you know contains a
stash of ammunition, get to cover as quickly as possible!

Where to get more: Ammunition isn’t under strict regulation by the government, and can be
acquired quickly from many locations. Large quantities are kept in: Firearm shops, sporting good
and hardware stores. They can also be purchased online in many states without paperwork.
Secondary locations: Abandoned houses, abandoned police stations, National Guard armory
(only for military calibers)

Chapter 8: Hot loot, cold loot
“Honey, I think we’re out of toilet paper”

– Your Spouse)

The Division 2 Survivalist Specialization Guide: Best Skills and Talents |  Tom Clancy's The Division 2

You’re like most of your peers. By the objective standards of the law, you qualify as a good
person. You don’t rob banks, or shoplift, or kidnap. The most trouble you’ve seen in the last 10
years are a pair of speeding tickets and a slightly guilty feeling in your stomach that you took too
many tax deductions.
Or, you could be squeaky clean. I mean shiny sparkly. You don’t miss a Sunday of church. You
have never looked at an Internet site full of naked people. You take your family to Disney every
few years. You have parental locks on the television. You respect authority, and in turn condemn
anyone who doesn’t.
Convincing you that the brutal basic human instincts still lie within your DNA will be difficult,
but not impossible. In this crisis scenario everything is possible, including turning your overly
righteous and judgmental butt into a logical and sensible survivor that will look past the
unthinkable, barbaric actions of the masses, someone that will see yourself and family as priority
number one.
Believe it or not I used to be the most law-abiding person around. I feared authority, and did
everything I was told. I respected all laws, and tried to stay out of trouble. Circumstances change.
People change. You will change.

You yell: “I would never!” How many times have I heard that? Remember the first time you
watched a news broadcast during Christmas, you know the one, where the rare toy gets released,
the one that all the kids want? The department store only had 60 cabbage patch dolls, and there
are 500 people outside. The doors opened, and chaos ensued. Mothers pushed and shoved,
Fathers cursed and threatened. Kids were trampled.
It was Christmas, and this was a toy for God’s sake. These are your neighbors in action.
Maybe that was an isolated incident. Did you watch the home run king Barry Bonds as he hit
those last five shots deep into the stands? Each ball was worth thousands, and when each landed,
the crowds went berserk. They punched, kicked, screamed. People bled. People went to jail. This
was about the chance, just the chance, to sell the ball on Ebay.
These are your friends banging on your door.
When the 1994 Los Angeles earthquake took place, the looting started within seconds.
When Katrina hit, the looting didn’t stop for weeks. Even the police were taking things from the
You may be a good person, bordering on saint hood. You may be so perfect that it is difficult to
gaze on you directly. Your sense of righteousness may be the size of a city bus, but you are still
human. Humans in a survival situation act in very similar and predictable ways.
Imagine just for a second, that you’ve been wrongly accused of some minor crime and are
thrown in a jail cell. You’re getting hungry, and the jailer opens the mail slot at the bottom of
your door. He shoves a sandwich through, and a dirty glass of water.
You’re not really a sandwich person. To make things worse, it’s a Spam sandwich, with spicy
mustard. You hate both Spam and spicy mustard. You just sit and stare at it. Now pretend that
the jailer isn’t coming back for a few days.

After a while, that sandwich starts looking better and better. You are like a vampire. You hunger,
you thirst. You fight it, but your mind starts playing tricks on you. Unless you are the most
stubborn and overly dignified person on earth, or maybe British, you will eat the sandwich. Your
instinct will override all other bias, all protests, and all objections.
Now, imagine one more thing. Pretend that your life depended on it. Pretend that your family’s
life depends on you breaking the rules. Deny it all you want. The quicker you accept that you are
a part of the masses, the faster you can stay ahead of them.

To be clear, I am not officially endorsing the looting process. In a perfect world, authorities
would distribute resources evenly. In some places this might actually happen. In most they will
not. People will have to fend for themselves. The criminal element will act first. The people with
injured or sick family members will move second. Those with younger families will follow that.
Let’s take a look at will probably happen to an average strip-mall over the first few days of a
power outage.

0-24 hours: This scenario assumes that there is loss of power only with no hint of why or when
it will return. At first the power outage is seen as a curious anomaly. Everyone is on stand by.
Order is contained. Routine burglaries see an increase. Some outlying liquor stores are robbed, as
well as some smaller stores that sell small, expensive electronics such as phones and portable
music players. Hospitals automatically switch over to backup generators, with a limited amount
of fuel. Their clock is ticking. Most of the gas stations close. Large amounts of local law
enforcement are allocated to traffic control. A number of intersections have officer’s running
lights with LED batons. Grocery stores pack what they can in ice, and close their doors. Some
smaller shops attempt to stay open with calculators. Convenience stores along major roads begin
to raise prices on popular items.

24-48 hours: Assuming the emergency broadcast system hasn’t been activated, burglaries
involving luxury items increase dramatically as criminals realize alarm systems are down and the
backup power supplies have been exhausted. Confused individuals drive around town, looking
for any store to be open. There are small gatherings outside of supermarkets. This is the critical
point where state and local authorities dictate the actions of the population. If the emergency
broadcast system is running, and instructions are given over major radio stations, it will buy a
few days for protection to be put in place. For our scenario we will imagine that any available
National Guard troops have been dispatched to other locations. Your town has to depend only on
local law enforcement for security.
By design, local law enforcement is not equipped to deal with martial law. Their first priority,
like at Katrina and Los Angeles, is to protect human life. SWAT teams are few and far between.
Your average sheriff or traffic officer is not going to spend their days firing rounds into angry
mob. They just aren’t equipped for this type of situation.
By the end of the second day, people will start becoming resolved on their next course of action.
They will want solutions from the authorities, and the authorities won’t have the best answers.
We are waiting for the state or federal government to issue instructions. This waiting doesn’t
feed your children. There are people around you who have run out of diapers, soap, and toilet
paper. Toilet paper!
48-72 hours: The resolutions will manifest as day breaks. At first light, friends and neighbors
will again start gathering in front of the larger supermarkets. They will start congregating in front
of Costco and Sam’s club. The things they need are in the darkened stores. Supplies are just
sitting there. The registers don’t work, so the items can’t be paid for. The aisles are very dim, so
it isn’t safe to shop. The general population won’t care. The only thing sitting between them and
the things that power their comfort zone is a single law enforcement unit.

The bold individuals will approach the lone officer, friendly at first, asking questions about when
the store might be open, casually suggesting ideas about letting a few people in, taking names
and phone numbers so that the store can be reimbursed later. Those sales pitches will start to get
old after the first few dozen times. The officer will use the radio occasionally, to show the
growing crowd there is backup if needed.

Unfortunately, this scene is being played out all over town, and there is no backup to send. The
police and sheriff units are stretched too thin, and the officer knows it. Hour by hour the crowd
gets more agitated. The strain is starting to show. By midday, his / her hand is constantly at rest
on their sidearm, and with good reason. Then, a loud, desperate voice from the crowd demands
that the people be let through to get what they need. Threats come from the masses. The
corresponding threat of reprisal by the officer is impotent. After all, how many people can they
arrest and still protect the store?

The situation is not a stalemate. The officer will lose. Even if the officer has civilian friends that
come to their aid, they will get pushed aside or fall. The reason is simple. Law and order can
only function as long as the public is at relative peace with itself. The population’s needs must be
met, and those needs are insatiable. A bullhorn can’t compete with the yelling of hundreds.
72+ hours: The officer stops responding to questions. Only the mob is yelling now. A sound
comes over the police radio. One of the stores at the other side of town has just been overtaken
by a large group of people. The police chief orders all units to pull away from what they’re doing
and converge on that particular supermarket. The chief’s logic is flawed. He can only save one
store with the manpower he has, and it is already being overrun. They will lose the store, people
will be arrested, and officers potentially injured. All the while the rest of the town is being taken
The lone officer gets into the car and drives away quickly, siren blaring. The crowd doesn’t even
wait until the police unit is out of earshot before smashing through the grocery store glass.
Within 60 seconds there is already fighting in the aisles. Within an hour, that same store will
hear gunfire.

This scene will have different variations of tempo, but the theme is constant. It will happen. The
general population is not very different from man’s best friend. Your family dog is loyal. It hunts
with you; it plays with your children and licks your face. If it is not fed, given enough time, your
dog will turn on you as food.
You could easily be one of the mob, but you’re better than that. You’re smarter than that. The
mob runs off of pure instinct. Collectively, their decisions are childish, brutal, and reckless. The
only way to beat the mob is to become your own animal, one that is more cunning, logical, and
level headed.

In order to be one step ahead, the group mentality needs to be understood. Once you have the
knowledge, and can predict what a mob will do before hand, Everything will play out like a
well-executed crime movie. All eyes are looking in one direction, but you and what you need to
do, will be somewhere else. Somewhere secret.
Most people are creatures of habit. We take the same route to work, even though multiple streets
are available to us. We watch the same television shows each week, have lunch at the same
group of restaurants, use the same ATM, and most important to this topic: We shop at the same
grocery store, month after month.

The community mentality runs on simple rules, and survives on a very primitive mindset. We are
out of food. Where do we get more food? I shop there. We need to go there. Where are you
going to get food? I am going there. I am going there as well. Let’s both go there, to get food.
You’d think we just learned to walk upright, heading out of our caves to kill a mammoth. It just
gets worse from here. Food store closed. Dark. Locked. Lots of glass. We don’t need to use door.
Angry person with gun in front of store. We will wait.
The sentences may play out a little better than that, but not much. Some may think of other
stores, only to find a different group of people, and the same law enforcement units. The clever
people will do the math and deduce that with that amount of people in front of the store, no one
is getting out with a cart full of anything. There aren’t enough goods in the aisles for that. They
will start thinking of the obvious alternatives; the most obvious being the bulk food outlets.
There is one thing about following the mob mindset. If you’ve thought of it, others have to. Of
course, Costco! People will be slapping their heads by the hundreds. There is way more food and
supplies there. We need to hit that place! Let’s go!

You should have stayed at the grocery store. Costco is a literal fortress compared to the average
supermarket. Have you ever been parked outside a Costco and just stared at it? It’s a stone and
metal warehouse, with giant rolling steel doors. The small doors are steel too, with windows too
small to squeeze through.
Yes, it is filled literally to the ceiling with every kind of supply you could think of. Forget for a
moment about how solid the building is. Another problem is that all these great supplies are in
the middle of a giant room with few windows, and no light. Throw in the fact that you will have
about 1000 people sitting outside it trying to find a way in. Do you have a plan of getting a large
amount of food out of this building? Here are a few bad ideas to consider.
Attempt 1. You force open a smaller door on the back loading dock with pry bars and portable
drills. A bottleneck is now created. You would need armed guards to keep people out while you
went in, filling a flatbed cart with everything you could in about 10 minutes. Word spreads
through the crowd in the front, and hundreds of people flock to the back to see if they can get in
on it. You get the cart back to the door, and try to load up your truck for the escape. If you were
smart you pull the guards off the door and let people flood in, distracting them from your
getaway. For this you need at least five people, armed, who you can trust, and who are willing to
open fire if things get ugly. This will be difficult with a group. If you don’t have the manpower,
then the bulk food store isn’t a valid target. It doesn’t matter how many firearms you carry by
yourself, there are some things a single person can’t do.
Attempt 2: You get a backhoe or front loader and just plow through one of the front steel doors.
Once down, you set up armed guards to keep people from getting in, and use the same plan of
attack from before. The same amount of people are required, plus you need the bulldozer, which
you don’t have. Because of the large opening, there is a good chance that warning shots will
need to be fired if you expect to keep other people out of the area.

Attempt 3: You wait until someone else breaches an entrance, and then try to find what you can.
This is called a “hot loot” situation, and is only recommended as a last resort.
“Hot loot” refers to an area that is either 1. Being looted by two or more people at the same time,
or 2. Being looted, even though there are defenses present. Stores that are being mobbed are hot
loot zones. Stores that are being protected by owners are also Hot Loot zones. Homes with
owners inside are a hot loot area.

These areas are dangerous, because they are filled with unpredictable people. You don’t know if
the person next to you wants that same 5-pound container of peanuts. If they go for it, what are
you going to do? Grab it back? Hit them? Start shooting? Hot loot zones are chaotic, full of noise
and panic. Adrenalin is up, and everyone is moving quickly, because the faster you move, the
faster you can pick up things. It’s like a giant game of musical chairs, but you don’t know
where the chairs are, everyone has guns, and if you can’t find a chair when the music stops,
you starve.
Pushing a cart is a waste of time. The store is dark, flashlights the only way to see anything. You
get to a section you were thinking of, and it’s been cleaned out. You can’t carry enough. Did you
bring a backpack? Some people a few rows over start fighting, and a gun goes off. People
scream, some run. The smart ones stay. You go into that row and have to step over a body to see
if there’s any more beef jerky. This isn’t where you should be. Someone shines a flashlight at
your backpack, then into your eyes. You hear the cocking of a weapon.

You are better than this, more clever. The last thing you need is to be spending your time running
around dark hallways fighting for scraps. Look, listen and learn. The mob is like a swarm of
angry bees, moving as a single unit, like a virus, consuming everything it touches. It is something
to be feared. It is also something that can be manipulated.

The best thing, what you and your family need, is a “cold loot” situation. A place that isn’t either
a primary or secondary target. A place that is so far ahead of the mob that they can only wish
they thought of it first. Cold loot refers to a stash of supplies that can be acquired alone, or with a
group you trust. There is no competition here. It can be emptied at your leisure. It is ahead of the
curve. When the tentacles of the mob finally reach it, they will find only empty shelves. More
importantly, they will not find you. Imagine yourself blending in with the mob. Feel what they
feel. See what they see. They are a blunt instrument looking for resources. All their targets, every
single one of them, will be a hot loot situation. Every stash they find will be by definition, a
danger zone. Understand their primary and secondary targets.

Week 1: Mob Primary targets

Grocery stores – The lifeblood of any community. They contain food, water, batteries, and toilet
paper; everything needed to keep an average household operational.
Pharmacies – non-perishable food, water, batteries, toilet paper, enough to keep an average
household operational.
Bulk food stores – Food, water, batteries, toilet paper. Everything needed to keep an average
household operational, and it’s in large, easily transportable amounts.
Convenience stores – Non-perishable food, water, batteries, enough to keep an average
household operational.
The first week of the outage is an orgy of acquiring consumption materials. The grocery stores
will be bare, emptied in a frenzy of consumer madness. The adjoining pharmacies will be hit
almost simultaneously. As discussed earlier, the bulk food stores will be the biggest challenge,
and most likely produce the highest amount of casualties because of the higher concentration of
people combined with a collision of well-laid plans. Some people will try to drive into the store,
others will try to access some of the food and supplies placed 20 feet above the floor. Forklifts
will tip over. Lots of people will make mistakes.

There are huge stashes of basic supplies in a bulk food store; enough to last well organized group
years if rationed well. There will be more than one group that will make a play for it. There will
be in store skirmishes. Can you imagine what it would be like to be an average family walking
into that giant dark place? There is a gun battle raging in one corner of the warehouse, and all the
while supplies that could keep them alive for months are within an arms reach.

The only good thing to say about convenience stores is that each one is so small; a single vehicle
would be able to empty out the entire place in less than 30 minutes. It could be done with twenty
garbage bags and vehicle headlights to illuminate the store. The process would be relatively
painless. Either you’re there alone, or you’ve missed your window. Note that many convenience
stores are franchise owned, which means the owners / employees will probably just move in and
live off the inventory.

Week 2: Mob Secondary targets


Gas stations – Some non-perishable food, some water, batteries. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Restaurants – Some canned food, some water, and misc items. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Hardware stores – Some non-perishable food, some water, misc items. Enough to keep an
average household alive.
Specialty shops – Some non-perishable food, some water, misc items. Enough to keep an average
household alive.
Sporting good stores – Some non-perishable food, misc items, including firearms. Can
supplement household supplies.
As the primary targets are being depleted, first level alternative stores become more attractive to
the mob. Even the smallest gas station carries a substantial supply of candy and chips.
Restaurants vary in the different types of canned food, but the rule of thumb is, the better the
restaurant, the better the stash. Note that a large share of restaurants have alcoholic beverages
(tradeable) as well. Fast food franchises still suck in the apocalypse, with the majority of their
supplies coming in large cans of sauces and a huge amount of perishable frozen food that will

become useless once thawed.
Hardware stores carry a large supply of batteries The smart looters will ignore the shelves, and
go into the back stockrooms where everything is packed into large boxes. Some sporting good
shops will carry not only camping gear and power bars, but also a generous supply of
non-military firearms. The mob will have some trouble with acquiring these weapons. Security
devices for guns have gotten better over the years. Some firearms contain a special lock that
covers the entire trigger section. It can only be unlocked with a key. The average person cannot
make the gun function without the aid of power tools. The other, more popular option for
securing store firearms is to run a long steel cable between all the triggers. This can be severed
easily with a set of bolt cutters.

Week 3: The first sweep
By week three, there will be some organized groups using trucks. They will be searching
business to business, looking for anything consumable. They will find the water cooler bottles,
the vending machines, and the factory cafeterias. If the groups have anyone efficient running the
operation, they will go from location to location until the truck is filled, and then head back to a
rally point. Running the sweeps during the day will make it easier to find things, save battery
time, and make it easier to coordinate personnel. Night sweeps are risky. In a dark world,
headlights can be seen for miles away. Ambushes will be frequent. Some of the smaller teams
might work at night with minimal lighting in order to avoid the larger groups. The successful
ones will be fast, mobile, and have the ability to work with smaller lights, or even night vision.
Week 4: Leftovers
By the end of the first month, all the visible targets will have been exhausted. All stores and
shops that contain supplies that can be seen from the street will be gone. Soda machines will
have been forced open. Specialty shops with small amounts of candy next to the register. All
office refrigerators containing non-perishable liquids, all the snacks in Blockbuster, every candle
at Williams Sonoma. The camping sections of any hardware store will be decimated. Every can
of food in the hotel kitchens will be gone. The juice bar at the local spa will be bare.
The only things left now are misc items hidden away in all the drawers, cabinets, and cupboards
within office buildings. If your coworkers are as consistent as mine, there still is quite a bit to be
had. God bless us, for there is food in almost every cubicle. It will just take more energy to find
The general mob finally runs out of motivation at this point. Their wave crests here. The
shopping spree is over. The looting of commercial and corporate America has come to and end.
Unfortunately, some of the smaller, more hardcore groups are still alive. If they are to survive,
they can only do so by taking on the homeowners. Personal residences are the final targets. The
predators are forced to try their luck against the everyday citizen. This is the unknown scenario
which even government models have a hard time predicting. Is the house that is being raided
occupied? Will the owners fight back? Are there casualties? When do the looters give up?
When it comes to long-term predictions, there has been much debate in the survival world. Some

think that it will develop into a “Thunder dome” scenario, where limited trade is restored. Some
think that larger groups will venture out of the city, hoping to find a better outpost. Their purpose
seems aimless. Yours is not. You still have hope; have faith that the government who used to be
in charge will return to help their population to restore order. This is what you can cling to, and
with some organization, can create a protective bubble that can keep those who you care about

You now have a rough blueprint of targets that a garden-variety town mob will take to secure
resources. Do you see the pattern? Have you figured out the trends, and what you could do to
take advantage of this?
The mob attacks the obvious, and keeps hitting it until the resource is exhausted. They then move
to the next big thing that sticks out. In short, the mob is a bunch of slack jawed mouth breathers
who couldn’t make a good decision if their life depended on it. You’re much better off without
Your window lies in the small gaps that the mob overlooks. Your chance is hidden between the
huge waves of chaos these people create. The timelines mentioned above will have some
variance, but it will give you the chance to get what you need, without the added pressure of
looking over your shoulder.

Your edge, your angle, is a cold loot target that only you know. Forget the mobs first choices.
They are the choices for the masses. All their focus will be the immediate three targets closest to
their homes. Take the easier path. Sieze your chance and hit a well thought out cold loot target.
The target chosen could be anything from a secondary mob choice, or something special you
came up with on your own. If your decision is well thought out, there won’t be any law
enforcement or lights. Look for a back service entrance or loading dock, something that faces
away from the street. Expect the unexpected. Employees of this establishment, especially kids,
will come up with the idea to hit their own store shortly, and may move on it. Have at least one
backup selection, and maybe two.

To get an idea of what you should look for; be overly observant the next time you are driving
through town. Look for some interesting stores. Here’s what I mean: Pick a supermarket or any
good-sized grocery store. Now look right across the street and see what’s there. Maybe there’s a
convenience mart, coffee shop, radio shack, or a restaurant, all with service entrances that are not
visible from the grocery store parking lot. This is the place where your knuckle dragging
adversaries will be. The restaurant has canned food. Radio shack has equipment. The coffee shop
has bottled everything. The decision is yours.

This is your sweet spot. You won’t need much motivation. The crowds making that incredible
ruckus should get your blood pumping. Go at night, and bring the smallest portable light sources
you have. Did you have your tools prepared? Are you ready to make the score that could buy
your family weeks or months that they need until help arrives?
You’re not ready yet? C’mon, let’s get the tools, pack your bags, and get psyched! This is the

moment of truth, the all or nothing night of your life! Are you going alone or bringing a friend to
help you keep your nerve? Look over your gear once more:
Looting equipment:

  1. Nylon or leather bags. Try to find a balance between weight and strength. Standard travel
    luggage is a bad idea, and don’t even think about using something with roller wheels! Those
    damn things are loud enough on a perfectly smooth airport concrete, and you want to roll this
    thing down a mile of city grade asphalt? Backpacks aren’t terrible; just make sure you leave them
    mostly unbuckled for a quick getaway. The size of the bag will work itself out naturally. If you
    choose one that’s too large, and notice that after it’s filled that you can’t lift it, then you are
    holding the proof that you’ve made a bad decision. Take some stuff out and try again
  2. Entry tool. These can be more valuable than weapons. Good examples are crowbars, pry bars,
    bolt cutters, the sturdier the better. They are all heavy steel, and you need to lug them to the
    location. That’s bad. The flip side is you can either bring them back with you on the first trip, or
    leave them until the last trip. The crow bar and pry bar are used to wedge into door jams, in order
    to force them open, breaking the lock. The bolt cutter is to punch through steel cable, padlocks,
    or chain link fences. When it comes to bolt cutters I recommend anything over 36 inches in
    length. That size will sever most steel barriers.
  3. Light source. Don’t grab your giant flashlight. This is supposed to be a covert operation. The
    only reason you’re bringing any light at all is to see what is being stuffed into the bag. Penlights
    are a good first choice, unless you have night vision goggles. If you are wealthy and crazy
    enough to own these, then you’re way ahead of the game. You should already have a solid plan
    of your own. Use your lights only if you are unsure of the terrain. If there is an obstacle in your
    way, light it up and check it out before trying to hurdle it.
  4. Be Defensive. You run into trouble, you have to look at the odds before making a move. One
    person? Size them up fight club style, and decide if they can be bargained with, or will it turn
    into a skirmish? Did you see two or more people? You may have to cut and run, even if they’re
    younger and smaller. If you are thinking about taking on one of them, the other may be running
    for help. There is no honor among thieves.
  5. Distraction device (optional)
    Head out at dark, not dusk. You don’t want anyone in your immediate vicinity following you. If
    you know the area well enough, then try to travel without any light. Walk down the middle of the
    street if you have to. Walk quickly, but quietly. This new world has some long stretches of silent
    streets. No need to give yourself away. If you consider yourself adept on a mountain bike, then
    you could save some travel time. Note that large bags will throw off your balance, especially
    when filled. The extra weight will make it harder to start and stop, but you will be able to outrun
    people on foot.
    Take small detours to avoid any other people you hear up ahead, and remember where they were
    for the return trip home. Anyone that has a bonfire going will work to your benefit. The light

from the fire resets their night vision, making it almost impossible for them to see at any distance
in the dark. Don’t take the long way around just to avoid a fire.
When you arrive at the entrance of the store, force it open as quickly as possible, but use some
stealth. If you need to hammer in a window, wrap the hammer in cloth to muffle the sound. If the
back door needs to be worked over with a pry bar for a few minutes, take a break every once in a
while to check your surroundings. If it’s going to take 15 minutes, you may want to consider a
Distraction techniques: Sometimes, it is like the movies. Distractions are used in warfare, but
are called diversions. There are times where you need to divert your opponent’s attention to
something else. Use the environment around you, and try to keep it simple. If it’s dark, use
something that involves light. If it’s quiet, create something that makes a lot of noise. A few
Fire is your friend. Despite what your parents have told you, it’s ok to play with fire. We are
moths to the flame. We sit around campfires and stare into the glow. We watch apartment
buildings burn. In a world without electric lights, fires become a magnet, the bug zapper of the
apocalypse. People will gather around and stare at a burning house like it was a giant beach
bonfire, and why not? There are no fire trucks to put it out.

Don’t get fancy. Find some flammable liquid. It can be gasoline, paint thinner, lamp oil, a strong
alcohol. Locate a wood structure, preferably with smaller pieces. Set the blaze quickly, and then
head over to your cold loot target. The fire doesn’t have to start big; a little goes a long way.
Car alarms. Did you ever think you would see the day you would welcome the sound of a car
alarm? Find some vehicles a few hundred yards away from the store you want to get into. Hit
them hard with a blunt object. If the car / truck doesn’t start making noise after a few whacks,
move to the next. Once the alarm goes off, high tail it out of there and get to work.

Once the distraction is set, you enter the coffee shop, or specialty store, or whatever you have
chosen. Use your lights sparingly. Even if you use the front door as an entrance, try to use the
back door as an exit. Fill up the bag with what you can comfortably carry, then calmly walk out
and start heading home. If you are wearing a watch, start keeping track of how long it takes you
per trip.
Rinse and Repeat:
When you do get back to home base, check your watch again, and see how many more times you
can hit this store before the sun comes up. As the sky starts to get lighter, you are done. I mean it.
Stop. Take inventory of what you now have, get some rest, and if you’re up to it, begin again the
next night.
If the plan goes wrong:
Sometimes, you can’t just go home. You are on your third trip back, and there are some people
following you. If you’re lucky, they won’t know the area as well as you do. They are tailing you,
waiting to see where you will crash for the night. Do not under any circumstances lead them to

your home and family. If your bag is heavy, look for a quick place to stash it. Hide it in some
bushes, underneath a car, some place that you can get back to in the daytime. As soon as you
ditch the bag, move faster, take an unusual corner. Don’t panic, just lose them, anyway you see
fit. If you think you can set up a quick ambush and scare them off, then do that. If you have to
fight, then fight.

Dangerous zones

“Extreme hot loot zones”, only recommended for groups of 10 or more people.
In every state, there are manufacturing facilities. Taking the odds into consideration, most of
these places will be making and storing products like distributor cap parts, plastic vomit, or lawn
furniture. These companies will only be useful for supplies you can get out of the cafeteria,
vending machines, or office drawers.
Then there are the gold mines, the warehouses that have literally lifetimes of supplies. They
include things like, a Campbell’s soup factory, a Nabisco plant, a grocery store distribution
center, a Wal-Mart shipping hub. Do not try to approach these places alone, or even in small
groups. The logistics are too large for you. Imagine a Costco, only 10 times as big, with
everything needing a forklift to move, in pitch-blackness. Now imagine all the employees that
work there, day after day, who will approach this facility within 24 hours.

Any employee with keys to the main gate will fill a truck by the end of the second day. After
that, anyone working in the immediate industrial park will try to get some groups together and
take their shot. After that, the public will catch wind of it, and things will start to get crazy.
These factories and warehouses are normally located in industrial zones, which are some
distance away from residential areas. Using a car or truck is a good idea. A tractor-trailer rig is
better, with a large group of people to guard it. A well-armed group could get in and get out
without too much trouble, and it could be done quickly if someone knew how to run a forklift.
Some brave souls may move some of the supplies into a more secure part of the building, and
just try to live at the warehouse. That would be a 24/7 job, constantly patrolling the area. With
enough troops it could be possible. These specialized stashes are rare, and shouldn’t be
considered a viable option for most people. Military or law enforcement groups have the best
chance of securing these, for whatever purpose they see fit.

Tip: There are only a few places that should be considered “too dangerous” to approach. One
example would be small gun shops run by private owners. Most firearm stores are like this. They
only sell firearms and firearm related products. Some of their employees carry side arms during
normal business hours. When the power goes out, they are instructed to immediately go to the
store and stand guard. This store has a lot to lose. These owners will shoot first, and ask
questions of your body later. They have more guns than you do, and enough ammunition to start
a small war. You can’t bargain with them, and sure as hell can’t out gun them. Go away, and
never think of it again. Some of your heavily armed pawnshops also fit into this category,
although they aren’t as dangerous in an extended fight because of their limited supply of

One other dangerous location is any privately owned army/navy surplus store. Some of these
places carry firearms on site. The owners of these shops are survival oriented. They will be
armed, and they are already convinced anyone approaching the store is a looter.
The Mormon supply house:
Weeks after the power goes out, when all the stores, factories, and vending machines have been
licked clean, there will be house to house skirmishes. The supplies acquired from these poorly
organized neighborhood battles almost don’t seem worth it, because the average family won’t
have much of a stockpile.

Well that is, except for the Mormon families living outside of Utah. I don’t want to pick on the
Mormons, I really don’t. I’d like to think of myself as treating everyone equally. I’d like to state
officially that I don’t have anything against the Mormon faith. Freedom of religion is a right in
this country. I happen to respect that this religious group practices what they preach and prepares
for their version of Armageddon. Great job! You have at least a year’s supply of food for every
member of your family, and weeks after the power has gone out; some of your neighbors just
remembered that little nugget of information. For you, it’s time to start sleeping with one eye
Unfortunately, this version of the grasshopper and the ant doesn’t end well. Outside of Utah
there are way more grasshoppers and the ants don’t have nearly enough guns to keep them out.
To be fair, I’m going to give help to both sides; I don’t want to play favorites.
If you are a practicing Mormon living outside of Utah, you should consider upgrading your
security. This means more fire extinguishers, bigger rifles, and more ammunition. You may want
to have a safe room built, one that can withstand fire. There should be some walls in certain areas
of your home with steel plating or heavy stone. Bomb shelters are an excellent fall back position.
Shoot first and shoot often. Keeping your opponent off guard and off balance is important. Have
faith that the neighbors will lose their nerve and go away!

If you are living in a large neighborhood and are planning on attacking a Mormon house:
You had better be ready for a drawn out fight. These families have God in their hearts, and will
not give up willingly. Luckily for you, unless a few families have banded together, you’re
probably looking at three guns or less coming at you. The best way to breach the house is to back
a car into a living room wall at about 20-30 miles per hour. Note I said back in you monkey.
Why would you drive in nose first and wreck your engine? Think people! Back the car / truck
through the wall, then drive forward, exposing the hole. There is your access point.

Yes, you could just burn the house down. The drawbacks are that it takes almost 24 hours before
you can even begin to start sifting through the wreckage, and you’ll have to move that out of the
way to get to the basement. The smoke won’t affect any canned goods, but the heat might. If
they are storing fuel in the basement, then all bets are off, and there may not be anything to

salvage. Better stick with the car idea.
Also note that a gun battle in your neighborhood will draw huge amounts of attention, even
blocks away. If or when you are victorious, and start carrying out all that hard fought cache of
supplies, you will now have become the new Mormons. You also are walking around the street
holding food and water instead of weapons. I hope for your sake that God is on your side now.

Chapter 9: Advanced: The trading post
“Who is rich? He who is content. Who is that? Nobody.”

-Benjamin Franklin

J & A Trading Post | eBay Stores

The concept of the trading post is simple, but the implementation can be challenging, and end
badly if you’re not very careful. An organized barter system is the best, and worst of both worlds.
It can be a windfall of essential resources, especially if used with specialized looters. It will also
draw some unwanted attention to your location, including potential thieves who may make a
move to take over your new enterprise.
A trading post can be started within 72 hours after the power goes out, and if well secured, will
be one of the last places with access to needed supplies. A trading post brings a sense of order, as
well as a familiar gathering place. If it’s completed quickly, it can bring a community together,
give it perspective, and allow organized barter to replace the chaotic roar of the mob.
The trading post can be as simple, or as complex as you want, depending on your manpower,
stockpile of items, and location. Keep in mind that the more complex and spread out it is, the
harder it will be to defend. The quick rules of the trading post are simple. 1. Acquire and
distribute needed supplies, and 2. Defend the stash at all costs.
Once completed, the trading post will provide you will potential goods, manpower, and most
importantly, information. It will become the general store where people come to gossip, trade,

and lament about their situation. All of these bits of information can become useful to you. The
key in any trading post is to be consistent, organized, and always project confidence in what you
are doing, whether you have it or not.
You can set up a barter based system with as few as two people, but I recommend four. To start,
you need a good trade building, one that isn’t your current residence. The building should be
solid, with as much brick and stone as possible. Brick and stone are resistant to gunfire and
impacts from vehicles (Remember the Mormons!). More stone means less wood. This means it
can withstand fire, and fire related products. It doesn’t have to be a large structure. You’re not
running a Costco, nor do you want to. This is a neighborhood trading post, which will cover an
area up to, 2-3 square miles. This is the maximum walking distance you should expect any one
person or group to travel to your location.

Bring the inventory you want to trade to the location, and then create a trading post sign. The
larger the sign is, the better. The sign should be moveable if possible. Don’t just get a can of
spray paint and write on the side of the building: “Trading!” What happens if you move? Better
to take a wooden door off its hinges, use that as the sign, and then lean it against the building.
When the post closes for the night, you simply lay the door down. Keep it mobile!
The important part of the post structure is where exactly the trade takes place. A window that is
big enough to pass through goods is a great start. Treat it more like a ticket window at a ballpark,
or a bank teller. People give you money. You give them the ticket. No one is behind the counter
but you. Your total inventory should not be visible from the ticket window, only the goods you
are trading. The window doesn’t get left unattended, ever. Give the impression that you have a
number of armed people inside the building, project threat. Be serious, but be fair. The trading
post is not only there to help you, but to build the trust of the community. You are not there to
loot and pillage. You are providing a service. You are providing some order that people
recognize. You are providing hope.

I recommend doing all trading through a window or on a trading table outside the front door.
One thing you should stick to, and I cannot stress this enough: Never use the front door for
anything. Put furniture in front of it, nail it shut, or better yet, cut holes in it big enough to stick
out gun barrels. The front door is the visible access point. No one should see it open. All
inventories should be brought in through the back door. Again, treat this like a ticket window, or
if it makes it easier, a bank teller window. The average customer should leave with a sense of
They should be doing anything else but thinking about how to rob you. Your group should
appear strong and organized. You are the shopkeepers. The force you represent is unknown.
People fear the unknown. When people do business with you, they will do so without thinking of
Display your firearms, real and fake. Replicas or props will work fine. You want an honest trade,
and so do your customers. If you feel safer with more than one person running the ticket
window, then use more. What’s important here is that they are polite and civil, and know how to
spot the BS. People with customer service skills are good. Bartenders are good. People who

know how to deal with crap on a regular basis are what you need.
You have your inventory sitting somewhere hidden in some type of solid structure which can’t be
crashed into with a car / truck. You have a few friends or neighbors, people you can trust,
running the trade window. You place random guns in visible distance and look as intimidating as
you can. You raise up the painted door sign and you are open for business!
At first you hear nothing but crickets. What did you expect? Did you want a local celebrity
cutting a ribbon on this grand opening? People will not be bursting out of their homes, running
with hands in the air, cheering the fact that there is finally a store open. Give it time. Be patient.
The great thing about a trading post in this scenario is that everyone’s a potential regular
customer. If you can get them to deal with you even once, they will come by almost every day
until the end. The process starts slow, but gains momentum. The people wandering streets need
things, your things. The dialogue is always the same. What the first customers want will dictate
the specials list.
What do you have to trade? What to you need? I need water. I need food. I need bullets. I need
cigarettes. Everyone is looking for something, and you may or may not have this something. If
you think you might be able to trade it later, add it to the need items list, and post it outside the
window. You may also want to post a “Robbers will be shot”, in an attempt to keep people
Most of the first people that come to window are just the curious types walking around. They
aren’t carrying anything. They have nothing to trade, except maybe a weapon, ammunition, or
water. They’re going to be holding onto those things. The old saying is true: We want most that
which we cannot have. They will be looking to you for something they need, maybe a few AA
batteries for their flashlight? You have them, and let them know. Now comes the barter. What do
they have? What they bring to the table has to correspond with your needs list. You give them a
business card with your needs list on the back-side. This is something they can take home with
them. The trade rate isn’t on the list, just the items. This is how the process starts.

They go home, and start looking through their inventory. They don’t know how much you have,
because it isn’t visible, so they aren’t thinking (for now) about robbing you. They debate, they
fret. What is important to them? Their decision process is extensive. The next day they show up
with a bag of goods, hoping to trade for some AA batteries. What are they bringing? Canned
food? Candles? Other batteries? Now the barter process kicks in, and haggling starts. Don’t be
unfair on the priority goods. See what it is worth, and what you can gain from it. These trades
should be as honest as possible. Your profit will come from another source. The person in
question gives you three cans of food for 4 AA batteries that expire in a year. Always try to trade
the earliest expiring items first. The exchange is made through the window. You inspect the cans,
they inspect the batteries, maybe even try them out in the flashlight. Everyone is happy, and they
go on their way. No fuss, no problems. You’ve just made a solid customer, maybe even a friend.
Given enough time, this person may even work for you.
The barter system is whatever you see fit to implement, but there are some guidelines in the new

world you should pay attention to, especially when it comes to priority items, and vices.
Examples of possible trades:
1 can of food = 1 battery or 3 rounds of ammunition or 1 cigarette (non filtered)
1 bottle of water (sealed) = 2 cans of food or 6 rounds of ammunition or 2 cigarettes
3 cigarettes = 1 shot of hard alcohol
The combinations for trade are endless. Try to be as consistent as possible. It’s going to be tough,
because demand is going to change. This is a cross between a general store and the stock market.
Someone may try to buy you out of AAA batteries, or all of your light sticks. Don’t completely
empty your inventory. Those last scraps will turn into gold. One day a can of food might be
worth a few batteries, then someone who looted a warehouse tries to trade more water than you
could use in a few months. Weigh the trades carefully. You have the time. If a line forms, then
try to assure the people that everyone will be serviced as soon as possible.

Don’t try to scam any of the fair trade people, especially if there are others in line. Your
reputation is everything. Word of mouth is crucial. Your ability to function as a vendor is the
most important thing in the world. You have the option of allowing people to trade with each
other in line. This doesn’t hurt you. In fact, you may want to encourage it. Your trading post will
become a gathering place, a hub of activity.
Days go by. You bring in items, you trade out items. Maybe you develop a relationship with a
regular customer or two, and some of them are handy with other things. In exchange for letting
them be part of the group, they help you with different functions. They can you help with
security, they can help with bartering. Your supply chain is becoming more efficient and helpful.
The people you deal with are grateful for what they have. The trade itself gives them purpose,
gives them some meaning in this difficult time.
The people that will make the real difference to you are the stragglers that have little or no
supplies, but are hoping you can help out. There is no charity in the Apocalypse. There are only
contracts. The people who have nothing to lose will be your greatest asset.

The Carders

“Obviously crime pays, or there’d be no crime”

-G. Gordon Liddy

Bay Area cities deal with fallout from looting and violence, prepare for  more protests – Times-Herald

The saying goes: “All any person wants is something to love. If you can’t give them that, give
them something to hope for. If you can’t give them that, then just give them something to do”.
The potential free time after a power outage is immense, but it shouldn’t be leisurely. Time is
money. Time is resources. For the downtrodden people walking the street, time may be their only
bargaining chip.
As the trading post develops, your inventory will neither grow nor shrink in any great amount as
long as the trades are fair. If people are desperate, then they will make trades to your advantage.
You will also be consuming resources which will balance these things out. Where the inventory

starts to expand is with the loose contracts you make with people who have nothing to lose, and
everything to gain.
We’ve already established that you are a good person. You take care of your own. You, your
family, and your friends are fed, safe, and are now part of the only business in your area. There
are others not so lucky. People who need guidance, who need a way of life to follow. The trading
post will be their new temporary church. You will offer them purpose, and they will be grateful.
You are looking for loners. These are your valuable assets. The conversations start the same, and
require a delicate touch. What do you have for trade? Us? We have almost everything, what do
you have? Me? Not much, a saddened look crosses their face. Look, (handing them the loot list
card) this is what we need. If you can get any of these things, we can do business.
If you want, hint that some of the houses in this area appear to be abandoned. For the first time in
weeks, they have hope in their eyes. They turn and head down the street.
24 hours later, you see the same person, carrying a large bag over their shoulder. They have
items for trade. These items are worth something to you. You deal. They smile. Once trust is
gained, you offer them something else. Your makeshift supply bank. A chance to store their stash
while they’re out looking for other supplies, for a small fee, of course.

The Bank

The supply bank is an easy to learn concept, and it only works if there is trust on both sides. The
person looting is having a hard time carrying the stash they have. If they try to hide it in a house
it could be stolen, and then they will have lost everything. You offer to keep their stash for them,
inside the secure trading post, at a rate of 25-33 percent, or 1/4 to 1/3. Translation. For every 4
cans of food they store with you, the post keeps 1. For every 12 rounds of ammunition, you keep
I recommend an inventory list, like a bank book, which they sign off on every time they leave the
post. They can view the inventory list at any time, but cannot come inside to look at the goods
physically. If they insist you can offer to bring it around to the main window, but this shouldn’t
happen too often.

  1. Rate of contract is established and set for all “carders” (People who have a bank account) If
    you set it at 25%, then that is what is will stay at. Carders will run into each other from time to
    time. They should all have the same rate.
  2. The inventory sheet should be on hand for them to view. They can deposit, withdraw, or close
    an account at will. You will not stop them. This freedom establishes trust. Trust builds
    relationships. You need allies.
  3. Carders have to check in to the post every three days to confirm existence. This is a nice way
    of saying that they have to prove they haven’t gotten themselves killed. If check in isn’t
    completed in three days, the house lays claim to the entire inventory of the carder. Three days is

plenty of time and should be acceptable. Date the inventory sheets and keep good records of
them. If a carder is gone for 5 days, then shows up out of the blue, they will still lose their
inventory. You have an option of replacing this with a starter account that gives them enough
water and food to last them another three days. This will keep them going while they get back to
work. This is to reestablish trust.

  1. Looting is strongly recommended in abandoned homes. If a house is occupied, the carder
    should leave at once and seek another location. Imply to others that you are a socially
    responsible organization.
  2. Carders must respect other carders. If two are looting the same house, they should identify
    themselves to each other immediately. Whoever had entered the house first has priority over the
    other. Any deals cut between the two looters are outside of the post. Disputes will be settled
    between the members. The post will not be involved in general looting matters.
  3. Exterior conflicts will not be brought to the post. The idea here is that eventually, a carder will
    stray into an occupied house. Let’s say for arguments sake, that an occupied house contains four
    families, and a bunch of guns. They chase the carder back to the post. One of the home’s
    occupants is injured. They demand justice. You now need to be a temporary judge. This is a
    potential situation and needs to be considered. Less than 2 months ago you were crying because
    you’re laptop didn’t have Internet, and now, you’re presiding over a domestic violence case.
    Nothing happens inside the post. For security reasons, all disputes are handled somewhere
    outside the main building.
    Judging isn’t that hard without a jury. You listen to both sides, determine a course of action, and
    then make a decision. Did the carder hurt anyone? What were the circumstances? What do the
    homeowners want for compensation? Do they want to trade? Are they a current customer? Do
    they want blood? You get to decide. If the carder is a real problem or has been a thorn in your
    side, then you could hand them over to the group, but that’s not really fair. Exile may be better,
    maybe a running head start? I suppose you could just open fire. It’s your decision; choose wisely!
    The odds say that these carders will be taking chances you wouldn’t. They may enter a house and
    get shot. They may fall down some stairs and get mauled by large dogs, they may get chased
    away from another group. Your goal is to make sure that either way the post benefits. You’re not
    exactly rooting for their demise, are you? I didn’t think so. The great part about this system is
    that it is driven by basic instincts. They are hungry, and there is no credit at the trading post. To
    eat, they have to forage for supplies. They become the perfect employee. No loafing, no clock
    punching, no long lunches. Sounds like a sweet deal doesn’t it? Time to kick back and enjoy your
    success. It will be an easy ride until help arrives. Think again.

  4. The flip side of the trading post is unwanted attention. As time passes, different groups will think
    about how they can get in to your supplies. Every location has a weakness. They are looking for
    it, and you can’t let your guard down for a minute. They will send carders who seem like honest
    people. Beware of carders who want to come inside and take a look. Keep a close eye on
    everyone that’s working for you. Remember the story about the dog. Everyone is trustworthy
    until they get hungry enough. As time goes on, and you become the only game in town, you are

almost guaranteed to have at least one standoff. A group will move past the line, armed, and
want to take what you have. You and your sentries will be outnumbered. Don’t back down. They
don’t want to start shooting. Hell, some of those guns may not even be loaded. Ask them what
they want to trade for, but be prepared to take action. If you lose the post the game is over.
Quick words can sometimes save the day faster than quick guns.

Chapter 10: When the bullets run out

“You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you”

Eric Hoffer

Something very serious has just happened, and it doesn’t involve toilet paper. You’re out of
ammunition. This is not a happy thing. In fact, for a lot of survivalists, it’s the scariest time of all.
Resources are running low! You might actually have to get your hands dirty in a real fight! All
your years of learning computer programming has not prepared you for this! What the hell are
you supposed to do now!
This is not the time for a “stay calm” speech. You play this too cool and you’re going to be
having a personal conversation with the Lord. There are literally thousands of self-defense styles,
with so many practical techniques I can’t begin to scratch the surface. Teaching you how to fight
is not what you need. You need huge amounts of bring-to-bear confidence.

You have to believe that even without a firearm, you can do enough damage to the other person
that they either collapse in a blubbering pile of pathetic Jell-O, or run away at top speed,
screaming in pain, thinking of the one adversary they never want to meet again, you!

There just isn’t that much I can teach you in a few short paragraphs. Some things will come
naturally. Your adrenalin will kick in; giving you enhanced strength and reflexes. You will attack
with everything you have, and with a little luck and God’s blessing, you will be the last one
standing. If you have friends and family, think of them, and how you are their last line of
Of course it also helps if you are willing to fight dirty, and have some cool tricks to back it
up. Let’s review some items that might give you an edge in a hand-to-hand fight.

Brass knuckles:

Your hands are soft like a baby’s bottom. You haven’t done a hard day’s work in your life. There
is no way that you will transform into a seasoned union dockworker in the next 10 seconds, so
stop with the fantasy. Any martial arts training will tell you to hit someone with the base of your
palm. It saves you a lot of pain and still will deliver a good impact. You won’t remember that
though. All your fight training was in grade school, or maybe you learned from the movies,
which means you will hit with fist closed, knuckle to chin. Make it count, but if you can help it,
get something that will protect your hand. Go online and pick up a cheap pair of brass knuckles.
This little toy is a solid piece of metal with holes to stick your fingers through. It rests tight
enough in your hand that you can hit something with a full swing and the only thing that strikes
your target is the metal wrapped around your knuckles, hence the name. The beauty of this item
is that you can miss your opponent and strike something solid like a wall or your refrigerator,
and you won’t break your hand!

For decades, this product was strictly a black market item like it’s cousin the switchblade knife.
You can really hurt someone with a pair of brass knuckles. It’s like getting a small pipe to the
face; only it fits in your pocket. There were extra legal penalties if the police caught you with a
pair. Then someone figured out you could mass produce them, call them paperweights, and
presto! Brass knuckles you can buy over the Internet!

Aluminum bat

Feed off of your childhood. Everyone has held a baseball bat at one point or another. It’s a
playground regular. It doesn’t matter if you were chosen almost last on your elementary school
teams; you still got to hold the bat. It was built to be swung and to hit things. They can be found
in many places, you don’t need the Internet for this. Aluminum bats are best because they don’t
break easily. When it comes to size, the smaller the better. Remember that if you are swinging
inside the house, there are walls, furniture, and knickknacks. A long bat will just get in your way,
and will slow down or even stop if you over swing and hit a solid object. A dark colored bat is
better than a light colored one.


Buck 119 Special Knife with Leather Sheath - Buck® Knives OFFICIAL SITE

You are now a part of history! Humans have been hurting each other with knives ever since they

lumbered out of the caves and started carving them out of flint. We’ve come so far! Yep. Pretty
straight forward, and I mean that literally. The sharp point goes into the bad guy. Note I said
point, not blade. Short strong thrusts forward, not side-to-side. Don’t start waving that thing
around wildly. If that happens, there is a good chance you’ll also cut yourself in the fight.

Flammable liquid, and a match:

D32-WAR - Warning Flammable Liquid Shipping Label

This defense technique is kind of tricky, but the principal idea is taken straight from the prison
yard. Take 8-12 ounces of a flammable liquid and throw at target. Then throw a lighter, match,
or candle at target. Target catches fire. Target then either rolls on floor yelling something about
“being on fire” and “how much it burns”, or they run down the hall and out of the building,
fanning the flames, and drawing attention to them.

Martial arts:

All about skill: The art of martial arts | Art Of |

You are not Chuck Norris. No one is. If I see one more amateur attempting martial arts in a real
fight I swear I’m going to go insane! Martial arts are a discipline, not an absolute. Martial arts
create a fighting style, not a guarantee that you will win, or even that you have an edge. Every
wonder why those reality cage fights on television aren’t filled with a lot of guys jumping and
twisting, trying to land that perfect palm technique? Watch a match and you’ll see. Each fight is
different depending on your opponent! If you are trying some Matrix style drunken boxing, and
your opponent wants to wrestle that will end your movie real quick.

You can’t do spin kicks in your entryway. There is no flying tiger inside a bathroom. There is no
karate kid crane technique from the other side of a dining room table. Just hit for the head,
sternum or genitals as hard as you can. Box their ears, try to smack the base of the back of their
neck, there is a big nerve cluster where the shoulder meets the neck. Claw at the eyes; try to hit
their Adams apple. So it’s not a pretty, visually entertaining fight, the goal is to win, not to look

Throwing things

When I was growing up my sister used to throw anything she could at me. I learned quickly
when to catch, and when to dodge. You are not a professional baseball player. If a major league
pitcher has someone coming through their front door they have permission to throw the high
fastball. You throw slowly, because you are a sloth. Being a good video game player doesn’t
mean your reflexes will help you hit someone from across the room with a book. If you have
something good to throw, like a bowling ball, or an all steel crock pot, then get close to the door,
and hit them from 4 feet or less.

Note on throwing things: Do not throw your gun at the target! This is a bad lesson taught by bad
guys in the movies! Just set it down or put it back into your pocket. You never know when you
might find extra ammunition.

Stun Guns

Due to the bad memories this item brings up, and that I’m not a fan of less than lethal devices, I
can say only this: Hit the intruder with the stun gun and don’t let go of the trigger. The disruption
that they have on a body’s electrical system is somewhat cumulative, and really taxes the brain if
you give them an extra dose. Hit them long enough, and they will stay down for 30 minutes or
more. Just to be sure, just empty the battery on the target.

Pepper spray

There have been many documented cases about the use of pepper spray and there is some bad
news. You spray your enemy with mace, and you will get some on yourself. It’s like spraying
underarm deodorant on another person. No matter how careful you are, you’re going to smell it.
The difference here is that mace stings a great deal. If you don’t mind some tears and shortness of

breath, then this one is for you.


This goes against our basic “fight or flight” instincts. You may have been great at hide and seek
as a child, but hiding under a pile of clothes, or under the stairs with your pornography isn’t
going to do much this time around. Remember that this is a low resource scenario. All those
televisions programs where the mob guys toss the apartment looking for the stolen drugs, that’s
amateur hour now. People will be going through everything, and unless you have an Anne Frank
style piece of furniture, they’re going to find you, in which case you’ll have to choose something
else mentioned above.

Playing dead

It works on bears, doesn’t it? Sometimes it works on bears. It works on people sometimes too.
The cases that seem to have the most success involve a large-scale military conflict, and there are
a lot of bodies. People hide underneath them, and try to blend in. Do you have a lot of bodies in
your home? If you do, then you have some larger issues, and the looters are just your next
victims. I’ll make sure to stay clear of your place.
If you are alone and trying to play dead, you may want to consider a few things before putting on
your best “open eye and open mouth” dead movie face. First, the person coming in the door is
looking for things, but they are also looking for you, to see if you’re a threat. If they have a lot of
extra ammunition they may just put a bullet into you. If bullets are scarce, they may poke you
with something and check for a reaction. If they try to check your pulse, the jig is up, and I
recommend using their close proximity to hit hard and fast.
Say however, that your performance is convincing, and they think you’re really taking the big
dirt nap. You are still going to have to deal with this person going through all your pockets. Let’s
hope you’re not ticklish.

Acting crazy

I like this idea, even though I can’t pull it off. Start screaming and flailing about, acting as insane
as possible. For some of you, this will be quite easy. The idea is that a really noisy, scary person
may not be worth the trouble. This is recommended even before they come in the room. The
motivation is to pretend you are a human car alarm. If you make enough of a ruckus, the stealthy
attacker may just move on, and kill your neighbors instead.
To summarize:
If you are out of bullets, find the best weapon you can come up with, and ambush your attacker
with everything you’ve got. The best places to do this are either directly by the door they are
entering from, or behind a blind corner inside the house. I don’t recommend trying it from
underneath the bed. Everyone knows there are monsters under there.

The End?

That’s it, everything you need. Water, food, light, weapons, tactics, and some sensible advice
that could save your families life.
You are now officially versed in the wonderful world of urban survival. The majority of you
reading will have found it mildly entertaining. It was a small distraction in a never ending series.
A short time from now you will be back to watching something on network television. In a week
you will have forgotten most of what’s been said here.
A smaller number of you may discuss some of the concepts casually with other people,
pondering the possibility of a national crisis situation. Your friends and coworkers will have not
read the guide, and therefore will condemn it as some extremist nonsense. You will feel relieved
at this and return to some form of quiet contentment.

There may be a few that actually get something out of this guide. To those individuals who know
deep in their hearts that the worst can happen, or have survived limited catastrophes of their
own, I say this: Start small and follow through.
You don’t have to drive at top speed to the nearest bulk food store and stock a spare bedroom
floor to ceiling with freeze-dried goods. The secret, the KEY to this whole idea, is to start small.
Buy a footlocker sized plastic container, make a small list of things you might want to have if
your house was say, hit by a tornado, and start filling the container.
Once the list is checked off, and your footlocker contains the things you need, you might just
stop and call it good. Mission accomplished, you’ll never think of it again.
Chances are though, that as you make the effort to acquire your items, you will think of others,
and those other things will give you more ideas. It can snowball. Before you know it, you have a
nice corner of your basement ready for anything.
And while you’re putting things into your plastic containers, why not include this manual as
Thanks for reading this, I hope it one day helps you and yours. BUT ALSO HOPING THAT IT WON’T COME TO THAT.

Planned Parenthood Is Now Being REWARDED Cash For Killing Babies

A federal jury in San Francisco has convicted the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress (CMP), along with its president, David Daleiden, of having violated a slew of state and federal laws when it secretly filmed Planned Parenthood employees admitting on camera to illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for fast cash.

This jury reportedly awarded Planned Parenthood “damages” of $2 million as a harsh punishment for CMP and Daleiden, which were convicted of engaging in fraud, trespassing, and illegal secret recording.

Even though Planned Parenthood was supposed to have faced its own federal charges for illegally trafficking the body parts of aborted human babies, the people of San Francisco feel as though Planned Parenthood was illicitly targeted by CMP and Daleiden for no good reason other than right-wing “extremism.”

Defund Planned Parenthood

“David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress intentionally waged a multi-year effort to manufacture a malicious campaign against Planned Parenthood,” claims Alexis McGill Johnson, the current acting president and CEO of Planned Parenthood.

“The jury recognized today that those behind the campaign broke the law in order to advance their goals of banning safe, legal abortion in this country, and to prevent Planned Parenthood from serving the patients who depend on us,” she added in a statement.

Johnson, as you may recall, wrote an op-ed that was published in The Wall Street Journal claiming that eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, didn’t hate black people, even though Sanger openly admitted that she considered African-Americans to be “human weeds.”

Pro-Life Defense Lawyers Say They’re Absolutely Going To Appeal This Decision Because The “Process Was Unfair”

This major blow to the pro-life movement isn’t going to be accepted lying down, as pro-life defense lawyers have already promised to appeal this grotesque decision.

Peter Breen, the lead defense attorney at the Thomas More Society, told reporters outside the courtroom following the decision that he plans to do whatever it takes to vindicate CMP and Daleiden, who are merely engaged in honest journalism.

“This lawsuit is payback for David Daleiden exposing Planned Parenthood’s dirty business of buying and selling fetal parts and organs,” Breen is quoted as saying.

“We intend to seek vindication for David on appeal. His investigation into criminal activity by America’s largest abortion provider utilized standard investigative journalism techniques, those applied regularly by news outlets across the country.”

In Breen’s view, this ruling out of San Francisco represents a “dangerous attack” on every American’s First Amendment rights. If the decision isn’t reversed, freedom of speech will officially be dead in the United States.

“David’s findings revealed practices so abhorrent that the United States Congress issued criminal referrals for Planned Parenthood, and numerous states and elected officials have moved to strip it of funding,” Breen contends.

“Rather than face up to its heinous doings, Planned Parenthood chose to persecute the person who exposed it. I am fully confident that when this case has run its course, justice will prevail, and David will be vindicated.”

It’s also important to note that the presiding judge in the case, US District Court Judge William Orrick III, has direct ties to Planned Parenthood, and spent the six weeks it took to conduct the trial influencing the jury “with pre-determined rulings and by suppressing video evidence, all in order to rubber-stamp Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit attack on the First Amendment,” according to Breen.

“This is a dangerous precedent for citizen journalism and First Amendment civil rights across the country, sending a message that speaking truth and facts criticizing the powerful is no longer protected by our institutions,” said CMP in a statement.

Researchers: 100% Covid-19 Cure Rate Using Intravenous Chlorine Dioxide

Preliminary data from a clinical trial involving more than 100 covid-19 patients in Ecuador has resulted in a claimed 100 cure rate within four days, according to Andreas Kalcker who is closely following the results of the effort.

The tests were carried out by the Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Medicos Expertos en Medicina Integrativa, a group of integrative medicine practitioners.

Ecuador has been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus, and the current “standard of care” promoted by Western medicine — largely based on the use of ventilators — has been killing the vast majority of critical patients while utterly failing to address the real root of the problem.

Researchers 100% Covid 19 Cure Rate Using Intravenous Chlorine Dioxide

Covid-19 isn’t an Acute Respiratory Disease (ARD), it turns out.

Rather, it often presents as an inflammation and blood clotting condition (see The Lancet research, below) which causes the blood to be unable to carry oxygen, resulting in patient hypoxia and eventual asphyxiation.

This is why intravenous chlorine dioxide — which immediately delivers a high dose of oxygen to blood cells — is believed to work so effectively against covid-19.

It reportedly restores the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin and clears the clotting in the lungs, all while destroying pathogens.

Chlorine dioxide researcher and advocate Andreas Kalcker has posted a video (in Spanish) where he explains the findings.

That video, entitled, “Mas de 100 Casos de Covid-19 recuperados con CDS por medicos de Aememi,” is found at this link on

A video embed is offered here:$/embed/100-Covid-19-Recuperados-Con-Cds–Aememi-1/1b876f507d41025d04a38fb6ee768df25903051f

In the video, Andreas explains that researchers were able to achieve a complete cure in just four days through the use of intravenous chlorine dioxide (ClO2).

Here’s a photo of some of the researchers holding syringes of chlorine dioxide, which is then infused into the patients’ blood, where it releases a wave of oxygen that researchers believe saturates the blood with O2 while killing pathogens:

Intravenous Chlorine Dioxide Covid 19 Treatment Ecuador

Another clinical trial involving chlorine dioxide is currently under way, documented by the US National Library of Medicine at

The study uses oral chlorine dioxide (rather than intravenous) and is entitled, “Determination of the Effectiveness of Oral Chlorine Dioxide in the Treatment of COVID 19.”

The trial is being conducted by the Genesis Foundation and involves 20 patients.

The identifier for that trial is NCT04343742.

Andreas Kalcker explains in his video that chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant that destroys viruses and bacteria.

The substance has long been used in water purification processes and is approved by various US government agencies for as a water treatment and purification agent.

This video frame shows blood cells being flooded with oxygen from ClO2, instantly reducing clotting / coagulation:

Chlorine Dioxide Blood Clotting

Covid-19 is not an acute respiratory disease

In another bombshell science paper published May 7, 2020, in The Lancet, researchers Dennis McGonagle and others determined that covid-19 is not a respiratory disease but rather “diffuse pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy,” a kind of blood clotting that presents in lung tissue.

This explains why patients with covid-19 are dying from hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and are frequently killed by the use of ventilators.

As an ICU doctor from New York warned months ago, doctors are treating the wrong disease.

(That doctor’s YouTube channel was deleted and all his videos were censored, of course. No one is allowed to question medical orthodoxy in the medical police state known as the United States of America.)

Study authors also found the inflammation triggers a worsening of the condition, which implies that anti-inflammatory interventions might be the key to saving lives and ending the pandemic.

From the study:

The immune mechanism underlying diffuse alveolar and pulmonary interstitial inflammation in COVID-19 involves a MAS-like state that triggers extensive immunothrombosis…

MAS stands for Macrophage Activation Syndrome, and it is an inflammatory response stemming from an over-reactive immune response, similar to the “cytokine storm” that’s being widely discussed (which vitamin C helps prevent, according to published research). As the study explains:

The severity of systemic inflammation in response to human coronavirus family members has features reminiscent of a cytokine storm or macrophage activation syndrome (MAS), also known as secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (sHLH).

Figure 1 from the study:

Covid 19 Lung Tissue Clotting Inflammation

To simplify these findings, covid-19 is not acute viral pneumonia impacting the respiratory system but rather an inflammation-based immunological response that leads to thrombosis (clotting in the lungs) which kills the patient.

The use of ventilators only makes the problem worse, which is why previous observational studies have found that 88% of patients put on ventilators end up dying. They are dying because the ventilator treatment is the wrong treatment.

Chlorine dioxide is reportedly saving 100 percent of the patients studied so far because chlorine dioxide floods the blood with instantly usable oxygen while killing the pathogens responsible for clotting.

There is also anecdotal evidence that some people are beating covid-19 infections with high doses of aspirin, a blood thinner, although this information should not be taken as advice for treatment, and far more research is needed on blood thinners and anti-inflammatory interventions.

This may also help explain why turmeric and vitamin D are associated with strong reductions in inflammation in the body, which may prove useful in balancing the immune response and preventing the kind of imbalance that can lead to immune system overreactions.

The criminal medical cartels are censoring all treatments and cures that work to save lives

Notably, the criminal Big Pharma cartels and corrupt government regulators (like the FDA, FTC, CDC) are going out of their way to try to criminalize or suppress any non-vaccine, non-pharma solutions that might save lives.

Over the last month, we’ve all witnessed an astonishing level of aggression and mafia-style tactics used by the FDA and FTC against pioneering researchers offering a variety of possible solutions, such as chlorine dioxide or intravenous vitamin C.

They’ve even declared war on hydroxychloroquine and the medical establishment has been engineering clinical trials which are designed to fail from the start in order to discredit the off-patent, affordable drug.

There is no doubt that Big Pharma’s obedient government lackeys are at war with truth and are desperately trying to suppress information about natural cures and integrative treatments that might eliminate covid-19 before vaccines can be made available.

The techno-fascist tech giants like Facebook, Google, Vimeo, YouTube and Twitter are all-in with Big Pharma, going out of their way to censor and destroy all information that criticizes vaccines or offers wisdom about natural treatments or integrative medicine interventions.

This criminal cabal of Big Tech and Big Pharma is the enemy of humanity, as they are deliberately working to worsen the pandemic, increase suffering and death and extend the punishing lockdowns for as long as possible in order to cause several economic damage while preparing the masses for mandatory vaccines.

We are all witnessing a powerful criminal gang of corporations and regulators who are deliberately seeking to destroy human society as we know it today, and they are the gatekeepers of information on the ‘net (and in the news).

[The internet was perfectly fine before the powers that shouldn’t be decided to destroy it. Now censorship and propaganda are rampant online, and Google and YouTube searches are no longer relevant since they promote the dinosaur media lies rather than delivering the actual search trends, as they used to. The MSM is shoved down our throats even deeper, while independent researchers are delisted, etc.]

This is why we are repeating our call for the CEOs of all the top tech giants to be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity, then prosecuted in a court of law.

Also read: Amazon, Google And Facebook Have Taken Over The World And Are Now A Threat To Our Very Existence

Over the weekend, a member of Italy’s Parliament gave a rousing speech in which she labeled Bill Gates a “vaccine criminal” and demanded he be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity.

Such efforts should not be limited to Bill Gates, however. They must include the criminals of other tech giants as well as the corrupt, anti-human criminals running the FDA, FTC and CDC, among others.

Their crimes against humanity must not go unanswered, and they must be held accountable in a court of law.

The destructive, anti-human agendas of Big Pharma and Big Tech are incompatible with human freedom and a sustainable human civilization.

These anti-human institutions must be permanently dismantled, and humanity must rise up against this threat in the same way we once awakened against the Third Reich and the rise of Nazi fascism and the Holocaust.

Right now, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the FDA and the CDC are plotting to kill billions of human beings with an engineered bioweapon, a risky vaccine, and high-fatality prescription drugs that make people more vulnerable to covid-19.

These enemies of humanity must be stopped, and the truth about chlorine dioxide must be set free so that human beings can be saved from suffering and death.

To learn more about the establishment’s war on truth (and war on humanity), watch my recent interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits, who has also been subjected to extreme censorship for raising the alarm about how vaccines are spreading infectious disease.

Technofascism: Digital Book Burning In A Totalitarian Age

“Those who created this country chose freedom. With all of its dangers. And do you know the riskiest part of that choice they made?

“They actually believed that we could be trusted to make up our own minds in the whirl of differing ideas.

“That we could be trusted to remain free, even when there were very, very seductive voices — taking advantage of our freedom of speech — who were trying to turn this country into the kind of place where the government could tell you what you can and cannot do.” — Nat Hentoff

We are fast becoming a nation — nay, a world — of book burners.

Technofascism Digital Book Burning In A Totalitarian Age

While on paper, we are technically free to speak — at least according to the U.S. Constitution — in reality, however, we are only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners such as Facebook, Google or YouTube may allow.

That’s not a whole lot of freedom. Especially if you’re inclined to voice opinions that may be construed as conspiratorial or dangerous.

Take David Icke, for example.

Icke, a popular commentator and author often labeled a conspiracy theorist by his detractors, recently had his Facebook page and YouTube channel (owned by Google) deleted for violating site policies by “spreading coronavirus disinformation.”

The Centre for Countering Digital Hate, which has been vocal about calling for Icke’s de-platforming, is also pushing for the removal of all other sites and individuals who promote Icke’s content in an effort to supposedly “save lives.”

Translation: the CCDH evidently believes the public is too dumb to think for itself and must be protected from dangerous ideas.

This is the goosestepping Nanny State trying to protect us from ourselves.

In the long run, this “safety” control (the censorship and shadowbanning of anyone who challenges a mainstream narrative) will be far worse than merely allowing people to think for themselves.

Journalist Matt Taibbi gets its:

“The people who want to add a censorship regime to a health crisis are more dangerous and more stupid by leaps and bounds than a president who tells people to inject disinfectant.”

Don’t fall for the propaganda.

These internet censors are not acting in our best interests to protect us from dangerous, disinformation campaigns about COVID-19, a virus whose source and behavior continue to elude medical officials.

They’re laying the groundwork now, with Icke as an easy target, to preempt any “dangerous” ideas that might challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.

This is how freedom dies.

It doesn’t matter what disinformation Icke may or may not have been spreading about COVID-19. That’s not the issue.

As commentator Caitlin Johnstone recognizes, the censorship of David Icke by these internet media giants has nothing to do with Icke:

“What matters is that we’re seeing a consistent and accelerating pattern of powerful plutocratic institutions collaborating with the US-centralized empire to control what ideas people around the world are permitted to share with each other, and it’s a very unsafe trajectory.”

Welcome to the age of technofascism.

Technofascism, clothed in tyrannical self-righteousness, is powered by technological behemoths (both corporate and governmental) working in tandem.

As journalist Chet Bowers explains, “Technofascism’s level of efficiency and totalitarian potential can easily lead to repressive systems that will not tolerate dissent.”

The internet, hailed as a super-information highway, is increasingly becoming the police state’s secret weapon.

This “policing of the mind: is exactly the danger author Jim Keith warned about when he predicted that “information and communication sources are gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an opportunity for unheralded control of hat will be broadcast, what will be said, and ultimately what will be thought.”

It’s a slippery slope from censoring so-called illegitimate ideas to silencing truth.

Eventually, as George Orwell predicted, telling the truth will become a revolutionary act.

We’re almost at that point now.

What you are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning which involves doing away with dangerous ideas — legitimate or not — and the people who espouse them.

Today, the forces of political correctness, working in conjunction with corporate and government agencies, have managed to replace actual book burning with intellectual book burning.

Free speech for me but not for thee” is how my good friend and free speech purist Nat Hentoff used to sum up this double standard.

This is about much more than free speech, however. This is about repression and control.

With every passing day, we’re being moved further down the road towards a totalitarian society characterized by government censorship, violence, corruption, hypocrisy and intolerance, all packaged for our supposed benefit in the Orwellian doublespeak of national security, tolerance and so-called “government speech.”

The reasons for such censorship vary widely from political correctness, safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remains the same: the complete eradication of what Benjamin Franklin referred to as the “principal pillar of a free government.”

The upshot of all of this editing, parsing, banning and silencing is the emergence of a new language, what George Orwell referred to as Newspeak, which places the power to control language in the hands of the totalitarian state.

Under such a system, language becomes a weapon to change the way people think by changing the words they use.

The end result is control.

In totalitarian regimes — a.k.a. police states — where conformity and compliance are enforced at the end of a loaded gun, the government dictates what words can and cannot be used.

In countries where the police state hides behind a benevolent mask and disguises itself as tolerance, the citizens censor themselves, policing their words and thoughts to conform to the dictates of the mass mind lest they find themselves ostracized or placed under surveillance.

Even when the motives behind this rigidly calibrated reorientation of societal language appear well-intentioned—discouraging racism, condemning violence, denouncing discrimination and hatred—inevitably, the end result is the same: intolerance, indoctrination and infantilism.

It’s political correctness disguised as tolerance, civility and love, but what it really amounts to is the chilling of free speech and the demonizing of viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite.

The police state could not ask for a better citizenry than one that carries out its own censorship, spying and policing: this is how you turn a nation of free people into extensions of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent police state, and in the process turn a citizenry against each other.

Tread cautiously: Orwell’s 1984, which depicts the ominous rise of ubiquitous technology, fascism and totalitarianism, has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state.

1984 portrays a global society of total control in which people are not allowed to have thoughts that in any way disagree with the corporate state.

There is no personal freedom, and advanced technology has become the driving force behind a surveillance-driven society. Snitches and cameras are everywhere.

People are subject to the Thought Police, who deal with anyone guilty of thought crimes.

The government, or “Party,” is headed by Big Brother who appears on posters everywhere with the words: “Big Brother is watching you.”

We have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by not only Orwell but also such fiction writers as Aldous HuxleyMargaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick.

Much like Orwell’s Big Brother in 1984, the government and its corporate spies now watch our every move.

Much like Huxley’s A Brave New World, we are churning out a society of watchers who “have their liberties taken away from them, but … rather enjoy it, because they [are] distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing.”

Much like Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, the populace is now taught to “know their place and their duties, to understand that they have no real rights but will be protected up to a point if they conform, and to think so poorly of themselves that they will accept their assigned fate and not rebel or run away.”

And in keeping with Philip K. Dick’s darkly prophetic vision of a dystopian police state — which became the basis for Steven Spielberg’s futuristic thriller Minority Report — we are now trapped in a world in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT teams and pre-crime units will crack a few skulls to bring the populace under control.

What once seemed futuristic no longer occupies the realm of science fiction.

Incredibly, as the various nascent technologies employed and shared by the government and corporations alike — facial recognition, iris scanners, massive databases, behavior prediction software, and so on—are incorporated into a complex, interwoven cyber network aimed at tracking our movements, predicting our thoughts and controlling our behavior, the dystopian visions of past writers is fast becoming our reality.

In fact, our world is characterized by widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, fusion centers, driverless cars, voice-controlled homes, facial recognition systems, cybugs and drones, and predictive policing (pre-crime) aimed at capturing would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Government agents listen in on our telephone calls and read our emails. And privacy and bodily integrity have been utterly eviscerated.

We are increasingly ruled by multi-corporations wedded to the police state.

What many fail to realize is that the government is not operating alone. It cannot.

The government requires an accomplice.

Thus, the increasingly complex security needs of the massive federal government, especially in the areas of defense, surveillance and data management, have been met within the corporate sector, which has shown itself to be a powerful ally that both depends on and feeds the growth of governmental overreach.

In fact, Big Tech wedded to Big Government has become Big Brother, and we are now ruled by the Corporate Elite whose tentacles have spread worldwide.

The government now has at its disposal technological arsenals so sophisticated and invasive as to render any constitutional protections null and void.

Spearheaded by the NSA, which has shown itself to care little to nothing for constitutional limits or privacy, the “security/industrial complex” — a marriage of government, military and corporate interests aimed at keeping Americans under constant surveillance — has come to dominate the government and our lives.

Money, power, control.

There is no shortage of motives fueling the convergence of mega-corporations and government. But who is paying the price?

“We the people,” of course. Not just we Americans, but people the world over.

We have entered into a global state of tyranny.

Where we stand now is at the juncture of OldSpeak (where words have meanings, and ideas can be dangerous) and Newspeak (where only that which is “safe” and “accepted” by the majority is permitted).

The power elite has made their intentions clear: they will pursue and prosecute any and all words, thoughts and expressions that challenge their authority.

This is the final link in the police state chain.

Americans have been conditioned to accept routine incursions on their privacy rights.

In fact, the addiction to screen devices — especially cell phones — has created a hive effect where the populace not only watched but is controlled by AI bots.

However, at one time, the idea of a total surveillance state tracking one’s every move would have been abhorrent to most Americans.

That all changed with the 9/11 attacks.

As professor Jeffrey Rosen observes, “Before Sept. 11, the idea that Americans would voluntarily agree to live their lives under the gaze of a network of biometric surveillance cameras, peering at them in government buildings, shopping malls, subways and stadiums, would have seemed unthinkable, a dystopian fantasy of a society that had surrendered privacy and anonymity.”

Having been reduced to a cowering citizenry — mute in the face of elected officials who refuse to represent us, helpless in the face of police brutality, powerless in the face of militarized tactics and technology that treat us like enemy combatants on a battlefield, and naked in the face of government surveillance that sees and hears all — we have nowhere left to go.

We have, so to speak, gone from being a nation where privacy is king to one where nothing is safe from the prying eyes of government.

In search of so-called terrorists and extremists hiding amongst us — the proverbial “needle in a haystack,” as one official termed it — the Corporate State has taken to monitoring all aspects of our lives, from cell phone calls and emails to Internet activity and credit card transactions.

This data is being fed through fusion centers across the country, which work with the Department of Homeland Security to make threat assessments on every citizen, including school children.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are now being watched, especially if you leave behind an electronic footprint.

When you use your cell phone, you leave a record of when the call was placed, who you called, how long it lasted and even where you were at the time. When you use your ATM card, you leave a record of where and when you used the card.

There is even a video camera at most locations equipped with facial recognition software. When you use a cell phone or drive a car enabled with GPS, you can be tracked by satellite.

Such information is shared with government agents, including local police. And all of this once-private information about your consumer habits, your whereabouts and your activities is now being fed to the U.S. government.

The government has nearly inexhaustible resources when it comes to tracking our movements, from electronic wiretapping devices, traffic cameras and biometrics to radio-frequency identification cards, satellites and Internet surveillance.

Speech recognition technology now makes it possible for the government to carry out massive eavesdropping by way of sophisticated computer systems.

Phone calls can be monitored, the audio converted to text files and stored in computer databases indefinitely.

And if any “threatening” words are detected — no matter how inane or silly — the record can be flagged and assigned to a government agent for further investigation.

Federal and state governments, again working with private corporations, monitor your Internet content.

Users are profiled and tracked in order to identify, target and even prosecute them.

In such a climate, everyone is a suspect. And you’re guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.

Here’s what a lot of people fail to understand, however: it’s not just what you say or do that is being monitored, but how you think that is being tracked and targeted.

We’ve already seen this play out on the state and federal level with hate crime legislation that cracks down on so-called “hateful” thoughts and expression, encourages self-censoring and reduces free debate on various subject matter.

Say hello to the new Thought Police.

Total Internet surveillance by the Corporate State, as omnipresent as God, is used by the government to predict and, more importantly, control the populace, and it’s not as far-fetched as you might think.

For example, the NSA has designed an artificial intelligence system that can anticipate your every move.

In a nutshell, the NSA feeds vast amounts of the information it collects to a computer system known as Aquaint (the acronym stands for Advanced QUestion Answering for INTelligence), which the computer then uses to detect patterns and predict behavior.

No information is sacred or spared.

Everything from cell phone recordings and logs, to emails, to text messages, to personal information posted on social networking sites, to credit card statements, to library circulation records, to credit card histories, etc., is collected by the NSA and shared freely with its agents.

Thus, what we are witnessing, in the so-called name of security and efficiency, is the creation of a new class system comprised of the watched (average Americans such as you and me) and the watchers (government bureaucrats, technicians and private corporations).

Clearly, the age of privacy is at an end.

So where does that leave us?

We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology, which answers not to us but to our government and corporate rulers.

This is the fact-is-stranger-than-fiction lesson that is being pounded into us on a daily basis.

It won’t be long before we find ourselves looking back on the past with longing, back to an age where we could speak to whom we wanted, buy what we wanted, think what we wanted without those thoughts, words and activities being tracked, processed and stored by corporate giants such as Google, sold to government agencies such as the NSA and CIA, and used against us by militarized police with their army of futuristic technologies.

To be an individual today, to not conform, to have even a shred of privacy, and to live beyond the reach of the government’s roaming eyes and technological spies, one must not only be a rebel but rebel.

Even when you rebel and take your stand, there is rarely a happy ending awaiting you. You are rendered an outlaw.

So how do you survive this global surveillance state?

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we’re running out of options.

We’ll soon have to choose between self-indulgence (the bread-and-circus distractions offered up by the news media, politicians, sports conglomerates, entertainment industry, etc.) and self-preservation in the form of renewed vigilance about threats to our freedoms and active engagement in self-governance.

Yet as Aldous Huxley acknowledged in Brave New World Revisited:

“Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures.

“A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those would manipulate and control it.”

Which brings me back to this technofascist tyranny being meted out on David Icke and all those like him who dare to voice ideas that diverge from what the government and its corporate controllers deem to be acceptable.

The problem as I see it is that we’ve allowed ourselves to be persuaded that we need someone else to think and speak for us.

And we’ve allowed ourselves to become so timid in the face of offensive words and ideas that we’ve bought into the idea that we need the government to shield us from that which is ugly or upsetting or mean.

The result is a society in which we’ve stopped debating among ourselves, stopped thinking for ourselves, and stopped believing that we can fix our own problems and resolve our own differences.

In short, we have reduced ourselves to a largely silent, passive, polarized populace incapable of working through our own problems and reliant on the government to protect us from our fears.

In this way, we have become our worst enemy.

You want to reclaim some of the ground we’re fast losing to the techno-tyrants?

Start by thinking for yourself. If that means reading the “dangerous” ideas being floated out there by the David Ickes of the world — or the John Whiteheads for that matter — and then deciding for yourself what is true, so be it.

As Orwell concluded, “Freedom is the right to say two plus two make four.”

The Super Bowl’s Biggest Losers: The Children Being Sold For Sex 20 Times A Day

Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.” — John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

There can only be one winner emerging from this year’s Super Bowl LIV showdown between the San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs, but the biggest losers will be the hundreds of young girls and boys — some as young as 9 years old — who will be bought and sold for sex during the course of the big game.

It’s common to refer to this evil practice, which has become the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns as child sex trafficking, but what we’re really talking about is rape.

Adults purchase children for sex at least 2.5 million times a year in the United States.

Superbowl Child Trafficking

It’s not just young girls who are vulnerable to these predators, either.

According to a USA Today investigative report, “boys make up about 36% of children caught up in the U.S. sex industry (about 60% are female and less than 5% are transgender males and females).”

Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry.

In Georgia alone, it is estimated that 7,200 men (half of them in their 30s) seek to purchase sex with adolescent girls each month, averaging roughly 300 a day.

On average, a child might be raped by 6,000 men during a five-year period.

It is estimated that at least 100,000 children — girls and boys — are bought and sold for sex in the U.S. every year, with as many as 300,000 children in danger of being trafficked each year. Some of these children are forcefully abducted, others are runaways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and acquaintances.

Child rape has become Big Business in America.

FBI: Sex With Children Is The Fastest Growing Illegal Business In America

This is an industry that revolves around cheap sex on the fly, with young girls and women who are sold to 50 men each day for $25 apiece, while their handlers make $150,000 to $200,000 per child each year.

This is not a problem found only in big cities.

It’s happening everywhere, right under our noses, in suburbs, cities and towns across the nation.

As Ernie Allen of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children points out, “The only way not to find this in any American city is simply not to look for it.”

Don’t fool yourselves into believing that this is merely a concern for lower income communities or immigrants.

It’s not.

It is estimated that there are 100,000 to 150,000 under-aged child sex workers in the U.S. These girls aren’t volunteering to be sex slaves. They’re being lured — forced — trafficked into it. In most cases, they have no choice. Every transaction is rape.

In order to avoid detection (in some cases aided and abetted by the police) and cater to male buyers’ demand for sex with different women, pimps and the gangs and crime syndicates they work for have turned sex trafficking into a highly mobile enterprise, with trafficked girls, boys and women constantly being moved from city to city, state to state, and country to country.

For instance, the Baltimore-Washington area, referred to as The Circuit, with its I-95 corridor dotted with rest stops, bus stations and truck stops, is a hub for the sex trade.

No doubt about it: this is a highly profitable, highly organized and highly sophisticated sex trafficking business that operates in towns large and small, raking in upwards of $9.5 billion a year in the U.S. alone by abducting and selling young girls for sex.

Every year, the girls being bought and sold gets younger and younger.

The average age of those being trafficked is 13. Yet as the head of a group that combats trafficking pointed out, “Let’s think about what average means. That means there are children younger than 13. That means 8-, 9-, 10-year-olds.

“For every 10 women rescued, there are 50 to 100 more women who are brought in by the traffickers. Unfortunately, they’re not 18- or 20-year-olds anymore,” noted a 25-year-old victim of trafficking. “They’re minors as young as 13 who are being trafficked. They’re little girls.”

This is America’s dirty little secret.

But What Or Who Is Driving This Evil Appetite For Young Flesh? Who Buys A Child For Sex?

Otherwise ordinary men from all walks of life. “They could be your co-worker, doctor, pastor or spouse,” writes journalist Tim Swarens, who spent more than a year investigating the sex trade in America.

Catholic and Protestant churches have been particularly singled out in recent years for harboring these sexual predators. Twenty years after the clergy sex abuse scandal rocked the Catholic Church, hundreds of sexual predators — priests, deacons, monks and lay people — continue to be given work assignments in proximity to children. In many cases, the abuse continues unabated.

Although much less publicized, the sex crimes within the Protestant Church have been no less egregious. For instance, a recent expose into the Southern Baptist Church leaders by the Houston Chronicle documents over 700 child sex victims “who were molested, sent explicit photos or texts, exposed to pornography, photographed nude, or repeatedly raped by youth pastors. Some victims as young as 3 were molested or raped inside pastors’ studies and Sunday school classrooms.”

And then you have national sporting events such as the Super Bowl, where sex traffickers have been caught selling minors, some as young as 9 years old. Yet even if the Super Bowl is not exactly a “windfall” for sex traffickers as some claim, it remains a lucrative source of income for the child sex trafficking industry and a draw for those who are willing to pay to rape young children.

According to criminal investigator Marc Chadderdon, these “buyers” — the so-called “ordinary” men who drive the demand for sex with children — represent a cross-section of American society: every age, every race, every socio-economic background, cops, teachers, corrections workers, pastors, etc.

And then there are the extra-ordinary men, such as Jeffrey Epstein, the hedge fund billionaire / convicted serial pedophile who was arrested on charges of molesting, raping and sex trafficking dozens of young girls, only to die under highly unusual circumstances.

It is believed that Epstein operated his own personal sex trafficking ring not only for his personal pleasure but also for the pleasure of his friends and business associates. According to The Washington Post, “several of the young women…say they were offered to the rich and famous as sex partners at Epstein’s parties.” At various times, Epstein ferried his friends about on his private plane, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”

Men like Epstein and his cronies, who belong to a powerful, wealthy, elite segment of society that operates according to their own rules, skate free of accountability by taking advantage of a criminal justice system that panders to the powerful, the wealthy and the elite.

Still, where did this appetite for young girls come from?

Look around you.

Young girls have been sexualized for years now in music videos, on billboards, in television ads, and in clothing stores. Marketers have created a demand for young flesh and a ready supply of over-sexualized children.

“In a market that sells high heels for babies and thongs for tweens, it doesn’t take a genius to see that sex, if not porn, has invaded our lives,” writes Jessica Bennett for Newsweek.

“Whether we welcome it or not, television brings it into our living rooms and the Web brings it into our bedrooms. According to a 2007 study from the University of Alberta, as many as 90 percent of boys and 70 percent of girls aged 13 to 14 have accessed sexually explicit content at least once.”

This is what Bennett refers to as the “pornification of a generation.”

In other words, the culture is grooming these young people to be preyed upon by sexual predators.

Social media makes it all too easy. As one news center reported, “Finding girls is easy for pimps. They look on … social networks. They and their assistants cruise malls, high schools and middle schools. They pick them up at bus stops. On the trolley. Girl-to-girl recruitment sometimes happens.” Foster homes and youth shelters have also become prime targets for traffickers.

Worrying: Foster Care Continues To Be Child Sex Trafficking Pipeline In 2020

Rarely do these girls enter into prostitution voluntarily. Many start out as runaways or throwaways, only to be snatched up by pimps or larger sex rings. Others, persuaded to meet up with a stranger after interacting online through one of the many social networking sites, find themselves quickly initiated into their new lives as sex slaves.

Debbie, a straight-A student who belonged to a close-knit Air Force family living in Phoenix, Ariz., is an example of this trading of flesh.

Debbie was 15 when she was snatched from her driveway by an acquaintance-friend. Forced into a car, Debbie was bound and taken to an unknown location, held at gunpoint and raped by multiple men. She was then crammed into a small dog kennel and forced to eat dog biscuits. Debbie’s captors advertised her services on Craigslist.

Those who responded were often married with children, and the money that Debbie “earned” for sex was given to her kidnappers. The gang raping continued. After searching the apartment where Debbie was held captive, police finally found Debbie stuffed in a drawer under a bed. Her harrowing ordeal lasted for 40 days.

While Debbie was fortunate enough to be rescued, others are not so lucky.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, nearly 800,000 children go missing every year (roughly 2,185 children a day).

With a growing demand for sexual slavery and an endless supply of girls and women who can be targeted for abduction, this is not a problem that’s going away anytime soon.

For those trafficked, it’s a nightmare from beginning to end.

Those being sold for sex have an average life expectancy of seven years, and those years are a living nightmare of endless rape, forced drugging, humiliation, degradation, threats, disease, pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, torture, pain, and always the constant fear of being killed or, worse, having those you love hurt or killed.

Peter Landesman paints the full horrors of life for those victims of the sex trade in his New York Times article “The Girls Next Door”:

“Andrea told me that she and the other children she was held with were frequently beaten to keep them off-balance and obedient. Sometimes they were videotaped while being forced to have sex with adults or one another. Often, she said, she was asked to play roles: the therapist patient or the obedient daughter.

Her cell of sex traffickers offered three age ranges of sex partners — toddler to age 4, 5 to 12 and teens — as well as what she called a “damage group.” “In the damage group, they can hit you or do anything they want to,” she explained. “Though sex always hurts when you are little, so it’s always violent, everything was much more painful once you were placed in the damage group.”

What Andrea described next shows just how depraved some portions of American society have become. “They’d get you hungry then to train you” to have oral sex.

“They put honey on a man. For the littlest kids, you had to learn not to gag. And they would push things in you so you would open up better. We learned responses. Like if they wanted us to be sultry or sexy or scared. Most of them wanted you scared. When I got older, I’d teach the younger kids how to float away so things didn’t hurt.”

Immigration and customs enforcement agents at the Cyber Crimes Center in Fairfax, Va., report that when it comes to sex, the appetites of many Americans have now changed. What was once considered abnormal is now the norm. These agents are tracking a clear spike in the demand for harder-core pornography on the Internet. As one agent noted, “We’ve become desensitized by the soft stuff; now we need a harder and harder hit.”

This trend is reflected by the treatment many of the girls receive at the hands of the drug traffickers and the men who purchase them. Peter Landesman interviewed Rosario, a Mexican woman who had been trafficked to New York and held captive for a number of years. She said: “In America, we had ‘special jobs.’ Oral sex, anal sex, often with many men. Sex is now more adventurous, harder.”

A common thread woven through most survivors’ experiences is being forced to go without sleep or food until they have met their sex quota of at least 40 men. One woman recounts how her trafficker made her lie face down on the floor when she was pregnant and then literally jumped on her back, forcing her to miscarry.

Holly Austin Smith was abducted when she was 14 years old, raped, and then forced to prostitute herself. Her pimp, when brought to trial, was only made to serve a year in prison.

Barbara Amaya was repeatedly sold between traffickers, abused, shot, stabbed, raped, kidnapped, trafficked, beaten, and jailed all before she was 18 years old.

“I had a quota that I was supposed to fill every night. And if I didn’t have that amount of money, I would get beat, thrown down the stairs. He beat me once with wire coat hangers, the kind you hang up clothes, he straightened it out and my whole back was bleeding.”

As David McSwane recounts in a chilling piece for the Herald-Tribune:

“In Oakland Park, an industrial Fort Lauderdale suburb, federal agents in 2011 encountered a brothel operated by a married couple. Inside ‘The Boom Boom Room,’ as it was known, customers paid a fee and were given a condom and a timer and left alone with one of the brothel’s eight teenagers, children as young as 13. A 16-year-old foster child testified that he acted as security, while a 17-year-old girl told a federal judge she was forced to have sex with as many as 20 men a night.”

One particular sex trafficking ring catered specifically to migrant workers employed seasonally on farms throughout the southeastern states, especially the Carolinas and Georgia, although it’s a flourishing business in every state in the country.

Traffickers transport the women from farm to farm, where migrant workers would line up outside shacks, as many as 30 at a time, to have sex with them before they were transported to yet another farm where the process would begin all over again.

This growing evil is, for all intents and purposes, out in the open.

Trafficked children are advertised on the internet, transported on the interstate, and bought and sold in swanky hotels.

Unfortunately, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the government’s war on sex trafficking — much like the government’s war on terrorism, drugs and crime — has become a perfect excuse for inflicting more police state tactics (police check points, searches, surveillance, and heightened security) on a vulnerable public, while doing little to protect our children from sex predators.

Climate Hoax Stepford Shill Greta Thunberg Charms: “How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words”

“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.” — H.L. Mencken

“How dare you!” The Greta Hall of Fame just inducted its newest and latest member. Move over Mses. Garbo, Van Susteren and Waitz (all right, Grete, close enough). Meet America’s and the world’s cosmic climate sweetheart, the incomprehensibly frightening Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old, pigtailed and braided latter-day atavistic incarnation of Frau Blücher. She actually makes David Hogg look like George Gobel. If you missed her staged, canned, over-rehearsed, eating-the-scenery over-the-top schlock screech speech at yesterday’s UN climate whatever, you missed one for the ages. Spooky. Seriously. Histrionics for the books. Classic. Sad. Pathetic.
Like watching accident dashcam videos. Ah, our Miss Greta. She stole the show, perhaps as the beneficiary of the most fleeting of moments of ignominy couched as righteous indignation and horror. With screams from the crowd of “Where are her parents?” this vacant-eyed Climategate human shield central casting global warming clone and Soros-sponsored crisis actress captured the imagination of many the Kubrick fan as we thought how she’d be perfect perhaps singlehandedly supplanting the twins in The Shining all by her lonesome. Look, I’m no shrink but I know troubled when I see it. After all, I’ve been to talk radio conventions.
Somebody help this girl! There’s not a human being with a soul, sentience and a pair of working neurons who watched her and didn’t wax aghast over how this kid was paraded up to the front of the room where she took it from the top and read her carefully prepared jeremiad, her plaint, her indictment against the world. Trembling, lachrymating, spitting each element of the gravamen, the bill of particulars of the bereft. Triggered. Move over SJW fave Jessica Starr, you’ve been outgunned and outmatched. It’s horrifying no matter how many times I see it. And yet I admittedly find myself watching it and her repeatedly even though it’s irritating. Troubling. But, dammit! so entertaining. And addictive. What is it about this moment that is so compelling? It’s like watching airline meltdowns where emotionally frayed travelers are dragged off flights with passengers applauding their ouster. It’s wrong . . . but so fascinating. Who ever agreed for her to appear? Didn’t they have any focus group review her dress, affect, mannerisms, style? What bonehead thought she was ready for prime time?
Greta Thunberg is a shill and will be forgotten by Friday. She’s being used. And you know what happens to anyone used by Dem prog libs and then what happens when they’re used up? When they’ve served their purpose. Remember Cindy Sheehan, the Khans, Omarosa, Avenatti, Dusty Samples (Stormy Daniels to you), Christine Blasey Ford? Again, once spent, POOF! They disappear. See ya. On the ash heap of history. Here’s a copy of the home game. Don’t let the door hit you.
“The eyes of all future generations are upon you and if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you.” This used and rehearsed, this prop, this poor Stepford animatronic. Like a rescued cult member staring before the cameras, eyes fixed, affect flat. Timed, rehearsed, blocked, programmed from childhood. This was her moment. Ready for her closeup, Mr. DeMille. One of the most blatant and horrid examples of child abuse seen in modern times. But, remember, the world’s children are expendable. Fodder, merchandise, easily trafficked and merchandised. This child (chronological age is irrelevant) was ready for her Malthus moment. To shudder and shake and cry and carp about how the world would implode, explode and vanish but she never said exactly what needed to be done to fix it. Not one plan, program, idea, vision, platform. Reminds me of the Democratic vision . . . wanting.
“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.” I heard that very phrase repeatedly howled from Hillary supporters the night she skipped on Javits and ordered Creepy JoPo give the sayonara speech. But I digress.
“You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency, but no matter how sad and angry I am I do not want to believe that because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil, and that I refuse to believe.” Wow. I screamed the same thing when they canceled The Ropers. I’m with ya, kid. Been there. But, at the risk of sounding redundant, when we yelled and protested even at your tender age we had a suggestion. You know, end the war by leaving the war. How exactly do we fix change as in climate? Notice how they’ve lost the notion of global warming. That baby was going nowhere; perhaps someone researched Hypsithermals and Holocene maxima.
“You are failing us but young people are starting to understand your betrayal.” Counterfeit. Fugazy. Inauthentic. Unauthentic. Not real. Staged. A poseur. Some climate parvenu. A weather snake oil dilettante. An exceedingly scary and shockingly vacuous young lady, put up and propped up by climate hucksters pushing and pulling for the ultimate brass ring, the big enchilada — carbon taxing. That’s what everything’s about. It’s about cap and trade, track and tax, carbon exchanges and carbon taxing. The illusive and mythical and magical and phantasmagoric carbon footprint. It’s a part of our world now. Antifa thugs, global protesters leaving parade routes with garbage strewn. Incomprehensible logolalic platitudes. Alas.
“It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” Thus spake Paul Watson of Greenpeace fame and how true it is today. But as for our Greta, we’ll never forget her moment. Forever forged and emblazoned on our collective conscious. Poor Kate McKinnon. She must be watching and thinking “I could play Greta perfectly!” But that’s a no-no. She’d lose your Liberoid membership card and that would be the end.

Dr. Mercola: How Chemotherapy Is Spreading Cancer

Dr. Lee Cowden says most people don’t die from cancer; they die from the side effects of treatment. 

While the “war against cancer” is moving toward more personalized and so-called “precision medicine” treatments, the old standby model of “cut, poison and burn,” via surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, is still widely used and regarded as the standard of care for many cancer cases.

One of the major problems with chemotherapy is its indiscriminate toxicity, which poisons your body systemically in an attempt to knock out cancer cells. There have long been signs that this model has fatal flaws and may cause more harm than good. 

In the case of the breast cancer chemotherapy drug Tamoxifen, for instance, patients must trade one risk for another, as while it may reduce breast cancer, it more than doubles women’s risk of uterine cancer.1

Serious, sometimes-fatal side effects (or more aptly, simply effects) of chemotherapy are common, as are serious unforeseen effects that may make your cancer prognosis worse instead of better.

Writing in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine revealed that giving chemotherapy prior to surgery for breast cancer may promote disease metastasis, or the growth and spread of cancer to other areas of the body.2 This, in turn, greatly increases a woman’s risk of dying from the disease.

Chemotherapy May Make Breast Cancer More Aggressive and Likely to Spread

Preoperative chemotherapy, known as neoadjuvant chemotherapy, is often offered to women because it may help shrink tumors, which increases the likelihood that women will receive lumpectomy surgery instead of a full mastectomy. 

After performing tests on mice and human tissue, however, the researchers found that doing so may increase the likelihood of metastasis by increasing what are known as “tumor microenvironments of metastasis.” As Stat News explained:3

“Called ‘tumor microenvironments of metastasis,’ these on-ramps are sites on blood vessels that special immune cells flock to. If the immune cells hook up with a tumor cell, they usher it into a blood vessel like a Lyft picking up a passenger. Since blood vessels are the highways to distant organs, the result is metastasis, or the spread of cancer to far-flung sites.”

When mice with breast cancer or given human breast tumors were given the chemotherapy, it altered the tumor microenvironment in ways that made them more conducive to cancer spread, including, Stat reported:4

  • Increasing the number of immune cells that transport cancer cells into blood vessels
  • Making blood vessels more permeable to cancer cells
  • Making tumor cells more mobile

In mice, chemotherapy treatment doubled the number of cancer cells in the bloodstream and lungs compared to mice that did not receive the treatment. Further, in 20 human patients who received common chemotherapy drugs, the tumor microenvironments also became more favorable to cancer spread. As The Telegraph noted:

“It is thought the toxic medication switches on a repair mechanism in the body which ultimately allows tumors to grow back stronger. It also increases the number of ‘doorways’ on blood vessels which allow cancer to spread throughout the body.”5

Further, researchers wrote in a 2012 Journal of Clinical Oncology editorial, “Unfortunately, neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not seem to improve overall survival, as demonstrated in the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) B18 trial, among others.”6

This means women may be trading a potential increased risk of cancer metastasis for a treatment that doesn’t even improve their chances of survival.

It’s Been Known for Years That Chemotherapy Can Trigger Tumor Growth

While the news that chemotherapy may encourage cancer spread may sound surprising, it’s not a new discovery.

In 2012, researchers found chemotherapy for prostate cancer caused DNA damage in healthy cells and caused them to secrete more of a protein called WNT16B, which boosts tumor growth and may encourage cancer cells to develop resistance to treatment.

“WNT16B, when secreted, would interact with nearby tumor cells and cause them to grow, invade and, importantly, resist subsequent therapy,” study co-author Dr. Peter Nelson, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, told AFP News.7

In the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers further noted, “The expression of WNT16B in the prostate tumor microenvironment attenuated the effects of cytotoxic chemotherapy in vivo, promoting tumor cell survival and disease progression”8 and “ … [D]amage responses in benign cells … may directly contribute to enhanced tumor growth kinetics.”9

While research continues to reveal that chemotherapy’s effects are wide-reaching and devastating to healthy cells, it’s also been shown — at least as far back as 2004 — that “chemotherapy only makes a minor contribution to cancer survival.”10

A Clinical Oncology study found that in terms of five-year survival rates in adult cancer cases, chemotherapy has an average five-year survival success rate of just 2.3 percent in Australia and 2.1 percent in the U.S.11

Separate research revealed that out of nearly 2,000 patients receiving chemotherapy, 161 deaths occurred within 30 days of the treatment. Nearly 8 percent of them were classified as related to the chemotherapy (and another nearly 16 percent were unclassified due to insufficient information).12

Further, as mentioned, chemotherapy can increase the risk of subsequent cancer, such as therapy-related acute myeloid leukemia (tAML), “a rare but highly fatal complication of cytotoxic chemotherapy.” Researchers noted that tAML cases occur nearly five times more often in adults treated with chemotherapy than they do in the general population.13

Conventional Oncologists Aren’t Likely to Explain the Many Options for Treatment

Upon receiving a cancer diagnosis, many people assume their only options for treatment are chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Only you and your health care team can make the decision on how to best pursue treatment, but you should know that conventional providers are unlikely to think outside the box.

Oncology is the only specialty in medicine that is allowed and even encouraged to sell drugs at massive profits — typically in excess of 50 percent — and cancer drugs are, as a general category, the most expensive medications in all of medicine to begin with. 

Oncologists actually get a commission for the chemotherapy drugs they sell, and with that type of incentive, it’s nearly impossible to imagine them actively seeking other alternatives.

Oncologists are further constrained by the “standard of care” prescribed by oncology medical boards and the drug industry. If they go against the established standard of care, they’re susceptible to having their license reprimanded or even taken away. 

As a result, patients are typically forced to go it alone if they don’t want to go the conventional route, which is unfortunate because there are many promising alternative treatments.

Understanding Your Options for Cancer Treatment

A comprehensive natural cancer-fighting approach would be to make your body as healthy as possible, using detoxification, strategies to boost your immune function, dietary changes and other targeted therapies depending on your needs. 

For instance, Annie Brandt — a 16-year cancer survivor and author of “The Healing Platform: Build Your Own Cure!” — states products that are helpful against metastatic cancer cells include:

✓ Berberine / metformin✓ Intravenous vitamin C✓ Sulforaphane (cruciferous vegetables)✓ Curcumin(turmeric)
✓ Broccoli sprouts✓ Glucoraphanin✓ Myrosinase✓ Essiac tea
✓ Burdock root✓ Slippery elm✓ Rhubarb✓ Sheep sorrel
✓ Fermented soy✓ Fish oil✓ Modified citrus pectin (PectaSol-C)✓ Heparin

The point is that there are many anti-cancer strategies overlooked by conventional medicine. Many of them even work in addition to conventional treatment. For instance, vitamin C in combination with nutritional ketosis and fasting prior to administering chemotherapy radically improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Oncologists in Turkey, who aren’t under the same U.S. restrictions, are also using a stacked ketogenic treatment protocol that is showing shocking remissions in many stage 4 cancer patients. The treatment protocol at ChemoThermia Oncology Center in Turkey includes:

  • Metabolically supported chemotherapy (applying chemotherapy with a variety of interventions to support its effectiveness)
  • Hyperthermia
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Glycolysis inhibitors, especially 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) and dichloroacetate (DCA)
  • Ketogenic diet with phytopharmaceutical supplements

At the center, all oncology patients are put on a ketogenic diet, which creates metabolic stress on the cancer cells. Then, prior to administering the chemo, the patient will do a 14-hour fast, which further increases the metabolic stress on the cancer cells.

The patients will typically have a blood glucose level around 80 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) at this point. They then apply glycolysis inhibitors to inhibit the glycolysis pathway in the cancer cells, which creates a terrific amount of metabolic stress, as the cancer cells are already starved of glucose.

Insulin is then applied to lower the blood glucose levels to around 50 or 60 mg/dL, to cause mild hypoglycemia. At that point, chemotherapy is applied, often at a far lower dose than would otherwise be used, thereby lowering the risk of side effects.

In the days following chemotherapy, hyperthermia and hyperbaric oxygen therapy are applied, plus a daily infusion of glycolysis inhibitor therapies with high-dose vitamin C (50 grams) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). A sampling of other targeted therapies covered in Brandt’s book are below.

✓ Poly-MVA, a colloidal mineral complex that crosses the blood-brain barrier and helps renourish your body and brain at the cellular level. It also helps replace nutrients lost during chemotherapeutic and radiological treatments.

✓ AvéULTRA (Metatrol), a fermented wheat germ product.

✓ Seleniumvitamin D and iodine, as most cancer patients are low in these three nutrients. Since I do regular sauna therapy, I take 200 micrograms of SelenoExcell each day. (You tend to excrete selenium when sweating.) Selenium increases glutathione, an important metabolic antioxidant necessary for detoxification. It also catalyzes the conversion of thyroid hormone T4 to T3, so it can be beneficial if you have thyroid problems.

✓ Modified citrus pectin (MCP) has been shown to reverse cancer and stop metastatic cancer. Brandt recommends the brand ecoNugenics, as this is the one that has been scientifically studied and verified to work.

✓ Colloidal silver is a nontoxic, broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with no known toxicity and no known mechanism for acquired resistance.

✓ Salicinium, a plant-based extract that inhibits production of nagalase — an enzyme produced by cancer cells — while simultaneously stimulating innate immune cells.

So as mentioned, there are many promising avenues to target cancer. Even if you’re working with a conventional oncologist, the ChemoThermia Oncology Center has published protocols your oncologist could make use of, regardless of where you live.

If your oncologist isn’t willing to integrate these alternative strategies into your care regimen, you may want to consider finding a new doctor.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
From the author: The existing medical establishment is responsible for killing and permanently injuring millions of Americans, but the surging numbers of visitors to since I began the site in 1997 – we are now routinely among the top 10 health sites on the Internet – convinces me that you, too, are fed up with their deception. You want practical health solutions without the hype, and that’s what I offer.